Kentucky clerk refusing gay marriage has wed four times

She became a Christian AFTER the divorces. Fail thread LMAO
And so she has stopped issuing licenses to divorcees who want to get married again, right?

What? She hasn't?

Hypocrisy fail LMAO.
Now let's be fair. If she's truly repented her adultery ..... wait. Since the Bible prohibits divorcees from remarrying because they couldn't get divorced in the first place .... she's always in a state of adultery. Mon Dieu, she's in trouble.
Kee-rect. She is an adulteress. She also grants licenses to other adulterers. This is how we know this isn't about religion or faith or the bible. She is putting a stain on all these things with her deception, and the rubes are being led astray by her.

From Christ's mouth to Kim Davis's ear: [A]nyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Therefore, Kim Davis should not be granting marriage licenses to anyone who has divorced.

Coming in at Number 7 on the TOP TEN SINS:

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

You don't know that the divorced people have repented and neither does the clerk. With that said she knows homo pretend marriage is against God's law. You keep failing because you don't think things through.A typical left loon fault

It's not against US law. She doesn't work for God in the county clerk's office. God's law is her personal business.
Again the people of Rowan County hired her not you or the other nut jobs on this forum. If they desire to "fire her" it will be their call not yours. She does not have to run or hide under her bed for you or anyone else for denying her God given and legal rights in the United States of America.
She became a Christian AFTER the divorces. Fail thread LMAO
And so she has stopped issuing licenses to divorcees who want to get married again, right?

What? She hasn't?

Hypocrisy fail LMAO.
Now let's be fair. If she's truly repented her adultery ..... wait. Since the Bible prohibits divorcees from remarrying because they couldn't get divorced in the first place .... she's always in a state of adultery. Mon Dieu, she's in trouble.
Kee-rect. She is an adulteress. She also grants licenses to other adulterers. This is how we know this isn't about religion or faith or the bible. She is putting a stain on all these things with her deception, and the rubes are being led astray by her.

From Christ's mouth to Kim Davis's ear: [A]nyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Therefore, Kim Davis should not be granting marriage licenses to anyone who has divorced.

Coming in at Number 7 on the TOP TEN SINS:

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
She needs to take herself to a convent to be secluded, and bask in God's mercy she's not a Muslim.
She became a Christian AFTER the divorces. Fail thread LMAO
And so she has stopped issuing licenses to divorces who want to get married again, right?

What? She hasn't?

Hypocrisy fail LMAO.
Now let's be fair. If she's truly repented her adultery ..... wait. Since the Bible prohibits divorces from remarrying because they couldn't get divorced in the first place .... she's always in a state of adultery. Mon Dieu, she's in trouble.

The bible does not prohibit divorce.
Matthew 19:9English Standard Version (ESV)

9- And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.
List of sexual immorality
What is sexual immorality?
Sexual perversions
Immorality of the mind

Interesting you should mention immorality of the mind - because this is a stronghold in many people that must be broken, repented of and left in order to enter heaven. God's Word says, The Pure in heart shall see God. He does not say the wicked, the lustful, the person who sins in their heart will enter heaven. No, Jesus made it clear that to lust after a woman in your heart is an act of adultery. With that said, it is not impossible to overcome the problem of an impure heart. The answer is to surrender our entire heart to Jesus Christ and set our mind to follow him. When we make up our mind not to allow impure thoughts to enter our mind - to cast down any thought that would attempt to enter our hearts we can be sure that God will help us.

The path to heaven is narrow. Jesus said it was narrow yet so many professing Christians keep insisting it is wide. That they can dress any way they want, act like the world, have discussions like the world, sin like the world, and then they wonder who witchcraft and those who practice witchcraft were able to infiltrate the church and harm so many people? Sin destroys the ability to operate in the the discerning of spirits. You cannot see what is in front of you if you insist on walking in the dark. Many inside the church are perishing because of this.
She gives licenses to biblically defined adulterers. You cannot escape this blazing fact of her hypocrisy no matter how often you kiss her feet.

She's full of shit. Her showboating behavior has nothing to do with Christianity. You should be disavowing her with all your might.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage

Yes, because in leftist bizarro world, nobody gets divorced.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage
Lolol she's a DEMOCRAT.
NO! They are asking for the same rights that the Constitution guarantees everyone else.
One day it will come to light for you.

She can stand on her principles all she wants, she doesn't have the right to impose them on anyone.
No one stopped her from marrying 4 times.
She needs to be fired.

Yet gays are forcing their on Christians.
The founders did not include overriding Religious Rights for sodomy. There is no guarantee for accepting sodomy as natural behavior or a religious right mentioned anywhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
She became a Christian AFTER the divorces. Fail thread LMAO
And so she has stopped issuing licenses to divorcees who want to get married again, right?

What? She hasn't?

Hypocrisy fail LMAO.
Now let's be fair. If she's truly repented her adultery ..... wait. Since the Bible prohibits divorcees from remarrying because they couldn't get divorced in the first place .... she's always in a state of adultery. Mon Dieu, she's in trouble.
Kee-rect. She is an adulteress. She also grants licenses to other adulterers. This is how we know this isn't about religion or faith or the bible. She is putting a stain on all these things with her deception, and the rubes are being led astray by her.

From Christ's mouth to Kim Davis's ear: [A]nyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Therefore, Kim Davis should not be granting marriage licenses to anyone who has divorced.

Coming in at Number 7 on the TOP TEN SINS:

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
By this post you have made are you telling the world that you believe in the Bible and all of the Words in it?
no, no, no. She could be a adultering lesbian sodomizer for all anyone cares. But, since she's holding herself out as the arbitrar of whom Christ would allow to marry, she needs to stick th HIS LAW. And, she's an adulter who could not legally remarry after divorce, according to Jesus.
Kentucky clerk: I may have been married four times, but God still hates Fags

Jesus Christ said, Ye must be born again. The Bible is clear that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That includes those who were living in sexual sin. God will forgive them, receive them as His Children and give them right desires so that one day they can marry a person of the opposite sex if they so desire.

What God did for the woman at the well who was married 5 times and living with a 5th man he will do for the Sodomite too.

What God did for the clerk who was married 3 or 4 times he will do for someone living in sodomite sin.

The invitation is there. Repent of your sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage

I can believe it.

She became a Christian AFTER the divorces. Fail thread LMAO
And so she has stopped issuing licenses to divorcees who want to get married again, right?

What? She hasn't?

Hypocrisy fail LMAO.
Now let's be fair. If she's truly repented her adultery ..... wait. Since the Bible prohibits divorcees from remarrying because they couldn't get divorced in the first place .... she's always in a state of adultery. Mon Dieu, she's in trouble.
Kee-rect. She is an adulteress. She also grants licenses to other adulterers. This is how we know this isn't about religion or faith or the bible. She is putting a stain on all these things with her deception, and the rubes are being led astray by her.

From Christ's mouth to Kim Davis's ear: [A]nyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Therefore, Kim Davis should not be granting marriage licenses to anyone who has divorced.

Coming in at Number 7 on the TOP TEN SINS:

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
By this post you have made are you telling the world that you believe in the Bible and all of the Words in it?
no, no, no. She could be a adultering lesbian sodomizer for all anyone cares. But, since she's holding herself out as the arbitrar of whom Christ would allow to marry, she needs to stick th HIS LAW. And, she's an adulter who could not legally remarry after divorce, according to Jesus.

Your lack of Biblical knowledge is astounding.
She became a Christian AFTER the divorces. Fail thread LMAO
And so she has stopped issuing licenses to divorcees who want to get married again, right?

What? She hasn't?

Hypocrisy fail LMAO.
Now let's be fair. If she's truly repented her adultery ..... wait. Since the Bible prohibits divorcees from remarrying because they couldn't get divorced in the first place .... she's always in a state of adultery. Mon Dieu, she's in trouble.
Kee-rect. She is an adulteress. She also grants licenses to other adulterers. This is how we know this isn't about religion or faith or the bible. She is putting a stain on all these things with her deception, and the rubes are being led astray by her.

From Christ's mouth to Kim Davis's ear: [A]nyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Therefore, Kim Davis should not be granting marriage licenses to anyone who has divorced.

Coming in at Number 7 on the TOP TEN SINS:

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
By this post you have made are you telling the world that you believe in the Bible and all of the Words in it?
no, no, no. She could be a adultering lesbian sodomizer for all anyone cares. But, since she's holding herself out as the arbitrar of whom Christ would allow to marry, she needs to stick th HIS LAW. And, she's an adulter who could not legally remarry after divorce, according to Jesus.

Was she saved after she had been married 4 times or before?
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage
Lolol she's a DEMOCRAT.
• Davis is a Democrat who was elected last November. She’s paid $80,000 a year to not do her job.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage

Yes, because in leftist bizarro world, nobody gets divorced.
In Kentucky, divorce is the norm. And it has been made the norm because clerks keep giving out marriage licenses to what the bible considers to be adulterers. Kim Davis has been helping to make adultery the norm. She literally works every day at it. She is violating God's will. Every. Single. Day.

This is how we know her showboating bigotry has nothing to do with the bible or Christianity. Christians should be very angry at this woman for attempting to link herself to their faith as a cover for her bigotry.
And so she has stopped issuing licenses to divorcees who want to get married again, right?

What? She hasn't?

Hypocrisy fail LMAO.
Now let's be fair. If she's truly repented her adultery ..... wait. Since the Bible prohibits divorcees from remarrying because they couldn't get divorced in the first place .... she's always in a state of adultery. Mon Dieu, she's in trouble.
Kee-rect. She is an adulteress. She also grants licenses to other adulterers. This is how we know this isn't about religion or faith or the bible. She is putting a stain on all these things with her deception, and the rubes are being led astray by her.

From Christ's mouth to Kim Davis's ear: [A]nyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Therefore, Kim Davis should not be granting marriage licenses to anyone who has divorced.

Coming in at Number 7 on the TOP TEN SINS:

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
By this post you have made are you telling the world that you believe in the Bible and all of the Words in it?
no, no, no. She could be a adultering lesbian sodomizer for all anyone cares. But, since she's holding herself out as the arbitrar of whom Christ would allow to marry, she needs to stick th HIS LAW. And, she's an adulter who could not legally remarry after divorce, according to Jesus.

Your lack of Biblical knowledge is astounding.
LOL, lassie
Matthew 5:32 - But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage
Lolol she's a DEMOCRAT.
• Davis is a Democrat who was elected last November. She’s paid $80,000 a year to not do her job.
That will be a decision that the people of Rowan County can decide. She has a lot more duties than to merely assign her name to a document approving of sodomy.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage

Yes, because in leftist bizarro world, nobody gets divorced.
In Kentucky, divorce is the norm. And it has been made the norm because clerks keep giving out marriage licenses to what the bible considers to be adulterers. Kim Davis has been helping to make adultery the norm. She literally works every day at it. She is violating God's will. Every. Single. Day.

This is how we know her showboating bigotry has nothing to do with the bible or Christianity. Christians should be very angry at this woman for attempting to link herself to their faith as a cover for her bigotry.

I have enough going on in my life to give one shit about some clerk in Kentucky..... You should try it. You leftist busy bodies always have your noses in everybody elses business... it gets old.
You guys want to know my Christian ideal?

A man with the implausibly generic name of William Brown. He was a lay deacon I met when I was stationed in Mississippi many years ago. I was a volunteer in the Volunteer Literacy Program and was assigned to teach a 56 year old black man how to read.

William Brown.

William had grown up in the Deep South during the Jim Crow era. His church had been burned to the ground when he was a young man by the Klan during the period when those three civil rights workers were killed.

William could not read. 56 years old. Working three jobs, raising five kids, and a lay deacon at his church.

And he had a broken back. I once ran my hand down his spine and was shocked at how twisted it was. He had broken it many years in the past and had not gotten proper medical treatment. He must have been in constant horrible pain.

Three jobs. Five kids, putting two of them through college. One of the hardest working men I have ever met.

The humblest man I have ever met.

And yet he somehow carved out time to learn how to read. And do you know why he wanted to learn how to read?

He wanted to be able to read the Bible.

This man looked up to me because I was his teacher, but I will never be as great a man as William Brown as long as I live. No matter how hard I try.

As far as I am concerned, Kim Davis is spitting in William Brown's face. She has taken William's Christianity and ABUSED it for evil purposes.

She is a stain on Christianity and is to be reviled and rejected. If she were, this bullshit would already be over. She'd be back to being a nobody loser that three men found unbearable to be around.
You have failed to respond to the simply question. Do you personally believe in the Words of the Bible? A simple yes or no will suffice.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage

Yes, because in leftist bizarro world, nobody gets divorced.
In Kentucky, divorce is the norm. And it has been made the norm because clerks keep giving out marriage licenses to what the bible considers to be adulterers. Kim Davis has been helping to make adultery the norm. She literally works every day at it. She is violating God's will. Every. Single. Day.

This is how we know her showboating bigotry has nothing to do with the bible or Christianity. Christians should be very angry at this woman for attempting to link herself to their faith as a cover for her bigotry.

Well, now it is coming out that she is a Democrat and was being paid $80,000.00. It could be this is another scenario set up to make Christians look bad. There is a history of Democrat's pretending to be Christians - then they purposely allow themselves to be caught in a scandal that makes Protestants look bad. The bottom line is - the right thing for clerks to do is to resign from a job that force them to go against what the bible teaches.
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