Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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96,000 Americans die of medical malpractice every year.

Why are you guys so interested in this one case?

Oh, yeah. Abortion is involved.

Medical malpractice is also known as professional negligence. The doctor is just incompetent, careless. What Gosnell did is deliberate and premeditated murder.

No, what Gosnell did to Karnamaya Mongar was medical negligence.

What he did to those fetuses is EXACTLY what the patients wanted done to them.

Yeah why should they even prosecute this guy?..You're a loon:cuckoo:
Medical malpractice is also known as professional negligence. The doctor is just incompetent, careless. What Gosnell did is deliberate and premeditated murder.

No, what Gosnell did to Karnamaya Mongar was medical negligence.

What he did to those fetuses is EXACTLY what the patients wanted done to them.

Yeah why should they even prosecute this guy?..You're a loon:cuckoo:

He performed a legal procedure.

He SHOULD be prosecuted for killing Karanamaya Mongar, because he negligently gave her more anesthetic than her body should handle.

But guess what, fetuses have no rights. Killing them isn't murder. Sorry.

My guess is, the Jury will come to the same conclusion...
No, what Gosnell did to Karnamaya Mongar was medical negligence.

What he did to those fetuses is EXACTLY what the patients wanted done to them.

Yeah why should they even prosecute this guy?..You're a loon:cuckoo:

He performed a legal procedure.

He SHOULD be prosecuted for killing Karanamaya Mongar, because he negligently gave her more anesthetic than her body should handle.

But guess what, fetuses have no rights. Killing them isn't murder. Sorry.

My guess is, the Jury will come to the same conclusion...

Killing live babies born alive is murder you stupid idiot
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Yeah why should they even prosecute this guy?..You're a loon:cuckoo:

He performed a legal procedure.

He SHOULD be prosecuted for killing Karanamaya Mongar, because he negligently gave her more anesthetic than her body should handle.

But guess what, fetuses have no rights. Killing them isn't murder. Sorry.

My guess is, the Jury will come to the same conclusion...

Killing live babies born alive is murder you stupid idiot

No jury will find him guilty of that. Sorry. The prosecutors never should have charged that to start with.

He did EXACTLY what those women came to the clinic to have done. So why aren't THEY being charged as co-conspirators?

You see the problem here?

Mongar, they have a clear case. She did not go to that clinic to be killed.
He performed a legal procedure.

He SHOULD be prosecuted for killing Karanamaya Mongar, because he negligently gave her more anesthetic than her body should handle.

But guess what, fetuses have no rights. Killing them isn't murder. Sorry.

My guess is, the Jury will come to the same conclusion...

Killing live babies born alive is murder you stupid idiot

No jury will find him guilty of that. Sorry. The prosecutors never should have charged that to start with.

He did EXACTLY what those women came to the clinic to have done. So why aren't THEY being charged as co-conspirators?

You see the problem here?

Mongar, they have a clear case. She did not go to that clinic to be killed.

[ame=]Kermit Gosnell a Multi-Millionaire Baby-Killer Smiles at the News Camera - YouTube[/ame]
Snipping the spinal cords of children that were born alive is not a legal procedure.

The babies were born alive in the sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy, but their spinal cords were severed with scissors, Williams said.
Doctor accused of severing babies' spines with scissors in 'house of horrors' -

Although, I can see where the left needs to believe that it is. That's the real horror. It's that the left supports killers like Kermit Gosnell. That's what is even more horrible than Gosnell himself.
Snipping the spinal cords of children that were born alive is not a legal procedure.

The babies were born alive in the sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy, but their spinal cords were severed with scissors, Williams said.
Doctor accused of severing babies' spines with scissors in 'house of horrors' -

Although, I can see where the left needs to believe that it is. That's the real horror. It's that the left supports killers like Kermit Gosnell. That's what is even more horrible than Gosnell himself.

Again, if we had universal health care and poor non-white women had the same access as white women do, Gosnell wouldn't exist.

Gosnell is the product of Conservative policies... Own him, embrace him.
Killing live babies born alive is murder you stupid idiot

No jury will find him guilty of that. Sorry. The prosecutors never should have charged that to start with.

He did EXACTLY what those women came to the clinic to have done. So why aren't THEY being charged as co-conspirators?

You see the problem here?

Mongar, they have a clear case. She did not go to that clinic to be killed.

[ame=]Kermit Gosnell a Multi-Millionaire Baby-Killer Smiles at the News Camera - YouTube[/ame]

fox news isn't credible
No jury will find him guilty of that. Sorry. The prosecutors never should have charged that to start with.

He did EXACTLY what those women came to the clinic to have done. So why aren't THEY being charged as co-conspirators?

You see the problem here?

Mongar, they have a clear case. She did not go to that clinic to be killed.

[ame=]Kermit Gosnell a Multi-Millionaire Baby-Killer Smiles at the News Camera - YouTube[/ame]

fox news isn't credible

You fucking idiot that was a local Fox station, not fox news

IN RE : MISC. NO. 0009901-2008

Section IV: The Intentional Killing of Viable Babies

Gosnell left dozens of damaged women in his wake. His reckless treatment left
them infected, sterilized, permanently maimed, close to death, and, in at least two cases,
dead. Their injuries and deaths resulted directly from Gosnell’s utter disregard for their
health and safety. However, if their fate was entirely foreseeable, it was not necessarily
the product of specific intent to kill. The same cannot be said of untold numbers of babies
– not fetuses in the womb, but live babies, born outside their mothers – whose brief lives
ended in Gosnell’s filthy facility. The doctor, or his employees acting at his direction,
deliberately killed them as part of the normal course of business.
Gosnell and his staff severed the spinal cords of viable, moving, breathing babies
who were born alive.

Surgical abortions in Pennsylvania, performed up to 24 weeks of gestational age,
are legal. Killing living babies outside the womb is not. The neonatologist who testified
before the Grand Jury defined “born alive.” According to this expert witness, the federal
Born-Alive Infants Protection Act defines a human as “somebody who’s been completely
expelled from the mother and has either a heartbeat, pulsating cord, or is moving.”
Pennsylvania’s Abortion Control Act defines “born alive” similarly, but adds breathing
and brain wave activity as indicators of life. 18 Pa.C.S. §3203.

Gosnell’s staff testified about scores of gruesome killings of such born-alive
infants carried out mainly by Gosnell, but also by employees Steve Massof, Lynda
Williams, and Adrienne Moton. These killings became so routine that no one could put
an exact number on them. They were considered “standard procedure.” Yet some of the

There is sufficient evidence to charge Adrienne Moton and Kermit Gosnell
with murder and conspiracy in the death of “Baby D.” Kareema Cross testified that a
woman had delivered this large baby into a toilet before Gosnell arrived at work for the
night. Cross said that the baby was moving and looked like it was swimming. Moton
reached into the toilet, got the baby out, and cut its neck.

Cross said the baby was between 10 and 15 inches long and had a head the size of
a “big pancake.” Cross could not pinpoint the year that this happened, but testified that
this killing occurred while Steven Massof was still working at the clinic. (Massof left in
July 2008.) Moton herself admitted to Agent Huff that she had severed the spinal cords of
living babies. According to her statement, Gosnell trained and instructed her to do this.
The charts that the neonatology expert provided us indicate that the size of Baby D was
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Again, you can go on all day, but the fact is-

They went there to make fetuses gone, and he got rid of them.

Sorry, no case. Even if they bamboozle a jury, they've got grounds for immediate appeal.

The SMART Thing would have been to limit this case to JUST the death of Ms. Mongar, which is clear cut.

Instead, some fanatics are trying to bootstrap these charges that NEVER would have been brought on their own.
fox news isn't credible

You fucking idiot that was a local Fox station, not fox news


Again, you can go on all day, but the fact is-

They went there to make fetuses gone, and he got rid of them.

Sorry, no case. Even if they bamboozle a jury, they've got grounds for immediate appeal.

The SMART Thing would have been to limit this case to JUST the death of Ms. Mongar, which is clear cut.

Instead, some fanatics are trying to bootstrap these charges that NEVER would have been brought on their own.

This says a lot about you and the kind of person you really are...You're a sick fuck.:cuckoo:
You fucking idiot that was a local Fox station, not fox news


Again, you can go on all day, but the fact is-

They went there to make fetuses gone, and he got rid of them.

Sorry, no case. Even if they bamboozle a jury, they've got grounds for immediate appeal.

The SMART Thing would have been to limit this case to JUST the death of Ms. Mongar, which is clear cut.

Instead, some fanatics are trying to bootstrap these charges that NEVER would have been brought on their own.

This says a lot about you and the kind of person you really are...You're a sick fuck.:cuckoo:

Someone should have explained to you at an early age name-calling isn't an argument.

This was a weak case brought for political reasons.

The 41 year old woman who died, that is an open and shut case of medical manslaughter. Trying to enhance it with accusations fetuses were babies and at what point they were terminated just muddies the case.

Worse, it creates grounds for appeal if there is a conviction.

There you go, slick....

I don't care how many women were "arrested" for abortion before the '70s. I do not want abortion to be "illegal". I think it is STUPID to pass laws that cannot be enforced. I think it is infringing on the freedom of religion (that is the first Amendment, slick) to force people to pay for something that is directly against their religion, such as "baby executions".

If I have to pay for your wars, you have to pay for my abortions... Sounds fair to me.

"My wars"? Defending the country is part of the Constitution. That includes "wars". Where in the Constitution does it say that taxpayers should fund the results of other peoples sex lives?
96,000 Americans die of medical malpractice every year.

Why are you guys so interested in this one case?

Oh, yeah. Abortion is involved.

Wait until Obamacare is in full mode, the elderly will be murdered the way they are doing in other countries with state run health care.

Apparently this guy broke the laws of Pennsylvania (oh, that's right, he is a progressive, the laws don't apply to him).
96,000 Americans die of medical malpractice every year.

Why are you guys so interested in this one case?

Oh, yeah. Abortion is involved.

Medical malpractice is also known as professional negligence. The doctor is just incompetent, careless. What Gosnell did is deliberate and premeditated murder.

No, what Gosnell did to Karnamaya Mongar was medical negligence.

What he did to those fetuses is EXACTLY what the patients wanted done to them.

They were viable babies living outside the womb, not "fetuses" (but you are all for "baby executions", unless it was Hebrews in ANCIENT Israel doing the executing).
Snipping the spinal cords of children that were born alive is not a legal procedure.

The babies were born alive in the sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy, but their spinal cords were severed with scissors, Williams said.
Doctor accused of severing babies' spines with scissors in 'house of horrors' -

Although, I can see where the left needs to believe that it is. That's the real horror. It's that the left supports killers like Kermit Gosnell. That's what is even more horrible than Gosnell himself.

Again, if we had universal health care and poor non-white women had the same access as white women do, Gosnell wouldn't exist.

Gosnell is the product of Conservative policies... Own him, embrace him.

He is a product of progressive selective corporate cronyism. He has made millions of dollars for executing babies, and for that the progressives worship him.
Again, you can go on all day, but the fact is-

They went there to make fetuses gone, and he got rid of them.

Sorry, no case. Even if they bamboozle a jury, they've got grounds for immediate appeal.

The SMART Thing would have been to limit this case to JUST the death of Ms. Mongar, which is clear cut.

Instead, some fanatics are trying to bootstrap these charges that NEVER would have been brought on their own.

This says a lot about you and the kind of person you really are...You're a sick fuck.:cuckoo:

Someone should have explained to you at an early age name-calling isn't an argument.

This was a weak case brought for political reasons.

The 41 year old woman who died, that is an open and shut case of medical manslaughter. Trying to enhance it with accusations fetuses were babies and at what point they were terminated just muddies the case.

Worse, it creates grounds for appeal if there is a conviction.

Only a sick person would approve of slaughtering a baby struggling for life outside the womb…. I repeat you're a sick fuck
No, it's still a child.

Ask the women who go to prison for killing them.

When was the last time a woman went to prison for having an abortion?
In Massachusetts, 2007. The charges were Procuring a Miscarriage. She spent 3 nights in the slammer in Framingham.

On January 6, 2007 18-year-old Amber Abreu went to the hospital in Lawrence, Massachusetts after trying to terminate a pregnancy by taking a drug, misoprostol, which is an ulcer medication as well as a key component of the abortion pill RU-486. Amber was between 23 and 25 weeks pregnant. The result was a miscarriage. The doctors rushed the 1-1/4 pound expelled fetus to the Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, where it remained alive for four days. The police, meanwhile, went after Amber using an archaic law dating back to the 1840s to charge her with “procuring a miscarriage.” Cops dragged Abreu into court in shackles and then held her in the state’s maximum security prison at Framingham for three nights until friends and relatives could come up with $15,000 bail.
This says a lot about you and the kind of person you really are...You're a sick fuck.:cuckoo:

Someone should have explained to you at an early age name-calling isn't an argument.

This was a weak case brought for political reasons.

The 41 year old woman who died, that is an open and shut case of medical manslaughter. Trying to enhance it with accusations fetuses were babies and at what point they were terminated just muddies the case.

Worse, it creates grounds for appeal if there is a conviction.

Only a sick person would approve of slaughtering a baby struggling for life outside the womb…. I repeat you're a sick fuck

1) Where did I "approve". That assumes an emotional state.

2) No evidence has ever been presented that these fetuses were "Struggling" or anything but dead, which is what the women inside them wanted to be.

Look, you don't give a fuck about poor women, brown women or women in general. YOu just see the ability to bootstrap your misogyny on this poor woman's death.

And it's going to backfire on you.
Snipping the spinal cords of children that were born alive is not a legal procedure.

The babies were born alive in the sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy, but their spinal cords were severed with scissors, Williams said.
Doctor accused of severing babies' spines with scissors in 'house of horrors' -

Although, I can see where the left needs to believe that it is. That's the real horror. It's that the left supports killers like Kermit Gosnell. That's what is even more horrible than Gosnell himself.

Again, if we had universal health care and poor non-white women had the same access as white women do, Gosnell wouldn't exist.

Gosnell is the product of Conservative policies... Own him, embrace him.

He is a product of progressive selective corporate cronyism. He has made millions of dollars for executing babies, and for that the progressives worship him.

Not sure where you are getting this figure of "millions". I doubt his clinic broke a profit, given the squalid conditions.
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