Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court


Oh, what a beautiful sight. She looks like a deranged Bible thumper - maybe an LDS type.

You misspelled LSD...

Those supporting religious freedom are the sane.

You have the freedom to believe in what ever mythology suits you. Just stop imposing those superstitious beliefs on the rest of us.
I am not a christian nor do I believe in ANY spook in the sky,I still support religious freedom.

Sure you do. You worship at Hitler's cock, day in and day out. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a swastika dildo up your ass. Really. I mean that quite seriously. Poor odious.
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.

Nope................sorry, but to be an actual martyr, you have to follow the teachings of your religion and dogma.

She's not doing that, because Jesus said that if your right eye offends thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it's better to enter Heaven missing an eye than to end up in Hell because you allowed your right eye to cause you to sin.

Here's the verse....................................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in her case, it's not her right eye that is offending her, it's her job. Why? Because she feels like she's being forced to sin in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

So, she should pluck out her job (resign from her position), and get on with her life.

Even Jesus thinks she should resign.

Jesus would follow the Word and the Bible is clear that we are to follow human law EXCEPT when it violates God's law and the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, an abomination unto the Lord. God's law trumps human law

"God's law trumps human law"

Only in a theocracy. Not in a Republic based on indirect Democracy. You have a lot to learn, I see.
It alters the entire fabric of this society when you make an exception for an illness to over ride my faith and beliefs. Marriage is a religious institution. If the government wants to issue a license for people to whatever to one another then make a separate license with the governments name on it for they can share their deviant behavior but don't force others to lower their standards to that.

Gays used to tell me that they had a right to have sex on public ground and in public facilities. Today if I were in that same position according to many of the people that post on this board I should be thrown I jail if I tell them go do their thing in private or go rent a room. If I wanted to start a business of any kind by what you are saying judges can tell me I would be breaking their law. Again the deviants would call for me to be put in jail. If I deny access for them to my children today I'd once again be falsely arrested by some out of control judge for protecting the children God put into my charge against predators. And once again I would hope that the people when they hear the truth they would rise up and say enough and throw the out of control sickos out of their positions.

Marriage still is a religious institution within the Church.
However, legally, in terms of the state, it is a secular institution and has been so for a long, long, time, all the way back to the Roman Empire and before.

You call it a sickness. How would you feel if in 200 years, people in the majority were to be calling Christians a sickness? I wonder how it would feel were the shoe on the other foot...
Earlier today, her husband spoke out and said that the government was trying to squash religious freedom.

No...................he's got the right to practice ANY belief system that he wants to. He also has the right to apply for any job that he thinks he's qualified for.

He also has the right to be offended if that job makes him go against his beliefs.

More importantly? He has the right to find work elsewhere if he feels that his job is compromising his spirituality.

I mean.....................strip clubs are legal (and many Christian men go to them, I know, I used to work in one), but you don't see many Christians bitching about the working conditions as being sinful.

This woman needs to stay in jail until (a) she agrees to DO THE JOB SHE WAS ELECTED FOR, or (b) decides to step down.

And remember people.................this isn't about religion, this is about a county clerk who was held in contempt of court for not doing her job. She can fix this by leaving or doing her job.
You guys are such hypocrites.
You claim that when we try to stop you from getting your taxpayer funded abortions that's squashing your reproductive rights. If we don't agree with your definition of marriage we're trying to squash your civil rights.
Now you say that putting someone in jail for her religious convictions isn't squashing her religious freedom. Doesn't matter that she gave them options to get their piece of paper a few miles down the road.

You seem to believe in having in both ways.

You should change your name from the Democratic Party to the Hypocritical Nazi party.

Horseshit! She didn't give them any options. She just didn't have any authority in the next county.

And if it was all about HER religious beliefs, why did she refuse to allow the deputy clerks to issue licenses? She wants to stop it anyway she can.

And now she will play the martyr to the fullest and people like you will send her money.
Prove that she wanted to actively prevent these people from getting a license elsewhere.

The reason she didn't authorize the deputy clerks to issue them is because that would be asking someone else to do your sinning for you.

They already told the judge they would do it. According to the scriptures you think she is jailed over, they have already sinned.

Prove? She refused to do what she was ordered by the courts and by the Gov of KY. If she had the authority, she wouldn't allow it anywhere. That is blatantly obvious.

Her actual intent is irrelevant anyway. Her office is obliged to follow the law and if she's actively preventing it from doing that, she's eligible for the penalty she's getting.

You know..............this is kind of like a person joining the military and then being told they are going to a war zone, whereupon they declare themselves to be a consciencious objector stating that their religious beliefs prevent them from taking another life.

That soldier or sailor is then discharged from the military, due to being a consciencious objector, because they refuse to do the job required.

This woman is objecting to issuing gay marriage licenses because it violates her religious beliefs, and, like objectors in the military, she should be released from her job.

Oh.............and btw................if she would have stepped down in the first place, she wouldn't be in jail. It's not for her religious beliefs that she's there, it's because she refused to obey the courts and is being held for contempt.

Same result would have happened if she was Catholic, Muslim, Jewish or whatever other belief system you want to use.

Maybe she should be glad that she is safe. Her husband took to packing heat, and they complained of death threats.

Personally, I think they are making up the death threats, because they haven't actually gone to the cops over this and filed a report.

I think they're just saying that for the drama and to give more fuel to their fire.

Yepp, sounds about right.

Her manager should have relieved her of responsibility for this. Throwing her in Jail is a Totalitarian Thought Police Tactic.

(And btw, typing in caps in all in red doesn't make your crap any more convincing. All red is actually a violation of the board rules as red is used for moderation.)

My crap?? I think that you are just making this stuff up because you're out of ammunition. Who is her manager? Who would have such authority? I'll admit that I don't know but I suspect that the answer is no one since she is an elected official. She could have arranged here own accommodation. She did not. She was offered an accommodation by the judge. She turned it down. Now stop squirming

I doubt that the CLERK is Empress of her County with Supreme Power. She has a boss. Work duties can be reassigned to accommodate Constitutionally Protected Rights.

The fact that you would rather see her life destroyed says a great deal about your corrupt little soul.

Her immediate "boss" is the legal system that sent her to jail. Apparently you don't know much about county government.

What bright shiny new pair of Jack Boots you have...but I suspect they will give you blisters.

This is the best you have to offer?

Weak sauce, boa constrictor, weak sauce...
She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.

Who said it wasn't going to be allowed? Gay couples are seem to be perfectly happy getting their licenses from the deputies. She, however, was not. Who's trying to destroy who? The person who's refusing to allow any gay couple to get a license from anyone in her jurisdiction...or the couples just trying to get a marriage license? If she had quietly stated her objections and allowed a deputy to do it - none of this would have happened. Other states have adopted that tactic successfully. Extremists on all sides aren't happy with it. One side, supporting this woman are also supporting her right to refuse to allow anyone to give licenses while the other side wants to force her to do it herself.

Christian Sharia meet the Gay Mafia.

No, what this incident actually demonstrates is that The Rule of Law only matters when it furthers the Liberal Agenda. If it mattered to the Left all of the time, Lois Lerner would be in jail and Hillary would not be the Dem's "inevitable" candidate.

Remember the Law Is Only Sacred When It Furthers a Liberal Value
Just give up, you're making yourself look like an idiot.

She does this quite often... our very own special conservative snowflake.
Liberals, already having created a martyr, are now building crosses on which to crucify her. First time in history a Democrat will have resisted the urge to go near a cross without setting it afire!

This could be one for the history books!
If they can nail her fat ass to the cross, and it doesn't crack under the strain, I'll pick up the tab for the gas and disposable lighter. What the hell, I'm bringing a cigar anyway. Nothing like a good cigar and a better show...

I am hoping your post is sarcasm. Otherwise, let me be the first to say I would happily shoot anyone who tried to execute her for what she has done. I think it is pretty obvious that I am seriously in favor of same-sex marriage. But talking about executing someone is crossing the line.

I concur with you.
There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional...
We'll see who is kidding themselves, after January 20, 2017.

As I said, you are on far shakier ground than you will allow yourself to believe.

Smug, arrogance complacency, as the inevitable and righteous Reaction grows just off your scope.

...And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.
It is not bigotry to call-out and shun sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).

Nobody wants their children and grandchildren exposed to such filth.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. lol
All part of the friendly service... no extra charge.


"Family Values"

"Thousand points of light"

"Silent Majority"

"Take our country back!"

So, I read the entire thread.

Whew, someone throw me a sweat towel!

Now, there were tons of interesting responses, but one response kept NOT showing up, which is why I rotor-rooted my way through this epic thread. So, I am gonna throw this original thought out there:

There are literally thousands clerks of courts in the USA who issue marriage licenses. In fact, there have to be at least 3,143 of them total, if not many more, for many counties have more than one clerk who issues marriage licenses. But either way, we are talking about THOUSANDS of public officials who issue marriage licenses every week. If Kim Davis is so right, why is she is the only clerk doing this?

Also, "Christians" now have a choice. They can either apply the tactic that Kim Davis is just so totally right and all the other other clerks, the majority of which, I bet, are also Christian, are wrong, in which case, they should be condemning those clerks with all their might, right here and now - lol -

- or, they can take the tack that there are far fewer Christians out there processing and giving out marriage licenses than they are willing to admit -

- or, they can just claim that the other many thousands of clerks are all apostates.

Either way, no matter how you look at it, this does not look good for "Christianity", n'est ce pas?

Of course, the most sane answer is that possibly ex-Clerk, currently Jailbird Kim Clark comes from a backwater, insane hillbilly church where her pastor is probably pressuring her to go through all of this shit at no cost to himself but at a massive cost to her and that this actually has precious little to do with Christianity at all. It's politics, it's publicity and at the end of the day, it's part of the "Christian" $$$$-mill. This is a cottage industry thing, nothing less and nothing more.


Luddly Neddite
Wry Catcher
Dot Com
Civil disobedience is not the same as willfully breaking a federal law.
Yes it is when the law was arrived at outside the Constitutional provisions. SCOTUS isn't allowed to create a new protected class. Where in the Constitution does it grant rights to deviant sex behaviors erroneously calling themselves "a race of people"?

The Supreme Court didn't 'create' a 'new protected class,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.
Right! They applied heightened scrutiny without actually saying so on the basis of their right under the 14th amendment being violated, not their being a protected class, although they could have taken that rout. Silouett just says whatever the voices in her head tell her to say.No actual thought process at work there

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