Key Signs for Trump Victory-DJT stock doubles in two weeks and Trump surging on the Betting lines


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This means that Trump is likely to win in November. All the signs are pointing to it. He’s had a massive surge in folks betting on him to win the election. He’s gone from about 47% to 55% on the betting lines on poly market with over $1.6 billion wagered on this election.

Trump stock is crushing it in the last two weeks. A sure sign folks are confident he will win in November.

Right now, Trump is 10 points ahead of Kamala Harris on poly market betting.

When you see such a massive surge and support for Trump stock coupled with a huge increase on Trump savers in the betting lines this is a bigger sign than any poll you could imagine.

All the meanwhile, radical lefties keep giggling and making fun of Trump. They’re finished. And they only have themselves to blame for their radical views on gender and race which are an embarrassment.


Go Trump

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