Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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You told me what you think...I told you what the result is.

That's not telling you what you think.. you're confused.
It's not the norm now, late abortions are rarely performed, and when they are, there's usually a good reason.

Gosnell preyed on women too poor to get an abortion at a legitimate clinic. but this would be the norm if you guys ever got your way on Roe v. Wade, which is why that will thankfully never happen.

Utter bullshit - you are flat out lying - as usual.

Gosnell ran Women's Medical Society, a Planned Parenthood approved facility. He received federal funding (prior to the ban) and ran a multi-million dollar operation. He was a model abortionist. His methods represent 99% of all abortion clinics, which is what you hope to sweep under the rug.

The business of death is a dirty, ugly business.
Partial birth abortion is illegal. As it should be.

So is late term abortions in most states. However the progressive love affair with planned parenthood means they laugh at those *laws* because there is zero accountability for them. They don't have to keep records, they don't have to use the latest scientific equipment or procedures to verify the age of the babies being aborted. So they do whatever they want, and whatever they're asked....

I've already said I think it's ridiculous to allow abortion clinics to go unregulated. I also think its ridiculous to add unneeded regulations to burden abortion providers.

We need laws that make sense, and lawmakers who aren't afraid to go against their party to purpose them.

Uh huh. You think they should be monitored...but not TOO closely.

Got it. This is how you cater to pimps, child molesters and human traffickers.

It reads to me that Amy said we do need laws to regulate so that things like this do not happen.

I am not sure where you interpreted what she said as catering to pimps, child molesters or human traffickers. :dunno:

Is it possible that you do not support abortion at all and so coming from that bias the only acceptable answer for you might be to make abortion illegal?

That said, it is legal to have an abortion.

The issue in this article is his particular abortion practices.

Unsanitary conditions, health care workers that were not properly trained or licensed, and abortions that were performed past the legal time frames in our country.
KG is upset because I oppose forced vaginal probe laws.

She feels its ok to demand all women seeking an abortion get probed by their doctor, and sure why not force them to look at the ultrasound and to require doctors keep a photo of it in their medical records. It makes sense in her world.
KG is upset because I oppose forced vaginal probe laws.

She feels its ok to demand all women seeking an abortion get probed by their doctor, and sure why not force them to look at the ultrasound and to require doctors keep a photo of it in their medical records. It makes sense in her world.

Abortion is certainly an emotional topic for many people.

I just did not see any connection with what you posted to be interpreted to stating you support pimps, child molesters and human traffickers. :dunno: that came out of left fields imo.

This article is not about whether you support abortion anyway because abortion is already legal.

It is about the laws he broke and the conditions in which the clinic had so many violations.
So is late term abortions in most states. However the progressive love affair with planned parenthood means they laugh at those *laws* because there is zero accountability for them. They don't have to keep records, they don't have to use the latest scientific equipment or procedures to verify the age of the babies being aborted. So they do whatever they want, and whatever they're asked....

I've already said I think it's ridiculous to allow abortion clinics to go unregulated. I also think its ridiculous to add unneeded regulations to burden abortion providers.

We need laws that make sense, and lawmakers who aren't afraid to go against their party to purpose them.

Uh huh. You think they should be monitored...but not TOO closely.

Got it. This is how you cater to pimps, child molesters and human traffickers.

It reads to me that Amy said we do need laws to regulate so that things like this do not happen.

I am not sure where you interpreted what she said as catering to pimps, child molesters or human traffickers. :dunno:

Is it possible that you do not support abortion at all and so coming from that bias the only acceptable answer for you might be to make abortion illegal?

That said, it is legal to have an abortion.

The issue in this article is his particular abortion practices.

Unsanitary conditions, health care workers that were not properly trained or licensed, and abortions that were performed past the legal time frames in our country.

Well I'm not surprised you don't understand. Basic comprehension is not something that is rampant among death cultists.

She said she approved regulation as long as it didn't interfere with abortions. That's like "I approve usda inspection of meat, so long as people still eat the meat, regardless of the findings."
I've already said I think it's ridiculous to allow abortion clinics to go unregulated. I also think its ridiculous to add unneeded regulations to burden abortion providers.

We need laws that make sense, and lawmakers who aren't afraid to go against their party to purpose them.

Uh huh. You think they should be monitored...but not TOO closely.

Got it. This is how you cater to pimps, child molesters and human traffickers.

It reads to me that Amy said we do need laws to regulate so that things like this do not happen.

I am not sure where you interpreted what she said as catering to pimps, child molesters or human traffickers. :dunno:

Is it possible that you do not support abortion at all and so coming from that bias the only acceptable answer for you might be to make abortion illegal?

That said, it is legal to have an abortion.

The issue in this article is his particular abortion practices.

Unsanitary conditions, health care workers that were not properly trained or licensed, and abortions that were performed past the legal time frames in our country.

Well I'm not surprised you don't understand. Basic comprehension is not something that is rampant among death cultists.

She said she approved regulation as long as it didn't interfere with abortions. That's like "I approve usda inspection of meat, so long as people still eat the meat, regardless of the findings."

She said we need laws that make sense. Abortion is legal so that is a moot point in this thread. This thread is not asking if it should be.
No, she said we need laws but only so long as they don't "interfere" with availability.

In other words, no shut-downs. No matter what.
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

"In most situations of late abortion, the aborted babies are alive. We have to employ medical measures. We just wait for the appearance of the baby’s head [at the opening of the womb], then inject the medicine into the skull."

Baby Born Alive After Late Term Abortion in China | ClinicQuotes
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

"In most situations of late abortion, the aborted babies are alive. We have to employ medical measures. We just wait for the appearance of the baby’s head [at the opening of the womb], then inject the medicine into the skull."

Baby Born Alive After Late Term Abortion in China | ClinicQuotes

Just a point of clarification. In all cases of elective abortion, the fetuses are alive.
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?
"In most situations of late abortion, the aborted babies are alive. We have to employ medical measures. We just wait for the appearance of the baby’s head [at the opening of the womb], then inject the medicine into the skull."
Baby Born Alive After Late Term Abortion in China | ClinicQuotes
Just a point of clarification. In all cases of elective abortion, the fetuses are alive.

Then if a fetus is alive an abortion kills it. Therefore abortion is murder.
"In most situations of late abortion, the aborted babies are alive. We have to employ medical measures. We just wait for the appearance of the baby’s head [at the opening of the womb], then inject the medicine into the skull."
Baby Born Alive After Late Term Abortion in China | ClinicQuotes
Just a point of clarification. In all cases of elective abortion, the fetuses are alive.

Then if a fetus is alive an abortion kills it. Therefore abortion is murder.
Of course a fetus is alive.
Silly you. Murder is okay, sometimes.

I know it's legal to kill the most helpless among us. And if it isn't dead when it's born, as long as part of the body is still in the woman, you can kill it too.
Then if a fetus is alive an abortion kills it. Therefore abortion is murder.

Murder is a legal term. It is the unlawful killing of a human. Not all killing is unlawful.

Abortion kills a human - 100% of the time. So does capital punishment. Both are legal, so neither is murder.

Of course.... People are afforded judicial review and due process before their life is taken in capital punishment, but the victims of abortion have no legal protection at all. Sounds unconstitutional to me....

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
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