Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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Then if a fetus is alive an abortion kills it. Therefore abortion is murder.

Murder is a legal term. It is the unlawful killing of a human. Not all killing is unlawful.

Abortion kills a human - 100% of the time. So does capital punishment. Both are legal, so neither is murder.

Of course.... People are afforded judicial review and due process before their life is taken in capital punishment, but the victims of abortion have no legal protection at all. Sounds unconstitutional to me....

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Keep in mind that there are cases where the law has declared, unlawfully, that murder is no longer murder in some cases, and therefore there can be state sanctioned murder....

So sometimes, murder can be considered murder even if it was legalized killing at the time. HUMAN RIGHTS violations can be prosecuted in some cases even though they were legal when they were committed.
Amy thinks it's funny to dance around the issue, playing word games.

It doesn't change the reality of it. Progressives are all about the shell game..hiding the reality while laughing at you for taking it seriously.
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

"In most situations of late abortion, the aborted babies are alive. We have to employ medical measures. We just wait for the appearance of the baby’s head [at the opening of the womb], then inject the medicine into the skull."

Baby Born Alive After Late Term Abortion in China | ClinicQuotes

That is in China - what do you expect from those people? And also, an abortion results in a dead fetus - if the baby is born alive, and killed after, it is NOT an abortion.
Yes abortion kills the fetus.

Abortion kills a living human.

Which is living because it is attached to someone else. That is the only reason it is alive.

That's the only reason any of us are alive. It's a stage of development...if you make it through you go on to the next stage.

Sometimes, death fells us in kindergarten....or in adolesence. Does that mean we weren't human prior? We're all at a certain stage of development at any point in our lives, and we may be dependent upon a number of things at any stage...for example, we are only alive because we have food. If you take the food, we die.

Does that mean we are non-human?
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

Yes. It's murder, plain and simple.
Abortion kills a living human.

Which is living because it is attached to someone else. That is the only reason it is alive.

That's the only reason any of us are alive. It's a stage of development...if you make it through you go on to the next stage.

Sometimes, death fells us in kindergarten....or in adolesence. Does that mean we weren't human prior? We're all at a certain stage of development at any point in our lives, and we may be dependent upon a number of things at any stage...for example, we are only alive because we have food. If you take the food, we die.

Does that mean we are non-human?

Stop making dumb posts, Abortion Allie.

Abortion is distinctly different from murdering a birthed baby, and you know it.
Abortion kills a living human.

Which is living because it is attached to someone else. That is the only reason it is alive.

That's the only reason any of us are alive. It's a stage of development...if you make it through you go on to the next stage.

Sometimes, death fells us in kindergarten....or in adolesence. Does that mean we weren't human prior? We're all at a certain stage of development at any point in our lives, and we may be dependent upon a number of things at any stage...for example, we are only alive because we have food. If you take the food, we die.

Does that mean we are non-human?

Of course we are human, and no one is going to deny that we are human from the moment we are conceived. We couldn't anything but! What we are not, is people. There is special criteria you must meet to be seen as a person, and this why a fetus is not a person - it doesn't yet meet that criteria. That doesn't mean it isn't human, it is.

I know you see it differently, but if we were all deemed to be people from the moment we were conceived, surely you can see the potential problems with that?
And they come nowhere near to the size and scope of the problems we get into when we have abortion on demand and legalized mass murder.
And they come nowhere near to the size and scope of the problems we get into when we have abortion on demand and legalized mass murder.

I'm sorry what size and scope of problems are we dealing with because abortion is legal?

Please... grab your ladle and just slather on the correlation=causation goodness.
48 percent of births in this country are out of wedlock.

Yet the abortion crowd still encourages women to have sex before they're ready fo children. All they've done is convince a whole population of women that marriage is bad, sex is good, and children are worthless.
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

"In most situations of late abortion, the aborted babies are alive. We have to employ medical measures. We just wait for the appearance of the baby’s head [at the opening of the womb], then inject the medicine into the skull."

Baby Born Alive After Late Term Abortion in China | ClinicQuotes

That is in China - what do you expect from those people? And also, an abortion results in a dead fetus - if the baby is born alive, and killed after, it is NOT an abortion.
An abortion results in a dead sure as hell isn't a fucking rat.

And yes, like abortion, a baby born alive and then killed is murder, which you said you would have no problem committing, when you stated in another thread you would have killed the conjoined twins that were referenced, AFTER they were born, because in your own words, "they were a monstrosity".
"In most situations of late abortion, the aborted babies are alive. We have to employ medical measures. We just wait for the appearance of the baby’s head [at the opening of the womb], then inject the medicine into the skull."

Baby Born Alive After Late Term Abortion in China | ClinicQuotes

That is in China - what do you expect from those people? And also, an abortion results in a dead fetus - if the baby is born alive, and killed after, it is NOT an abortion.
An abortion results in a dead sure as hell isn't a fucking rat.

And yes, like abortion, a baby born alive and then killed is murder, which you said you would have no problem committing, when you stated in another thread you would have killed the conjoined twins that were referenced, AFTER they were born, because in your own words, "they were a monstrosity".

I believe that sometimes, a mercy killing is okay, but only in cases where the baby born is severely mentally or physically disabled. It is legal in certain countries, and in those countries, it isn't murder. If a mercy killing were performed in the US, however, that would result in charges laid and a possible murder trial.
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