Kerry says Paris agreement crafted to avoid Congress

Now that climate change has been solved maybe these same nations can now focus on defeating ISIS.

no kidding. Obama and Kerry is out there Toot toot their own horn acting like they are God and is able to change the climate of our planet. and we expect them to PROTECT us from terrorist. Dear gawd we'll be lucky to get out of their last year of their rein of terror over us without another 9/11
Yeah well then, Obama, Kerry and everyone involved in it should be impeached kicked out of office, etc. . they took an OATH to follow our laws and constitution. someone with a backbone please step forward

Quit whining about it, and do it. Oh, that's right, you don't have any grounds to do that other than your irrational hatred of a black president.

Oh the irony impaired racist far left drones and their comments!

The only irony I see is all the whining about impeachment when you know you will never do it.

Says the racist far left drone!

Just like Pelosi and company promised you drones in 2006 right?

I'm not exactly sure what you think Pelosi promised me in 2006, but what does that have to do with whether you the right has legal grounds to impeach Obama?
Of course it was. NWO Globalist assholes like Kerry don't care about America and its People. It's about World Government control. Why do Americans continue electing them? You would think they would have learned by now. The NWO Globalists don't care about them.
What's worse is Obama, Kerry and their party of TRATORS selling us out to some group of idiots from other countries (UN) who DOESN'T have ours and our country's best interest in mind. why the people aren't more upset over this, is as scary as how they got DUPED into electing that Obama in the first place.
Yes Obama loves to circumvent Congress all he can, except when it run by the far left!

Republicans should take note on how to circumvent. Liberals obviously have no issue with it conceptually so their should be no legitimate legal or moral issue when Republicans get off their milque toast appeasing ass and do it.
Yes Obama loves to circumvent Congress all he can, except when it run by the far left!

republicans are in bed with Obama to get TPP passed. they may yell and scream but in the end they are not much different then the democrats.

No many of them are not!

Nothing is worse than being mixed up in the far left religion..

Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.
Yes Obama loves to circumvent Congress all he can, except when it run by the far left!

republicans are in bed with Obama to get TPP passed. they may yell and scream but in the end they are not much different then the democrats.

No many of them are not!

Nothing is worse than being mixed up in the far left religion..

Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.

Bush has been repudiated every step along the way. It's hard to even find a hard right winger who will try to defend his crap any more. Historically, mid terms always benefit the party not in the presidency. If you would have accomplished anything but obstruction, you might have some claim to some sort of mandate, but the right is incapable of anything but bickering.
One has to admit "To serve and protect the Constitution and laws of the United States" is not what this administration ever intended to abide by. The joke is that he was, or possibly pretended to be, due to affirmative action and on everyone else dime, or who gave a shit, a Constitutional Legal scholar at Harvard. He is so bright and gifted he missed the part about checks and balances and importance it played in insuring the freedoms provided within our form of government.
republicans are in bed with Obama to get TPP passed. they may yell and scream but in the end they are not much different then the democrats.

No many of them are not!

Nothing is worse than being mixed up in the far left religion..

Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.

Bush has been repudiated every step along the way. It's hard to even find a hard right winger who will try to defend his crap any more. Historically, mid terms always benefit the party not in the presidency. If you would have accomplished anything but obstruction, you might have some claim to some sort of mandate, but the right is incapable of anything but bickering.

AHAHAHAHA that's a classic liberal response. So a GOP midterm victory is meaningless but a DEM midterm victory is a mandate from the people, got it. /eyeroll :laugh:
No many of them are not!

Nothing is worse than being mixed up in the far left religion..

Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.

Bush has been repudiated every step along the way. It's hard to even find a hard right winger who will try to defend his crap any more. Historically, mid terms always benefit the party not in the presidency. If you would have accomplished anything but obstruction, you might have some claim to some sort of mandate, but the right is incapable of anything but bickering.

AHAHAHAHA that's a classic liberal response. So a GOP midterm victory is meaningless but a DEM midterm victory is a mandate from the people, got it. /eyeroll :laugh:

these people have to be Robots programmed with DNC talking points. I swear they spew the same lines over and over. I just wonder if they are paid or will make a fool of themselves for free?
One has to admit "To serve and protect the Constitution and laws of the United States" is not what this administration ever intended to abide by. The joke is that he was, or possibly pretended to be, due to affirmative action and on everyone else dime, or who gave a shit, a Constitutional Legal scholar at Harvard. He is so bright and gifted he missed the part about checks and balances and importance it played in insuring the freedoms provided within our form of government.

Oh, he understands the part about checks and balances. That's why he has been able to stay within the law, but still leave the right whining on the street corner. If his actions weren't legal, you would have impeached him long ago. That's what you have been wanting to do since before he was inaugurated.
No many of them are not!

Nothing is worse than being mixed up in the far left religion..

Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.

Bush has been repudiated every step along the way. It's hard to even find a hard right winger who will try to defend his crap any more. Historically, mid terms always benefit the party not in the presidency. If you would have accomplished anything but obstruction, you might have some claim to some sort of mandate, but the right is incapable of anything but bickering.

AHAHAHAHA that's a classic liberal response. So a GOP midterm victory is meaningless but a DEM midterm victory is a mandate from the people, got it. /eyeroll :laugh:

No. Most midterm elections are just marking time. Historically they are extremely predictable no matter who is running.
Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.

Bush has been repudiated every step along the way. It's hard to even find a hard right winger who will try to defend his crap any more. Historically, mid terms always benefit the party not in the presidency. If you would have accomplished anything but obstruction, you might have some claim to some sort of mandate, but the right is incapable of anything but bickering.

AHAHAHAHA that's a classic liberal response. So a GOP midterm victory is meaningless but a DEM midterm victory is a mandate from the people, got it. /eyeroll :laugh:

these people have to be Robots programmed with DNC talking points. I swear they spew the same lines over and over. I just wonder if they are paid or will make a fool of themselves for free?

They aren't lines.They are facts.
republicans are in bed with Obama to get TPP passed. they may yell and scream but in the end they are not much different then the democrats.

No many of them are not!

Nothing is worse than being mixed up in the far left religion..

Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.

Bush has been repudiated every step along the way. It's hard to even find a hard right winger who will try to defend his crap any more. Historically, mid terms always benefit the party not in the presidency. If you would have accomplished anything but obstruction, you might have some claim to some sort of mandate, but the right is incapable of anything but bickering.

Blah blah blah, sounds like "we won because you didn't beat the crap out of us big enough." You're spewing loser words.
No many of them are not!

Nothing is worse than being mixed up in the far left religion..

Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.

Bush has been repudiated every step along the way. It's hard to even find a hard right winger who will try to defend his crap any more. Historically, mid terms always benefit the party not in the presidency. If you would have accomplished anything but obstruction, you might have some claim to some sort of mandate, but the right is incapable of anything but bickering.

Blah blah blah, sounds like "we won because you didn't beat the crap out of us big enough." You're spewing loser words.

Sounds like you are pouting because we weren't upset. We knew republicans winning that election wouldn't help your goals in the least, and we were right. What have you accomplished? NOTHING!
One has to admit "To serve and protect the Constitution and laws of the United States" is not what this administration ever intended to abide by. The joke is that he was, or possibly pretended to be, due to affirmative action and on everyone else dime, or who gave a shit, a Constitutional Legal scholar at Harvard. He is so bright and gifted he missed the part about checks and balances and importance it played in insuring the freedoms provided within our form of government.

Oh, he understands the part about checks and balances. That's why he has been able to stay within the law, but still leave the right whining on the street corner. If his actions weren't legal, you would have impeached him long ago. That's what you have been wanting to do since before he was inaugurated.

Lets just see what the Supreme Court has to say about executive orders and federal laws. As I understand it this has yet to be resolved.
One has to admit "To serve and protect the Constitution and laws of the United States" is not what this administration ever intended to abide by. The joke is that he was, or possibly pretended to be, due to affirmative action and on everyone else dime, or who gave a shit, a Constitutional Legal scholar at Harvard. He is so bright and gifted he missed the part about checks and balances and importance it played in insuring the freedoms provided within our form of government.

Oh, he understands the part about checks and balances. That's why he has been able to stay within the law, but still leave the right whining on the street corner. If his actions weren't legal, you would have impeached him long ago. That's what you have been wanting to do since before he was inaugurated.

Lets just see what the Supreme Court has to say about executive orders and federal laws. As I understand it this has yet to be resolved.

So you aren't so sure he has done impeachable things now? Come on grow a pair if you think you are man enough to do it. Try to impeach him or quit whining.
Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

In the 2006 midterms Democrats claimed their victory was a HUGE mandate from the people and a repudiation of Bush so eat it. Also enough with the left's denial, the 2010 and 2014 GOP victories were historic crushing Democrats not your average midterm. Democrats have lost 1,200 seats nationally. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. Sorry to let the air out of your balloon.

Bush has been repudiated every step along the way. It's hard to even find a hard right winger who will try to defend his crap any more. Historically, mid terms always benefit the party not in the presidency. If you would have accomplished anything but obstruction, you might have some claim to some sort of mandate, but the right is incapable of anything but bickering.

Blah blah blah, sounds like "we won because you didn't beat the crap out of us big enough." You're spewing loser words.

Sounds like you are pouting because we weren't upset. We knew republicans winning that election wouldn't help your goals in the least, and we were right. What have you accomplished? NOTHING!

What's this 'we' shit, Obama and the Democrats do nothing but complain about GOP obstruction. The left got shut down on gun control, Obamacare is so loathed even Democrats won't run on it :laugh:

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