Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Absolutely true.
You'd never see a Christian nation attacking Afghanistan or Iraq, murdering thousands and getting away free as a bird.

It just wouldn't happen.

You wont either because they are not bound by Christianity when they go to war, unlike islam that has commands aplenty for how muslims act in times of war. All bloody and brutal by the way, and involve raping very young girls and slitting their throats in the process.

Now find me a modern mainstream Christian army that allows this to be the norm

The U.S. and Israel drop white phosphorous on people, much more civilized.

But you could care less that gaza used WP as well? Israel voluntarily ended the use though it was not illegal.
If they hadn't been using WP, why would they announce that they would stop using it? You Israeli right or wrongers are amazing.

"Israel 'to stop using white phosphorus shells'"

BBC News - Israel 'to stop using white phosphorus shells'

You pro terrorists get it wrong all the time as I never said they did not use it, if you read my reply again I state that Israel was exonerated by the UN for their use of W.P.

But I see that this is beyond your comprehension and you just want to attack the Jews like the perfect ISLAMONAZI JEW HATER you are.

Pro-terrorist/Jew hater? Just because I disagree with burning women and children with White Phosphorous? Wow, that's a stretch. Am I an anti-Muslim anti-Arab if I disagree with Syria using chemical weapons on women and children?
Nah, you just think Muslims are justified committing any kind of savagery please and those who choose to make them pay for their barbarity are "criminals". Get over it, Mohammad.
White phosphorous was a legitimate smokescreen to use. Remember this was a war zone and Hamas hide behind civilians. Israel had to rout out Hamas. Israel also leaflet dropped before target bombing raids.

Keep drinking the kool aid. Dropping White Phosphorous to "rout out" soldiers is illegal, much less using it on women and children as Israel did. Grow up.
Awwww nobody gives a shit about your beloved terrorist animals.

Tissue for your crocodile tears?
Israel still use smoke, tracer, illumination and incendiary but they use a more expensive material now, voluntarily. Their use of WP was not illegal, but in a close urban area the use could sometimes be problematic.
The burden is still on the Hamas and IJ for attacking Israel and requiring them to respond.
If they put as much energy into peace and the improvement of their own people as they do into hate of Israel not just the palestinians but the world would be better off.
Absolutely true.
You'd never see a Christian nation attacking Afghanistan or Iraq, murdering thousands and getting away free as a bird.

It just wouldn't happen.

You wont either because they are not bound by Christianity when they go to war, unlike islam that has commands aplenty for how muslims act in times of war. All bloody and brutal by the way, and involve raping very young girls and slitting their throats in the process.

Now find me a modern mainstream Christian army that allows this to be the norm

The U.S. and Israel drop white phosphorous on people, much more civilized.

Link, plz. Thx.
You wont either because they are not bound by Christianity when they go to war, unlike islam that has commands aplenty for how muslims act in times of war. All bloody and brutal by the way, and involve raping very young girls and slitting their throats in the process.

Now find me a modern mainstream Christian army that allows this to be the norm

The U.S. and Israel drop white phosphorous on people, much more civilized.

Link, plz. Thx.

He's already been asked for a link that shows that Israel used WP to intentionally burn and kill Palestinians.
So far nothing, as expected
>>white phosphorus, used by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2008, is not a chemical weapon as understood by the Chemical Weapons Convention, and its use is in itself not &#8216;in breach of all international conventions'<<

Israel did not have to, but made the choice to end their use of WP. This is not an issue today but one still being harped on from the past by those trying to incite anger and perpetuate a problem.
>>white phosphorus, used by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2008, is not a chemical weapon as understood by the Chemical Weapons Convention, and its use is in itself not ‘in breach of all international conventions'<<

Israel did not have to, but made the choice to end their use of WP. This is not an issue today but one still being harped on from the past by those trying to incite anger and perpetuate a problem.

I could only imagine how Hamas would use WP if they had F-16's that carried WP munitions and trained pilots to fly them
>>white phosphorus, used by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2008, is not a chemical weapon as understood by the Chemical Weapons Convention, and its use is in itself not ‘in breach of all international conventions'<<

Israel did not have to, but made the choice to end their use of WP. This is not an issue today but one still being harped on from the past by those trying to incite anger and perpetuate a problem.

I could only imagine how Hamas would use WP if they had F-16's that carried WP munitions and trained pilots to fly them
I shudder to think what would happen if Hamas animals had a tenth of the weapons that Israel had, they would be busy trying to carry out the second holocaust they keep dreaming about.
>>white phosphorus, used by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2008, is not a chemical weapon as understood by the Chemical Weapons Convention, and its use is in itself not ‘in breach of all international conventions'<<

Israel did not have to, but made the choice to end their use of WP. This is not an issue today but one still being harped on from the past by those trying to incite anger and perpetuate a problem.

I could only imagine how Hamas would use WP if they had F-16's that carried WP munitions and trained pilots to fly them
I shudder to think what would happen if Hamas animals had a tenth of the weapons that Israel had, they would be busy trying to carry out the second holocaust they keep dreaming about.

It's also very important that Israel stays 20 steps ahead of its enemies with weapons technology.
>>white phosphorus, used by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2008, is not a chemical weapon as understood by the Chemical Weapons Convention, and its use is in itself not ‘in breach of all international conventions'<<

Israel did not have to, but made the choice to end their use of WP. This is not an issue today but one still being harped on from the past by those trying to incite anger and perpetuate a problem.

I could only imagine how Hamas would use WP if they had F-16's that carried WP munitions and trained pilots to fly them
I shudder to think what would happen if Hamas animals had a tenth of the weapons that Israel had, they would be busy trying to carry out the second holocaust they keep dreaming about.

but still squabbling among themselves.

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