Kentucky coal miners ..

regardless what Kentucky chooses to produce, i'll go out on a limb and say half a million people still want to go see a doctor if and when they need to.
Too bad Obamacare doesn't do that.
Obamacare Repeal Threatens A Health Benefit Popular In Coal Country

Bounds is one of about 38,000 miners or eligible survivors — usually a spouse — currently receiving black lung benefits. The benefits are compensation for the physical damage Bounds sustained while doing his job. It took him 4 1/2 years to get approved, despite the fact that his lungs are so bad he has to stop moving to talk.

But now the qualification process is supposed to move faster. The Affordable Care Act includes special provisions that make the process of getting black lung benefits easier for coal miners. If the ACA is repealed, gaining these benefits could become much more difficult, effectively harming a group of people that President Trump has promised to protect.

Valley Health primary care system. She says that prior to the ACA, it was almost impossible to qualify for the compensation benefits. Coal companies pay the benefits, and also pay into a federal trust fund that pays when coal companies can't. Wills says the process of getting benefits was arduous for miners.

"Coal company lawyers would doctor shop around the country and find two, three, four, five, seven doctors to say, 'Yes this miner is disabled, but it's not because of black lung,'" she says.

The Affordable Care Act includes something called the Byrd Amendments. One shifts the burden of proof — instead of miners having to prove that mining caused their black lung, the coal companies have to prove that mining didn't.

"You still have to prove the 100 percent disability, which is hard," says Wills. "But if you can prove that, and if you've worked 15 or more years or longer in the mines, then you're entitled to a presumption that your disease arose from your coal mine employment."

Another part provides lifetime benefits to certain dependents who survive the death of a miner, if the miner had been receiving the benefits before death.

So these miners, that voted overwhelmingly for the orange clown will probably die years sooner because of their vote. For those that did not vote for Trump, they have my pity, for those that did, you deserve what you get.
regardless what Kentucky chooses to produce, i'll go out on a limb and say half a million people still want to go see a doctor if and when they need to.
Too bad Obamacare doesn't do that.
Obamacare Repeal Threatens A Health Benefit Popular In Coal Country

Bounds is one of about 38,000 miners or eligible survivors — usually a spouse — currently receiving black lung benefits. The benefits are compensation for the physical damage Bounds sustained while doing his job. It took him 4 1/2 years to get approved, despite the fact that his lungs are so bad he has to stop moving to talk.

But now the qualification process is supposed to move faster. The Affordable Care Act includes special provisions that make the process of getting black lung benefits easier for coal miners. If the ACA is repealed, gaining these benefits could become much more difficult, effectively harming a group of people that President Trump has promised to protect.

Valley Health primary care system. She says that prior to the ACA, it was almost impossible to qualify for the compensation benefits. Coal companies pay the benefits, and also pay into a federal trust fund that pays when coal companies can't. Wills says the process of getting benefits was arduous for miners.

"Coal company lawyers would doctor shop around the country and find two, three, four, five, seven doctors to say, 'Yes this miner is disabled, but it's not because of black lung,'" she says.

The Affordable Care Act includes something called the Byrd Amendments. One shifts the burden of proof — instead of miners having to prove that mining caused their black lung, the coal companies have to prove that mining didn't.

"You still have to prove the 100 percent disability, which is hard," says Wills. "But if you can prove that, and if you've worked 15 or more years or longer in the mines, then you're entitled to a presumption that your disease arose from your coal mine employment."

Another part provides lifetime benefits to certain dependents who survive the death of a miner, if the miner had been receiving the benefits before death.

So these miners, that voted overwhelmingly for the orange clown will probably die years sooner because of their vote. For those that did not vote for Trump, they have my pity, for those that did, you deserve what you get.
Black lung is no different than the Asbestos cases a few years back.

The real victims will receive compensation.
Thanks to President Trump Kentucky coal minors will be able to keep their doctors and keep their freaking jobs.
Fucking stupid thing to say. The only doctor most of these people had was the one in the emergency room at the time. More of them have a doctor now than ever before. And the coal mining jobs will go away, in any case. Because of market economics. Solar, wind, and gas are all cheaper per kw delivered, without the environmental damage of coal. Damage that is paid for by the taxpayer, not the coal companies.
'm not getting where they have lost their health care>

Another day, and there's another visit with people with whom I empathize, but whom I never will understand. Nobody was more obviously played by El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago than the people who do the dangerous grunt work in the coal industry. Quite simply, coal is not coming back. Even climate deniers admit that fracking for natural gas is cheaper than mining for coal, so the coal industry is a dead parrot even on free-market grounds.
Now dear little Russian Troll, it is pretty obvious how that is going to happen.

Here's a Lump of Coal from President-Elect Donald Trump

Of course, the environmental consequences of "going back to coal" would be disastrous even if it was going to happen, which it's not. Nevertheless, coal country turned out big for Donald Trump and the bill is coming due even before the guy is inaugurated. From Stat:

But now some in coal country are worried that instead of helping, Trump's first actions will deprive miners — and their widows and children — of the compensation they can receive if they are disabled by respiratory problems linked to breathing coal mine dust. That's because buried in the Affordable Care Act are three sentences that made it much easier to access these benefits. If Trump repeals Obamacare — as he vowed to do before the election — and does not keep that section on the books, the miners will be back to where they were in 2009, when it was exceedingly difficult to be awarded compensation for "black lung" disease."You couldn't ever win back then," said Sue Toler, a coal miner's widow in Huntsville, Tenn., of claims for black lung benefits. "It didn't matter what kind of evidence you had."
regardless what Kentucky chooses to produce, i'll go out on a limb and say half a million people still want to go see a doctor if and when they need to.
Too bad Obamacare doesn't do that.
Obamacare Repeal Threatens A Health Benefit Popular In Coal Country

Bounds is one of about 38,000 miners or eligible survivors — usually a spouse — currently receiving black lung benefits. The benefits are compensation for the physical damage Bounds sustained while doing his job. It took him 4 1/2 years to get approved, despite the fact that his lungs are so bad he has to stop moving to talk.

But now the qualification process is supposed to move faster. The Affordable Care Act includes special provisions that make the process of getting black lung benefits easier for coal miners. If the ACA is repealed, gaining these benefits could become much more difficult, effectively harming a group of people that President Trump has promised to protect.

Valley Health primary care system. She says that prior to the ACA, it was almost impossible to qualify for the compensation benefits. Coal companies pay the benefits, and also pay into a federal trust fund that pays when coal companies can't. Wills says the process of getting benefits was arduous for miners.

"Coal company lawyers would doctor shop around the country and find two, three, four, five, seven doctors to say, 'Yes this miner is disabled, but it's not because of black lung,'" she says.

The Affordable Care Act includes something called the Byrd Amendments. One shifts the burden of proof — instead of miners having to prove that mining caused their black lung, the coal companies have to prove that mining didn't.

"You still have to prove the 100 percent disability, which is hard," says Wills. "But if you can prove that, and if you've worked 15 or more years or longer in the mines, then you're entitled to a presumption that your disease arose from your coal mine employment."

Another part provides lifetime benefits to certain dependents who survive the death of a miner, if the miner had been receiving the benefits before death.

So these miners, that voted overwhelmingly for the orange clown will probably die years sooner because of their vote. For those that did not vote for Trump, they have my pity, for those that did, you deserve what you get.
Black lung is no different than the Asbestos cases a few years back.

The real victims will receive compensation.
Damn, what a fucking liar you are. It took countless lawsuits and many years for people to get compensation for the damage that asbestos causes. And, until 2009, it was almost impossible for a miner to get compensation for black lung.
regardless what Kentucky chooses to produce, i'll go out on a limb and say half a million people still want to go see a doctor if and when they need to.
Too bad Obamacare doesn't do that.
Obamacare Repeal Threatens A Health Benefit Popular In Coal Country

Bounds is one of about 38,000 miners or eligible survivors — usually a spouse — currently receiving black lung benefits. The benefits are compensation for the physical damage Bounds sustained while doing his job. It took him 4 1/2 years to get approved, despite the fact that his lungs are so bad he has to stop moving to talk.

But now the qualification process is supposed to move faster. The Affordable Care Act includes special provisions that make the process of getting black lung benefits easier for coal miners. If the ACA is repealed, gaining these benefits could become much more difficult, effectively harming a group of people that President Trump has promised to protect.

Valley Health primary care system. She says that prior to the ACA, it was almost impossible to qualify for the compensation benefits. Coal companies pay the benefits, and also pay into a federal trust fund that pays when coal companies can't. Wills says the process of getting benefits was arduous for miners.

"Coal company lawyers would doctor shop around the country and find two, three, four, five, seven doctors to say, 'Yes this miner is disabled, but it's not because of black lung,'" she says.

The Affordable Care Act includes something called the Byrd Amendments. One shifts the burden of proof — instead of miners having to prove that mining caused their black lung, the coal companies have to prove that mining didn't.

"You still have to prove the 100 percent disability, which is hard," says Wills. "But if you can prove that, and if you've worked 15 or more years or longer in the mines, then you're entitled to a presumption that your disease arose from your coal mine employment."

Another part provides lifetime benefits to certain dependents who survive the death of a miner, if the miner had been receiving the benefits before death.

So these miners, that voted overwhelmingly for the orange clown will probably die years sooner because of their vote. For those that did not vote for Trump, they have my pity, for those that did, you deserve what you get.
Black lung is no different than the Asbestos cases a few years back.

The real victims will receive compensation.
Damn, what a fucking liar you are. It took countless lawsuits and many years for people to get compensation for the damage that asbestos causes. And, until 2009, it was almost impossible for a miner to get compensation for black lung.
And yet they did it with Asbestos without Obamacare, didn't they?
Libs act like they have found a shiny new object. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to know once the government starts taking money from one group, and giving to another group, the group with their palms out will continue to demand more.

The Dimocrat party are experts at training Americans to accept handouts.

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