Key inflation cause: Republican policy

Describe how this shortage is "artificial".
the shortage was created when senile joe shut down keystone and stopped all new drilling permits on federal lands and the gulf. That, by definition, is an artificial shortage. Then to fix his created shortage he drained our strategic reserves claiming an emergency. incompetence? or an attempt to destroy this country?
A lot of it was, but a lot of it (QE) was meant to add liquidity to the system. So they were buying shit securities, bonds and even stocks (which blew my mind) just to keep the system greased and money moving. Our financial system essentially ground to a halt - that's why the Meltdown was so dangerous - and it took a LONG time for it to unwind. Those smaller "here's some free money" things were an inducement, but the big one, QE, was essentially a blood transfusion for a dying patient.
By QE, I assume you are not just referring to controlling "the long end", but also asset purchases..

1) The Fed has clearly accepted the functionality of this strategy post 2008. I'm disinclined to argue.

2) They too are subject to the coincidence of post punch bowl recovery interrupted by yet another global economic tempest. Hammer, nail.

3) There was a decided "pause" in the post covid recovery in the fall of 2020, likely due to the ongoing wait for a vaccine. At which point, the most immediate tool available to address it was the Fed.

4) The economy ain't no Lotus. The tools to try to direct it don't come with dials and aren't very precise, accordingly, those who try will ALWAYS respond too late, and overshoot the target.

5) We demand a prescience from the Fed that we have long since accepted as impossible - at the micro level. They're the modern equivalent of Vestals reporting a tale told in goat entrails. Persistence is usually a thing of myth. (A select group of savvy FCs notwithstanding....naturally)
how is asking for visibility into our congresspersons financials being a moron? Why aren't you interested in how congresspersons become multi millionaires on 200K/year?
It's about the fact that the legally mandated audits of someone holding the office weren't done.

By QE, I assume you are not just referring to controlling "the long end", but also asset purchases..

1) The Fed has clearly accepted the functionality of this strategy post 2008. I'm disinclined to argue.

2) They too are subject to the coincidence of post punch bowl recovery interrupted by yet another global economic tempest. Hammer, nail.

3) There was a decided "pause" in the post covid recovery in the fall of 2020, likely due to the ongoing wait for a vaccine. At which point, the most immediate tool available to address it was the Fed.

4) The economy ain't no Lotus. The tools to try to direct it don't come with dials and aren't very precise, accordingly, those who try will ALWAYS respond too late, and overshoot the target.

5) We demand a prescience from the Fed that we have long since accepted as impossible - at the micro level. They're the modern equivalent of Vestals reporting a tale told in goat entrails. Persistence is usually a thing of myth. (A select group of savvy FCs notwithstanding....naturally)
Well, we love our boogeymen, so sometimes I see the Fed being blamed for too much.

I don't have any problem with QE per se, at least in the early years. The financial system needed massive liquidity after the Meltdown for multiple reasons, and this was one of their few choices. There were no "good" choices, considering how close we came to literal collapse. I did think it went on too long though, and probably could have ended early in Trump's term. GDP was solidly in the black.

My bigger problem with the Fed is that they waited too long to react after inflation kicked in. What was happening was pretty freaking obvious, and we all knew that we were sitting on massive cash and demand. I guess they were gun-shy after the damage of the Meltdown, but this is their freaking job. If they had started their increases when inflation kicked in, much of this could have been avoided. more years than not he has paid ZERO in federal income taxes.
were his returns in compliance with the tax code? yes or no? Remember the tax code was written mostly by democrats to protect their rich donors and dems have controlled congress for most of the last 100 years. if you don't like that the tax code favors the rich, call your dem in congress, don't bitch about people who use it to their benefit.
there is no shortage of available oil, gas, and coal in the USA. Biden created an artificial shortage to appease the idiot AGW assholes.

There is and never was any shortage. The argument was gas went to $5.00 plus because Biden was president and the war in the Ukraine.

The war continues on and Biden is still president but gas is half the price it was in some places. Nothing fundamentally changed.

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