Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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You're the one who said that inner city women lacked affordable, convenient health care.

You just admitted you lied. Moron.

BTW, the 70s was when they started pushing sex ed and the *right* to have sex on kids.

What an amazing coincidence it was also when we started to see a sharp rise in crime, stds, and unplanned pregnancy. Shocker!!!!! Never saw that coming!

Not really. We have less crime now than we had in the 1960's. In the 1920's, they thought the whole country was coming apart.

Doesn't take away from the fact if you are poor and black, you aren't going to get the same health care that you'd get if you are rich and white.

Not to worry, give the Republicans enough rope, everyone will be poor and miserable except the 1%.

What kind of health care do you get if you are black and rich?
What!!!??? Abortions are not health care,they take a life.

Now your attempt at once again ,a stupid illogical jab at the right,just show your blind stupidity.

The guy is a criminal,that took advantage of every angle he could to maximize his profits,nothing to do anything else.

Fetuses aren't a life. Sorry. They just aren't. They can't survive outside the womb.

And again, if they women got proper birth control or access to professional/timely abortion, they wouldn't go to a bottom feeder like Gosnell.
Biology disagrees. Also, preemies survive all the time.There are entire hospital wards dedicated to their care.

Can you please run for congress?

Non sequitur (logic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A lying jewess?

[ame=]Powerman 5000 - Stereotype - YouTube[/ame]

Murder is a legal term referring to some homicides as unlawful.

Your post is a non sequitur

It all comes down to what makes a person, doesn't it?

Hence why a full third of everyone in heaven sided with him- about the same percentage as the FF had the support of when the fought for independence from the British



Adoption can be the solution for all parties.

Our adoption system is a mess right now.

Which everyone in this thread has condemned. Amy, for example, has called for regulations to prevent these sorts of horrors in the future
You choose to have sex.
Not in all cases

You have to make an appointment to see your family doctor. The get a prescription. Then get to the drug store.

Clinics are walk-in, have the contraceptives on site, and they're conveniently located.

So try less obvious lies next time, pimp.
Only in blue states. Where people like you have a say, contraceptives are nearly impossible to get for teens.
Seriously, don't ya' think that maybe you could show some respect to the board and its users, by compacting your posts, and not wasting bandwidth?

And how did "all" the people live in the British Empire? There were classes, that stayed in the classes they were born into, slaves, servants, occupations, and police states. How is that offering freedom to more people?

The British Empire ended slavery 30 years before America did.. and they didn't have to fight a bloody civil war to do so. They also used their navy to put an end to the slave trade.

Oh, and now one out of three people in the USA has STDs (thank you liberal policies!)... How is that "building a community"?
BTW, family "planning" (it wasn't easy, but it was done, people had children and supported the children they had, they did not expect the gov't to raise the children for them or pay them to raise them) was in place, before birth control pills were developed. What separated us was Christian/Judeo values where the people's efforts and rewards stayed with them (until fairly recently), and a gov't that was designed to resist corruption (unlike other countries' gov'ts).

Actually, what people before birth control was have more kids than they could feed and back ally abortions, but it all worked out because you had a shitload of childhood diseases like Polio, etc that weeded out the weak ones.

Sorry, a humane welfare state is not the source of our problems. It's pretty much what is keeping people calm enough to not burn the whole current system to the ground.

And if you really don't think that STD's weren't just as prevelent before the advent of anti-biotics and condoms, you are delusional.

Yes, I hear you, "Witch Burnings": last one was approximately three hundred years ago. Crusades: a time of defensive measures against muslim invaders and pillagers. Holy Wars: that was the Crusades (shame on you for repeating yourself, and trying to play it off as a separate incident).

NO, actually, there were also Holy wars fought against people who weren't muslims, such as the stamping out of the Albigsinans in France. It was famous for the Papal Legate who instructed the Crusaders to kill Christian and Heretic alike, for "God will known his own". (Often shortened to, "Kill them All, let God sort them out!"

The Crusades were hardly "Defensive". the lands taken in the crusades had been in Islamic hands for nearly 400 years at that point. In fact, some Crusades were actually counterproductive. You should read about the Fourth Crusade, which never killed a single Muslim. It DID hasten the decline of the Christian Byzantine Empire when the Venetians got the Crusaders to loot Constantiople.

Oh, but that was a long time ago. But here's the thing, the parts of the bible that endorsed such bad behavior weren't edited out in later editions. It's just that Christians like you ignore them because you know the behavior won't be tolerated now.

"Covering up for priests": yes, this was done, it was unfortunate, and I am sure it is still happening in miniscule numbers (and everyone of them should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, plus, they will be judged by the LORD). Why is you people only care about "priest abusing children? Nothing is being done about teachers, coaches, boy scout leaders, muslims that practice pedophilia, politicians, and ministers of other religions. It is like you turn a blind eye to their atrocities, and support their excuses. If "priests" molesting children really bothered you, you would think that all molestations of children would bother you in the same way.

It does bother me. But here's the thing. When a boy scout leader or teacher is caught doing it, he's fired. He's handed over to law enforcement. They do not pay off the families and then quietly move the offender to another troupe or school to do it again. But this is EXACTLY what the Catholic Chruch did with it's pedophile priests.

I heard a person that had given themselves over to evil speaking about this once; they said that it gave them a "perverse pleasure" to know that "priests" had got caught up in sinful patterns, and they did not get the same thrill when others did the same thing (the other children's suffering meant nothing to them).

How about answering what I have to say instead of setting up straw men? Here's the thing, I was brought up Catholic. And we all knew, you didn't let yourself get caught alone with Fr. So-and-So, because he was a bit odd. It wasn't just that these things got into the priesthood, it's that there was a silent conspiracy to tolerate them because, hey, they spoke for the Sky Pixie.

I'll go one further. When you recruit people who have no sexual interest in adult women, take them out of the social interaction game when they are in puberty, and then dropped their sexually confused asses back into a situation where they have access to children, how do you NOT expect to get some pedophiles into that mix? And yes, Ill even grant a large percentage of the priests aren't pedophiles. They are self-hating, repressed homosexuals. Not the best people to judge and deal with sexual deviants in their ranks. Oh, wait, and if one of the bad apples tells you what he did, YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE. Just tell him to say 10 Hail Marys. Yuppers, that ought to fix it! Seriously, the Catholic Church couldn't do worse if they took out employment ads in on the NAMBLA website.

But I will ask you again: What harm does it do for "me" to believe in the LORD, and to practice Christian/Judeo values? It is obvious that you hate those that believe and have bigoted views about them (really do you think we are still burning witches?). I wonder if you are one of those that wants "diversity" & "tolerance" when you really want everyone to have the same views that you do.

I think the problem is you are conflating different things.

I think ALL religions are stupid, backward and ignorant.

But I think you have a right to practice whatever backwards, stupid things you want to believe.

What you don't have a right to do is drag that shit out into the public square and try to impose them on the rest of us.

If you don't like Abortion- don't have one. If you don't want to practice birth control, have all the kids you want. If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex.

Just don't go around telling other people how to live.
Oh so we only have unplanned pregnancies and stds in the states without legalized abortion?

What hogwash. joeB is a liar.
It's all about making things easier for pimps, the porn industry, and those who abuse and exploit women and children.

That's all the abortion industry is, and it's the only reason men support it like they do.

More men support it than women. That tells you something.
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

What do expect a defense lawyer to do? Get up in court and say, "My client is guilty as hell?" They wouldn't be lawyers very long if they did.

They're stretching to make a defense and I doubt very seriously if the jury will buy it.

A good defense lawyer would say prove up your case. Not justify the defendant's actions.

Failing any defense at all and Gosnell has no defense a good defense lawyer would make dure the defendant's rights were not violated.

And how did "all" the people live in the British Empire? There were classes, that stayed in the classes they were born into, slaves, servants, occupations, and police states. How is that offering freedom to more people?

The British Empire ended slavery 30 years before America did.. and they didn't have to fight a bloody civil war to do so. They also used their navy to put an end to the slave trade.

The Brits were around for hundreds of years before the USA, and you seem to think 30 years is a "long time"?
How are the Brits doing now? How is their standard of living? How is the selection of products available to them? How is the crime rate? How is the muslim invasion going?

Oh, and now one out of three people in the USA has STDs (thank you liberal policies!)... How is that "building a community"?
BTW, family "planning" (it wasn't easy, but it was done, people had children and supported the children they had, they did not expect the gov't to raise the children for them or pay them to raise them) was in place, before birth control pills were developed. What separated us was Christian/Judeo values where the people's efforts and rewards stayed with them (until fairly recently), and a gov't that was designed to resist corruption (unlike other countries' gov'ts).

Actually, what people before birth control was have more kids than they could feed and back ally abortions, but it all worked out because you had a shitload of childhood diseases like Polio, etc that weeded out the weak ones.

Sorry, a humane welfare state is not the source of our problems. It's pretty much what is keeping people calm enough to not burn the whole current system to the ground.

Mexico does not have a welfare system and people there are not burning the system to the ground.

And if you really don't think that STD's weren't just as prevelent before the advent of anti-biotics and condoms, you are delusional.

You are aware that antibiotics are used to treat STDs (not discovered until the early 1900s)? You are aware that STDs caused people to be sterile, aren't you (that means if STDs were as prevalent as you say, the birth rate would have been far lower.

NO, actually, there were also Holy wars fought against people who weren't muslims, such as the stamping out of the Albigsinans in France. It was famous for the Papal Legate who instructed the Crusaders to kill Christian and Heretic alike, for "God will known his own". (Often shortened to, "Kill them All, let God sort them out!"

The Crusades were hardly "Defensive". the lands taken in the crusades had been in Islamic hands for nearly 400 years at that point. In fact, some Crusades were actually counterproductive. You should read about the Fourth Crusade, which never killed a single Muslim. It DID hasten the decline of the Christian Byzantine Empire when the Venetians got the Crusaders to loot Constantiople.

The Crusaders went to the ME at the request of the ME leaders' requests for help from the muslim hordes. I did not claim that they were very effective.

Oh, but that was a long time ago. But here's the thing, the parts of the bible that endorsed such bad behavior weren't edited out in later editions. It's just that Christians like you ignore them because you know the behavior won't be tolerated now.

We can go there if you want. I have read some of those sections where the LORD sent a bunch of slaves to beat some baby-sacrificing, lewd and perverse peoples. If you want to review we can do that. It actually ties into the thread, Mollech was worshipped by those peoples, and they killed their babies for him in just as hideous ways as abortion does.

It does bother me. But here's the thing. When a boy scout leader or teacher is caught doing it, he's fired. He's handed over to law enforcement. They do not pay off the families and then quietly move the offender to another troupe or school to do it again. But this is EXACTLY what the Catholic Chruch did with it's pedophile priests.

Is that why when "a leader" is put on trial for this, that there is a trail of victims, because it was stopped as soon as it was discovered? Please, do not insult me.

I heard a person that had given themselves over to evil speaking about this once; they said that it gave them a "perverse pleasure" to know that "priests" had got caught up in sinful patterns, and they did not get the same thrill when others did the same thing (the other children's suffering meant nothing to them).

How about answering what I have to say instead of setting up straw men? Here's the thing, I was brought up Catholic. And we all knew, you didn't let yourself get caught alone with Fr. So-and-So, because he was a bit odd. It wasn't just that these things got into the priesthood, it's that there was a silent conspiracy to tolerate them because, hey, they spoke for the Sky Pixie.

So "you" protected these monsters, yourself? You did not report that behavior?

I'll go one further. When you recruit people who have no sexual interest in adult women, take them out of the social interaction game when they are in puberty, and then dropped their sexually confused asses back into a situation where they have access to children, how do you NOT expect to get some pedophiles into that mix? And yes, Ill even grant a large percentage of the priests aren't pedophiles. They are self-hating, repressed homosexuals. Not the best people to judge and deal with sexual deviants in their ranks. Oh, wait, and if one of the bad apples tells you what he did, YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE. Just tell him to say 10 Hail Marys. Yuppers, that ought to fix it! Seriously, the Catholic Church couldn't do worse if they took out employment ads in on the NAMBLA website.

More bigotry? Priests have to deal with their temptations, and many do have affairs and leave the priesthood. That does not sound like the rest of your rant against men (most of which) you haven't met.

But I will ask you again: What harm does it do for "me" to believe in the LORD, and to practice Christian/Judeo values? It is obvious that you hate those that believe and have bigoted views about them (really do you think we are still burning witches?). I wonder if you are one of those that wants "diversity" & "tolerance" when you really want everyone to have the same views that you do.

I think the problem is you are conflating different things.

I think ALL religions are stupid, backward and ignorant.

But I think you have a right to practice whatever backwards, stupid things you want to believe.

What you don't have a right to do is drag that shit out into the public square and try to impose them on the rest of us.

If you don't like Abortion- don't have one. If you don't want to practice birth control, have all the kids you want. If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex.

Just don't go around telling other people how to live.

Yet, "you" are telling us what we must support, and believe: abortion and gay marriage. I am not telling you how to "live". I am pointing out a historical trend that the progressive methods of "belief" tend to end up with people starving, poor health care, bullied people that believe differently, types of slavery, political prisons, and the murder of hundreds, thousands, even millions of people. The Judeo/Christian communities tend to be relatively peaceful, productive, encourage people, and build families and futures.

I don't see it as a difficult choice: work hard now, and teach your children the same thing, or take what others have and watch your children be tortured and starving.
The Brits were around for hundreds of years before the USA, and you seem to think 30 years is a "long time"?
How are the Brits doing now? How is their standard of living? How is the selection of products available to them? How is the crime rate? How is the muslim invasion going?

The British are doing better than we are. And frankly, 4.6% of the population is hardly an "invasion".

Mexico does not have a welfare system and people there are not burning the system to the ground.

People in along the border and in the Yucatan would disagree with you.

You are aware that antibiotics are used to treat STDs (not discovered until the early 1900s)? You are aware that STDs caused people to be sterile, aren't you (that means if STDs were as prevalent as you say, the birth rate would have been far lower.

Ummmm... no. Here was the thing. When you treat an STD with an anti-biotic, it's cured. That's the point. As opposed to a diseased person who goes on infecting people. The fact is, your silly 1/3rd number aside, there are probably less people with STD's than there were a century ago.

The Crusaders went to the ME at the request of the ME leaders' requests for help from the muslim hordes. I did not claim that they were very effective.

Nobody wanted the Crusaders there. The BYZANTINES wanted them to help prop up their sorry Empire, but the Crusaders got some whacky idea about liberating the Holy Land. In the process, they probably sped up Byzantium's fall and made Europe MORE vulnerable to Islamic invasion.

We can go there if you want. I have read some of those sections where the LORD sent a bunch of slaves to beat some baby-sacrificing, lewd and perverse peoples. If you want to review we can do that. It actually ties into the thread, Mollech was worshipped by those peoples, and they killed their babies for him in just as hideous ways as abortion does.

Actually, that was horseshit and propaganda... Of course, you have to believe your enemies are worse.

But here's the thing. God in the Bible orders the COMPLETE extermination of enemies of Israel, including the babies. In fact God withdrew his favor from Saul not because he slaughtered the Amalekite babies, but because he thought that their livestock was still perfectly usable.

I guess that was some really evil Livestock.

Is that why when "a leader" is put on trial for this, that there is a trail of victims, because it was stopped as soon as it was discovered? Please, do not insult me.

If the BSA (A homophobic organization dominated by Catholic and Mormons I have no love for) had paid off families and relocated the leaders, then you might have a point.

So "you" protected these monsters, yourself? You did not report that behavior?

To Whom? Catholic Cops? My Catholic Parents? The Catholic Teachers? Exactly who was I suppsoed to report these people to? (ANd keep in mind, I didn't actually have evidence, just a knowledge these guys were weird.)

More bigotry? Priests have to deal with their temptations, and many do have affairs and leave the priesthood. That does not sound like the rest of your rant against men (most of which) you haven't met.

It isn't about temptation, it's about culture. The Catholic Church is actually kind of a hotbed of deviancy, when you get right down to it. They worship a torture-porn image of a naked guy being nailed to a cross. It's kind of sick, actually.


Yet, "you" are telling us what we must support, and believe: abortion and gay marriage. I am not telling you how to "live". I am pointing out a historical trend that the progressive methods of "belief" tend to end up with people starving, poor health care, bullied people that believe differently, types of slavery, political prisons, and the murder of hundreds, thousands, even millions of people. The Judeo/Christian communities tend to be relatively peaceful, productive, encourage people, and build families and futures.

I don't see it as a difficult choice: work hard now, and teach your children the same thing, or take what others have and watch your children be tortured and starving.

But that's bullshit.

Socialist, welfare state countries have higher standards of living, better health care, etc.

If you want to look at countries that follow the sky pixie, you have the Philippines, Mexico, Columbia and every other third world shithole where they still take the Pope seriously.
Let's hear it for abortion and the porn industry, from whence all positive things emanate!!!!

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As I've stated before, words cannot adequately describe how utterly loathesome they are.
Let's hear it for abortion and the porn industry, from whence all positive things emanate!!!!


Not sure why you keep going on about porn, exactly. You seem obsessed with it.

abortion is going to happen no matter what the laws are. Period. So I'm not going to create more Gosnells by putting stupid laws into place.
Let's hear it for abortion and the porn industry, from whence all positive things emanate!!!!


Not sure why you keep going on about porn, exactly. You seem obsessed with it.

abortion is going to happen no matter what the laws are. Period. So I'm not going to create more Gosnells by putting stupid laws into place.

Indeed murder is going to happen no matter what the laws are, that doesn't mean it has to be endorsed and paid for by the federal government.
The poor don't get shitty health care. They get the same health care that everybody else gets. The difference is, they don't pay for it. Somebody else does.
The Brits were around for hundreds of years before the USA, and you seem to think 30 years is a "long time"?
How are the Brits doing now? How is their standard of living? How is the selection of products available to them? How is the crime rate? How is the muslim invasion going?

The British are doing better than we are. And frankly, 4.6% of the population is hardly an "invasion".

You didn't answer the questions.

Mexico does not have a welfare system and people there are not burning the system to the ground.

People in along the border and in the Yucatan would disagree with you.

Then why isn't "Mexico", burning?

You are aware that antibiotics are used to treat STDs (not discovered until the early 1900s)? You are aware that STDs caused people to be sterile, aren't you (that means if STDs were as prevalent as you say, the birth rate would have been far lower.

Ummmm... no. Here was the thing. When you treat an STD with an anti-biotic, it's cured. That's the point. As opposed to a diseased person who goes on infecting people. The fact is, your silly 1/3rd number aside, there are probably less people with STD's than there were a century ago.

Yes, that was the point, your statement of there were more people with STDs then, when there were not antibiotics, would have dramatically cut the birth rate (if your statement was correct).

The one in three number was from the headlines the other day, over 110,000,000 people are infected with STDs. So much for the progressives teaching children how to have sex will cut or eliminate "diseases" and high, unmarried birth rates.....

The Crusaders went to the ME at the request of the ME leaders' requests for help from the muslim hordes. I did not claim that they were very effective.

Nobody wanted the Crusaders there. The BYZANTINES wanted them to help prop up their sorry Empire, but the Crusaders got some whacky idea about liberating the Holy Land. In the process, they probably sped up Byzantium's fall and made Europe MORE vulnerable to Islamic invasion.

Constantine requested assistance from Rome, the call went out for help. Because there were poor communications, it turned into a cluster. That does not change the fact that the muslims were attacking and assistance was requested.

Actually, that was horseshit and propaganda... Of course, you have to believe your enemies are worse.

But here's the thing. God in the Bible orders the COMPLETE extermination of enemies of Israel, including the babies. In fact God withdrew his favor from Saul not because he slaughtered the Amalekite babies, but because he thought that their livestock was still perfectly usable.

I guess that was some really evil Livestock.

If you are prepared to do battle with evil, you can read the book of Jubilees and find out why it was important for the livestock to be slaughtered.

I am amazed, that you, a mere mortal man, can declare the LORD was "wrong", based on your thousands of years analysis of a situation that has little evidence of exactly what happened. (It is one of the reasons that I choose to believe the LORD, because there are so many of you, with different names, and different faces, but still, with the same "belief" that you know everything about the earth, based on what other "men" said, or limited fossilized clues)

Saul also went to witches (a direct sin against the LORD). Saul, also thought "he" knew better than the LORD (sound familiar). The LORD left Saul as king, but blessed David. Saul showed his butt, and he was "spanked".

If the BSA (A homophobic organization dominated by Catholic and Mormons I have no love for) had paid off families and relocated the leaders, then you might have a point.

The BSA was a group formed to promote set values. Why should they want people in the group that "choose" to live in a way that mocks and ridicules those values? They wanted the problems gone, and did so, unfortunately way too many were not punished by the law for their crimes against boys.

To Whom? Catholic Cops? My Catholic Parents? The Catholic Teachers? Exactly who was I suppsoed to report these people to? (ANd keep in mind, I didn't actually have evidence, just a knowledge these guys were weird.)

So you are bearing false witness against priests? You did not say that you were suspicious, you implied these men were "molesters".

More bigotry? Priests have to deal with their temptations, and many do have affairs and leave the priesthood. That does not sound like the rest of your rant against men (most of which) you haven't met.

It isn't about temptation, it's about culture. The Catholic Church is actually kind of a hotbed of deviancy, when you get right down to it. They worship a torture-porn image of a naked guy being nailed to a cross. It's kind of sick, actually.

There are problems in the Catholic Church. There are problems where ever there are "men" (this is the proper term for the race of men, including women) in power. However, the Catholic Church has been one of the best institutions for "good" on the planet. Have there been problems? Yes. Will there continue to be problems? Yes. Now, name me one other institution that has done the types of charity, the outreach, the building of schools, and hospitals in areas where they are not invited (for believers, and non-believers alike). Name me one other institution that had people break away to form so many other churches, with the majority of them, doing similar works. Name me any "atheist" organization that does a fraction of what the Catholic Church does.

The tortured body of the CHRIST, is to remind us, that G*d sent HIS only begotten SON to us, and that our sins are represented in those horrendous wounds portrayed by the image of the crucifixion. I don't believe there is any other image that demonstrates how truly ugly our sins are. Also, that the CHRIST, willingly, was tortured, and died for "our" sins, that we would have a chance at redemption. HE is the only way! HE sent the HOLY SPIRIT to us to give us the gifts of: Knowledge, Counsel, Wisdom, Understanding, Fortitude, Piety, and Joy of Piety. What "man" can compare with those gifts?

It tickles me, how people like you want to beat up on other peoples' beliefs, but, can offer nothing that comes close to what the CHRIST offered. Your way leads to sin and eternal death. HIS way leads to peace and eternal life.


Yet, "you" are telling us what we must support, and believe: abortion and gay marriage. I am not telling you how to "live". I am pointing out a historical trend that the progressive methods of "belief" tend to end up with people starving, poor health care, bullied people that believe differently, types of slavery, political prisons, and the murder of hundreds, thousands, even millions of people. The Judeo/Christian communities tend to be relatively peaceful, productive, encourage people, and build families and futures.

I don't see it as a difficult choice: work hard now, and teach your children the same thing, or take what others have and watch your children be tortured and starving.

But that's bullshit.

Socialist, welfare state countries have higher standards of living, better health care, etc.

Do you have "evidence" of this? Why do their "rich" come to this country to have medical procedures done, if their health care is so great? Why are their people, still, trying to emigrate here, if their countries are better? Why aren't Americans flocking in droves to those countries, if they are such an improvement over this country?

If you want to look at countries that follow the sky pixie, you have the Philippines, Mexico, Columbia and every other third world shithole where they still take the Pope seriously.

Those countries brought the baggage of European royalty with them. All the corruption that was in Europe with the system of peons, lords, royalty were taken to those countries. They rebelled, but the mindset is still there: (it is parallel with your beliefs) an elite group of people are "fit" to rule, and everyone else obeys. The "church" is just another "pawn" in those countries. Those countries did not have a group of "educated" (Biblical knowledgeable, also) men that worked extremely hard for their wealth (not inherited), that came together and beat out a plan of gov't that would reduce the chances of the same mindset that crippled Europe. They did not have a George Washington, that when appointed as "President" chose not to elevate himself above "all" men, and thus, set a precedent for the rest of the Presidents to follow.

And yet, here come the people like you, of the mindset that the "intellectual elite" should be the ruling class, and everyone else should "obey". I just cannot see how you get there.
Let's hear it for abortion and the porn industry!!!!


All this for the sole purpose of honoring a killer and justifying his murders. That's what the left is.

Nobody here honored him or justified what he did.

He's just the byproduct of a system where the affluent get good health care and the poor get shitty health care.

He is the product of a system that encourages infanticide.
Let's hear it for abortion and the porn industry, from whence all positive things emanate!!!!


Not sure why you keep going on about porn, exactly. You seem obsessed with it.

abortion is going to happen no matter what the laws are. Period. So I'm not going to create more Gosnells by putting stupid laws into place.

Indeed murder is going to happen no matter what the laws are, that doesn't mean it has to be endorsed and paid for by the federal government.

Fetuses aren't people.

And again, I would ask- how many women were arrested for murder for having abortions before 1973?

I'll give you time to look up the answer.
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