Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

It is.

It's the Jews not supporting anyone else but Jews that has historically been the problem.

And that's the sort of BS used by Nazi types that has historically been the problem.

Its the sort of sociological answer that explains a problem that has been in existance in europe since the middle ages, and ignoring it in order to just write anti-semitism off as an "evil of man" to be despised rather than understood that has allowed it to continue right the way up to the present day.
No, actually, you're just a squealing an age old anti semetic canard repeated by bigoted pigs for a long time:

Antisemitic canard

An antisemitic canard (evoking a French-derived English catchword for "hoax") is a false story inciting antisemitism. Despite being false by definition, antisemitic canards often form part of broader theories of Jewish conspiracies.

Accusations of causing antisemitism

In January 2005, a group of Russian State Duma deputies demanded that Judaism and Jewish organizations be banned from Russia. "Their seven-page letter... accused Jews of carrying out ritual killings, controlling Russian and international capital, inciting ethnic strife in Russia, and staging hate crimes against themselves. "The majority of antisemitic actions in the whole world are constantly carried out by Jews themselves with a goal of provocation", the letter claimed." After sharp protests by Russian Jewish leaders, human rights activists, and the Foreign Ministry, Duma members retracted their appeal
Jews supporting Jews...It's a beautiful thing:cool:

It is.

It's the Jews not supporting anyone else but Jews that has historically been the problem.

Like the British supporting the British supporting the British, the French supporting the French, the Germans supporting the Germans. While Israel is expected to support the world and to hell with their own people, isn't that how you think. Well here is some news for you Israel supported the people it rescued from concentration camps in 1967, it fed them built them schools, Hospitals, Mosques, Universities, Clinics, sewage works, Electricity generators and trained them to use all the facilities. Gave them proper roads and houses instead of tents and dirt tracks. Today it is taking in many hundreds of Syrian casualties and giving them the best of care.

So were is your evidence that the Jews have never supported anyone else but themselves. That is lifted from the NAZI rule book of anti semitic hate phrases word for word.

Italian-Americans and German-Americans fought against Italians and Germans during WW 2.

Can't see Jews anywhere in the world fighting against Israel/Israelis under any condition.

That's the difference.
It is.

It's the Jews not supporting anyone else but Jews that has historically been the problem.

Like the British supporting the British supporting the British, the French supporting the French, the Germans supporting the Germans. While Israel is expected to support the world and to hell with their own people, isn't that how you think. Well here is some news for you Israel supported the people it rescued from concentration camps in 1967, it fed them built them schools, Hospitals, Mosques, Universities, Clinics, sewage works, Electricity generators and trained them to use all the facilities. Gave them proper roads and houses instead of tents and dirt tracks. Today it is taking in many hundreds of Syrian casualties and giving them the best of care.

So were is your evidence that the Jews have never supported anyone else but themselves. That is lifted from the NAZI rule book of anti semitic hate phrases word for word.

Italian-Americans and German-Americans fought against Italians and Germans during WW 2.

Can't see Jews anywhere in the world fighting against Israel/Israelis under any condition.

That's the difference.
Another non existent hypothetical and anti semetic canard:

Antisemitic canard

An antisemitic canard (evoking a French-derived English catchword for "hoax") is a false story inciting antisemitism. Despite being false by definition, antisemitic canards often form part of broader theories of Jewish conspiracies.

Dual loyalty

A canard found in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but dating to before that document, is that Jews are more loyal to world Jewry than to their own country. Since the establishment of the state of Israel, this canard has taken the form of accusations that Jewish citizens of countries such as the United States are more loyal to Israel than to their home country.

Accusations of cowardice and lack of patriotism

As Jewish Emancipation progressed, new antisemitic accusations appeared. Often Jews were accused of insufficient patriotism. In the late 19th century France, a political scandal known as the Dreyfus affair involved the wrongful conviction for treason of a young Jewish French officer. The political and judicial scandal ended with his full rehabilitation.

"12,000 Jewish soldiers died on the field of honor for the fatherland." A leaflet published in 1920 by German Jewish veterans in response to Dolchstosslegende.
During World War I, the German Military High Command administered Judenzählung (German for "Jewish Census"). It was designed to confirm allegations of the lack of patriotism among German Jews, but the results of the census disproved the accusations and were not made public.

Another variation of this notion is an accusation that Jews are cowards who evade military service. With the rise of racist theories in the 19th century, "[a]nother old anti-Semitic canard served to underline the putative 'femininity' of the Jewish race. Like women, Jews lacked an 'essence'". In Genocide and Gross Human Rights Violations, Kurt Jonassohn and Karin S. Björnson wrote:
"Historically, Jews were not allowed to bear arms in the most of the countries of the diaspora. Therefore, when they were attacked, they were not able to defend themselves. In some situations, their protector would defend them. If not, they only had a choice between hiding and fleeing. This is the origin of the anti-Semitic canard that Jews are cowards."

In Stalin's Soviet Union, the state-wide campaign against "rootless cosmopolitans" – a euphemism for Jews – was set out on 28 January 1949 with an article in the newspaper Pravda:
"unbridled, evil-minded cosmopolitans, profiteers with no roots and no conscience...Grown on rotten yeast of bourgeois cosmopolitanism, decadence and formalism...non-indigenous nationals without a motherland, who poison with stench...our proletarian culture."
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What are these little blue boxes and what does OPM mean?

Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.
What are these little blue boxes and what does OPM mean?

Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.

Gee, Mr. Tinmore, I hope that you contributed to the Jewish Natiional Fund to re-plant those tree that we burned down by Arabs in Israel. They would certainly have appreciated that from a Hamas supporter. Hmm, I wonder how much the Islamic terrorist supporters here in the U.S. contribute to terrorist organizations. Terrorism doesn't come cheap.
What are these little blue boxes and what does OPM mean?

Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.

So?? Did someone for you to put money in those tins?? Was anybody forced to do so ? I dont see an issue with this at all, just hatred from people like you that Israel is so successful. Like I always say, people will always find some stupid way to criticize Israel.
Speaking of other peoples money, how many different groups, people, governments have given the lowly Palestinians money?? Including the U S
What are these little blue boxes and what does OPM mean?

Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.

Gee, Mr. Tinmore, I hope that you contributed to the Jewish Natiional Fund to re-plant those tree that we burned down by Arabs in Israel. They would certainly have appreciated that from a Hamas supporter. Hmm, I wonder how much the Islamic terrorist supporters here in the U.S. contribute to terrorist organizations. Terrorism doesn't come cheap.

[ame=]81 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
What are these little blue boxes and what does OPM mean?

Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.

BTW, money alone is not nearly enough to create a modern, viable country like Israel. It takes managing the money and intelligence as well.
Look at the Arab states in the ME, they are sitting atop billions of oil money, but they still couldnt create a country like Israel.
Haters gonna hate
Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.

Gee, Mr. Tinmore, I hope that you contributed to the Jewish Natiional Fund to re-plant those tree that we burned down by Arabs in Israel. They would certainly have appreciated that from a Hamas supporter. Hmm, I wonder how much the Islamic terrorist supporters here in the U.S. contribute to terrorist organizations. Terrorism doesn't come cheap.

[ame=]81 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]

Lol weak weak response, as usual
Gee, Mr. Tinmore, I hope that you contributed to the Jewish Natiional Fund to re-plant those tree that we burned down by Arabs in Israel. They would certainly have appreciated that from a Hamas supporter. Hmm, I wonder how much the Islamic terrorist supporters here in the U.S. contribute to terrorist organizations. Terrorism doesn't come cheap.

[ame=]81 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]

Lol weak weak response, as usual

Tinmore, you watch too many propoganda youtubes. You're either a Hamas operative or a useful, clueless tool for Islam. I think it's the second. A friend of mine once said, "Most people are dangerously stupid."

Tinmore, you watch too many propoganda youtubes. You're either a Hamas operative or a useful, clueless tool for Islam. I think it's the second. A friend of mine once said, "Most people are dangerously stupid."

I think he is actually one of the representatives of Hamas here in the U.S. After all, he seems to be at his computer night and day to quickly answer posts. No doubt these videos are sent to him as being their representative. We could plant a tree or two in his honor and have a plaque put on it that says "From a devoted Hamas employee." and his real name underneath.
Gee, Mr. Tinmore, I hope that you contributed to the Jewish Natiional Fund to re-plant those tree that we burned down by Arabs in Israel. They would certainly have appreciated that from a Hamas supporter. Hmm, I wonder how much the Islamic terrorist supporters here in the U.S. contribute to terrorist organizations. Terrorism doesn't come cheap.

[ame=]81 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]

Lol weak weak response, as usual

What was said that is not true?

Cue song and dance
It is.

It's the Jews not supporting anyone else but Jews that has historically been the problem.

Like the British supporting the British supporting the British, the French supporting the French, the Germans supporting the Germans. While Israel is expected to support the world and to hell with their own people, isn't that how you think. Well here is some news for you Israel supported the people it rescued from concentration camps in 1967, it fed them built them schools, Hospitals, Mosques, Universities, Clinics, sewage works, Electricity generators and trained them to use all the facilities. Gave them proper roads and houses instead of tents and dirt tracks. Today it is taking in many hundreds of Syrian casualties and giving them the best of care.

So were is your evidence that the Jews have never supported anyone else but themselves. That is lifted from the NAZI rule book of anti semitic hate phrases word for word.

Italian-Americans and German-Americans fought against Italians and Germans during WW 2.

Can't see Jews anywhere in the world fighting against Israel/Israelis under any condition.

That's the difference.

How many Jews are Palestinian muslins.................... What a moronic pro Palestinian you are.
What are these little blue boxes and what does OPM mean?

Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.

Jealous because you cant get your fellow Palestinians to raise funds for your needs. I don't see you complaining about the charity boxes for the IRA that spouted up all over the USA TO BUY WEAPONS FOR THEM TO KILL BRITISH CHILDREN.
It is.

It's the Jews not supporting anyone else but Jews that has historically been the problem.

And that's the sort of BS used by Nazi types that has historically been the problem.

Its the sort of sociological answer that explains a problem that has been in existance in europe since the middle ages, and ignoring it in order to just write anti-semitism off as an "evil of man" to be despised rather than understood that has allowed it to continue right the way up to the present day.

It's the sort of snarky, baseless BS that mindless haters have long used to justify their hate. Enjoy.
What are these little blue boxes and what does OPM mean?

Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.
So? What's your point, Jews helping each other establish a state and recover from the Holocaust, one of the darkest chapters in world history.
What are these little blue boxes and what does OPM mean?

Two weeks later, the iconic Blue Box, or pushke, was born. Stamped with the words “National Fund,” small tin boxes were distributed to Jewish communities across the globe and numbered over a million by World War II. Their impact was immediate, generating vital funds to develop and cultivate the land of Israel.

Jewish National Fund:*JNF Blue Box

OPM is short for other people's money.

So?? Did someone for you to put money in those tins?? Was anybody forced to do so ? I dont see an issue with this at all, just hatred from people like you that Israel is so successful. Like I always say, people will always find some stupid way to criticize Israel.
Speaking of other peoples money, how many different groups, people, governments have given the lowly Palestinians money?? Including the U S
LOL he's acting like it was his money.

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