Kevin McCarthy Hands The Detonator To The Bomb Throwers

How is this going to help the economy or gas prices?

It's not, that's a world wide problem, remember? There's not a thing that can be done about it, your party has done squat..

They sat idle and let it happen.. :dunno:
The GOP can walk and chew gum at the same time....with that said, so long as the Dems have the Senate and the Oval there is nothing that's going to be done to help the economy. At least the GOP can play defense and slow down anymore damage they could do

Minority parties have been able to pass legislation for hundreds of years

All it takes is a willingness to compromise which is not in the GOP playbook
The GOP can walk and chew gum at the same time....with that said, so long as the Dems have the Senate and the Oval there is nothing that's going to be done to help the economy. At least the GOP can play defense and slow down anymore damage they could do
Congress holds the purse strings. I want to see them deny the funding for 87K excess IRS agents.
Minority parties have been able to pass legislation for hundreds of years

All it takes is a willingness to compromise which is not in the GOP playbook
What's ridiculous about them? Biden is obviously a criminal who's been selling out America.

Dims won't be asking what we are going to impeach Biden for any longer.
How is "investigating" Hunter Biden going to get inflation under control?

Republicans have been campaigning on how bad inflation was for about 2 years now, why isn't that their priority?
How is "investigating" Hunter Biden going to get inflation under control?
How was investigating Trump multiple times over the last six years and coming up with NOTHING going to do anything beneficial for the country. You should have thought about that before your heeeroes opened Pandora's box. You reap what you sow, moron.

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