Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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You suffer from the derangement that a "business" starts off "wealthy" and can afford to pay top dollar with top benefits. Many small businesses provide services at an affordable price for the community where they do business. If they raise their prices, they either go out of business or move to a more affluent community. To saddle them with the responsibility of keeping workers that cannot stay on the job for 3 months out of 12, is a great inconvenience that could cripple the business, especially in hard times. As businesses grow, and become more successful, they can afford to hire the more productive worker, and pay to keep them, including benefits. Each person in the USA has a choice of jobs, and can choose to take a better job or one with better benefits. To force a small business to compete with the same benefits as a larger company/corporation is to force the small business out of business and to support the monopoly of the larger corporations and support "corporate greed".

So essentially... meh, you're all for the fetuses until they impose on a businessman's ability to make a profit. Okay. I'll get the vaccuum hose ready.

I noticed you did not comment on young people waiting to get married, and then have children with a plan in mind of how the finances would be thru the pregnancy and afterwards. Why is it that liberals don't ever want to "promote" these "choices"?

No, I don't comment on ANYONE telling ANYONE how to live their lives. Because honestly, what I've usually found is the people given the advice pretty much have messed up their own lives so badly they are projecting on everyone else.

Young people ARE GOING TO HAVE SEX! Long before they ever get married.
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

Ah, so you believe in the "Magic Vagina" theory. That a "lump of flesh" turns into a human all at once by passing through the magic vagina. Killing prior to passage is sacred and good, after passage, even mere seconds later, is murder...

The "logic" of pro-aborts is a wonder to behold.

Odd how the kid who shot a pregnant woman on the bus in Boston got charged with murder for the killing of the unborn child.
The mother survived.
How could he murder something that didnt exist?

How could douglas Kennedy endanger his non existent child?

Who the hell is Douglas Kennedy.

By the way, I think Fetal Murder statues are BULLSHIT.

Douglas Kennedy, the son of bobby Kennedy.
He was all over your liberal media after being attacked by two murderous union nurses pushed him and his 2 day old down the stairs in an NY hospital.
An attempted abortion.
He was charged with child endangerment for refusing to hand the child over for termination.
How can you endanger that which doseny exist?

Well, if it was a two-day old, it wasn't a fetus... or an abortion. But honestly, the whole story sounds a little crazy...

And looking at the actual story, it is.

Nurses Will Likely Sue Douglas Kennedy, Attorney Says - ABC News
You choose to have sex. There are inexpensive ways to AVOID pregnancy. Once you are pregnant (that you chose to do the act, knowing the results), killing the child is not a life saving procedure in 99.99% of cases. Quit pretending you give a shit about women that will have medical problems as a RESULT of abortion (more prone to some types of cancer, more prone to mental illnesses, etc). Just accept the fact that you get off on seeing a person at their most vulnerable point being "terminated".

Quit pretending that you give a shit about women because we know you don't give a fuck about women. They are nothing more than baby making slaves to you people.
You suffer from the derangement that a "business" starts off "wealthy" and can afford to pay top dollar with top benefits. Many small businesses provide services at an affordable price for the community where they do business. If they raise their prices, they either go out of business or move to a more affluent community. To saddle them with the responsibility of keeping workers that cannot stay on the job for 3 months out of 12, is a great inconvenience that could cripple the business, especially in hard times. As businesses grow, and become more successful, they can afford to hire the more productive worker, and pay to keep them, including benefits. Each person in the USA has a choice of jobs, and can choose to take a better job or one with better benefits. To force a small business to compete with the same benefits as a larger company/corporation is to force the small business out of business and to support the monopoly of the larger corporations and support "corporate greed".

So essentially... meh, you're all for the fetuses until they impose on a businessman's ability to make a profit. Okay. I'll get the vaccuum hose ready.

I noticed you did not comment on young people waiting to get married, and then have children with a plan in mind of how the finances would be thru the pregnancy and afterwards. Why is it that liberals don't ever want to "promote" these "choices"?

No, I don't comment on ANYONE telling ANYONE how to live their lives. Because honestly, what I've usually found is the people given the advice pretty much have messed up their own lives so badly they are projecting on everyone else.

Young people ARE GOING TO HAVE SEX! Long before they ever get married.

It is about "choice". If you choose to have sex, you should choose to have sex with a person that will be a responsible father to the possible child. If you don't "want" a child, prepare, prepare, and prevent. Once you get pregnant, you should be prepared, prepared, and ready. If you are not "ready", then don't have sex, or have sex where you cannot get pregnant taking preventative measures (know that the person you lay down with will be sharing all the previous lovers' germs with you also, that could be passed to your children of the future, if you want them, and if you are having sex, there is a CHANCE you will get pregnant). To tell an employer that they are responsible for your health care, because you are now pregnant shows very poor planning (being prepared).
If you want your "employer" to cover the cost of child birth and "family leave" then get a job with such an employer "before" you choose to do actions that could cause a pregnancy. There are plenty of employers that are willing to do that (usually the job is not as interesting, and may pay less, due to the amount of benefits not offered by smaller businesses), so there is really no excuse to blame the employer. Many people will plan for child birth, without insurance. They figure out what it will cost, and make payments to the doctor in advance or arrangement for a payment plan afterwards. The "wife" may quit her job (take unpaid "leave"), until the parents "choose" to make arrangements for another to care for the child, so the wife can go back to work, possibly lasting years.

Again, I fail to see why encouraging young people to make the "best" choices regarding their sex life is such an issue with liberals (you have no problem telling them not to smoke, not to live a sedimentary life, how many times a week they should exercise, and what foods they should not eat, how much they should drink of "sugary drinks"). Why is that? You want to claim that you don't want to interfere with peoples' lives, but you do, in EVERY other area of their lives, except sex. In that area, you "preach" that people have no control over themselves when it comes to sex, and everyone should just "accept" that as a "fact".

Maybe children wouldn't be having sex if adults were honest about the consequences of having casual sex or having a child with a man that you do not respect and do not want involved in your child's life, how hard it is to raise a child with two parents that care, never mind one, with no additional support; how that child is more likely to end up living in poverty, getting into trouble, and not graduating high school, because someone told you that sex would be fun, and you would not get pregnant....
You choose to have sex. There are inexpensive ways to AVOID pregnancy. Once you are pregnant (that you chose to do the act, knowing the results), killing the child is not a life saving procedure in 99.99% of cases. Quit pretending you give a shit about women that will have medical problems as a RESULT of abortion (more prone to some types of cancer, more prone to mental illnesses, etc). Just accept the fact that you get off on seeing a person at their most vulnerable point being "terminated".

Quit pretending that you give a shit about women because we know you don't give a fuck about women. They are nothing more than baby making slaves to you people.

It is true that I value the ability of women to produce children. I think that is one of the most important things they can do with their early adult years. I believe that serving as a penis receptacle for any man that looks at you, as well as an incubator for some really nasty STDs is far more demeaning to women. I have no problem with women that do not want children, being sterilized. I have no problem with "pets" being sterilized (those that are supported by the taxpayers). There are procedures that are reversible, and if the youngsters want children when they are mature adults; they can pay to have it reversed (both male and female "pets"). That way they are not murdering children they chose to conceive (when they said "yes" to sex). But I don't here that being promoted by progressives, either (I think the progressives like the murdering of unborn children, because it makes them feel "empowered" over the most vulnerable people there are). Or maybe they like the death of millions of children being a money maker for "progressive causes" (Planned Parenthood is a large donator to progressive candidates).

It is about "choice". If you choose to have sex, you should choose to have sex with a person that will be a responsible father to the possible child. If you don't "want" a child, prepare, prepare, and prevent. Once you get pregnant, you should be prepared, prepared, and ready. If you are not "ready", then don't have sex, or have sex where you cannot get pregnant taking preventative measures (know that the person you lay down with will be sharing all the previous lovers' germs with you also, that could be passed to your children of the future, if you want them, and if you are having sex, there is a CHANCE you will get pregnant). To tell an employer that they are responsible for your health care, because you are now pregnant shows very poor planning (being prepared).

Blah, blah, blah...

Okay, you see, here's the thing. Because America INSISTED that health care be handled through employers rather than a single-payer universal system, yeah, that DOES obligate employers.

And frankly, I really have to honestly wonder what kind of person you are that you think that people can just totally control their sexual urges. "Ummm, before we go to bed, can I run a credit check on you?"

If you want your "employer" to cover the cost of child birth and "family leave" then get a job with such an employer "before" you choose to do actions that could cause a pregnancy. There are plenty of employers that are willing to do that (usually the job is not as interesting, and may pay less, due to the amount of benefits not offered by smaller businesses), so there is really no excuse to blame the employer. Many people will plan for child birth, without insurance. They figure out what it will cost, and make payments to the doctor in advance or arrangement for a payment plan afterwards. The "wife" may quit her job (take unpaid "leave"), until the parents "choose" to make arrangements for another to care for the child, so the wife can go back to work, possibly lasting years.

You work on the bizarre assumption that these couples who are waiting a couple years into the marriage to have a baby are really not having sex. Ummmm... nope. they are using contraception, and when contraception fails, they have abortions. About 16% of abortions are performed on married women.

To your other "point", the two women I worked with who were fired by my douchebag boss probably had good reason to think that they'd be covered.

Again, I fail to see why encouraging young people to make the "best" choices regarding their sex life is such an issue with liberals (you have no problem telling them not to smoke, not to live a sedimentary life, how many times a week they should exercise, and what foods they should not eat, how much they should drink of "sugary drinks"). Why is that? You want to claim that you don't want to interfere with peoples' lives, but you do, in EVERY other area of their lives, except sex. In that area, you "preach" that people have no control over themselves when it comes to sex, and everyone should just "accept" that as a "fact".

Big difference between telling someone they shouldn't do something (which liberals spends a lot of money teaching safe sex and contraception to prevent abortions. More than worthless ass absitence only education.) and trying to outlaw something. If we were trying to BAN smoking, have required excercise, etc... you might be making a valid analogy.

You jokers just don't want to tell people abortion is a bad idea (which I would kind of agree with), but that they can't have them, even if they were raped or they are about to give birth to a severely deformed child.

Maybe children wouldn't be having sex if adults were honest about the consequences of having casual sex or having a child with a man that you do not respect and do not want involved in your child's life, how hard it is to raise a child with two parents that care, never mind one, with no additional support; how that child is more likely to end up living in poverty, getting into trouble, and not graduating high school, because someone told you that sex would be fun, and you would not get pregnant....

blah, blah, blah...

You don't think that we already don't spend BILLIONS telling kids that?

And at the end of the day, it goes in one ear and out the other. The problem with most adults is that they either forget what they were like as teens or they remember all too well....

Douglas Kennedy, the son of bobby Kennedy.
He was all over your liberal media after being attacked by two murderous union nurses pushed him and his 2 day old down the stairs in an NY hospital.
An attempted abortion.
He was charged with child endangerment for refusing to hand the child over for termination.
How can you endanger that which doseny exist?

Well, if it was a two-day old, it wasn't a fetus... or an abortion. But honestly, the whole story sounds a little crazy...

And looking at the actual story, it is.

Nurses Will Likely Sue Douglas Kennedy, Attorney Says - ABC News
According to Barbera Boxer it is.
Constitutional protections for 'life' come into effect only when the child gets home from hospital.
If you disagree with one of the liberal masters you will be subjected to liberal attack and abuse.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication?
Well, if it was a two-day old, it wasn't a fetus... or an abortion. But honestly, the whole story sounds a little crazy...

And looking at the actual story, it is.

Nurses Will Likely Sue Douglas Kennedy, Attorney Says - ABC News
According to Barbera Boxer it is.
Constitutional protections for 'life' come into effect only when the child gets home from hospital.
If you disagree with one of the liberal masters you will be subjected to liberal attack and abuse.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication?

Right on cue, weirdo.

It is about "choice". If you choose to have sex, you should choose to have sex with a person that will be a responsible father to the possible child. If you don't "want" a child, prepare, prepare, and prevent. Once you get pregnant, you should be prepared, prepared, and ready. If you are not "ready", then don't have sex, or have sex where you cannot get pregnant taking preventative measures (know that the person you lay down with will be sharing all the previous lovers' germs with you also, that could be passed to your children of the future, if you want them, and if you are having sex, there is a CHANCE you will get pregnant). To tell an employer that they are responsible for your health care, because you are now pregnant shows very poor planning (being prepared).

Blah, blah, blah...

Okay, you see, here's the thing. Because America INSISTED that health care be handled through employers rather than a single-payer universal system, yeah, that DOES obligate employers.

And frankly, I really have to honestly wonder what kind of person you are that you think that people can just totally control their sexual urges. "Ummm, before we go to bed, can I run a credit check on you?"

If you want your "employer" to cover the cost of child birth and "family leave" then get a job with such an employer "before" you choose to do actions that could cause a pregnancy. There are plenty of employers that are willing to do that (usually the job is not as interesting, and may pay less, due to the amount of benefits not offered by smaller businesses), so there is really no excuse to blame the employer. Many people will plan for child birth, without insurance. They figure out what it will cost, and make payments to the doctor in advance or arrangement for a payment plan afterwards. The "wife" may quit her job (take unpaid "leave"), until the parents "choose" to make arrangements for another to care for the child, so the wife can go back to work, possibly lasting years.
You work on the bizarre assumption that these couples who are waiting a couple years into the marriage to have a baby are really not having sex. Ummmm... nope. they are using contraception, and when contraception fails, they have abortions. About 16% of abortions are performed on married women.

To your other "point", the two women I worked with who were fired by my douchebag boss probably had good reason to think that they'd be covered.

Again, I fail to see why encouraging young people to make the "best" choices regarding their sex life is such an issue with liberals (you have no problem telling them not to smoke, not to live a sedimentary life, how many times a week they should exercise, and what foods they should not eat, how much they should drink of "sugary drinks"). Why is that? You want to claim that you don't want to interfere with peoples' lives, but you do, in EVERY other area of their lives, except sex. In that area, you "preach" that people have no control over themselves when it comes to sex, and everyone should just "accept" that as a "fact".

Big difference between telling someone they shouldn't do something (which liberals spends a lot of money teaching safe sex and contraception to prevent abortions. More than worthless ass absitence only education.) and trying to outlaw something. If we were trying to BAN smoking, have required excercise, etc... you might be making a valid analogy.

You jokers just don't want to tell people abortion is a bad idea (which I would kind of agree with), but that they can't have them, even if they were raped or they are about to give birth to a severely deformed child.

Maybe children wouldn't be having sex if adults were honest about the consequences of having casual sex or having a child with a man that you do not respect and do not want involved in your child's life, how hard it is to raise a child with two parents that care, never mind one, with no additional support; how that child is more likely to end up living in poverty, getting into trouble, and not graduating high school, because someone told you that sex would be fun, and you would not get pregnant....

blah, blah, blah...

You don't think that we already don't spend BILLIONS telling kids that?

And at the end of the day, it goes in one ear and out the other. The problem with most adults is that they either forget what they were like as teens or they remember all too well....

The problem with most adults is they listen to perverts like you.

At the end of the day, you tell your children that part of being responsible is treating women with respect, and not fucking indiscriminately. Don't screw if you don't think you're up for a kid, because ultimately, that is the risk you're taking.When you think you are able and when you are willing to deal with that possibility, then go for it.
And you couch it in terms like this:

"There are people who have sex just for fun, and who trust medicine and abortion to facilitate wanton, irresponsible and disgusting behavior. But just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD. You CAN take a dump in the middle of the mall. But should you? No. You squeeze your sphincter and you take yourself to the nearest bathroom..and in a mall that could be a little walk. Yes there is discomfort, but this is the way decent and good people behave.

"Sex is beautiful and natural...but ultimately it's an impulse and impulses can and should be controlled. The decision is yours and yours alone, but there are legal considerations and ethical ones to make before you act on this particular impulse. And the primary one I ready for a baby? I can tell you that you are not, and won't be until you are much, much older, and married. You will love any child you have, and if you have one when you are young, and unmarried, or if you have one with someone you don't like...then that child will suffer all his or her life. If you kill it, people will still suffer. Either way, parenthood is think very hard about it before you actually engage in an activity that leads directly to it."

By about the third time they get the speech, and I start young...they're pretty sure they don't want to risk it.
And when things get dicey, I tell them about military school, and all girl boarding schools.

That usually brings them around for a while.

It is about "choice". If you choose to have sex, you should choose to have sex with a person that will be a responsible father to the possible child. If you don't "want" a child, prepare, prepare, and prevent. Once you get pregnant, you should be prepared, prepared, and ready. If you are not "ready", then don't have sex, or have sex where you cannot get pregnant taking preventative measures (know that the person you lay down with will be sharing all the previous lovers' germs with you also, that could be passed to your children of the future, if you want them, and if you are having sex, there is a CHANCE you will get pregnant). To tell an employer that they are responsible for your health care, because you are now pregnant shows very poor planning (being prepared).

Blah, blah, blah...

Okay, you see, here's the thing. Because America INSISTED that health care be handled through employers rather than a single-payer universal system, yeah, that DOES obligate employers.

And frankly, I really have to honestly wonder what kind of person you are that you think that people can just totally control their sexual urges. "Ummm, before we go to bed, can I run a credit check on you?"

If you want your "employer" to cover the cost of child birth and "family leave" then get a job with such an employer "before" you choose to do actions that could cause a pregnancy. There are plenty of employers that are willing to do that (usually the job is not as interesting, and may pay less, due to the amount of benefits not offered by smaller businesses), so there is really no excuse to blame the employer. Many people will plan for child birth, without insurance. They figure out what it will cost, and make payments to the doctor in advance or arrangement for a payment plan afterwards. The "wife" may quit her job (take unpaid "leave"), until the parents "choose" to make arrangements for another to care for the child, so the wife can go back to work, possibly lasting years.

You work on the bizarre assumption that these couples who are waiting a couple years into the marriage to have a baby are really not having sex. Ummmm... nope. they are using contraception, and when contraception fails, they have abortions. About 16% of abortions are performed on married women.

To your other "point", the two women I worked with who were fired by my douchebag boss probably had good reason to think that they'd be covered.

Again, I fail to see why encouraging young people to make the "best" choices regarding their sex life is such an issue with liberals (you have no problem telling them not to smoke, not to live a sedimentary life, how many times a week they should exercise, and what foods they should not eat, how much they should drink of "sugary drinks"). Why is that? You want to claim that you don't want to interfere with peoples' lives, but you do, in EVERY other area of their lives, except sex. In that area, you "preach" that people have no control over themselves when it comes to sex, and everyone should just "accept" that as a "fact".

Big difference between telling someone they shouldn't do something (which liberals spends a lot of money teaching safe sex and contraception to prevent abortions. More than worthless ass absitence only education.) and trying to outlaw something. If we were trying to BAN smoking, have required excercise, etc... you might be making a valid analogy.

You jokers just don't want to tell people abortion is a bad idea (which I would kind of agree with), but that they can't have them, even if they were raped or they are about to give birth to a severely deformed child.

Maybe children wouldn't be having sex if adults were honest about the consequences of having casual sex or having a child with a man that you do not respect and do not want involved in your child's life, how hard it is to raise a child with two parents that care, never mind one, with no additional support; how that child is more likely to end up living in poverty, getting into trouble, and not graduating high school, because someone told you that sex would be fun, and you would not get pregnant....

blah, blah, blah...

You don't think that we already don't spend BILLIONS telling kids that?

And at the end of the day, it goes in one ear and out the other. The problem with most adults is that they either forget what they were like as teens or they remember all too well....

Blah, blah, blah: people can control every aspect of their lives, EXCEPT SEX, blah, blah, blah, we teach them how to have sex from an early age without teaching them the consequences (and that is the "same" as teaching them morals and that they need to be responsible), blah, blah, blah, we don't know why the STD rates are sky rocketing, blah, blah, blah, everyone should be "sexually free" with no inhibitions at all, blah, blah, blah, we can't understand why people have no respect for life anymore, blah, blah, blah, reject authority and any traditional values (that built the greatest country in the history of the planet), blah, blah, blah

I understand. I am sorry you choose to pick out small portions of my values to ridicule. I will try to do better, than expect any person that likes abortion will ever find fault in the butchery that takes place in abortion mills, or consider the greed and wealth that is based on the murder of children. I can also understand how these same people will ignore that the abortion mills will not give out birth control without charging some steep monies for doctors' visits, first (expensive birth control means they are more likely to end up pregnant again, and have multiple abortions, bottom line!). I guess if you support that kind of murder of the most innocent, that would have to make you, "you", a monster, and most abortion supporters, only care that they can look in the mirror in the morning and "see" a good person looking back at them. If they had the pictures of the babies bodies, mutilated, acid burned, etc posted in their bathroom mirrors, I don't think many of them could keep up the act. It is perfectly okay that people do that to babies, as long as they don't have to see it.

The problem with most adults is they listen to perverts like you.

At the end of the day, you tell your children that part of being responsible is treating women with respect, and not fucking indiscriminately. Don't screw if you don't think you're up for a kid, because ultimately, that is the risk you're taking.When you think you are able and when you are willing to deal with that possibility, then go for it.

Again, you seem to think women are totally helpless when controlling their lady parts, and just are totally abused by men.

I honestly have to wonder what kind of expereinces you must have had to make you so twisted, and I keep getting this image of Piper Laurie in "Carrie"

Blah, blah, blah: people can control every aspect of their lives, EXCEPT SEX, blah, blah, blah, we teach them how to have sex from an early age without teaching them the consequences (and that is the "same" as teaching them morals and that they need to be responsible), blah, blah, blah, we don't know why the STD rates are sky rocketing, blah, blah, blah, everyone should be "sexually free" with no inhibitions at all, blah, blah, blah, we can't understand why people have no respect for life anymore, blah, blah, blah, reject authority and any traditional values (that built the greatest country in the history of the planet), blah, blah, blah

We aren't the greatest country in history, we just happen to be on top of the dog pile right now. Until the Chinese knock us off.

I understand. I am sorry you choose to pick out small portions of my values to ridicule. I will try to do better, than expect any person that likes abortion will ever find fault in the butchery that takes place in abortion mills, or consider the greed and wealth that is based on the murder of children. I can also understand how these same people will ignore that the abortion mills will not give out birth control without charging some steep monies for doctors' visits, first (expensive birth control means they are more likely to end up pregnant again, and have multiple abortions, bottom line!). I guess if you support that kind of murder of the most innocent, that would have to make you, "you", a monster, and most abortion supporters, only care that they can look in the mirror in the morning and "see" a good person looking back at them. If they had the pictures of the babies bodies, mutilated, acid burned, etc posted in their bathroom mirrors, I don't think many of them could keep up the act. It is perfectly okay that people do that to babies, as long as they don't have to see it.

Snookums, I got the full Abortion Propaganda Catholic Treatment growing up. And for a very long time, I bought into it.

Until I realized, the only purpose of the pro-life movement is to keep STUPID RELIGIOUS MORONS voting against their own economic interests.

If you guys really wanted less abortions, you'd support liberal policies on sex education, health care and family leave. YOu don't.

You just want to exhibit your love for your imaginary sky friend and your misogyny. (And, yes, women can be misogynistic, too.)
Liberal policies on sex education.
Like the full and well established liberal policies in the UK ?
You know, far more liberal than the USA!!

Why then does the UK have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the western world?

The UK has free and accessible abortions, yet still has more teen mothers than any country in the western world.

Back to the basics!!

Basically liberalism is enforcing policies that have failed repeatedly in other places.

Repeating the same action hoping for a different result is, according to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity.

Well, to start with, the UK has a LOWER teen pregnancy rate than the USA>

Altogether, 52 out of every 1000 girls aged between 15 and 19 in the United States gave birth, while the United Kingdom topped the list in Europe—and came second overall—with just over 30 births in 1000 teenagers. At the other end of the scale Korea, Japan, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden had a rate of less than seven births per 1000 teenagers.

US and UK are top in teenage pregnancy rates

as for the "Why"...

By comparison the United States and the United Kingdom are secretive and embarrassed about contraceptive services. After interviewing young people about sexual services, the UK government's Social Exclusion Unit concluded: “The universal message received from young people is that the sex and relationship education they receive falls far short of what they would like to equip them for managing relations as they grow into adulthood.”

Sex education is part of the UKs national curriculum, has been for over 40 years.
I sat through sex Ed lessons from age 11, knew how to use a condom, where to get one ( free in several places around the school, or at my drs office, town hall, public library or the government controlled local hospital.

The UK figures cannot be trusted.
I lived in the UK for 33 years, the far left government cannot be trusted.
I saw dozens of girls in my high school get pregnant despite the hours of sex Ed.
Few took advantage of the free abortions available in confidence to minors.
Your ideas have failed elsewhere.
All liberal ideas have failed elsewhere.
Brings us back to Einsteins theory of insanity.

Yawn, guy, you have no idea what "my idea" are. But frankly, Libertarianism has never been tried because you know it won't work from the get-go.
Good grief, go to bed and sleep it off, weirdo.

Meanwhile, inner city kids are pounded with sex ed from the moment their moms put them out to score crack for them. Yet they still get pregnant at a disproportionate rate. Go figure. Seems like the earlier you sexualize them, the more likely they are to get knocked up. Shocking.
Good grief, go to bed and sleep it off, weirdo.

Meanwhile, inner city kids are pounded with sex ed from the moment their moms put them out to score crack for them. Yet they still get pregnant at a disproportionate rate. Go figure. Seems like the earlier you sexualize them, the more likely they are to get knocked up. Shocking.

Naw, they just can't get easy access to birth control pills and abortions like the White kids.

The white kids are still screwing.
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