Kenyan Woman Invents Method To Turn Plastic Into Construction Cubes That Are 'Stronger Than Bricks'

A few months back, I remember reading an article about a 14-year-old girl in Jammu India who "invented" an electric ironing stand.

She didn't invent the iron, the cart, the solar panels, or the batteries, but ... she did put them together over the course of six months and won a $12,000 prize.

"Solar-powered ironing cart
She developed the invention after school over the course of six months. The first working prototype made by her was tested one year ago by the National Innovation Foundation, running under India’s Department of Science and Technology, which has also applied for a patent on her account.

The device takes almost five hours in bright sunshine to charge, with each battery powering the iron for six hours, according to Vinisha. Moreover, the cart can also run on grid electricity or a generator whenever necessary.

Her invention has won the Children's Climate Prize, which is an international prize awarded to children who have made efforts for the climate and environment. She will be awarded $11,600 (100,000 Swedish krona) to take the project forward."

Wow. That's probably like a fortune in Indian money. She'll never have to iron clothes again.

Actually, should could pay 150 Indians to iron them for her.

There's a joke about Liz Warren somewhere in there. I can almost smell it.
God bless her if it works but light weight doesn't translate to stronger in any construction over ten feet.
Well if it is of any value to the Environment or the economy or to people, count on Government to ignore it.
The government isn't supposed to be in the business of finding new things out of which to build houses.

well i agree, but the reality is different. They wheedled their way into everything....they can shut us down, deny licenses, they control us. And too many are happy to submit.

How exactly is melting down plastic into construction blocks some kind of new tech?
I'm sure that's not all there is to it. Read the article.

“According to Matee, using sand and a mixture of plastic waste can produce bricks, manholes, and tiles that are stronger than traditional concrete materials used for construction. Matee boasts that “Our product is almost five to seven times stronger than concrete.” What’s more, Matee’s recycled bricks are lighter and cheaper than more traditional construction products.”

Hate to burst the woke revisionist history that was going to be rewrote using the Kenyan as some great inventor....but
1) the plastic bricks from recycles was around before she started
2) Her brick quality is shit----look at what she produced and it requires large amounts of energy to heat them to harden them

IN contrast---just for starters look at this


How exactly is melting down plastic into construction blocks some kind of new tech?
I'm sure that's not all there is to it. Read the article.

“According to Matee, using sand and a mixture of plastic waste can produce bricks, manholes, and tiles that are stronger than traditional concrete materials used for construction. Matee boasts that “Our product is almost five to seven times stronger than concrete.” What’s more, Matee’s recycled bricks are lighter and cheaper than more traditional construction products.”

What kind of toxicity do the bricks put off when ignited as in a home or building fire? I'd prefer to hear it from the manufacturer rather than a pathologist investigating a fire scene in which all indoor residents didn't make it to an exit in the structure.
Meanwhile, you will never in your life see this invention used anywhere. It isnt as important as you make it out to be. You are just pandering because she is black.

I couldn't give a shit what color she is. If this is truly viable, it could signal good things to come, not only for construction, but also for the environment...
Meanwhile, you will never in your life see this invention used anywhere. It isnt as important as you make it out to be. You are just pandering because she is black.

I couldn't give a shit what color she is. If this is truly viable, it could signal good things to come, not only for construction, but also for the environment...

That's the best response so far.


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