Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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No, it's still a child.

Ask the women who go to prison for killing them.

When was the last time a woman went to prison for having an abortion?
In Massachusetts, 2007. The charges were Procuring a Miscarriage. She spent 3 nights in the slammer in Framingham.

On January 6, 2007 18-year-old Amber Abreu went to the hospital in Lawrence, Massachusetts after trying to terminate a pregnancy by taking a drug, misoprostol, which is an ulcer medication as well as a key component of the abortion pill RU-486. Amber was between 23 and 25 weeks pregnant. The result was a miscarriage. The doctors rushed the 1-1/4 pound expelled fetus to the Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, where it remained alive for four days. The police, meanwhile, went after Amber using an archaic law dating back to the 1840s to charge her with “procuring a miscarriage.” Cops dragged Abreu into court in shackles and then held her in the state’s maximum security prison at Framingham for three nights until friends and relatives could come up with $15,000 bail.

23-25 weeks pregnant? That wasn't a miscarriage, that was a stillbirth.

Was the drug legal in the State in which she took it? If so, that is probably why she was charged, but using such an old law to charge her is a bit extreme.
When was the last time a woman went to prison for having an abortion?
In Massachusetts, 2007. The charges were Procuring a Miscarriage. She spent 3 nights in the slammer in Framingham.

On January 6, 2007 18-year-old Amber Abreu went to the hospital in Lawrence, Massachusetts after trying to terminate a pregnancy by taking a drug, misoprostol, which is an ulcer medication as well as a key component of the abortion pill RU-486. Amber was between 23 and 25 weeks pregnant. The result was a miscarriage. The doctors rushed the 1-1/4 pound expelled fetus to the Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, where it remained alive for four days. The police, meanwhile, went after Amber using an archaic law dating back to the 1840s to charge her with “procuring a miscarriage.” Cops dragged Abreu into court in shackles and then held her in the state’s maximum security prison at Framingham for three nights until friends and relatives could come up with $15,000 bail.

23-25 weeks pregnant? That wasn't a miscarriage, that was a stillbirth.

Was the drug legal in the State in which she took it? If so, that is probably why she was charged, but using such an old law to charge her is a bit extreme.

No, it's not a still birth..the baby was ALIVE.
No, it's still a child.

Ask the women who go to prison for killing them.

When was the last time a woman went to prison for having an abortion?
In Massachusetts, 2007. The charges were Procuring a Miscarriage. She spent 3 nights in the slammer in Framingham.

On January 6, 2007 18-year-old Amber Abreu went to the hospital in Lawrence, Massachusetts after trying to terminate a pregnancy by taking a drug, misoprostol, which is an ulcer medication as well as a key component of the abortion pill RU-486. Amber was between 23 and 25 weeks pregnant. The result was a miscarriage. The doctors rushed the 1-1/4 pound expelled fetus to the Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, where it remained alive for four days. The police, meanwhile, went after Amber using an archaic law dating back to the 1840s to charge her with “procuring a miscarriage.” Cops dragged Abreu into court in shackles and then held her in the state’s maximum security prison at Framingham for three nights until friends and relatives could come up with $15,000 bail.

Wow- three nights? That was like a Lindsey Lohan Sentence.

Forgetting that I SPECIFICALLY asked for instances pre-Roe v. Wade, or that I specifically asked when a woman was charged with murder, let's see how the case of Ms. Abreu turned out.

In 2007 in Massachusetts, an 18-year-old Dominican immigrant named Amber Abreu took misoprostol in her 25th week of pregnancy and gave birth to a 1-pound baby girl who died four days later; a judge sentenced her in June to probation and ordered her into therapy.

Oh, wait, there's more... Mostly these immigrant women get preyed upon because stupid fucks like you tell them abortion is wrong...

Researchers studying the phenomenon cite several factors that lead Dominican and other immigrant women to experiment with abortifacients: mistrust of the health-care system, fear of surgery, worry about deportation, concern about clinic protesters, cost and shame.

“It turns an abortion into a natural process and makes it look like a miscarriage,” said Dr. Mark Rosing, an obstetrician at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx who led the 2000 study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association. “For people who don’t have access to abortion for social reasons, financial reasons or immigration reasons, it doesn’t seem like this horrible thing.”

Good job, you must be proud.
In Massachusetts, 2007. The charges were Procuring a Miscarriage. She spent 3 nights in the slammer in Framingham.

23-25 weeks pregnant? That wasn't a miscarriage, that was a stillbirth.

Was the drug legal in the State in which she took it? If so, that is probably why she was charged, but using such an old law to charge her is a bit extreme.

No, it's not a still birth..the baby was ALIVE.

But then it couldn't have been a miscarriage either, as a miscarriage results in a dead fetus.
I think the charge was wrong - and I can find no updates on this case at all, so I don't know what happened to her.

It is also worth noting that she wasn't charged because abortion was illegal (to a point), she was charged because abortion after 24 weeks in that particular State was illegal, and there were questions as to the age of the fetus.
She also took a drug she got from a friend, and hadn't been prescribed it herself. She didn't necessarily break the law in having an abortion, she broke the law probably by taking a drug that was illegal and unsafe.
Noomi don't argue about terms you don't understand. It just makes you look stupid.

If you don't know what the words mean, I trust you can access a fucking dictionary:

MISCARRIAGE is when you have a baby before the 20th week. It might be alive when it's born, it might not.

STILLBIRTH is when you give birth to a completely dead (still) baby, who is past that stage of development:.

"Stillbirth Definition

A stillbirth is defined as the death of a fetus at any time after the twentieth week of pregnancy. Stillbirth is also referred to as intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)."

stillbirth - definition of stillbirth in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


Miscarriage means loss of an embryo or fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. The medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion."

Miscarriage - definition of Miscarriage in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
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Noomi don't argue about terms you don't understand. It just makes you look stupid.

If you don't know what the words mean, I trust you can access a fucking dictionary:

MISCARRIAGE is when you have a baby before the 20th week. It might be alive when it's born, it might not.

STILLBIRTH is when you give birth to a completely dead (still) baby, who is past that stage of development:.

"Stillbirth Definition

A stillbirth is defined as the death of a fetus at any time after the twentieth week of pregnancy. Stillbirth is also referred to as intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)."

stillbirth - definition of stillbirth in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


Miscarriage means loss of an embryo or fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. The medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion."

Miscarriage - definition of Miscarriage in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The woman was between 23 and 25 weeks pregnant when she had the abortion, which was labeled a miscarriage. By your own definitions provided, she couldn't have had a miscarriage, because the pregnancy was further than 20 weeks along.
Seriously, Joe B and Noomi should hook up.

Talk about a ghoul match made in Heaven. Those two seriously sick fucks were made for each other....They could have romantic picnics at a cemetary while courting, have their wedding at the morgue, and consumate their marriage over a stack of rotting, smelly corpses.

Fuckin' weirdos!
Seriously, Joe B and Noomi should hook up.

Talk about a ghoul match made in Heaven. Those two seriously sick fucks were made for each other....They could have romantic picnics at a cemetary while courting, have their wedding at the morgue, and consumate their marriage over a stack of rotting, smelly corpses.

Fuckin' weirdos!

Yawn, guy.

You guys scream about dead fetuses all day, but you don't give a crap about poor people when they are born.

If the right was serious about reducing the number of abortions, they'd support universal health care, paid family and medical leave, strong worker protections, etc. You don't.

your philosophy causes abortions. My philosophy just recognized they are going to happen, and the government shouldn't get involved.
"My wars"? Defending the country is part of the Constitution. That includes "wars". Where in the Constitution does it say that taxpayers should fund the results of other peoples sex lives?

Where in the constitution does it say I have to pay for a war for Exxon or Israel?

Article 1 Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Again, if we had universal health care and poor non-white women had the same access as white women do, Gosnell wouldn't exist.

Gosnell is the product of Conservative policies... Own him, embrace him.

He is a product of progressive selective corporate cronyism. He has made millions of dollars for executing babies, and for that the progressives worship him.

Not sure where you are getting this figure of "millions". I doubt his clinic broke a profit, given the squalid conditions.

I guess you spend most of your time here spouting your "undocumented" opinions. Get off the board, once in a while, go read some other things. Live life.
This doctor has more than one clinic and millions of dollars, check it out for yourself. Yes, it is a situation where "greed" (corporate type run by a man), outweighed the safety of "women" (that you claim these types "care about" so much). Read about how the staff was "untrained" for the assistance they gave the "doctor". BTW, read or watch ex members of Planned Parenthood staff saying the same thing: it is all about the dollar (don't offer birth control without a high price tag, so the women will return for another "baby execution").
"My wars"? Defending the country is part of the Constitution. That includes "wars". Where in the Constitution does it say that taxpayers should fund the results of other peoples sex lives?

Where in the constitution does it say I have to pay for a war for Exxon or Israel?

Article 1 Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;


again, I don't see anything in there about Israel or Exxon.

Common defense of the United States should mean exactly that- attacks on the United States.

So while you MIGHT have a good argument for going after Bin Laden, playing hall monitor in Kabul or taking out Saddam to make the world Safe for Exxon's Profits or bombing the snot out of Iran so the Zionists can play, "God Loves me the Very Best" really doesn't fall in that category.
He is a product of progressive selective corporate cronyism. He has made millions of dollars for executing babies, and for that the progressives worship him.

Not sure where you are getting this figure of "millions". I doubt his clinic broke a profit, given the squalid conditions.

I guess you spend most of your time here spouting your "undocumented" opinions. Get off the board, once in a while, go read some other things. Live life.
This doctor has more than one clinic and millions of dollars, check it out for yourself. Yes, it is a situation where "greed" (corporate type run by a man), outweighed the safety of "women" (that you claim these types "care about" so much). Read about how the staff was "untrained" for the assistance they gave the "doctor". BTW, read or watch ex members of Planned Parenthood staff saying the same thing: it is all about the dollar (don't offer birth control without a high price tag, so the women will return for another "baby execution").

I find this an amusing concept, given that you are spending so much of your life being terribly concerned about what other ladies are doing with their lady parts.

Gosnell was a bottom feeder, the result of what you have in a country where we let poor children die of treatable diseases and spend billions of dollars on face-lifts and hair transplants and erectile dysfunction medicines.

He's really the result of your philosophy, not mine. In mine, those women would have been able to get abortions in the same nice, clean abortion clinics white women get their abortions in.
Seriously, Joe B and Noomi should hook up.

Talk about a ghoul match made in Heaven. Those two seriously sick fucks were made for each other....They could have romantic picnics at a cemetary while courting, have their wedding at the morgue, and consumate their marriage over a stack of rotting, smelly corpses.

Fuckin' weirdos!

Yawn, guy.

You guys scream about dead fetuses all day, but you don't give a crap about poor people when they are born.

If the right was serious about reducing the number of abortions, they'd support universal health care, paid family and medical leave, strong worker protections, etc. You don't.

your philosophy causes abortions. My philosophy just recognized they are going to happen, and the government shouldn't get involved.

Evidence, links that "we" don't give a crap about poor people when they are born. Are we standing outside the hospitals protesting poor people when they walk out with their newborns? Are we giving to food banks and charities that support the "poor"? Are we volunteering as community leaders that help the "poor"? Are we going into "poor" sections and burning them out of their homes?

You progressives told us that sex ed in schools would reduce the number of unwed mothers and the number of "unexpected" pregnancies. You lied.
Now you are telling us that by paying even more (universal health care, etc) for these immoral acts (universal health care, etc), this time it will work?

More lies, more propaganda, more destruction of the family as a societal institution. Your progressive ideals have seriously damaged this country and every country it has been tried. Why don't you support the proven ideals to improve society?
Seriously, Joe B and Noomi should hook up.

Talk about a ghoul match made in Heaven. Those two seriously sick fucks were made for each other....They could have romantic picnics at a cemetary while courting, have their wedding at the morgue, and consumate their marriage over a stack of rotting, smelly corpses.

Fuckin' weirdos!

Yawn, guy.

You guys scream about dead fetuses all day, but you don't give a crap about poor people when they are born.

If the right was serious about reducing the number of abortions, they'd support universal health care, paid family and medical leave, strong worker protections, etc. You don't.

your philosophy causes abortions. My philosophy just recognized they are going to happen, and the government shouldn't get involved.

You would be right. If pregnancy was a disease. Perhaps there would be an argument that we should provide for pregnant women the way we provide for people with cancer or muscular distrophy. But pregnancy is not. It is entirely within the control of the individuals involved. If they do not want chlldren and cannot afford them, they can do something about it. They can opt out of having sex for one thing. What should be done, is take the profit motive out of having children. Take the children away from these women.
Not sure where you are getting this figure of "millions". I doubt his clinic broke a profit, given the squalid conditions.

I guess you spend most of your time here spouting your "undocumented" opinions. Get off the board, once in a while, go read some other things. Live life.
This doctor has more than one clinic and millions of dollars, check it out for yourself. Yes, it is a situation where "greed" (corporate type run by a man), outweighed the safety of "women" (that you claim these types "care about" so much). Read about how the staff was "untrained" for the assistance they gave the "doctor". BTW, read or watch ex members of Planned Parenthood staff saying the same thing: it is all about the dollar (don't offer birth control without a high price tag, so the women will return for another "baby execution").

I find this an amusing concept, given that you are spending so much of your life being terribly concerned about what other ladies are doing with their lady parts.

Gosnell was a bottom feeder, the result of what you have in a country where we let poor children die of treatable diseases and spend billions of dollars on face-lifts and hair transplants and erectile dysfunction medicines.

He's really the result of your philosophy, not mine. In mine, those women would have been able to get abortions in the same nice, clean abortion clinics white women get their abortions in.

I am not "concerned" by what women are doing with their body parts. I am concerned they are asking me to finance their activities. I am concerned that they are ordering the executions of their babies (after they "chose" to have sex), and that I as a taxpayer am expected to pay for it. If they are not aware that "abortion" is the execution of a totally helpless human being, I would like them to know that, and the risks (more prone to some types of cancer, depression, the unnatural counting of baby strollers, staring at others' children that are about the same age their baby would be) that are associated with having the "execution" completed. Once they are fully aware of what they are doing (not duped into thinking the "fetus" can develop into something that is NOT human), they (not the taxpayer) should bear the responsibility of "their" "choice" (to execute a human).

I am not "concerned" by what women are doing with their body parts. I am concerned they are asking me to finance their activities. I am concerned that they are ordering the executions of their babies (after they "chose" to have sex), and that I as a taxpayer am expected to pay for it. If they are not aware that "abortion" is the execution of a totally helpless human being, I would like them to know that, and the risks (more prone to some types of cancer, depression, the unnatural counting of baby strollers, staring at others' children that are about the same age their baby would be) that are associated with having the "execution" completed. Once they are fully aware of what they are doing (not duped into thinking the "fetus" can develop into something that is NOT human), they (not the taxpayer) should bear the responsibility of "their" "choice" (to execute a human).

Oh, please.

The benefits YOU PERSONALLY will draw from government are going to be far more than you ever put in, and that's the case for most of us.

And frankly, if you gave a shit about Babies, you'd support universal health care, PAID family leave, etc. You don't.

So if you are going to say, "I'm selfish and don't care about people", you got no business whining about abortion.

In fact, honestly, you should be happy about them. A $300.00 Fetus Execution is a lot cheaper to you as a taxpayer than 18 years of that kid on the dole.
[You would be right. If pregnancy was a disease. Perhaps there would be an argument that we should provide for pregnant women the way we provide for people with cancer or muscular distrophy. But pregnancy is not. It is entirely within the control of the individuals involved. If they do not want chlldren and cannot afford them, they can do something about it. They can opt out of having sex for one thing. What should be done, is take the profit motive out of having children. Take the children away from these women.

You're right.

It's ENTIRELY up to the people involved.

Which means if they want an abortion, they are going to have an abortion and YOU DON'T HAVE JACK SHIT to say about it. Ever.

Deal with it.

And frankly, I don't want the government taking kids away. That just messes up the kids.

Hey, how about we do what those whacky Europeans do, that instead of stigmatizing and punishing poor people, we actually try to help them.

They actually have LESS abortions than we do.
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Today is the second day in the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the infamous Philadelphia abortionist charged with murdering seven newborn babies and one young woman in a botched abortion due to overdose of anesthesia. Gosnell killed the babies with scissors after they had been born – and he wasn’t the only one.

Adrienne Moton, a former employee of Gosnell, testified for the prosecution. CBS Philadelphia reported her testimony:

"Adrienne Moton broke down several times as she recounted her work at the clinic.

Untrained, she says, she was doing ultrasounds and administering anesthesia within months. And eventually, she has admitted, she snipped the necks of ‘a good ten’ fetuses.”

His Lawyers response?

[B"This is a targeted, elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who's done nothing but give (back) to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia…It's a prosecutorial lynching of Dr. Kermit Gosnell."][/B]

Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors" | SBA-List

Big Abortion at its finest.

Truth is I don't care. When a woman and a doctor agree to a private medical issue such as abortion, it is none of our business. When a doctor's office assistant is an idiot or when an office doesn't keep up with state regulations and rules, then it is an issue for the state on those narrow grounds.

Someone should have explained to you at an early age name-calling isn't an argument.

This was a weak case brought for political reasons.

The 41 year old woman who died, that is an open and shut case of medical manslaughter. Trying to enhance it with accusations fetuses were babies and at what point they were terminated just muddies the case.

Worse, it creates grounds for appeal if there is a conviction.

Only a sick person would approve of slaughtering a baby struggling for life outside the womb…. I repeat you're a sick fuck

1) Where did I "approve". That assumes an emotional state.

2) No evidence has ever been presented that these fetuses were "Struggling" or anything but dead, which is what the women inside them wanted to be.

Look, you don't give a fuck about poor women, brown women or women in general. YOu just see the ability to bootstrap your misogyny on this poor woman's death.

And it's going to backfire on you.

Bullshit loon, these are my people...Humans beings, unlike you I don't push the slaughtering of defenseless innocent babies and it's not about religion. Read the indictment this guy slaughtered live babies you are a perfect example of the decline of our society...Sick
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Only a sick person would approve of slaughtering a baby struggling for life outside the womb…. I repeat you're a sick fuck

1) Where did I "approve". That assumes an emotional state.

2) No evidence has ever been presented that these fetuses were "Struggling" or anything but dead, which is what the women inside them wanted to be.

Look, you don't give a fuck about poor women, brown women or women in general. YOu just see the ability to bootstrap your misogyny on this poor woman's death.

And it's going to backfire on you.

Bullshit loon, these are my people...Humans beings, unlike you I don't push the slaughtering of defenseless innocent babies and it's not about religion. Read the indictment this guy slaughtered live babies you are a perfect example of the decline of our society...Sick

live babies were slaughtered by a doctor? can you prove this?
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