Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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KG, maybe if you and people of your insane ilk would stfu, the county could get reasonable about this. Both sides are disgusting to me right now. I've got pro-choice people in one thread desperately trying to shove this under the rug, declaring they don't care that those babies were murdered. Then I've got pro-life people shifting the conversation to all abortions in this thread, which ensures nothing ever gets done.

If you really cared about babies or women you'd want to talk about want needs done to ensure this never happens again. Instead you bring out your nazi nonsense and prevent any good from being done at all.
Shut up, death cultist. You're stating you think it's a good idea for women to be abandoned if they refuse to kill their babies.

And you think I'm crazy...
You are crazy! Youre the WBC of abortion. You make your position so disgusting and unappealing that the automatic reaction of normal people is to recoil and do that exact opposite of whatever your ranting about.

This should be a no brainer. Everyone should be appalled by what this monster did. But instead of talking about the laws that need changed in PA, maybe looking in to the laws of their own state, you have people in here fighting with you over abortion in general. You, Y O U, and people like you, on both sides of the debate, are why horrible things like this are allowed to happen in this county. You make it impossible to take a middle ground and so all the lawmakers shuffle to the extremes to pander to you nitwits.
What happened in PA wasnt about abortion. The discussion it rouses shouldn't be a pro-life pro-choice discussion. This is about the murder of newborns and the death/maiming of countless women.

Well, good luck with that position. Of course this is a LOT more about Abortion than Sandy Hook is about guns, but maybe you can convince the public to not notice.

I wish this could be a moment for PA, maybe even the country to examine their laws and ensure that places like this don't exist in their state. However both sides seem unwilling to discuss it.

This is a disaster for the pro-abortion movement. The fact is that Gosnell represents the status quo for the Abortion industry. Fear that the light is finally being turned on this dark underbelly is already generating panic in the pro-abortion movement, and in abortion clinics. IF legitimate audits are performed, Abortionists will be going away en mass.
What happened in PA wasnt about abortion. The discussion it rouses shouldn't be a pro-life pro-choice discussion. This is about the murder of newborns and the death/maiming of countless women.

Well, good luck with that position. Of course this is a LOT more about Abortion than Sandy Hook is about guns, but maybe you can convince the public to not notice.

I wish this could be a moment for PA, maybe even the country to examine their laws and ensure that places like this don't exist in their state. However both sides seem unwilling to discuss it.

This is a disaster for the pro-abortion movement. The fact is that Gosnell represents the status quo for the Abortion industry. Fear that the light is finally being turned on this dark underbelly is already generating panic in the pro-abortion movement, and in abortion clinics. IF legitimate audits are performed, Abortionists will be going away en mass.

Places like this should not be allowed to exist. Most pro-choice people will tell you they want safe abortions, no back alley coat hangers. This man was worse then any back alley doctor. He got rich by ripping off women. The more I read about this case the more shocking and disgusting it is.

The laws failed in PA. He should never have been able to take middle school drop outs and use them like nurses. He should never have used medical students as doctors.

One FBI agent stated hat they went to speak with him at his clinic. He walked into his office wearing blood cover gloves, gloves that were riddled with holes, and preceded to eat his lunch and chat with them, as if nothing was amiss. They raided his clinic and shipped half a dozen women to different hospitals because they were drugged and in pain.

Places like this should not be allowed to exist.

Places like this are typical abortion clinics.

Most pro-choice people will tell you they want safe abortions, no back alley coat hangers. This man was worse then any back alley doctor. He got rich by ripping off women. The more I read about this case the more shocking and disgusting it is.

He got rich by performing abortion. He killed babies. The only issue here is the details are exposed.

The idea that snipping spines is unique to Gosnell is infantile in naivety.

The laws failed in PA. He should never have been able to take middle school drop outs and use them like nurses. He should never have used medical students as doctors.

The law closed it's eyes, as it always does with abortion. Taking on the Abortion lobby is not something anyone wants to do. Abortion is a religion to the left. Any opposition will be met with fury.

One FBI agent stated hat they went to speak with him at his clinic. He walked into his office wearing blood cover gloves, gloves that were riddled with holes, and preceded to eat his lunch and chat with them, as if nothing was amiss. They raided his clinic and shipped half a dozen women to different hospitals because they were drugged and in pain.

He acted that way because this was a typical abortion clinic. The same scene could be found at any of them.


Such is a abortion.
So many pro-lifers remind me of angry toddlers. If they can't get exactly what they want then they don't want anything at all. It's like you stomp your feet and walk off the playground.

Why not talk about changing the laws in PA to ensure more oversight on clinics? Inspections? Health standards?

Nah, lets talk about how everyone who's pro-choice is a nazi baby killer and then act shocked when the majority of Americans ignore our ranting. :rolleyes:

Is it because your so passionate about the issue? Is that why you can't stand to fight for anything reasonable? To discuss the issue in a rational manner? Don't you see that holding up signs calling women who abort murderers and pro-choice Americans progressive Nazis is not the way to help anyone? :confused:
Or just elmiinate the foul industry altogether. Everything fixed, in one fell swoop.
I love the way you think, Amy..."Murder is okay so long as it's HYGIENIC. Let's make it CLEANER AND MORE EFFICIENT."

What a splendid philosophy.
If it was about saving babies you would start with laws that have a chance of passing and work from there. I don't understand the stance that it's either all or nothing. So, you only care about completely stopping all abortions, forget about helping prevent monsters like this from happening. Who cares about those babies.
Same old, same old. You are taking the position that abortion is about women's health, and results in fewer unplanned pregnancies...

Which is of course a blatant lie. Have you no new material? Do you people never vary from the script?

Lol...whoops, I already know the answer.

Because you fail to understand that instead of being some sort of entity, satan is really a statement of utter evil, llike "Hitler". An ideology devoted to death, as the democrats are, is satanic. There is evil. Evil exists. You can call it satan and not mean a biblical satan with horns and a tail. The adjective "satan" is a description of evil, a pervasive evil that only a democrat could accept. Sort of like the term, angel. When someone is an "angel" no one really supposes it is to mean they have wings and a halo. They are a good person. The word "angel" is merely descriptive of their goodness.

To liberals, however, there is no such thing as good or evil. A person who kills for the joy of it, is just misunderstood, they need acceptance, sympathy and understanding.

Actually, I read the bible, and I have a hard time figuring out which character is the evil one.

God drowns babies. Every baby in the world.
He burns everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah alive while saving the Incest committing Lot Family.
He kills the first born of Egypt.
He kills the baby of David and Bathsheba.
He let's Jephthah kill his daughter..

Well the list can go on.

Satan kills all of 10 people in the Bible. ON a bet with God that he couldn't get Job to curse God's name, so Satan kills Job's 10 children with God's blessing.

So just using the bible as a source, God really comes off as an evil monster. Satan just comes off as a smarmy douche...
An abortion results in a dead sure as hell isn't a fucking rat.
And yes, like abortion, a baby born alive and then killed is murder, which you said you would have no problem committing, when you stated in another thread you would have killed the conjoined twins that were referenced, AFTER they were born, because in your own words, "they were a monstrosity".
I believe that sometimes, a mercy killing is okay, but only in cases where the baby born is severely mentally or physically disabled. It is legal in certain countries, and in those countries, it isn't murder. If a mercy killing were performed in the US, however, that would result in charges laid and a possible murder trial.

They kill the baby in late term abortions in America too by either stabbing it in the neck or crushing it's skull while the baby is still inside the mother.

There have been babies born alive and they would just leave them on a table to die of suffocation. So they came up with a way to kill the baby inside the mother therefore qualifying it as an abortion.

And doctors make millions performing abortions.

Those are known as 'partial birth' abortions, and they are illegal. I believe it was former POTUS Bush who signed off on it. If a PBA is being performed in the US without a good reason, then it is illegal, and those abortionists should be reported to the relevant authorities.
Or just elmiinate the foul industry altogether. Everything fixed, in one fell swoop.

You could do that, but women would still have abortions. The industry would go underground, and you couldn't prevent it.
You would also have millions of unwanted babies put up for adoption each year, your taxes would go through the roof in order to clothe and shelter these kids while they wait for an adoptive family, you will have more welfare for single mothers if they chose to keep the baby, and you would see an increase in newborns thrown in dumpsters because the mother had no access to abortion.

But the lifers don't want to see their taxes rise, because, they don't really care about these children at all. Its not about saving babies, and never has been. Its about controlling women.
There's is absolutely zero evidence that we'd have millions of unwanted babies if there was no legal abortion.

That's where you people skip off into lala land. We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before RvW, and we won't have them when it's taken off the books. ABORTION DOESN'T REDUCE NUMBERS OF UNWANTED fact, women seem to take more risks and get pregnant accidentally more often NOW. Go figure.
There's is absolutely zero evidence that we'd have millions of unwanted babies if there was no legal abortion.

That's where you people skip off into lala land. We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before RvW, and we won't have them when it's taken off the books. ABORTION DOESN'T REDUCE NUMBERS OF UNWANTED fact, women seem to take more risks and get pregnant accidentally more often NOW. Go figure.

Abortions would still occur even if abortion was illegal. You refuse to admit that.
There's is absolutely zero evidence that we'd have millions of unwanted babies if there was no legal abortion.

That's where you people skip off into lala land. We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before RvW, and we won't have them when it's taken off the books. ABORTION DOESN'T REDUCE NUMBERS OF UNWANTED fact, women seem to take more risks and get pregnant accidentally more often NOW. Go figure.

We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before Roe because women before Roe had illegal abortions...

Roe wasn't akin to legalizing murder, it was akin to ending prohibition. It just got rid of laws no one was obeying to start with.
There's is absolutely zero evidence that we'd have millions of unwanted babies if there was no legal abortion.

That's where you people skip off into lala land. We didn't have millions of unwanted babies before RvW, and we won't have them when it's taken off the books. ABORTION DOESN'T REDUCE NUMBERS OF UNWANTED fact, women seem to take more risks and get pregnant accidentally more often NOW. Go figure.

Abortions would still occur even if abortion was illegal. You refuse to admit that.

I've never refused to admit it. Murders happen all the time even though murder is illegal. That doesn't mean you LEGALIZE it.
Liberals will support abortionists like Kermit Gosnell no matter how many babies he's murdered. Killing babies is just too important to say that he's guilty of anything. Gosnell is only doing the same thing that George Tiller was doing, and Killer Tiller is an american hero.
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