Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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You didn't answer the questions.

Yes, I did. You were just too stupid to understand the answer.

Then why isn't "Mexico", burning?

It is... Again, this is where you are just stupid, and I'm not sure how addressing your profound ignorance is in the lease bit productive.

Yes, that was the point, your statement of there were more people with STDs then, when there were not antibiotics, would have dramatically cut the birth rate (if your statement was correct).

The one in three number was from the headlines the other day, over 110,000,000 people are infected with STDs. So much for the progressives teaching children how to have sex will cut or eliminate "diseases" and high, unmarried birth rates.....

Besides your numbers being absolute bullshit, it's kind of hard to measure something that happened centuries ago when they had no tests for it, and usually something else killed you before the STD did.

To the point, before Progressives introduced welfare, social security, etc, the average lifespan of an American was 62. Today it's 78.

Constantine requested assistance from Rome, the call went out for help. Because there were poor communications, it turned into a cluster. That does not change the fact that the muslims were attacking and assistance was requested.

First, the Byzantine Emperor who requested help was not named "Constantine".

Second, the request for help got changed to "Taking the Holy Land" by Pope Urban II, who was trying to regain his street cred after the German Emperor set up an anti-Pope.

If you are prepared to do battle with evil, you can read the book of Jubilees and find out why it was important for the livestock to be slaughtered.

I am amazed, that you, a mere mortal man, can declare the LORD was "wrong", based on your thousands of years analysis of a situation that has little evidence of exactly what happened. (It is one of the reasons that I choose to believe the LORD, because there are so many of you, with different names, and different faces, but still, with the same "belief" that you know everything about the earth, based on what other "men" said, or limited fossilized clues)

Saul also went to witches (a direct sin against the LORD). Saul, also thought "he" knew better than the LORD (sound familiar). The LORD left Saul as king, but blessed David. Saul showed his butt, and he was "spanked".

Jubilees isn't in the bible. Frankly, I'm not that concerned about the livestock, I'm more concerned that all the babies were slaughtered.

Second, the whole "Witch of Endor" thing was AFTER Saul had lost God's favor and even after Samual died. (Yet, amazingly, this witch was able to raise Sam's ghost!) Of course, since there are no witches and never were, it just makes it comedic... until you consider all the innocent women who were tortured and murdered because they were accused of witchcraft.

The BSA was a group formed to promote set values. Why should they want people in the group that "choose" to live in a way that mocks and ridicules those values? They wanted the problems gone, and did so, unfortunately way too many were not punished by the law for their crimes against boys.

The BSA has been hijacked by the religious loons, and ought to be recatagorized as a hate group at this point.

So you are bearing false witness against priests? You did not say that you were suspicious, you implied these men were "molesters".

My opinion is they were... but I wasn't going to test the theory by being alone in a room with one.

There are problems in the Catholic Church. There are problems where ever there are "men" (this is the proper term for the race of men, including women) in power. However, the Catholic Church has been one of the best institutions for "good" on the planet. Have there been problems? Yes. Will there continue to be problems? Yes. Now, name me one other institution that has done the types of charity, the outreach, the building of schools, and hospitals in areas where they are not invited (for believers, and non-believers alike). Name me one other institution that had people break away to form so many other churches, with the majority of them, doing similar works. Name me any "atheist" organization that does a fraction of what the Catholic Church does.

The Catholic Church has done nothing but spread ignorance, oppression and stupidity, and it hasn't done one good thing, not even once by accident.

The tortured body of the CHRIST, is to remind us, that G*d sent HIS only begotten SON to us, and that our sins are represented in those horrendous wounds portrayed by the image of the crucifixion. I don't believe there is any other image that demonstrates how truly ugly our sins are. Also, that the CHRIST, willingly, was tortured, and died for "our" sins, that we would have a chance at redemption. HE is the only way! HE sent the HOLY SPIRIT to us to give us the gifts of: Knowledge, Counsel, Wisdom, Understanding, Fortitude, Piety, and Joy of Piety. What "man" can compare with those gifts?

It tickles me, how people like you want to beat up on other peoples' beliefs, but, can offer nothing that comes close to what the CHRIST offered. Your way leads to sin and eternal death. HIS way leads to peace and eternal life.

The sin Jesus came down to erase was that a talking snake talked a rib woman into eating a fruit from a magic tree... :cuckoo: (Keep in mind, Jesus is a fairy tale, he never actually existed.) And frankly, he was kind of a Drama Queen about it. Why not say, "Hey, guys, just kidding about that Magic Tree thing!" Come to think of it, why didn't he stop by and say, "HEy, while we are at it, Genocide is wrong, slavery is wrong, racism is wrong, and, oh, yeah, oppressing women is wrong." Nope. We had to figure that one out on our own.

Do you have "evidence" of this? Why do their "rich" come to this country to have medical procedures done, if their health care is so great? Why are their people, still, trying to emigrate here, if their countries are better? Why aren't Americans flocking in droves to those countries, if they are such an improvement over this country?

First, Europeans aren't really flocking here anymore. That's why Romney lost. Not enough White People. Heh, heh, heh...

Second, a health care system that is only good for douchebags with money is not a good system. It has to be good for everyone.

Those countries brought the baggage of European royalty with them. All the corruption that was in Europe with the system of peons, lords, royalty were taken to those countries. They rebelled, but the mindset is still there: (it is parallel with your beliefs) an elite group of people are "fit" to rule, and everyone else obeys. The "church" is just another "pawn" in those countries. Those countries did not have a group of "educated" (Biblical knowledgeable, also) men that worked extremely hard for their wealth (not inherited), that came together and beat out a plan of gov't that would reduce the chances of the same mindset that crippled Europe. They did not have a George Washington, that when appointed as "President" chose not to elevate himself above "all" men, and thus, set a precedent for the rest of the Presidents to follow.

And yet, here come the people like you, of the mindset that the "intellectual elite" should be the ruling class, and everyone else should "obey". I just cannot see how you get there.

Oh, now you see, I love how you make excuses for the Church, which was for the most part, joined at the hip with the elites that ran these countries. Macros, Duvilier, the Junta in Argentina (Buds with the new Pope!)

Generally, the more religious a country is, the more ass backwards it is.
Not sure why you keep going on about porn, exactly. You seem obsessed with it.

abortion is going to happen no matter what the laws are. Period. So I'm not going to create more Gosnells by putting stupid laws into place.

Indeed murder is going to happen no matter what the laws are, that doesn't mean it has to be endorsed and paid for by the federal government.

Fetuses aren't people.

And again, I would ask- how many women were arrested for murder for having abortions before 1973?

I'll give you time to look up the answer.

If a woman is pregnant, she is "with child". Seems pretty clear.....
BTW, and execution is an "endorsed" murder. Perhaps you would prefer abortions to be called "baby executions".
Indeed murder is going to happen no matter what the laws are, that doesn't mean it has to be endorsed and paid for by the federal government.

Fetuses aren't people.

And again, I would ask- how many women were arrested for murder for having abortions before 1973?

I'll give you time to look up the answer.

If a woman is pregnant, she is "with child". Seems pretty clear.....
BTW, and execution is an "endorsed" murder. Perhaps you would prefer abortions to be called "baby executions".

Not the question I asked, Slick. I asked you how many women were arrested and charged with murder for having abortions... The answer, by the way, is ZERO!!!! Women were never arrested for having abortions, and doctors were only arrested if the woman died.

A woman is only "With Child" if she wants the child. Otherwise, it's "That thing I need to take care of."
Fetuses aren't people.

And again, I would ask- how many women were arrested for murder for having abortions before 1973?

I'll give you time to look up the answer.

If a woman is pregnant, she is "with child". Seems pretty clear.....
BTW, and execution is an "endorsed" murder. Perhaps you would prefer abortions to be called "baby executions".

Not the question I asked, Slick. I asked you how many women were arrested and charged with murder for having abortions... The answer, by the way, is ZERO!!!! Women were never arrested for having abortions, and doctors were only arrested if the woman died.

A woman is only "With Child" if she wants the child. Otherwise, it's "That thing I need to take care of."

1 [preg-nuhnt] Show IPA

having a child or other offspring developing in the body; with child or young, as a woman or female mammal.

Pregnant | Define Pregnant at

There you go, slick....

I don't care how many women were "arrested" for abortion before the '70s. I do not want abortion to be "illegal". I think it is STUPID to pass laws that cannot be enforced. I think it is infringing on the freedom of religion (that is the first Amendment, slick) to force people to pay for something that is directly against their religion, such as "baby executions".
Well then, If Noomi needs a date for Easter dinner, I think we may be able to hook her up with somebody who's just as abjectly miserable, twisted, and hateful as she.

Oh but wait, it's Easter, and they're haters.....Oh well, maybe they can get together and gaze at each other through their black, vacant eyes, as they discuss the abject misery of wallowing in their intersecting, dark, loathesome, pitiful, joyless lives.
I wouldn't sic that perverted freak joe on my worst enemy. Noomi is too vulnerable, he'd cannibalize her.

There you go, slick....

I don't care how many women were "arrested" for abortion before the '70s. I do not want abortion to be "illegal". I think it is STUPID to pass laws that cannot be enforced. I think it is infringing on the freedom of religion (that is the first Amendment, slick) to force people to pay for something that is directly against their religion, such as "baby executions".

If I have to pay for your wars, you have to pay for my abortions... Sounds fair to me.
Abortionist Joked: 'This Baby Is Big Enough to Walk Around With Me or Walk Me to the Bus Stop'


Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist now on trial in Philadelphia charged with seven counts of first-degree murder--he allegedly cut the spinal cords of late-term aborted babies who were born alive--apparently used to joke about the large size of some the infants he aborted and in one case, according to what a co-worker told the grand jury, said, “This baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.”

Gosnell, 72, who ran a multi-million dollar abortion business in West Philadelphia, was arrested on Jan. 19, 2011, and his trial started Monday, Mar. 18, 2013. The first-degree murder counts refer to seven late-term aborted babies who were born alive and then killed, their spinal cords cut with scissors.

Gosnell is also charged with the third-degree murder of a pregnant woman, Karnamaya Mongar, 41, who died after being given a pain killer at Gosnell’s office. He also faces several counts of conspiracy and violation of Pennsylvania’s law against post-24-week abortions.

Abortionist Joked: 'This Baby Is Big Enough to Walk Around With Me or Walk Me to the Bus Stop' | CNS News
96,000 Americans die of medical malpractice every year.

Why are you guys so interested in this one case?

Oh, yeah. Abortion is involved.
96,000 Americans die of medical malpractice every year.

Why are you guys so interested in this one case?

Oh, yeah. Abortion is involved.

Medical malpractice is also known as professional negligence. The doctor is just incompetent, careless. What Gosnell did is deliberate and premeditated murder.
Gosnell is merely the abortion industry's next phase.

Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion | The Weekly Standard

Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.

"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”

"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.

The next phase will be that birth is the woman's last chance for abortion. The baby isn't fully human until it leaves the hospital or clinic.
96,000 Americans die of medical malpractice every year.

Why are you guys so interested in this one case?

Oh, yeah. Abortion is involved.

Medical malpractice is also known as professional negligence. The doctor is just incompetent, careless. What Gosnell did is deliberate and premeditated murder.

No, what Gosnell did to Karnamaya Mongar was medical negligence.

What he did to those fetuses is EXACTLY what the patients wanted done to them.
96,000 Americans die of medical malpractice every year.

Why are you guys so interested in this one case?

Oh, yeah. Abortion is involved.

Medical malpractice is also known as professional negligence. The doctor is just incompetent, careless. What Gosnell did is deliberate and premeditated murder.

No, what Gosnell did to Karnamaya Mongar was medical negligence.

What he did to those fetuses is EXACTLY what the patients wanted done to them.

Which was to murder the children once they were born.
Medical malpractice is also known as professional negligence. The doctor is just incompetent, careless. What Gosnell did is deliberate and premeditated murder.

No, what Gosnell did to Karnamaya Mongar was medical negligence.

What he did to those fetuses is EXACTLY what the patients wanted done to them.

Which was to murder the children once they were born.

No, to end the pregnancies... Period.

Sorry women still have the right to do that in this country, and there isn't much you have to say about it, so STFU.
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