Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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There's is absolutely zero evidence that we'd have millions of unwanted babies if there was no legal abortion.

That's where you people skip off into lala land. We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before RvW, and we won't have them when it's taken off the books. ABORTION DOESN'T REDUCE NUMBERS OF UNWANTED fact, women seem to take more risks and get pregnant accidentally more often NOW. Go figure.

We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before Roe because women before Roe had illegal abortions...

Roe wasn't akin to legalizing murder, it was akin to ending prohibition. It just got rid of laws no one was obeying to start with.

You idiot abortion is not illegal in all states before Roe V Wade. "ending prohibition" You’re a nutjob :cuckoo:
Liberals will support abortionists like Kermit Gosnell no matter how many babies he's murdered. Killing babies is just too important to say that he's guilty of anything. Gosnell is only doing the same thing that George Tiller was doing, and Killer Tiller is an american hero.

Tiller aborted fetuses, Gosnell killed newborn babies.

Are lifers so retarded they can't see the difference between a baby and a fetus?
There's is absolutely zero evidence that we'd have millions of unwanted babies if there was no legal abortion.

That's where you people skip off into lala land. We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before RvW, and we won't have them when it's taken off the books. ABORTION DOESN'T REDUCE NUMBERS OF UNWANTED fact, women seem to take more risks and get pregnant accidentally more often NOW. Go figure.

We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before Roe because women before Roe had illegal abortions...

Roe wasn't akin to legalizing murder, it was akin to ending prohibition. It just got rid of laws no one was obeying to start with.

You idiot abortion is not illegal in all states before Roe V Wade. "ending prohibition" You’re a nutjob :cuckoo:

No, it was illegal in MOST states, but women had them anyway. this is the point that goes over your head.


Alcohol was made illegal, but most people just went to speakeasies and kept drinking anyway. They couldn't even make a case for bootlegging against Al Freaking Capone, they had to get that fool on Tax Evasion. Eventually, people realized this was a stupid law and overturned it.

Abortion was made illegal, but most women who wanted to get abortions quietly got them from a doctor, or if they were poor, some shady operator in a back alley. Women were never arrested for it, doctors who did them rarely wear unless they screwed up and maimed the woman. Eventually, people realized these were retarded laws and they were overturned.

Okay... now you can go back to not understanding the problem after I've explained it to you.
Liberals will support abortionists like Kermit Gosnell no matter how many babies he's murdered. Killing babies is just too important to say that he's guilty of anything. Gosnell is only doing the same thing that George Tiller was doing, and Killer Tiller is an american hero.

Gosnell will probably go to prison because his adult patient died.
We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before Roe because women before Roe had illegal abortions...

Roe wasn't akin to legalizing murder, it was akin to ending prohibition. It just got rid of laws no one was obeying to start with.

You idiot abortion is not illegal in all states before Roe V Wade. "ending prohibition" You’re a nutjob :cuckoo:

No, it was illegal in MOST states, but women had them anyway. this is the point that goes over your head.


Alcohol was made illegal, but most people just went to speakeasies and kept drinking anyway. They couldn't even make a case for bootlegging against Al Freaking Capone, they had to get that fool on Tax Evasion. Eventually, people realized this was a stupid law and overturned it.

Abortion was made illegal, but most women who wanted to get abortions quietly got them from a doctor, or if they were poor, some shady operator in a back alley. Women were never arrested for it, doctors who did them rarely wear unless they screwed up and maimed the woman. Eventually, people realized these were retarded laws and they were overturned.

Okay... now you can go back to not understanding the problem after I've explained it to you.

It doesn't go over his head. He just knows it's a lie. You're a liar and an ideogogue and a male abortion fanatic.

That tells me you exploit women in the real world.

Okay... now you can go back to not understanding the problem after I've explained it to you.

It doesn't go over his head. He just knows it's a lie. You're a liar and an ideogogue and a male abortion fanatic.

That tells me you exploit women in the real world.

Actually, indifferent to abortion in general, other than I love the fact that it's legal makes you religious whacks nuts...

Anything that offends religious whacks is a good thing.

But to the point, aren't you conservatives supposedly against the "victim mentality"? Aren't you the ones who scream when someone points out how corporations abuse their workers, consumers, etc.

But man, a woman decides on her own to go into an abortion clinic and she's being "exploited" by men, because the poor little dear couldn't make up her own mind.
We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before Roe because women before Roe had illegal abortions...

Roe wasn't akin to legalizing murder, it was akin to ending prohibition. It just got rid of laws no one was obeying to start with.

You idiot abortion is not illegal in all states before Roe V Wade. "ending prohibition" You’re a nutjob :cuckoo:

No, it was illegal in MOST states, but women had them anyway. this is the point that goes over your head.


Alcohol was made illegal, but most people just went to speakeasies and kept drinking anyway. They couldn't even make a case for bootlegging against Al Freaking Capone, they had to get that fool on Tax Evasion. Eventually, people realized this was a stupid law and overturned it.

Abortion was made illegal, but most women who wanted to get abortions quietly got them from a doctor, or if they were poor, some shady operator in a back alley. Women were never arrested for it, doctors who did them rarely wear unless they screwed up and maimed the woman. Eventually, people realized these were retarded laws and they were overturned.

Okay... now you can go back to not understanding the problem after I've explained it to you.

The states regulate abortion and they can make as strict a abortion laws as they like this is the way we can fight abortion. Until Roe is overturned. People like you are sick fucks with your death cult mentality:cuckoo:

North Dakota state senate approves strict new abortion legislation

Measure would prevent abortion if heartbeat can be detected – granting North Dakota the most restrictive abortion laws in US

North Dakota senate approves strict new abortion legislation | World news |

I have friends who told me of girls they'd gotten pregnant, they made them get abortions they told me of the pain, the bleeding experienced from the procedure, killing babies it's sick shit and these where legal abortions.
Okay... now you can go back to not understanding the problem after I've explained it to you.

The states regulate abortion and they can make as strict a abortion laws as they like this is the way we can fight abortion. Until Roe is overturned. People like you are sick fucks with your death cult mentality:cuckoo:

North Dakota state senate approves strict new abortion legislation

Measure would prevent abortion if heartbeat can be detected – granting North Dakota the most restrictive abortion laws in US

I have friends who told me of girls they'd gotten pregnant, they made them get abortions they told me of the pain, the bleeding experienced from the procedure, killing babies it's sick shit and these where legal abortions.

So the argument went RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD again.

Fetuses aren't babies. No matter how much you want them to be. At the point most abortions are peformed, the fetus looks like a cocktail shrimp and is smaller than a kidney bean.

The North Dakota law will be struck down just like every other sad attempte to wiggle around Roe.

This is what you don't get. The Plutocrats don't want to get rid of Roe. Their mistresses need to abort fetuses, too! they just want to keep stupid religious whacks like you and Kosher voting against your own economic interests so they can have more of the money.

Roe was decided by a Republican Court, (5 of the 7 justices voting for were appointed by Ike and Nixon) and half the justices appointed by Republicans since Roe (O'Connor, Kenedy, Souter, Stevens) have upheld it.

That you are too dumb to realize you are being played is the sad thing here.

Okay... now you can go back to not understanding the problem after I've explained it to you.

It doesn't go over his head. He just knows it's a lie. You're a liar and an ideogogue and a male abortion fanatic.

That tells me you exploit women in the real world.

Actually, indifferent to abortion in general, other than I love the fact that it's legal makes you religious whacks nuts...

Anything that offends religious whacks is a good thing.

But to the point, aren't you conservatives supposedly against the "victim mentality"? Aren't you the ones who scream when someone points out how corporations abuse their workers, consumers, etc.

But man, a woman decides on her own to go into an abortion clinic and she's being "exploited" by men, because the poor little dear couldn't make up her own mind.

Your love of women shines through.

So share with us your views on porn? No? Can you pull yourself away long enough to answer?
Okay... now you can go back to not understanding the problem after I've explained it to you.

The states regulate abortion and they can make as strict a abortion laws as they like this is the way we can fight abortion. Until Roe is overturned. People like you are sick fucks with your death cult mentality:cuckoo:

North Dakota state senate approves strict new abortion legislation

Measure would prevent abortion if heartbeat can be detected – granting North Dakota the most restrictive abortion laws in US

I have friends who told me of girls they'd gotten pregnant, they made them get abortions they told me of the pain, the bleeding experienced from the procedure, killing babies it's sick shit and these where legal abortions.

So the argument went RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD again.

Fetuses aren't babies. No matter how much you want them to be. At the point most abortions are peformed, the fetus looks like a cocktail shrimp and is smaller than a kidney bean.

The North Dakota law will be struck down just like every other sad attempte to wiggle around Roe.

This is what you don't get. The Plutocrats don't want to get rid of Roe. Their mistresses need to abort fetuses, too! they just want to keep stupid religious whacks like you and Kosher voting against your own economic interests so they can have more of the money.

Roe was decided by a Republican Court, (5 of the 7 justices voting for were appointed by Ike and Nixon) and half the justices appointed by Republicans since Roe (O'Connor, Kenedy, Souter, Stevens) have upheld it.

That you are too dumb to realize you are being played is the sad thing here.

"Beating heart" I guess that went over your head nutjob:cuckoo:
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"Beating heart" I guess that went over your head nutjob:cuckoo:

Doesn't matter. It will be struck down. Does't meet the viability test of Roe or the Health restrictions of Bolton.

So what you are going to have is a law that will never be enforced and will be struck down, but they will make the religious whacks think they accomplished something.

If you people on the right were serious about wanting to reduce the numbers of abortions, you'd support strong wage acts, universal health care, mandetory paid family leave and all the other things that make choosing to keep a baby easier. You'd support comprehensive sex education in the schools without the lie about abstinence (ask Bristol Palin how well that works).

Before Roe, women were having abortions. Probably just as many as they had after Roe.

Hense, why the court struck these laws down. They were unworkable and mean-spirited.
Do you ever wonder why MEN are more adamantly pro-abortion than women?

NO, I don't wonder about that at all. The strongest voices for reproductive rights are women, and understandably so.

It's the men that say retarded shit about "legitimate rape" and "Gift from God" rape.
The only thing RvW did was to make back alley abortions LEGAL, and make it almost impossible to hold those fiends accountable for the damage they do:

You mean providing a needed medical service?

No. providing a social service when there is no need of a medical service.

You have a condition that will radically alter your life, that can be treated for $300.00.

Or you can pay $10,000 and have your life altered radically.

Every child a wanted child.
Mainstream doctors can and have always been perfectly competent to provide needed medical service when it comes to medically necessary abortions.

Other than that, there is no "needed medical service". Abortion isn't "medical care". It's an invasive procedure (that should give joe a woody) that kills one person and damages the other every time it's performed. Sometimes it kills them both. I'm not sure in what world joe lives, but in my world we don't consider it "health care" to undergo completely optional and risky medical procedures.
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Mainstream doctors can and have always been perfectly competent to provide needed medical service when it comes to medically necessary abortions.

Other than that, there is no "needed medical service". Abortion isn't "medical care". It's an invasive procedure (that should give joe a woody).

You guys wouldn't even allow the necessary abortions.

I think the only two people qualified to determine when an abortion is necessary are the woman and her doctor.

The rest of you need to mind your own fuckin' business.
So do you, you fucking pervert. Stop sniffing around pregnant women and abortion clinics. It's fucking gross.
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