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Kerry shows true self

Kerry basically told the truth. That the military is filled with people who didnt have a good shot at an education so they joined the military. That , at least in my opinion, constitues the majority of the military. So alot of people who dont get a shot at an education join the military. And people think thats a false statement ? Why dont you focus on Bush's idiotic statements that he makes as our president rather than Kerry...Sheesh..

Aww, the perfect example of "liberal speak". "Kerry basically told the truth.", vs "Bush's idiotic statements".:slap:

Pay close attention T-Bor, Kerry is the idiot, and THAT can be documented, its CURRENT EVENTS. Our President's statement's only seem idiotic to the liberals, gee, I wonder why, NOT. The lack of respect shown toward the office of President, and to the man, that now occupies it, is one of the reasons NO ONE takes the talking points of the liberal agenda seriously.

Guess who the REAL idiots are? Of course you want get it right, sorry I asked.:laugh:
Kerry basically told the truth. That the military is filled with people who didnt have a good shot at an education so they joined the military. That , at least in my opinion, constitues the majority of the military. So alot of people who dont get a shot at an education join the military. And people think thats a false statement ? Why dont you focus on Bush's idiotic statements that he makes as our president rather than Kerry...Sheesh..

To be an officer in the military you need an advanced degree...so everything you said (and everything Kerry "basically" said, according to you) is insulting and demeaning to that entire section of the military.

Many enlisted members of our armed services have advanced degrees but are choosing to remain enlisted because they enjoy their jobs or enjoy working with enlisted soliders. So everything you said (and Kerry "basically" said, according to you) is insulting and demeaning to that entire section of the military.

Many enlisted soldiers in our armed services enter the military directly after highschool rather than attend college because they believe in serving their nation and have been planning on doing so for years. So everything you said (and Kerry "basically" said, according to you) is insulting and demeaning to that entire section of the military.

Many enlisted soliders in our armed services can not afford college...and rather than fight with our complicated financial aid options they join the military which offers them the opportunity to be trained in an area (an area that often will pay VERY well in the civilian world), providing them with housing, utilities, health care, etc. in return for their service. Additionally, they will provide college assistance...so on one hand...they can take out tons of loans and be in debt to our government...on the other hand they can join the military, get valuable training, money for college, housing, utilities, medical care, not to mention the pride and sense of self-worth that comes from serving your nation....

And these people are the dumb ones?!?!?!?

Give me a break. What Kerry said, and what you (and don't get me wrong - you aren't alone...there are many, many other foolish and rude people who don't know what they are talking about yet feel the same way) feel...is demeaning and insulting to the men and women who consciously and for many good reasons joined our nation's military.

They deserve far better than to be pitied by you and mocked by John Kerry and his ilk.
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To be an officer in the military you need an advanced degree...so everything you said (and everything Kerry "basically" said, according to you) is insulting and demeaning to that entire section of the military.

Many enlisted members of our armed services have advanced degrees but are choosing to remain enlisted because they enjoy their jobs or enjoy working with enlisted soliders. So everything you said (and Kerry "basically" said, according to you) is insulting and demeaning to that entire section of the military.

Many enlisted soldiers in our armed services enter the military directly after highschool rather than attend college because they believe in serving their nation and have been planning on doing so for years. So everything you said (and Kerry "basically" said, according to you) is insulting and demeaning to that entire section of the military.

Many enlisted soliders in our armed services can not afford college...and rather than fight with our complicated financial aid options they join the military which offers them the opportunity to be trained in an area (an area that often will pay VERY well in the civilian world), providing them with housing, utilities, health care, etc. in return for their service. Additionally, they will provide college assistance...so on one hand...they can take out tons of loans and be in debt to our government...on the other hand they can join the military, get valuable training, money for college, housing, utilities, medical care, not to mention the pride and sense of self-worth that comes from serving your nation....

And these people are the dumb ones?!?!?!?

Give me a break. What Kerry said, and what you (and don't get me wrong - you aren't alone...there are many, many other foolish and rude people who don't know what they are talking about yet feel the same way) feel...is demeaning and insulting to the men and women who consciously and for many good reasons joined our nation's military.

They deserve far better than to be pitied by you and mocked by John Kerry and his ilk.

The silence is deafening.

Can I enlist you to run for congress?

Great post, you described EXACTLY how I attended college in the '70's.

Thanks America!
Your right..I guess when Bush jokes about the IRAQ war and people dying during a dinner its ok...I guess when he jokes about the havs and have nots its ok...but when Kerry does its not OK. Guess you dont see the double standard.. Oh well...maybe you will understand this... :finger3:

Aww, the perfect example of "liberal speak". "Kerry basically told the truth.", vs "Bush's idiotic statements".:slap:

Pay close attention T-Bor, Kerry is the idiot, and THAT can be documented, its CURRENT EVENTS. Our President's statement's only seem idiotic to the liberals, gee, I wonder why, NOT. The lack of respect shown toward the office of President, and to the man, that now occupies it, is one of the reasons NO ONE takes the talking points of the liberal agenda seriously.

Guess who the REAL idiots are? Of course you want get it right, sorry I asked.:laugh:
Kerry basically told the truth. That the military is filled with people who didnt have a good shot at an education so they joined the military. That , at least in my opinion, constitues the majority of the military. So alot of people who dont get a shot at an education join the military. And people think thats a false statement ? Why dont you focus on Bush's idiotic statements that he makes as our president rather than Kerry...Sheesh..

Actually, reports say quite the opposite. The military is full of upper and middle class recruits who want to defend their freedom. The poor and uneducated is the one area where the military is not succeding in recruitment.

Trust me, there are plenty of ways for the poor to get an education if the want to without being shot at. You dont join the military for the benefits. you join the military to serve your nation.
Your right..I guess when Bush jokes about the IRAQ war and people dying during a dinner its ok...I guess when he jokes about the havs and have nots its ok...but when Kerry does its not OK. Guess you dont see the double standard.. Oh well...maybe you will understand this... :finger3:

Kerry wasnt joking. Jokes are funny.

And btw President Bush wasnt joking about the troops. He was joking about liberals and their absurd point of view.

If you cant figure out why Senator Kerry's statements are news, then you are oblivious to yourself. You concurr with him that his statements are accurate. This board is full of liberals who are trying to defend Kerry. And thats the whole point. Its an issue that demonstrates how much you people actually dispise the military despite all your claims to "support the troops". And with such contempt for the men and women who defend us, why on earth should we let you control where they get sent or give you power to deny them the equipment they need to win this war just so you can blame President Bush alittle more? Why the heck shouldnt the lack of respect for the military while pretending the opposite by the left but up for discussion if you want to be elected?

You guys already voted against giving our troops body armor (while trying to falsely blame Republicans for doing it). Why the heck should we let you have the power to fund our military?
Your right..I guess when Bush jokes about the IRAQ war and people dying during a dinner its ok...I guess when he jokes about the hands and have nots its ok...but when Kerry does its not OK. Guess you dont see the double standard.. Oh well...maybe you will understand this... :finger3:

The great liberal thingymajig........

When they don't like what their hearing about one of their own(Cary), try and turn around the subject on someone else(President Bush)........:laugh:
Oh Puhhhlease Stephanie...And the Republicans dont play that game ? So when Democrats slam bush Republicans dont try and bring something up that Clinton did that may be smiliar ? Or Republicans dont ever say " Hey, hes better than Kerry"... Please Stephanie , get a clue, Republicans do the same damn thing all the time.

Like Every single time Bush says something incredibly stupid, which is on a daily basis mind you , you all dont rush to his defense by bringing up his GPA, or the fact that he doesnt turn back on his decisions. Hey, thats great, he makes crappy decisions but at least he sticks to them right ?? Thats what you want right ? You want a president who can make a decision and stick with it whether its wrong or right correct ? I mean if you make a wrong turn in your car you never turn around beause you made a wrong turn. You just keep going the wrong direction because hey, you made the decision..You might as well stick with it. You all are a bunch of dopes.

The great liberal thingymajig........

When they don't like what their hearing about one of their own(Cary), try and turn around the subject on someone else(President Bush)........:laugh:
Oh Puhhhlease Stephanie...And the Republicans dont play that game ? So when Democrats slam bush Republicans dont try and bring something up that Clinton did that may be smiliar ? Or Republicans dont ever say " Hey, hes better than Kerry"... Please Stephanie , get a clue, Republicans do the same damn thing all the time.

Like Every single time Bush says something incredibly stupid, which is on a daily basis mind you , you all dont rush to his defense by bringing up his GPA, or the fact that he doesnt turn back on his decisions. Hey, thats great, he makes crappy decisions but at least he sticks to them right ?? Thats what you want right ? You want a president who can make a decision and stick with it whether its wrong or right correct ? I mean if you make a wrong turn in your car you never turn around beause you made a wrong turn. You just keep going the wrong direction because hey, you made the decision..You might as well stick with it. You all are a bunch of dopes.

John Kerry Supports Our Stupid Troops
For weeks, Democrats have feared that he’d make another untimely yet utterly predictible appearance, emerging from his cave to energize Republican voters and remind Americans who the enemy is. Yesterday, our worst nightmares came true in a fashion reminiscent of Jingus Khan.

“You know education,” Sen. John Kerry warned students at Pasadena City College, “if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

In the blink of his stately eye, Kerry’s words were picked up by the digital pajama brigade and repeated ad nauseum by their stooges in the right-wing media, angering military families and veterans groups who are apparently too stupid to comprehend the subtle nuances of his brilliant oratory.

Thrice wounded on the battlefields of Vietnam, Sen. John Kerry would never dream of insulting the intelligence of our babykilling, genital-shocking, cattle razing, women-and-children-terrorizing troops. If they had any brains, they’d know that. Rather, he was simply mocking and ridiculing their Commander-in-Chief in a time of war. As someone who never obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree or played for the Yale Lacrosse team, Bush is completely incapable of leading troops into battle. The miserable quagmire that the illegal and immoral war has become is proof of that.

Conservative chickenhawks can call Kerry "unpatriotic" and whine about damage to morale until their faces turn bluer than a dead Gitmo detainee, but if our troops can take that sort of good-natured ribbing from Osama Bin Laden, they can certainly take it from John Kerry.

I just hope they're smart enough to remember that come voting time.

Saw this story on RedState which linked back to BLACKFIVE.

The following banner was displayed at the Air Force - Army game this weekend. Seems the cadets knew what John Kerry was trying to say....


John Kerry, the gift which keeps on giving....
Nay, nay...mooseface! You couldn't be more wrong. So you can take your "cut-and-run" political babble, fold it five ways, and firnly place it where the sun never shines. Right there next to your head.

Yeah, I do support the troops...Because they were placed in harms way by a reckless, feckless administration. I want them to come home safely...In one piece, not in body bags or hooked up to mobile ICU's. Your branding of anyone who opposes the war as an unpatriotic troop hater is so much bullshit. So, why don't you wake up and smell the coffee. And while you're at it, give your ears a good..hard...tug, and pop yer head outta yer ass.

In 2004, nearly three times as many military personnel considered themselves Republicans than Democrats, according to the University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey. And just before the presidential election, Bush held a huge advantage over Democratic challenger John Kerry - 73 percent to 18 percent - among military personnel in a Army Times Publishing Co. poll.

Thats pretty odd, considering the troops themselves dont agree with your POV.

They overwhelmingly support the President. I just dare you to go call him your favorite nicname in front of a group of Marines in Iraq.

They have the HIGHEST re enlistment rate of any war in US HISTORY, EVER!

They support the war, they support the president, they are dismayed, and insulted by you liberal left wing idiots.

They have often said, just leave us alone and let us win this war. You can go ahead and quote some liberal anti war soldiers all you want, it proves nothing. I can quote people who dont think we have landed on the moon., The question is, what do the majority of the soldiers support.

The soldiers are diametrically opposed to the Democrats on this issue. SO, if you WANT to really support the troops, you will start supporting President Bush on this war.
so, who has their head up their collective asses?

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Sen. John Kerry called it a botched joke. Yet not many troops or military families laughed.
Their reaction to Kerry's political misfire was captured in a photograph -- spread over the Internet -- of U.S. troops in Iraq holding a banner reading: "Halp Us Jon Carry - We R Stuck Hear N Irak."

A week earlier, Kerry, D-Mass., campaigned in Pittsburgh for Democrat Jason Altmire in his 4th Congressional District race against Republican incumbent Melissa Hart.

"This has been the most incompetent, badly managed foreign policy effort, military effort, that I have ever seen in all my years in public life, including Vietnam," Kerry told the Trib in a cell-phone interview.

He spoke confidently about Democrats' chances of winning control of both houses of Congress in the midterm election Tuesday.

Two days later, his frustration over Iraq became a bombshell at California's Pasadena City College.

"You study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well," he told a group of students. "If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Republicans pounced, calling it a slap in the faces of American troops. Democrats backed away from their former presidential candidate, ending his stump tour on behalf of the party's candidates.

Kerry insisted he was aiming at President Bush, not U.S. troops, and later issued an apology on his own Web site.

But a number of Marines -- all veterans of Iraq, some heading back for another tour -- told the Trib they resent Kerry's suggestion and the politicization of the war.

Gunnery Sgt. Shelby Lasater, a 13-year Marine with two tours in Iraq, was "appalled" by Kerry's words. The only thing he found funny was that photo of troops holding the mockingly misspelled banner.

"I would not have done that, but I did get a good laugh," he said.

Lasater is in Quantico, Va., working on a joint military effort to counter the Improvised Explosive Devices, or IEDs, used by Iraqi insurgents.

"In the type of war that we fight right now," he said, "you have to be pretty darn smart."

As an eighth-grader, Lasater became enamored with the Marines' tradition and history. He deployed twice to Iraq with the 3rd Battalion 7th Marine Regiment -- first in Al-Qaim and then in Ramadi.

He, too, is frustrated by Iraq, but for a very different reason: "American politicians want things to happen in war as if they saw it on TV. They want a beginning and they want an end -- all in one shot."

Iraqis, he said, "understand why we are there ... to establish freedoms so they can have a democracy and vote."

Lasater recalled Iraqis telling him that "when Saddam was there, it was bad all of the time. (Now) it is bad only some of the time, and they know there is an end, and that end is democracy and freedom. With Saddam, there was no end."

Capt. Brian Iglesias, a Marine infantry company commander who has fought twice in Iraq, said he doesn't vote for a party but "for the man who demonstrates leadership."

The New Jersey native said he feels Kerry's crack is "a detriment to those of us fighting in the war" and resents politicians using the war as "a political stepping-board."

"We are not losing this war militarily," Iglesias insisted.

He blames the State Department for failing "to achieve the social, economic and political training (of Iraqis) that we need to finish the job. ... In the meantime, I have soldiers doing not only their work, but the rebuilding process as well. What do I tell these kids? They are trained to be soldiers -- where is their training to rebuild a country?"

Iglesias said he thinks Americans "need to elect leaders that understand that" and, referring to Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn Hills, said: "At least he never stopped supporting the mission or the troops."

Although Kerry calls the war in Iraq "an arrogant misjudgment," Marine Cpl. Jeremy Froio said he thinks "the arrogance is on his (Kerry's) part. I've lost brothers there (in Iraq). We know what we are doing, and we are there to complete our mission and win."

Froio, 24, recently re-enlisted -- "Proudly re-enlisted! I am honored to serve my country" -- and said he thinks Kerry's remark "was kind of a stupid thing to say. ... Well, I am here to say that you have to have some definite smarts to be an infantry leader in Ramadi."

He has served as a squad leader in that insurgent-held Iraqi city, as well as in Karbala and Al-Qaim. Of the 36 months he has been married, he's spent just 17 stateside with his wife.

"I definitely get frustrated with the media and politicians," Froio said. "The Cindy Sheehans of the world, well, they might represent 1 percent of the military, but certainly not the majority of us. We know what we are doing over there, and we are glad to do it."

"I really honestly believe in what we are doing in Iraq. I believe in the spread of democracy," said Lasater, the gunnery sergeant and father of three boys younger than 9. "Kerry's statements just confound me. We will win this war.

"We can't let the men and women that have died there, die in vain," he said. "Don't erect a war memorial for these guys. If there is a war memorial, then let that be a democracy in Iraq."

Woohoo! It's Safe to Hate the Troops Again!

Ever since this immoral "War on Terror" began, we progressives have held back, afraid to express our true patriotic dissent while neck-deep in a right-wing media fueled quagmire of kneejerk jingoism. Those of us courageous enough to burn flags at pro-troops rallies, splash blood on military recruiters, and piss on the graves of dead soldiers quickly learned how freedom of speech no longer exists in this county. Yet in this American cesspool of fascist opression, true heroes float to the surface. Modern day Ben Franklins like Ted Rall, Michael Moore, and Rusty Sanchez, challenged the status quo and dared speak out against the hegemonic U.S. Bush junto - only to be met with verbal abuse from the ignorant masses.

Now the severed cat head is out of the bag, and things will finally turn around for us. The International Community has seen how U.S. troops have been systematically mistreating, abusing, molesting, harassing, humiliating, and downright pestering Iraqi freedom fighters - just as the Nazis did to the Jews in WW2. John Kerry was right all along: U.S. troops BAD, enemy troops GOOD. The American occupiers aren't tall, square-jawed heroes to be admired and worshipped after all, but short, creepy cigarette-smoking weirdos.

At last, we will no longer have to feign sincerity when we say things like "we support the troops, but not the war". True American patriots can once again scream "Babykillers!" and spit big wads of righteous loogie on any uniformed figure without being made to feel like rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics.

So I have my weekend all planned out. I'll be getting together with some of my "Support the Troops*" comrades to protest in front of the Sand Point Naval Station on Lake Washington. Why they have a NAVY base on a LAKE is beyond me, but I've always said that "military intelligence" is an oxymoron.

Kerry basically told the truth. That the military is filled with people who didnt have a good shot at an education so they joined the military. That , at least in my opinion, constitues the majority of the military. So alot of people who dont get a shot at an education join the military. And people think thats a false statement ? Why dont you focus on Bush's idiotic statements that he makes as our president rather than Kerry...Sheesh..

I would even agree that alot of people that join the military do it to help pay for college. But that is not what Kerry said. He made it sound like if you are in college already and fail out, you'll end up in the military (as if its a lowly thing) because there is no where else for you to go. It makes it sound like the military is full of a bunch of flunkies that can't hack "the real world."

I just love it when you liberals tell us vets that we shouldn't be offended by such comments. Its like white people telling blacks they shouldn't be offended when they're called "*******."
Especially since the President was far more successful with his education then Senator Kerry was?

Now thats a big load of crap. They both got crappy grades, infact they probably shared notes or hired the same overworked Asian kid to write their papers.


It does raise the question of why it seems to be pretty popular with you guys this week. Emailed talking points from Newsmax or the GOP? Could it simply be a grassroots domino-style movement within the board? Just wondern' cuz I know ya'll love yer collectivism 'round here.

Now thats a big load of crap. They both got crappy grades, infact they probably shared notes or hired the same overworked Asian kid to write their papers.


It does raise the question of why it seems to be pretty popular with you guys this week. Emailed talking points from Newsmax or the GOP? Could it simply be a grassroots domino-style movement within the board? Just wondern' cuz I know ya'll love yer collectivism 'round here.


I never said the President got amazing grades. Just better grades than Senator Kerry, which is a fact.
For liberals, facts don't hold as much weight as perception.

With libs, good intentions are more important then actual results

Kerry's big mouth should add some extra points for Republicans tomorrow

Then libs will whine how Kerry was "swift boated" again and how another election was stolen

It will be music to my ears

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