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Kerry shows true self

No...I'm pissed 'cause Chimpy let 'em get away with it. We leave one of our own to the insurgents, and who knows what will happen to him. We should be turning Sadr City inside out to find him. So stuff your "cut-and-run" bullshit ya little puke. :asshole: :finger:

Let's do a little word check in this thread.

How many times have people called Kerry anything other than "Kerry?" Granted, there are a number of adjectives used to describe Kerry, but he seems to always be referred to by his name.

How many times has Bully referred to GWB as "chimpy?"

Just goes to show the immature mindset of those like Bully. And to you directly Bully, when are you planning to mature from your DU mentality to something more respectable, like say a third grader?
Kerry was fine while he was sticking to his guns. That didn't last long though. The other Dems panicked early and played into the Republican talking points, nice job idiots.

As it stands now i'm sure Rove had a hard-on going for a few hours there.

On the bright side for the Dems nobody has cared about Kerry for awhile now, so the fallout should be minimal.

The fallout is proving to be tremendous. WIth many mothers and fathers of soldiers, or who had their kids killed in Iraq coming out and stating they are insulted, it has energized many voters who otherwise were apathetic.

Personally, I still have a hard on (but then again, look at my wifes pic!, how could I NOT?)
It worked, didn't it. Iraq got knocked out of the headlines of the news cycle for two, now going on three days. Nuri al-Maliki, Iraq's prime-minister, ordered US troops to pack up their check points around Sadr City, these set up in an effort to find a US soldier kidnapped by insurgents. And the Shi'ite militias that support al-Maliki couldn't be happier, as they called this a "victory".

This got a brief blurb on the evening news, then disappeared under a hailstorm of phony indignation by Chimpy and Co over Kerry's gaff.

As for some of the candidates distancing themselves from Chimpy, ya got Lincoln Chaffee in Rhode Island, Bob Corker in Tennessee, Thomas Keane Jr in New Jersey, and John Hostettler from Indiana, among others. All are in tight races, and all have distanced themselves from Chimpy and his policies.

<blockquote>Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says if Republican candidates want to succeed on Election Day, they should turn their focus away from the
Iraq war. - Bill Frist, 10/25/06</blockquote>

And thus are GOP candidates are trying to do, in droves. And this tempest in a teapot helped divert the attention from Iraq. But it keeps raising its bloody head every day, as more of our troops die and more Iraqi civilians lives are snuffed out, as Iraq descends into chaos. It overshadows and influences everything else. And given that some 80% of Americans think Chimpy's handling of the war to be excrable, doesn't the will of the people count in this matter? Or does it only count when the issue is something as inconsequential as same-gender unions?

Hey mr clueless and classless. "chimpy" is eating the shorts off of Dems right now, stumping across the country. Yea, once again the dems are underestimating the guy. I love it when IDIOTS call him chimpy and stuff, just proves their arrogance and elitist attitude is going to continue to make them ineffective and powerless.
No...I'm pissed 'cause Chimpy let 'em get away with it. We leave one of our own to the insurgents, and who knows what will happen to him. We should be turning Sadr City inside out to find him. So stuff your "cut-and-run" bullshit ya little puke. :asshole: :finger:

LIAR. You are happy about it, and you want us to lose the war in Iraq. You are one of those liberal liars who were screaming "we support the troops but oppose the war" crap. Notice they let that slogan go b y the wayside once repubs starting showing it for what it was. Political babble. Lipservice LIES.
LIAR. You are happy about it, and you want us to lose the war in Iraq. You are one of those liberal liars who were screaming "we support the troops but oppose the war" crap. Notice they let that slogan go b y the wayside once repubs starting showing it for what it was. Political babble. Lipservice LIES.

Nay, nay...mooseface! You couldn't be more wrong. So you can take your "cut-and-run" political babble, fold it five ways, and firnly place it where the sun never shines. Right there next to your head.

Yeah, I do support the troops...Because they were placed in harms way by a reckless, feckless administration. I want them to come home safely...In one piece, not in body bags or hooked up to mobile ICU's. Your branding of anyone who opposes the war as an unpatriotic troop hater is so much bullshit. So, why don't you wake up and smell the coffee. And while you're at it, give your ears a good..hard...tug, and pop yer head outta yer ass.

<center><img src=http://www.gambino.com/funstuff/manager1.jpg></center>
Nay, nay...mooseface! You couldn't be more wrong. So you can take your "cut-and-run" political babble, fold it five ways, and firnly place it where the sun never shines. Right there next to your head.

Yeah, I do support the troops...Because they were placed in harms way by a reckless, feckless administration. I want them to come home safely...In one piece, not in body bags or hooked up to mobile ICU's. Your branding of anyone who opposes the war as an unpatriotic troop hater is so much bullshit. So, why don't you wake up and smell the coffee. And while you're at it, give your ears a good..hard...tug, and pop yer head outta yer ass.

<center><img src=http://www.gambino.com/funstuff/manager1.jpg></center>

Looked in a mirror lately Bully?

The image you posted should look familiar. Thats gotta hurt, and the smell.......:crutch::wtf: :splat:
Nay, nay...mooseface! You couldn't be more wrong. So you can take your "cut-and-run" political babble, fold it five ways, and firnly place it where the sun never shines. Right there next to your head.

Yeah, I do support the troops...Because they were placed in harms way by a reckless, feckless administration. I want them to come home safely...In one piece, not in body bags or hooked up to mobile ICU's. Your branding of anyone who opposes the war as an unpatriotic troop hater is so much bullshit. So, why don't you wake up and smell the coffee. And while you're at it, give your ears a good..hard...tug, and pop yer head outta yer ass.

If he couldnt be more wrong why is it that everything you support undermines the troops? Why is it everything you advocate would cause our troops to come home disgraced? If you suppor the troops why are you trying to defend Senator Kerry's clear and blatant insult of our troops?

How on earth is pointing out your "Cut and run" position political bable? You have demonstrated quite clearly on many occasions that all you care about is bringing the troops home regardless the costs. The thing is, we also want to bring the troops home. But we want them to come home with victory and not as cowards running away from what they started.

I know the whole, "botched joke" thing is the latest talking point the Dems are trying desperately to sell...and well, I can't say I'm suprised that you bought it...but come on, you're more intelligent than that.

Gem... listen... "NO", he's not.
looks like it was already delivered:

This petition for indictment was delivered to Senate President Richard Cheney, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Attorney General John Ashcroft on Monday, 18 October 2004. We are currently awaiting a reply from the Department of Justice
Taken from the same site as the Kerry-Treason petition.

A Balanced Budget Amendment... and Tax Reform to Match

Signers: 24853

At present, Republicans control the executive branch and both houses of Congress, yet the size and regulatory role of the central government has grown, largely unabated since President George W. Bush took office. The President's fiscal budget for 2007, though leaner than previous budgets, reflects spending increases over his tenure of almost 50 percent more than Bill Clinton's last budget. So we're left to ponder why, with the Senate and House under Republican leadership, George Bush has yet to embrace Ronald Reagan's legacy, and make limited government and fair taxation his administration's chief objectives.

The only real hope for preventing the weight of the central government from crushing the life from our Republic is to renew the bid for a constitutionally mandated balanced-budget amendment and to enact real tax reform (such as that proposed under HR25 -- FairTax Bill). That amendment and reform will force Congress to either make dramatic cuts in government spending or enact enormous tax increases to pay for the current distended and mostly unconstitutional government budget.

A Balanced Budget Amendment, combined with real tax reform -- namely, a flat or national sales tax with deductions and exclusions -- will result in a reduction in government spending. American taxpayers will not tolerate bearing the burden of the actual cost of government.

We call on Republicans -- our President and Congress -- to make such legislation the new priority in Washington, ushering in a new era of restraint, responsibility and respect for the constitutional limitations of government. We expect President Bush to embrace Ronald Reagan's legacy, and make limited government and fair taxation his administration's principal objectives for the remainder of his second term.

Sign this petition | Read more about this petition

Petition to Investigate and Indict John F. Kerry for acts of treason

Signers: 204204

Way to keep those priorities in order folks... :duh3:
A Balanced Budget Amendment... and Tax Reform to Match

Signers: 24853

Petition to Investigate and Indict John F. Kerry for acts of treason

Signers: 204204

There is a reason why the crafters of the Constitution felt the government needed to be insulated against the strong emotions of the electorate. If we has a system like Italy's, we'd have a new government about every 79 seconds. Those men understood full well that "democracy" and "mob rule" were synonymous and made what they considered to be reasonable provisions for a stable government in the face of the nearly hysterical emotional currents that often sweep through the land like The Wave at Yankee Stadium.

Some people think the government is TOO insulated from popular pressure. Some think the government should be MORE insulated from popular pressure. Which probably means the framers got it about right.

Still and all, the nuimber of those who get their knickers in a twist over a stupid remark by a stupid person versus the number who would actually DO something useful to improve government gives one pause. It is very likely that The American Revolution is well and truly over. And "we" have lost. :fifty:
I'm not defending Kerry's inartfulness... he reminded me why he can't be a candidate in 2008, but...

It's kind of interesting... Bush lies about what Kerry said, knowing full well it was referring to him... but s'okay... Kerry said something stupid.

But I wonder where all the outrage was when Bush made jokes about how "the weapons of mass destruction" must be somewhere and laughed, looking under the podium at one of his dinners with his actual base... "the haves and have more", Guess joking about the reason you send people to die is ok... joking about the lack of intelligence of the person who sent them there... not so much.

And perhaps when your pres is as inarticulate as the current occupant as the white house... you know, saying things like "doctors need to spread their love to their patients", you shouldn't throw stones.

oh... and psssssssssssssssst... it's out of the news cycle now... give it a rest. No one's listening and we're back to real stuff til Tuesday..... like the military saying Rummy needs to go. Now THAT'S something to discuss going in to election day. :thup:
Jillian, I agree, I tired of the whole deal about 30 minutes after it happened.

There IS however some traction to be had for the supporters of the President with this Kerry "mis-speak".

Just as you, and I have tired of people going on, and on about nothing. So have I and many others tired about the name calling, and incessant ringing of the hands over everything, that GWB does or says. Its childish, and counter productive to any real issues, that might be dealt with.

The left is quick to hand it out, but they sure can't take it.:smoke:

Oh and Bully, I almost forgot, you posted the following:

You, and your peurile, assinine assertions, after due consideration, deserve the only response appropriate to them.

Fuck you.

How exactly has Bush lied about what Kerrry said? How on earth can any rational person conclude that Kerry meant that insult for the President? Especially since the President was far more successful with his education then Senator Kerry was?

The fact is he was talking about the troops. Its not the first time he has shown contempt for the troops. Its not going to be the last time.
Kerry basically told the truth. That the military is filled with people who didnt have a good shot at an education so they joined the military. That , at least in my opinion, constitues the majority of the military. So alot of people who dont get a shot at an education join the military. And people think thats a false statement ? Why dont you focus on Bush's idiotic statements that he makes as our president rather than Kerry...Sheesh..

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