Kerry says Paris agreement crafted to avoid Congress

So the RW guys are all up in arms because Obama signed a deal that looks after the planet.

Do the RW know that everyone in the world is laughing at them. You are the butt of jokes internationally.
So the RW guys are all up in arms because Obama signed a deal that looks after the planet.

Do the RW know that everyone in the world is laughing at them. You are the butt of jokes internationally.

And the far left narratives run without question or hesitation..

Then again the biggest joke on everyone was voting for Obama twice and getting worse than Bush..
Yeah well then, Obama, Kerry and everyone involved in it should be impeached kicked out of office, etc. . they took an OATH to follow our laws and constitution. someone with a backbone please step forward

Quit whining about it, and do it. Oh, that's right, you don't have any grounds to do that other than your irrational hatred of a black president.

Oh the irony impaired racist far left drones and their comments!

The only irony I see is all the whining about impeachment when you know you will never do it.
Yeah well then, Obama, Kerry and everyone involved in it should be impeached kicked out of office, etc. . they took an OATH to follow our laws and constitution. someone with a backbone please step forward

Quit whining about it, and do it. Oh, that's right, you don't have any grounds to do that other than your irrational hatred of a black president.

Oh the irony impaired racist far left drones and their comments!

The only irony I see is all the whining about impeachment when you know you will never do it.

Says the racist far left drone!

Just like Pelosi and company promised you drones in 2006 right?
What the hell was the purpose then? If Obama promised money doesn't the Congress get to vote on spending money? Or is Kerry just being Kerry? An idiot?

Kerry says Paris agreement crafted to avoid Congress

Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the climate agreement reached this week in Paris did not contain any enforcement provisions because Congress would not have approved them.

"It doesn't have mandatory targets for reduction and it doesn't have an enforcement, compliance mechanism," Kerry said during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

Kerry said such mechanisms were not included because Congress would have refused to greenlight the deal.

Which means congress has no obligation to fund any of it and they can add riders to spending bills to make sure no money is diverted to it.

. to think they thing (Kerry) ran to be our President. he's bragging about Stepping on the peoples right to Representation in Congress.
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I just ran across this from another site on this traitor Kerry.

"Binding legal requirements would have made the Paris agreement a treaty, requiring approval from two-thirds of the Senate."FR: Never Accept the Premise of Your Opponents Argument
Even if there had been binding legal requirements which which would have made the agreement a treaty, Kerry wrongly ignores the following.
The states have never delegated to the feds, expressly via the Constitution, the specific power to regulate, tax and spend for climate changes issues. So the treaty would have been an unconstitutional treaty imo. This is evidenced by the following previously posted material.
Based on his experience as vice president and president of the Senate, Thomas Jefferson had essentially clarified that the Senate cannot use its power to approve treaties as a way for Congress to bypass the Constitutions Article V amendment process to create new powers for itself.
  • ”In giving to the President and Senate a power to make treaties, the Constitution meant only to authorize them to carry into effect, by way of treaty, any powers they might constitutionally exercise.” - Thomas Jefferson: The Anas, 1793.

  • ”Surely the President and Senate cannot do by treaty what the whole government is interdicted from doing in any way.” - Thomas Jefferson: Parliamentary Manual, 1812.
A more important example concerning limits on treaty powers comes from a previous generation of state sovereignty-respecting justices. In fact, the Court reflected on Jeffersons words, clarifying that Congress cannot use its power to negotiate treaties as a way to bypass its constitutionally limited powers. ” 2. Insofar as Art. 2(11) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice provides for the military trial of civilian dependents accompanying the armed forces in foreign countries, it cannot be sustained as legislation which is "necessary and proper" to carry out obligations of the United States under international agreements made with those countries, since no agreement with a foreign nation can confer on Congress or any other branch of the Government power which is free from the restraints of the Constitution [emphasis added].” - Reid v. Covert, 1956.

ALL of it from an article at:
Kerry Says Paris Agreement Crafted To Avoid Congress
This whole administration is such a freaking freak show day in and day out. And Obama is the biggest freak of them all. the man knows this isn't BINDING us to anything but he goes around beating his chest like a fool claiming this is LEADERSHIP. Don't you get tired of being Mislead by your own stinking President?

Think Tank: Paris Agreement Is ‘Paper Tiger’, Is Non-Binding

Of course, everything Obama negotiates is smoke and mirrors…

Via Daily Caller:

The energy industry is already saying Saturday’s Paris global warming agreement is “unenforceable, underfunded, and non-binding.”

“There is nothing historic about this deal,” said American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle in an email to the Daily Caller News Foundation. “The Obama administration clearly doesn’t have the support of Congress or the American people—making the agreement nothing more than a paper tiger. Unfortunately, this won’t stop the president from pursuing a domestic climate agenda that will raise energy prices on American families, but will have no impact on the climate.”

The Obama administration states that the deal will encourage nearly 200 countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, slowing global warming. Despite the doubt, President Obama is already celebrating the deal, as shown by the Tweet.

all of it here:
Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Yes Obama loves to circumvent Congress all he can, except when it run by the far left!

republicans are in bed with Obama to get TPP passed. they may yell and scream but in the end they are not much different then the democrats.

No many of them are not!

Nothing is worse than being mixed up in the far left religion..

Can you honestly say that with the mandate the Republican party was given we are seeing our money's worth? The only thing I see is some BS with Obamacare which ain't going no where.

What mandate? They came out ahead in a little midterm election that nobody showed up for and followed historical pattern exactly. Wasn't a surprise to anybody. Of course the idiots that got elected can't even get along with each other, so it's no surprise that they have and will accomplish nothing.

Why do democrats think so little of their members? The meme that only lazy democrats didn't show up is really interesting. Even if true, doesn't matter, not going to vote is giving your vote to someone else.
So the RW guys are all up in arms because Obama signed a deal that looks after the planet.

Do the RW know that everyone in the world is laughing at them. You are the butt of jokes internationally.

They should be laughing, all the way to the bank. Thanks to Obama's and Kerry circumventing congress. I guess Obama was wrong once again when he said elections have consequences.
What the hell was the purpose then? If Obama promised money doesn't the Congress get to vote on spending money? Or is Kerry just being Kerry? An idiot?

Kerry says Paris agreement crafted to avoid Congress

Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the climate agreement reached this week in Paris did not contain any enforcement provisions because Congress would not have approved them.

"It doesn't have mandatory targets for reduction and it doesn't have an enforcement, compliance mechanism," Kerry said during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

Kerry said such mechanisms were not included because Congress would have refused to greenlight the deal.
So in other words Obama has wasted everyone's time crafting an unenforceable agreement so he can claim some kind of victory. Like the Iran deal.

Here is what I see happening. Obama will implement as much as he can. Like giving third world countries a lot more money. I can imagine an African leader being given money and asking why and being told because it is hot in Africa. Then when their dire predictions don't come true they will say, see we fixed it. All it took was money.
The US tax payers paid for Kerry and Obama to have a Parisian vacation, so they could have their international 'Kumbaya' moment, and take the spotlight off of Obama's foreign affairs failures and the REAL threat of terrorism. Going around Congress is just an added 'perk' Hell, he might even win another Nobel Prize for 'saving the world'.

Kerry says Paris agreement crafted to avoid Congress

... and any sort of real enforcement. What a joke.
What the hell was the purpose then? If Obama promised money doesn't the Congress get to vote on spending money? Or is Kerry just being Kerry? An idiot?

Kerry says Paris agreement crafted to avoid Congress

Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the climate agreement reached this week in Paris did not contain any enforcement provisions because Congress would not have approved them.

"It doesn't have mandatory targets for reduction and it doesn't have an enforcement, compliance mechanism," Kerry said during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

Kerry said such mechanisms were not included because Congress would have refused to greenlight the deal.
So in other words Obama has wasted everyone's time crafting an unenforceable agreement so he can claim some kind of victory. Like the Iran deal.

Here is what I see happening. Obama will implement as much as he can. Like giving third world countries a lot more money. I can imagine an African leader being given money and asking why and being told because it is hot in Africa. Then when their dire predictions don't come true they will say, see we fixed it. All it took was money.

Obama can't give money away without congress approving it. so thankfully we are safe there. but don't think he won't try. He sees our tax dollars as his to do as he wishes.
Great circle jerk you all are having.
Must have a great lubricant to keep from getting sore. Seeing as how you all "circle jerk" each other all day every day.

You guys think you might ever find something to bitch about that you can DO anything about.

Or would that be asking to much effort for you complainers?
This agreement is nothing but bullshit. Make more people dependable on the "coalition". Taking over peoples economies? Come on!
Little by little, one world govt approaches.

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