Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

It is.

It's the Jews not supporting anyone else but Jews that has historically been the problem.

And that's the sort of BS used by Nazi types that has historically been the problem.

Is it BS?
More Blood Libel neo Nazi garbage from anti Semetic bigoted pigs:

Category:Jewish philanthropists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Business Week's 2006 list of The 50 Most Generous Philanthropists included at least 15 Jews. The Chronicle of Philanthropy's list of the top 50 charitable donors in 2008 included sixteen Jews, according to a JTA article. In other words, Jews, who are only about 2% of the American population, are 30% of America's most generous donors. Similarly, a 2003 study (reported in the Jewish Journal) found that 24.5% of all "mega-donors" (people who donate more than $10 million a year to charity) are Jewish. Nor is Jewish generosity limited to Jewish causes: while a few of the Jews in BW's "Top 50" list Jewish causes among their primary charitable targets, most don't. Indeed, the Jewish Journal article laments the fact that the overwhelming majority of those Jewish mega-donations aren't going to specifically Jewish causes.

The Meaning of the Word "Tzedakah"

"Tzedakah" is the Hebrew word for the acts that we call "charity" in English: giving aid, assistance and money to the poor and needy or to other worthy causes. However, the nature of tzedakah is very different from the idea of charity. The word "charity" suggests benevolence and generosity, a magnanimous act by the wealthy and powerful for the benefit of the poor and needy. The word "tzedakah" is derived from the Hebrew root Tzadei-Dalet-Qof, meaning righteousness, justice or fairness. In Judaism, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the poor their due.

The Obligation of Tzedakah

Giving to the poor is an obligation in Judaism, a duty that cannot be forsaken even by those who are themselves in need. Some sages have said that tzedakah is the highest of all commandments, equal to all of them combined, and that a person who does not perform tzedakah is equivalent to an idol worshipper. This is probably hyperbole, but it illustrates the importance of tzedakah in Jewish thought. Tzedakah is one of the three acts that gain us forgiveness from our sins. The High Holiday liturgy repeatedly states that G-d has inscribed a judgment against all who have sinned, but teshuvah (repentance), tefilah (prayer) and tzedakah can alleviate the decree. See Days of Awe.

According to Jewish law, we are required to give one-tenth of our income to the poor. This is generally interpreted as one-tenth of our net income after payment of taxes. Taxes themselves do not fulfill our obligation to give tzedakah, even though a significant portion of tax revenues in America and many other countries are used to provide for the poor and needy. Those who are dependent on public assistance or living on the edge of subsistence may give less, but must still give to the extent they are able; however, no person should give so much that he would become a public burden.
Maybe not but you take the cash without complaining.
Kick America out of Israeli politics but, if you do so, refuse the fat sacks of cash first.

Jewish state, you moan about Hitler wanting a non Jewish state, what's the difference?

So because Israel accepts the money that the US gives them, we must kiss every American politicians ass?? LOL
What a dumb response, I mean really. But the last sentence in your post was even dumber. Good job :clap2:

You're an Israeli?

Please write Netanyahu and tell him to send back this year's 9 billion.

Pretty please?

They won't do that - they like the cash too much.
Of course, it's totally unreasonable to have the slightest say in their politics, even when they screw your taxpayers for billions.
Imagine the cries of foul if some U.S. politicians started insisting that the U.S. is a Christian state. Who would do the most whining do you figure?

Considering the United Nations has designated the land of Israel as a Jewish State there is no point in saying otherwise.

The UN also has multiple resolutions concerning Israel's borders.

They get to pick and choose what to follow? :lol:

They follow the things they like, American taxpayers' cash and anything they see as handy but reject anything that they dislike.
The always rant on about the kingdom of David being Israel for ever but never mention how David invaded and occupied that land.
Basically, modern Israel is just following the example of the man who sent a soldier off to death in battle cause he wanted to screw that man's wife.

A fine example of humanity.

Come on Israel for ever lovers - what was before David's empire - shit all.
Considering the United Nations has designated the land of Israel as a Jewish State there is no point in saying otherwise.

The UN also has multiple resolutions concerning Israel's borders.

They get to pick and choose what to follow? :lol:

They follow the things they like, American taxpayers' cash and anything they see as handy but reject anything that they dislike.
The always rant on about the kingdom of David being Israel for ever but never mention how David invaded and occupied that land.
Basically, modern Israel is just following the example of the man who sent a soldier off to death in battle cause he wanted to screw that man's wife.

A fine example of humanity.

Come on Israel for ever lovers - what was before David's empire - shit all.

Yes, Freddie's brethren are a fine example of humanity. How many innocent people did your brethren murder this month alone, Freddie, because of their religious beliefs? Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the UN admitted that the UN is anti-Semitic and that is no doubt why you see all the resolutions against Israel and so little against countries which really deserve them.
So because Israel accepts the money that the US gives them, we must kiss every American politicians ass?? LOL
What a dumb response, I mean really. But the last sentence in your post was even dumber. Good job :clap2:

You're an Israeli?

Please write Netanyahu and tell him to send back this year's 9 billion.

Pretty please?

They won't do that - they like the cash too much.
Of course, it's totally unreasonable to have the slightest say in their politics, even when they screw your taxpayers for billions.

How is it that the recipient of the grants is screwing over the taxpayers of the U.S?
Please explain
Considering the United Nations has designated the land of Israel as a Jewish State there is no point in saying otherwise.

The UN also has multiple resolutions concerning Israel's borders.

They get to pick and choose what to follow? :lol:

They follow the things they like, American taxpayers' cash and anything they see as handy but reject anything that they dislike.
The always rant on about the kingdom of David being Israel for ever but never mention how David invaded and occupied that land.
Basically, modern Israel is just following the example of the man who sent a soldier off to death in battle cause he wanted to screw that man's wife.

A fine example of humanity.

Come on Israel for ever lovers - what was before David's empire - shit all.

Yes, what a great example Freddie! I'm sure everyone thinks the same way as you. :rolleyes:
Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.
Nice diversion. Can you show me any country that calls itself "the Christian Republic of..." or any Christian majority nation that engages in chopping people's heads off as a legal form of punishment?


As for chopping heads off, the United states doesn't do that, just blows people to bits with drones.
So much more civilised.
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Really? Then how come you Muslims don't scream and holler about it? Maybe because you'll get your heads chopped off, in true Islamic fashion? LOL

Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.

Yep, back in the middle ages the Christians took their army in to the Middle East and killed people with impunity. Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times nowadays.

Absolutely true.
You'd never see a Christian nation attacking Afghanistan or Iraq, murdering thousands and getting away free as a bird.

It just wouldn't happen.
Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.

Yep, back in the middle ages the Christians took their army in to the Middle East and killed people with impunity. Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times nowadays.

Absolutely true.
You'd never see a Christian nation attacking Afghanistan or Iraq, murdering thousands and getting away free as a bird.

It just wouldn't happen.

And you would never see Sunnis and Shiites murdering each other because of some relgious differences and their government sit by while this is happening. How many thousands have been killed just in Syria alone, Freddie, in this Civil War?
Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.
Nice diversion. Can you show me any country that calls itself "the Christian Republic of..." or any Christian majority nation that engages in chopping people's heads off as a legal form of punishment?


As for chopping heads off, the United states doesn't do that, just blows people to bits with drones.

So much more civilised.

Yes, Freddie's Muslim brethren are such sweet guys that they wouldn't harm a fly.

Christian' Throats Slit In Pagan Slaughterhouse - Video Footage Reveals Systematic Execution of Victims | Christian News
Nice diversion. Can you show me any country that calls itself "the Christian Republic of..." or any Christian majority nation that engages in chopping people's heads off as a legal form of punishment?


As for chopping heads off, the United states doesn't do that, just blows people to bits with drones.

So much more civilised.

Yes, Freddie's Muslim brethren are such sweet guys that they wouldn't harm a fly.

Christian' Throats Slit In Pagan Slaughterhouse - Video Footage Reveals Systematic Execution of Victims | Christian News

You mean his extremist Muslim brethren, right? :D
The UN also has multiple resolutions concerning Israel's borders.

They get to pick and choose what to follow? :lol:

They follow the things they like, American taxpayers' cash and anything they see as handy but reject anything that they dislike.
The always rant on about the kingdom of David being Israel for ever but never mention how David invaded and occupied that land.
Basically, modern Israel is just following the example of the man who sent a soldier off to death in battle cause he wanted to screw that man's wife.

A fine example of humanity.

Come on Israel for ever lovers - what was before David's empire - shit all.

Yes, what a great example Freddie! I'm sure everyone thinks the same way as you. :rolleyes:

The story of David and Bathsheba shows how true and authentic the Tanach is. Its heroes are not described as unbelievable saints. They sin, they repent, and then they rise to greatness. David was a great warrior, poet and composer.
Historically, Christians hold the record on head chopping.

It's the religion with the highest body count.

Nothing bloodier that a devout Christian.

Yep, back in the middle ages the Christians took their army in to the Middle East and killed people with impunity. Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times nowadays.

Absolutely true.
You'd never see a Christian nation attacking Afghanistan or Iraq, murdering thousands and getting away free as a bird.

It just wouldn't happen.
IdiotFred pay attention, we are talking about Muslims decapitating, amputating and stoning people for crimes people in the west don't even go to jail for. At what point will Muslims stop using false comparisons and justifying Islamic barbarism?

Statements like the one IdiotFred just made are proof of why there is no condemnation in the Muslim world for Islamic savagery, and why Muslims are doomed to live in the medieval ages forever.
Considering the United Nations has designated the land of Israel as a Jewish State there is no point in saying otherwise.

The UN also has multiple resolutions concerning Israel's borders.

They get to pick and choose what to follow? :lol:

They follow the things they like, American taxpayers' cash and anything they see as handy but reject anything that they dislike.
The always rant on about the kingdom of David being Israel for ever but never mention how David invaded and occupied that land.
Basically, modern Israel is just following the example of the man who sent a soldier off to death in battle cause he wanted to screw that man's wife.

A fine example of humanity.

Come on Israel for ever lovers - what was before David's empire - shit all.
Well, at least David wasn't a caravan robbing pedophile mass murdering terrorist illiterate thief like Mohammad, who had shit all but Arabia when he started. Some "prophet" you guys have. :clap2:
The UN also has multiple resolutions concerning Israel's borders.

They get to pick and choose what to follow? :lol:

They follow the things they like, American taxpayers' cash and anything they see as handy but reject anything that they dislike.
The always rant on about the kingdom of David being Israel for ever but never mention how David invaded and occupied that land.
Basically, modern Israel is just following the example of the man who sent a soldier off to death in battle cause he wanted to screw that man's wife.

A fine example of humanity.

Come on Israel for ever lovers - what was before David's empire - shit all.
Well, at least David wasn't a caravan robbing pedophile mass murdering terrorist illiterate thief like Mohammad, who had shit all but Arabia when he started. Some "prophet" you guys have. :clap2:

Whenever I hear Mohammad the prophet, I automatically think of the words rape, pillaging, pedophile and murder. Muslims sure are doing a good job of emulating his actions
They follow the things they like, American taxpayers' cash and anything they see as handy but reject anything that they dislike.
The always rant on about the kingdom of David being Israel for ever but never mention how David invaded and occupied that land.
Basically, modern Israel is just following the example of the man who sent a soldier off to death in battle cause he wanted to screw that man's wife.

A fine example of humanity.

Come on Israel for ever lovers - what was before David's empire - shit all.
Well, at least David wasn't a caravan robbing pedophile mass murdering terrorist illiterate thief like Mohammad, who had shit all but Arabia when he started. Some "prophet" you guys have. :clap2:

Whenever I hear Mohammad the prophet, I automatically think of the words rape, pillaging, pedophile and murder. Muslims sure are doing a good job of emulating his actions

The following was written by Raymond Ibrahim, who is a Christian with Egyptian roots.

Allah?s Sword of Terror | FrontPage Magazine

As for chopping heads off, the United states doesn't do that, just blows people to bits with drones.

So much more civilised.

Yes, Freddie's Muslim brethren are such sweet guys that they wouldn't harm a fly.

Christian' Throats Slit In Pagan Slaughterhouse - Video Footage Reveals Systematic Execution of Victims | Christian News

You mean his extremist Muslim brethren, right? :D

Well NO as it is mandatory training from a very early age to behead things, they start with small animals and migrate up to goats and sheep before being let loose on human beings
So because Israel accepts the money that the US gives them, we must kiss every American politicians ass?? LOL
What a dumb response, I mean really. But the last sentence in your post was even dumber. Good job :clap2:

You're an Israeli?

Please write Netanyahu and tell him to send back this year's 9 billion.

Pretty please?

They won't do that - they like the cash too much.
Of course, it's totally unreasonable to have the slightest say in their politics, even when they screw your taxpayers for billions.

What about the 8 billion of that paid back in full every year as it was in the form of a loan. But then you don't agree with that as it shows your JEW HATRED for what it is, so you invent reasons to fuel your rampaging hatreds.
Considering the United Nations has designated the land of Israel as a Jewish State there is no point in saying otherwise.

The UN also has multiple resolutions concerning Israel's borders.

They get to pick and choose what to follow? :lol:

They follow the things they like, American taxpayers' cash and anything they see as handy but reject anything that they dislike.
The always rant on about the kingdom of David being Israel for ever but never mention how David invaded and occupied that land.
Basically, modern Israel is just following the example of the man who sent a soldier off to death in battle cause he wanted to screw that man's wife.

A fine example of humanity.

Come on Israel for ever lovers - what was before David's empire - shit all.

When did islam come into being and what does it teach the world.

Are you aware that Israel has tried to stop the loans and aid and the American government refuse because they have a friendly country from which to invade Saudi.

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