Kevin McCarthy Vows To Subpoena 51 Deep State Intelligence Agents Who Stated Hunter Biden Laptop Was Likely Russian Election Interference

So what do you have to say about Gateway Pundit reporting on fabricated documents?


Thought so.


"WITH ONLY DAYS until Donald Trump takes office, the Obama administration on Thursday announced new rules that will let the NSA share vast amounts of private data gathered without warrant, court orders or congressional authorization with 16 other agencies, including the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Department of Homeland Security.

The new rules allow employees doing intelligence work for those agencies to sift through raw data collected under a broad, Reagan-era executive order that gives the NSA virtually unlimited authority to intercept communications abroad. Previously, NSA analysts would filter out information they deemed irrelevant and mask the names of innocent Americans before passing it along.

The change was in the works long before there was any expectation that someone like Trump might become president. The last-minute adoption of the procedures is one of many examples of the Obama administration making new executive powers established by the Bush administration permanent, on the assumption that the executive branch could be trusted to police itself.

Executive Order 12333, often referred to as “twelve triple-three,” has attracted less debate than congressional wiretapping laws, but serves as authorization for the NSA’s most massive surveillance programs — far more than the NSA’s other programs combined. Under 12333, the NSA taps phone and internet backbones throughout the world, records the phone calls of entire countries, vacuums up traffic from Google and Yahoo’s data centers overseas, and more.

With this move, Obama increased the chance of unauthorized leaks by a factor of five.

Hey Boo:

One privacy activist responded: “This decision will be added to the timelines of the most significant expansions of domestic surveillance in the modern era.”​

Little fascism for the kiddies, from Obama.
“This decision will be added to the timelines of the most significant expansions of domestic surveillance in the modern era.”
"...virtually unlimited authority to intercept communications abroad."
Most telling and most naive was " on the assumption that the executive branch could be trusted to police itself."
Beginning with Mueller and continuing with Wray, the FBI committed FISA Court fraud, violated the Constitution, violated US Law / the Patriot Act, and illegally spied on US citizens, a President, and his staff no less than 12 times.

Mueller was called before the FISA Court, as was Wray, to explain intentionally misleading / defrauding the court.

NSA Director James Clapper committed perjury when he declared Americans were not being spied on. When evidence this was happening was exposed the very next week Democrats rushed to bring him back to testify so he could 'clarify' / 'amend his testimony' to avoid charges.

CIA Director John Brennan was caught and exposed by D-Diane Feinstein for illegally spying on Congress.

The Democrats are responsible for the biggest Un-Constitutional, illegal period of spying on and abusing the rights of Americans in US history during the last 2 decades.

Despite these unprecedented, historic crimes committed by criminal agencies within the federal govt our politicians voted to renew the Patriot Act (which these criminal agencies proved could easily be ignoted anytime they chose to do so)...

...and none of them / these criminals were held accountable for their betrayal of US citizens' trust, trampling of their rights, and violations of Constitution and law.
Democrats are pathetic cultist. They give all the people who lied to them about the hunter laptop a total pass... and will trust them again...
I do? News to me. Perhaps you can show me where I do this?
Again and again....

CNN is a respected news organization.


Exactly ----> LOL!

"CNN is a respected news organization." Gosh that is funny.

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Great, show a reference to the "big guy" prior to 1/20/2017...
Um, Crackhead Biden dropped off the laptop in April, 2019.

There are not many stupid questions, but that is one.
So what do you have to say about Gateway Pundit reporting on fabricated documents?


Thought so.
I can read the Gateway Pundit without believing every word.

But they get it right more often than CNN and other Left Wing news.

What is funny to me is how many people here automatically dismiss the GWP without doing any kind of due diligence whatsoever.

The breaking news they report is often reported by many other media sources later, including Left Wing sources. Sometimes, it is years later. Kind of tells you something.
Again and again....
Wow, there are like 20 quotes over 800 messages.

Try again loser.
Exactly ----> LOL!

"CNN is a respected news organization." Gosh that is funny.

Nobody quotes Breitbart except for right wing loons looking for confirmation.
Wow, there are like 20 quotes over 800 messages.

Try again loser.

Nobody quotes Breitbart except for right wing loons looking for confirmation.
Well then, you can successfully refute Breitbart's claims, that is the metric.
You think that bullshit excuse will fly with the congressional investigation?


A. It wasn't a "bullshit excuse", it was a fact that the GRU hacked the Burisma server a few months before the laptop mysteriously appeared. There was a similar hacking in France which the GRU used to fake correspondence and emails to smear Macron in the French election. They used the real letterheads and other metadata from the hacked materials to create fake company correspondence and emails designed to discredit Macron, which they "leaked" to the French press through questionable means, on the eve of the French election.

AND B: This "bullshit excuse" was proven to be "fact" when the Republicans investigated the US Senate in 2020.

A. It wasn't a "bullshit excuse", it was a fact that the GRU hacked the Burisma server a few months before the laptop mysteriously appeared. There was a similar hacking in France which the GRU used to fake correspondence and emails to smear Macron in the French election. They used the real letterheads and other metadata from the hacked materials to create fake company correspondence and emails designed to discredit Macron, which they "leaked" to the French press through questionable means, on the eve of the French election.

Yet nothing close to a smoking gun?

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