Kevin McCarthy Booted Out Of Speakership For Colluding With Democrats

What's "bizarre" about it? The GOP still hold a majority in the House, so you know damned well the next House Speaker isn't going to be that asshole Negro Hakeeeeeem Jeffries.
That's right, keep advertising what a racist shithuman you are. Send those votes to the Democrats.

I hope they nominate the more extreme right-wing MAGA representative they can come up with, to stop your fuckers dead in your tracks. Another Continuing Resolution? Fuck that. Funding for the Ukraine War? Fuck that too. Funding for Biden's "climate change" bullshit? Fuck that too.
Notice that the Democrats just pimpslapped you on such issues?

It's going to keep happening, loser.

Have I ever mentioned what a loser you are? Probably, but given the magnitude of your loserdom, it bears repeating.
Good job Matt! Mcarthy denied David Grusch the SCIF and denied Burchette and Luna Select Committee status.
Super Deluxe Ultra Mega MAGA patriots! These are the 8 Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy as House...
  • Andy Biggs of Arizona.
  • Ken Buck of Colorado.
  • Tim Burchett of Tennessee.
  • Eli Crane of Arizona.
  • Matt Gaetz of Florida.
  • Bob Good of Virginia.
  • Nancy Mace of South Carolina.
  • Matt Rosendale of Montana.
No they haven't . Your shit show just started.
The shitshow is the tremendous cost of this bloated Federal government that will accumulate over $2 trillion in additional debt just this year alone and have another $33 trillion already on the books.

The Democrat/RINO Party of Big Government have really fucked this country by not being responsible and giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog everything their hearts desire.

Every fucking Republican elected ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility and smaller government but when they got to DC far too many sided with the Democrat filth to continue the destruction.

Thank god for this American hero Gaetz that is saying enough is enough. He will not win in the long run but he is fighting the good fight and maybe, just maybe, his efforts will slow down the destruction of big government a measurable amount.
Elect a clown; you get a circus.

The Democrats look like a well oiled machine by comparison.

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My how things have changed. I guess that is to be expected when many of the GOP party members think that government shouldn’t exist.
Yeah, the repugs go on and on about how government doesn't work, then send in a bunch of clowns who couldn't run a one man picnic to prove their point.
Super Deluxe Ultra Mega MAGA patriots! These are the 8 Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy as House...
  • Andy Biggs of Arizona.
  • Ken Buck of Colorado.
  • Tim Burchett of Tennessee.
  • Eli Crane of Arizona.
  • Matt Gaetz of Florida.
  • Bob Good of Virginia.
  • Nancy Mace of South Carolina.
  • Matt Rosendale of Montana.
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Where were Chip Roy, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Green, Anna Luna and others that knows better?

Are these all we have that are willing to stand up for what is right?

Every Republican that was elected should know that giving into the Democrats by increasing debt and increasing the size of government is absolutely wrong.

Have we already turned into a Socialist shithole?

Is there only one party in this country and it is the Party of Big Government? Are we that fucked?
Where were Chip Roy, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Green, Anna Luna and others that knows better?

Are these all we have that are willing to stand up for what is right?

Every Republican that was elected should know that giving into the Democrats by increasing debt and increasing the size of government is absolutely wrong.

Have we already turned into a Socialist shithole?

Is there only one party in this country and it is the Party of Big Government? Are we that fucked?

Agreed. Chip Roy, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Green, Anna Luna, and the others should have their feet held to the fire.
That depends on who the next House Speaker will be. No guts, no glory, and omelets are only made by cracking some eggs, ya know.
There are good ways and destructive ways to accomplish anything. Whenever one faction, especially a small faction, demands that everybody do what they want or they'll blow everything up, you don't have a representative republic. You have an oligarchy or dictatorship/totalitarian government.

We have had that with the Democrats ever since Barack Obama self-righteously proclaimed that 'he won' and 'the Republicans could come for the ride but they had to sit in back. When in power, the Democrats won't negotiate anything. It's their way or nothing.

In a representative republic, the Founders expected everything to be negotiated. In a negotiation everybody doesn't get everything they want--there will of necessity be winners, losers, disappointments, concessions--but you try to see that the large majority gets enough of what they want/need to be able to agree.

Supreme Court rulings that again and again and again were 5/4 were not decisions made on judicial integrity but purely partisan votes on one side. Congressional votes that are one party votes yes and the other party votes no are not negotiated bills but dictated ones by whoever is in the majority.

Sometimes it may have to be that way. But the Speaker of the House has to work with ALL Republican, not just the six or eight that demand their way or the highway. And however righteous those eight Republican might think they are, they were wrong to enlist Democrats who have NO INTEREST in doing good for America or Americans to take out their political opponent.

It was a huge win for the Democrats and a huge loss for the Republicans. And I honestly think we just handed the Democrats the 2024 election.

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