Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

"Both President Barack Obama and Secretary Kerry have made repeated references to Israel as a Jewish state recently, raising hopes that they might side with a demand the Israeli government believes is at the core of the decades-old conflict"

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Kerry is suggesting that Israel swallow their national pride in this situation. This is part and parcel of what the negotiations are all about. Should Israel decide this was a good move that is one thing, but for the US to interfere with this aspect of this sovereign state's position is simply wrong.

I think we should recognize that Israel is a state that can stand on it's own.

Time to stop the patronage, cut off the funds, and wish them good luck.

Really?...not much of a demand if you ask me. What a bunch of bull. Abbas is coming here and Kerry throws this out there even before Abbas arrives? moving the goal post again :eusa_hand: Send Kerry home "peace process"...I think not


Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Dear Mr. Kerry,

Fuck you. We ARE a Jewish state.

Imagine the cries of foul if some U.S. politicians started insisting that the U.S. is a Christian state. Who would do the most whining do you figure?
All these Islamic states that oppress, kill, and persecute non Muslims and you have a problem with the only Jewish state that protects the rights of all its citizens?

Now that's funny.
"Both President Barack Obama and Secretary Kerry have made repeated references to Israel as a Jewish state recently, raising hopes that they might side with a demand the Israeli government believes is at the core of the decades-old conflict"

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Kerry is suggesting that Israel swallow their national pride in this situation. This is part and parcel of what the negotiations are all about. Should Israel decide this was a good move that is one thing, but for the US to interfere with this aspect of this sovereign state's position is simply wrong.

I think we should recognize that Israel is a state that can stand on it's own.

Time to stop the patronage, cut off the funds, and wish them good luck.

And while we're at it, let's pull out our troops from S. Korea, Europe, and stop patronizing and funding Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea, and many other countries and wish them good luck as well. :cuckoo:
Kerry is not wanted nor appreciated by the Israeli people.

He can go and try and win his nobel prize somewhere else.

Maybe not but you take the cash without complaining.
Kick America out of Israeli politics but, if you do so, refuse the fat sacks of cash first.

Jewish state, you moan about Hitler wanting a non Jewish state, what's the difference?
All these Muslim shitholes with Islamic in front of their names, now why is that?
"Both President Barack Obama and Secretary Kerry have made repeated references to Israel as a Jewish state recently, raising hopes that they might side with a demand the Israeli government believes is at the core of the decades-old conflict"

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Kerry is suggesting that Israel swallow their national pride in this situation. This is part and parcel of what the negotiations are all about. Should Israel decide this was a good move that is one thing, but for the US to interfere with this aspect of this sovereign state's position is simply wrong.

I think we should recognize that Israel is a state that can stand on it's own.

Time to stop the patronage, cut off the funds, and wish them good luck.

And while we're at it, let's pull out our troops from S. Korea, Europe, and stop patronizing and funding Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea, and many other countries and wish them good luck as well. :cuckoo:


Now your talking!
Imagine the cries of foul if some U.S. politicians started insisting that the U.S. is a Christian state. Who would do the most whining do you figure?

But there is no whining over the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Iran or the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Pakistan

Equally wrong.
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL
Really?...not much of a demand if you ask me. What a bunch of bull. Abbas is coming here and Kerry throws this out there even before Abbas arrives? moving the goal post again :eusa_hand: Send Kerry home "peace process"...I think not


"I think it's a mistake for some people to be raising it again and again as the decider," Kerry said, when asked to clarify the official position of the Obama administration. He pointed out that U.N. Resolution 181, which divided Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state, referred to "Jewish state" several times, and that the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat had also explicitly recognized Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Christ on a Stick!

Even Front Page had to debunk it's own story on this!

Obama Rejects Israel as a Jewish State | FrontPage Magazine

The story came through Al Quds to INN. The Point quoted an existing news story. The Algeimeiner discusses Psaki’s Tweet further.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki on Monday said a Palestinian publication recently “distorted” a statement she made last week about Israel’s demand to be recognized as a Jewish state.

The Jerusalem-based paper Al-Quds quoted Psaki as telling one of its reporters during a press briefing on Friday that recognition of Israel as a Jewish state by the Palestinian Authority “is not necessary”, according to The Times of Israel.

Psaki dismissed the claims via Twitter, writing, that the publication “distorted/fabricated my quote,” and that she “did not do an interview with Al Quds.”

Psaki did not do an interview with Al Quds, but she did take a question from its Bureau Chief, Said Arakat.

But there is no whining over the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Iran or the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Pakistan

Equally wrong.
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.
Equally wrong.
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.

We're talking about head-chopping in modern times.
Equally wrong.
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.
Nice diversion. Can you show me any country that calls itself "the Christian Republic of..." or any Christian majority nation that engages in chopping people's heads off as a legal form of punishment?
Equally wrong.
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.

Yep, back in the middle ages the Christians took their army in to the Middle East and killed people with impunity. Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times nowadays.
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.

Yep, back in the middle ages the Christians took their army in to the Middle East and killed people with impunity. Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times nowadays.

Yet islam has mass murdered 100's of millions of innocents in its attempt at world domination. Just look at the Jewish population in the M.E. since 1900 that has dropped by over 70% and the world Jewish population has not increased. The Armenian genocide when a million were brutally slaughtered, the Kurd genocides when many millions were slaughtered over the years, the Ahmadi massacres by islam. Then we have the massacres in India to force Britain to give the muslims land, were thousands of young girls were beheaded as they were raped by muslims. So in the case of islam it is business as normal and worry about the consequences later.
Kerry is not wanted nor appreciated by the Israeli people.

He can go and try and win his nobel prize somewhere else.


Israel should stop accepting American aid.

Like now.

Israel has lived on the mooch since long before it was called Israel.

Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Just WTF are you smoking how can Israel live on the mooch before it was Israel. By the way as you have been told time after time Israel got nothing from no one until Egypt demanded aid to sing the peace deal. It paid for everything, which is more than can be said about the muslim countries that still live of world aid.

Israel should stop accepting American aid.

Like now.

Israel has lived on the mooch since long before it was called Israel.

Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Just WTF are you smoking how can Israel live on the mooch before it was Israel. By the way as you have been told time after time Israel got nothing from no one until Egypt demanded aid to sing the peace deal. It paid for everything, which is more than can be said about the muslim countries that still live of world aid.

From the Rothschilds to little blue boxes and everything in between, Israel has always lived on OPM.
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.

Yep, back in the middle ages the Christians took their army in to the Middle East and killed people with impunity. Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times nowadays.
You got that ass backward. There were Christians in the Middle East before Islam came. The Crusades started because Arabs had invaded not only Middle Eastern Christian nations, but Europe as well.

But again, this is a diversion. We are talking about today, there is no "Christian republic..." and Christians do not chop heads and hands any longer.
Israel has lived on the mooch since long before it was called Israel.

Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Just WTF are you smoking how can Israel live on the mooch before it was Israel. By the way as you have been told time after time Israel got nothing from no one until Egypt demanded aid to sing the peace deal. It paid for everything, which is more than can be said about the muslim countries that still live of world aid.

From the Rothschilds to little blue boxes and everything in between, Israel has always lived on OPM.
That's what you'd like to believe. Truth is, Israel is a successful, strong, prosperous nation and it has achieved this on its own. I think it bothers you that Arabs just do not have the culture or intellectual capacity to achieve what Israel has.

Too busy killing and persecuting because Allah told them to.

Israel should stop accepting American aid.

Like now.

Israel has lived on the mooch since long before it was called Israel.

Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Just WTF are you smoking how can Israel live on the mooch before it was Israel. By the way as you have been told time after time Israel got nothing from no one until Egypt demanded aid to sing the peace deal. It paid for everything, which is more than can be said about the muslim countries that still live of world aid.
In fact Israel fought all its its major wars without a shred of US help. The only reason US became an ally of Israel in the 60's was because most of the Arab / Muslim countries had become client puppet states of the Soviets.
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.

We're talking about head-chopping in modern times.
Notice they go silent after their false comparisons and diversions don't work. LOL
Dear Mr. Kerry,

Fuck you. We ARE a Jewish state.

Imagine the cries of foul if some U.S. politicians started insisting that the U.S. is a Christian state. Who would do the most whining do you figure?

But there is no whining over the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Iran or the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Pakistan

Obama's leadership "Islamic Republic of Iran" he makes sure he says that in so many speeches. Now his "leadership" allows Irans to make billions and still develop nukes:cuckoo:


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