Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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It is about "choice". If you choose to have sex, you should choose to have sex with a person that will be a responsible father to the possible child. If you don't "want" a child, prepare, prepare, and prevent. Once you get pregnant, you should be prepared, prepared, and ready. If you are not "ready", then don't have sex, or have sex where you cannot get pregnant taking preventative measures (know that the person you lay down with will be sharing all the previous lovers' germs with you also, that could be passed to your children of the future, if you want them, and if you are having sex, there is a CHANCE you will get pregnant). To tell an employer that they are responsible for your health care, because you are now pregnant shows very poor planning (being prepared).

Blah, blah, blah...

Okay, you see, here's the thing. Because America INSISTED that health care be handled through employers rather than a single-payer universal system, yeah, that DOES obligate employers.

And frankly, I really have to honestly wonder what kind of person you are that you think that people can just totally control their sexual urges. "Ummm, before we go to bed, can I run a credit check on you?"

You work on the bizarre assumption that these couples who are waiting a couple years into the marriage to have a baby are really not having sex. Ummmm... nope. they are using contraception, and when contraception fails, they have abortions. About 16% of abortions are performed on married women.

To your other "point", the two women I worked with who were fired by my douchebag boss probably had good reason to think that they'd be covered.

Big difference between telling someone they shouldn't do something (which liberals spends a lot of money teaching safe sex and contraception to prevent abortions. More than worthless ass absitence only education.) and trying to outlaw something. If we were trying to BAN smoking, have required excercise, etc... you might be making a valid analogy.

You jokers just don't want to tell people abortion is a bad idea (which I would kind of agree with), but that they can't have them, even if they were raped or they are about to give birth to a severely deformed child.

Maybe children wouldn't be having sex if adults were honest about the consequences of having casual sex or having a child with a man that you do not respect and do not want involved in your child's life, how hard it is to raise a child with two parents that care, never mind one, with no additional support; how that child is more likely to end up living in poverty, getting into trouble, and not graduating high school, because someone told you that sex would be fun, and you would not get pregnant....

blah, blah, blah...

You don't think that we already don't spend BILLIONS telling kids that?

And at the end of the day, it goes in one ear and out the other. The problem with most adults is that they either forget what they were like as teens or they remember all too well....

Blah, blah, blah: people can control every aspect of their lives, EXCEPT SEX, blah, blah, blah, we teach them how to have sex from an early age without teaching them the consequences (and that is the "same" as teaching them morals and that they need to be responsible), blah, blah, blah, we don't know why the STD rates are sky rocketing, blah, blah, blah, everyone should be "sexually free" with no inhibitions at all, blah, blah, blah, we can't understand why people have no respect for life anymore, blah, blah, blah, reject authority and any traditional values (that built the greatest country in the history of the planet), blah, blah, blah

I understand. I am sorry you choose to pick out small portions of my values to ridicule. I will try to do better, than expect any person that likes abortion will ever find fault in the butchery that takes place in abortion mills, or consider the greed and wealth that is based on the murder of children. I can also understand how these same people will ignore that the abortion mills will not give out birth control without charging some steep monies for doctors' visits, first (expensive birth control means they are more likely to end up pregnant again, and have multiple abortions, bottom line!). I guess if you support that kind of murder of the most innocent, that would have to make you, "you", a monster, and most abortion supporters, only care that they can look in the mirror in the morning and "see" a good person looking back at them. If they had the pictures of the babies bodies, mutilated, acid burned, etc posted in their bathroom mirrors, I don't think many of them could keep up the act. It is perfectly okay that people do that to babies, as long as they don't have to see it.

joe doesn't care because he is committed to seeing that women continue to be degraded and exploited via the porn industry. That's his motivation.
Good grief, go to bed and sleep it off, weirdo.

Meanwhile, inner city kids are pounded with sex ed from the moment their moms put them out to score crack for them. Yet they still get pregnant at a disproportionate rate. Go figure. Seems like the earlier you sexualize them, the more likely they are to get knocked up. Shocking.

Naw, they just can't get easy access to birth control pills and abortions like the White kids.

Liar. There are more PP clinics and free contraceptives available in the inner cities than ANYWHERE ELSE.

Give me a city and I'll give you a long list of places that provide those services, conveniently located within walking distance of the ghetto.

joe doesn't care because he is committed to seeing that women continue to be degraded and exploited via the porn industry. That's his motivation.

Again, women make their own choices...

Not that you'd have to worry about porn. No one wants to see you naked. They'd probably rather gogue out their eyes with a melon-baller.
Good grief, go to bed and sleep it off, weirdo.

Meanwhile, inner city kids are pounded with sex ed from the moment their moms put them out to score crack for them. Yet they still get pregnant at a disproportionate rate. Go figure. Seems like the earlier you sexualize them, the more likely they are to get knocked up. Shocking.

Naw, they just can't get easy access to birth control pills and abortions like the White kids.

Liar. There are more PP clinics and free contraceptives available in the inner cities than ANYWHERE ELSE.

Give me a city and I'll give you a long list of places that provide those services, conveniently located within walking distance of the ghetto.

yes, because the White Kids can have access to these things through their regular family doctors.

But, please, we don't spend nearly enough money on family planning for the poor, and it shows.
You have to make an appointment to see your family doctor. The get a prescription. Then get to the drug store.

Clinics are walk-in, have the contraceptives on site, and they're conveniently located.

So try less obvious lies next time, pimp.
You have to make an appointment to see your family doctor. The get a prescription. Then get to the drug store.

Clinics are walk-in, have the contraceptives on site, and they're conveniently located.

So try less obvious lies next time, pimp.

Okay, all those steps take about an hours time.

Man, you just really are a crazy person, aren't you? I really have to wonder what kind of alternative reality you were a teen in.

Even being a teen back in the 1970's, all the girls were on the pill and all the boys knew where to get rubbers.
You're the one who said that inner city women lacked affordable, convenient health care.

You just admitted you lied. Moron.

BTW, the 70s was when they started pushing sex ed and the *right* to have sex on kids.

What an amazing coincidence it was also when we started to see a sharp rise in crime, stds, and unplanned pregnancy. Shocker!!!!! Never saw that coming!
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But the important thing is that all those kids know that it's okay to have sex, and that sex is a LOT of fun!!!

Let's hear it for porn and abortion! Woo!
We aren't the greatest country in history, we just happen to be on top of the dog pile right now. Until the Chinese knock us off.

We all know you think Stalin's USSR was the greatest country in history.

Snookums, I got the full Abortion Propaganda Catholic Treatment growing up. And for a very long time, I bought into it.

Until I realized, the only purpose of the pro-life movement is to keep STUPID RELIGIOUS MORONS voting against their own economic interests.

Abortion is only in the economic interests of abortion clinics. No doubt you own stock in a coupe...

If you guys really wanted less abortions, you'd support liberal policies on sex education, health care and family leave. YOu don't.

Actually, abortion rises with sex promotion classes, particularly when used for very young children.

You just want to exhibit your love for your imaginary sky friend and your misogyny. (And, yes, women can be misogynistic, too.)

You just want an easy out of killing the baby so you never have to take responsibility should a woman ever concede to bed you.

Blah, blah, blah: people can control every aspect of their lives, EXCEPT SEX, blah, blah, blah, we teach them how to have sex from an early age without teaching them the consequences (and that is the "same" as teaching them morals and that they need to be responsible), blah, blah, blah, we don't know why the STD rates are sky rocketing, blah, blah, blah, everyone should be "sexually free" with no inhibitions at all, blah, blah, blah, we can't understand why people have no respect for life anymore, blah, blah, blah, reject authority and any traditional values (that built the greatest country in the history of the planet), blah, blah, blah

We aren't the greatest country in history, we just happen to be on top of the dog pile right now. Until the Chinese knock us off.

I understand. I am sorry you choose to pick out small portions of my values to ridicule. I will try to do better, than expect any person that likes abortion will ever find fault in the butchery that takes place in abortion mills, or consider the greed and wealth that is based on the murder of children. I can also understand how these same people will ignore that the abortion mills will not give out birth control without charging some steep monies for doctors' visits, first (expensive birth control means they are more likely to end up pregnant again, and have multiple abortions, bottom line!). I guess if you support that kind of murder of the most innocent, that would have to make you, "you", a monster, and most abortion supporters, only care that they can look in the mirror in the morning and "see" a good person looking back at them. If they had the pictures of the babies bodies, mutilated, acid burned, etc posted in their bathroom mirrors, I don't think many of them could keep up the act. It is perfectly okay that people do that to babies, as long as they don't have to see it.

Snookums, I got the full Abortion Propaganda Catholic Treatment growing up. And for a very long time, I bought into it.

Until I realized, the only purpose of the pro-life movement is to keep STUPID RELIGIOUS MORONS voting against their own economic interests.

If you guys really wanted less abortions, you'd support liberal policies on sex education, health care and family leave. YOu don't.

You just want to exhibit your love for your imaginary sky friend and your misogyny. (And, yes, women can be misogynistic, too.)

Which country was "greater" than this one? Which country offered more freedom to all the citizens than this country does? Which country produced more technology, and contributed more to improving the standard of living in the entire world?

"Snookums", the liberal policies on sex education, abortion, health care and family leave, along with the policies on encouraging unwed mothers, unsupportive fathers, and paying people to stay poor (welfare) have put this country on a path to ruin. There is no evidence that any one of those programs "improves" society, and there is a lot of evidence that those program destroy families, destroy communities, and are well on the way to destroying the country.

While, I do believe in the Biblical LORD, I do not see how that in anyway hurts anyone. I do not see how believing in Judeo/Christian values does anything but build a better society. On the other hand, those that believe that "man" is all powerful, have been responsible for the slaughter, and slow starvation of 10s of millions of people (USSR, Cambodia, China, N Korea, etc), and that is without including the tens of millions of babies that have been murdered with abortion. While "liberals" want to decry the crusades (a defensive measure against the slaughter and invasion from muslims on Christian territories), and the inquisition (lasted 400 years with around 5000 deaths, an average less than people murdered in liberal meccas: Chicago and Detroit), as an example of how "terrible" Christianity was/is, there is really no comparison to the deaths caused by "liberalism".

Again, I find it amazing that instead of liberals actually trying to teach children something useful about their bodies (they are very special, and should only be shared with a person that you are willing to make a child with, when you are ready to have children, and the best things for your children is to stay healthy, no drugs or toxins that will be passed to your children, get married, and stay married), and that they can do other things that are valuable to society rather than concentrate on their sex lives. You can teach them that life is a "fight" and that there will always be problems and challenges, and that you become a better person, by trying again, and not giving yourself up for abuse to those around you. You can teach them that relying on others IS a form of slavery, and that they should rise above that by improving themselves, and not giving up to live off the labor of others.

Instead "liberals" send the message that:
the gov't will be your "daddy"
the gov't will be your providing "spouse"
the gov't will be your "bully"
the gov't will even pay to murder your child for you

How does that make anyone a better person? How does that make a better society? How does that make a better country?

Which country was "greater" than this one? Which country offered more freedom to all the citizens than this country does? Which country produced more technology, and contributed more to improving the standard of living in the entire world?

If you want to use that Standard, the British Empire. The British Empire has had more of an impact on the world historically than we have had.

"Snookums", the liberal policies on sex education, abortion, health care and family leave, along with the policies on encouraging unwed mothers, unsupportive fathers, and paying people to stay poor (welfare) have put this country on a path to ruin. There is no evidence that any one of those programs "improves" society, and there is a lot of evidence that those program destroy families, destroy communities, and are well on the way to destroying the country.

Horseshit. The thing that separates the industialized world (US, Europe and Japan) from the shit-kicking misery that is the overpopulated rest of the planet is that we DO practice birth control, family planning, etc. The US is kind of the retard of the INdustrialized world, mostly because we let the religious stupids run amok.

While, I do believe in the Biblical LORD, I do not see how that in anyway hurts anyone.

Witch Burnings. Crusades, Inquisitions, Holy Wars, covering up for priests who abuse Children.

Fuck Religion.
You're the one who said that inner city women lacked affordable, convenient health care.

You just admitted you lied. Moron.

BTW, the 70s was when they started pushing sex ed and the *right* to have sex on kids.

What an amazing coincidence it was also when we started to see a sharp rise in crime, stds, and unplanned pregnancy. Shocker!!!!! Never saw that coming!

Not really. We have less crime now than we had in the 1960's. In the 1920's, they thought the whole country was coming apart.

Doesn't take away from the fact if you are poor and black, you aren't going to get the same health care that you'd get if you are rich and white.

Not to worry, give the Republicans enough rope, everyone will be poor and miserable except the 1%.

Which country was "greater" than this one? Which country offered more freedom to all the citizens than this country does? Which country produced more technology, and contributed more to improving the standard of living in the entire world?

If you want to use that Standard, the British Empire. The British Empire has had more of an impact on the world historically than we have had.

"Snookums", the liberal policies on sex education, abortion, health care and family leave, along with the policies on encouraging unwed mothers, unsupportive fathers, and paying people to stay poor (welfare) have put this country on a path to ruin. There is no evidence that any one of those programs "improves" society, and there is a lot of evidence that those program destroy families, destroy communities, and are well on the way to destroying the country.
Horseshit. The thing that separates the industialized world (US, Europe and Japan) from the shit-kicking misery that is the overpopulated rest of the planet is that we DO practice birth control, family planning, etc. The US is kind of the retard of the INdustrialized world, mostly because we let the religious stupids run amok.

While, I do believe in the Biblical LORD, I do not see how that in anyway hurts anyone.
Witch Burnings. Crusades, Inquisitions, Holy Wars, covering up for priests who abuse Children.

Fuck Religion.

Move to a different country, pervert. Nobody wants you here anyway.
You're the one who said that inner city women lacked affordable, convenient health care.

You just admitted you lied. Moron.

BTW, the 70s was when they started pushing sex ed and the *right* to have sex on kids.

What an amazing coincidence it was also when we started to see a sharp rise in crime, stds, and unplanned pregnancy. Shocker!!!!! Never saw that coming!

Not really. We have less crime now than we had in the 1960's. In the 1920's, they thought the whole country was coming apart.

Doesn't take away from the fact if you are poor and black, you aren't going to get the same health care that you'd get if you are rich and white.

Not to worry, give the Republicans enough rope, everyone will be poor and miserable except the 1%.

No, we have more crime now, you lying porn addict.

And our birth rate is dropping.

Everyone will be poor if we listen to death cultist progressives. That's the objective of weirdo totalitarian like you. Because poor people are easy to kill off.
Not really. We have less crime now than we had in the 1960's.

We have less MURDER now than in the 60's. Crime has gone up, but the rates are skewed by the war on people who use certain drugs that the state doesn't like.

In the 1920's, they thought the whole country was coming apart.

The "roaring 20's?" The era of greatest growth in the nations history? LOL

Doesn't take away from the fact if you are poor and black, you aren't going to get the same health care that you'd get if you are rich and white.

But you'll get better health care than if you're middle class and white.

Not to worry, give the Republicans enough rope, everyone will be poor and miserable except the 1%.

Not like the paradise of plenty you Communists provide....

Say Comrade, the bottom 50% are doing a whole lot better now that your little tin Messiah® is our ruler, right?

{A Census Bureau report on Wednesday revealed nearly 46.2 million people (one out of six Americans) live in poverty in President Barack Obama's economy.}

Census Bureau: Poverty At Record Levels Under Obama

Obamunism is bad for children and other living things...
Gosnell is a quack and idiot and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

But he's the product of what the right wing boasts about- the best health care for those who can afford it and shitty health care for the poor. (As opposed to good health care for everyone like every other advanced country does it.)

What!!!??? Abortions are not health care,they take a life.

Now your attempt at once again ,a stupid illogical jab at the right,just show your blind stupidity.

The guy is a criminal,that took advantage of every angle he could to maximize his profits,nothing to do anything else.

Fetuses aren't a life. Sorry. They just aren't. They can't survive outside the womb.

And again, if they women got proper birth control or access to professional/timely abortion, they wouldn't go to a bottom feeder like Gosnell.
Biology disagrees. Also, preemies survive all the time.There are entire hospital wards dedicated to their care.

I've already said I think it's ridiculous to allow abortion clinics to go unregulated. I also think its ridiculous to add unneeded regulations to burden abortion providers.

We need laws that make sense, and lawmakers who aren't afraid to go against their party to purpose them.
Can you please run for congress?
Uh huh. You think they should be monitored...but not TOO closely.

Got it. This is how you cater to pimps, child molesters and human traffickers.
Non sequitur (logic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, she said we need laws but only so long as they don't "interfere" with availability.

In other words, no shut-downs. No matter what.

A lying jewess?

[ame=]Powerman 5000 - Stereotype - YouTube[/ame]

"In most situations of late abortion, the aborted babies are alive. We have to employ medical measures. We just wait for the appearance of the baby’s head [at the opening of the womb], then inject the medicine into the skull."
Baby Born Alive After Late Term Abortion in China | ClinicQuotes
Just a point of clarification. In all cases of elective abortion, the fetuses are alive.

Then if a fetus is alive an abortion kills it. Therefore abortion is murder.
Murder is a legal term referring to some homicides as unlawful.

Your post is a non sequitur

Murder is a legal term. It is the unlawful killing of a human. Not all killing is unlawful.

Abortion kills a human - 100% of the time. So does capital punishment. Both are legal, so neither is murder.

Of course.... People are afforded judicial review and due process before their life is taken in capital punishment, but the victims of abortion have no legal protection at all. Sounds unconstitutional to me....

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

It all comes down to what makes a person, doesn't it?


Because you fail to understand that instead of being some sort of entity, satan is really a statement of utter evil, llike "Hitler". An ideology devoted to death, as the democrats are, is satanic. There is evil. Evil exists. You can call it satan and not mean a biblical satan with horns and a tail. The adjective "satan" is a description of evil, a pervasive evil that only a democrat could accept. Sort of like the term, angel. When someone is an "angel" no one really supposes it is to mean they have wings and a halo. They are a good person. The word "angel" is merely descriptive of their goodness.

To liberals, however, there is no such thing as good or evil. A person who kills for the joy of it, is just misunderstood, they need acceptance, sympathy and understanding.

Actually, I read the bible, and I have a hard time figuring out which character is the evil one.

God drowns babies. Every baby in the world.
He burns everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah alive while saving the Incest committing Lot Family.
He kills the first born of Egypt.
He kills the baby of David and Bathsheba.
He let's Jephthah kill his daughter..

Well the list can go on.

Satan kills all of 10 people in the Bible. ON a bet with God that he couldn't get Job to curse God's name, so Satan kills Job's 10 children with God's blessing.

So just using the bible as a source, God really comes off as an evil monster. Satan just comes off as a smarmy douche...
Hence why a full third of everyone in heaven sided with him- about the same percentage as the FF had the support of when the fought for independence from the British
"Beating heart" I guess that went over your head nutjob:cuckoo:


Every child a wanted child.
Adoption can be the solution for all parties.

Our adoption system is a mess right now.
No, the real crime is the murder of infants
Which everyone in this thread has condemned. Amy, for example, has called for regulations to prevent these sorts of horrors in the future
You choose to have sex.
Not in all cases

You have to make an appointment to see your family doctor. The get a prescription. Then get to the drug store.

Clinics are walk-in, have the contraceptives on site, and they're conveniently located.

So try less obvious lies next time, pimp.
Only in blue states. Where people like you have a say, contraceptives are nearly impossible to get for teens.

Which country was "greater" than this one? Which country offered more freedom to all the citizens than this country does? Which country produced more technology, and contributed more to improving the standard of living in the entire world?

If you want to use that Standard, the British Empire. The British Empire has had more of an impact on the world historically than we have had.

And how did "all" the people live in the British Empire? There were classes, that stayed in the classes they were born into, slaves, servants, occupations, and police states. How is that offering freedom to more people?

"Snookums", the liberal policies on sex education, abortion, health care and family leave, along with the policies on encouraging unwed mothers, unsupportive fathers, and paying people to stay poor (welfare) have put this country on a path to ruin. There is no evidence that any one of those programs "improves" society, and there is a lot of evidence that those program destroy families, destroy communities, and are well on the way to destroying the country.

Horseshit. The thing that separates the industialized world (US, Europe and Japan) from the shit-kicking misery that is the overpopulated rest of the planet is that we DO practice birth control, family planning, etc. The US is kind of the retard of the INdustrialized world, mostly because we let the religious stupids run amok.

Oh, and now one out of three people in the USA has STDs (thank you liberal policies!)... How is that "building a community"?
BTW, family "planning" (it wasn't easy, but it was done, people had children and supported the children they had, they did not expect the gov't to raise the children for them or pay them to raise them) was in place, before birth control pills were developed. What separated us was Christian/Judeo values where the people's efforts and rewards stayed with them (until fairly recently), and a gov't that was designed to resist corruption (unlike other countries' gov'ts).

While, I do believe in the Biblical LORD, I do not see how that in anyway hurts anyone.

Witch Burnings. Crusades, Inquisitions, Holy Wars, covering up for priests who abuse Children.

Fuck Religion.

Yes, I hear you, "Witch Burnings": last one was approximately three hundred years ago. Crusades: a time of defensive measures against muslim invaders and pillagers. Holy Wars: that was the Crusades (shame on you for repeating yourself, and trying to play it off as a separate incident).
"Covering up for priests": yes, this was done, it was unfortunate, and I am sure it is still happening in miniscule numbers (and everyone of them should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, plus, they will be judged by the LORD). Why is you people only care about "priest abusing children? Nothing is being done about teachers, coaches, boy scout leaders, muslims that practice pedophilia, politicians, and ministers of other religions. It is like you turn a blind eye to their atrocities, and support their excuses. If "priests" molesting children really bothered you, you would think that all molestations of children would bother you in the same way. I heard a person that had given themselves over to evil speaking about this once; they said that it gave them a "perverse pleasure" to know that "priests" had got caught up in sinful patterns, and they did not get the same thrill when others did the same thing (the other children's suffering meant nothing to them).
But I will ask you again: What harm does it do for "me" to believe in the LORD, and to practice Christian/Judeo values? It is obvious that you hate those that believe and have bigoted views about them (really do you think we are still burning witches?). I wonder if you are one of those that wants "diversity" & "tolerance" when you really want everyone to have the same views that you do.
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