Predict the Electoral Vote

i wouldn't bet on it. Pennsylvania is the key(stone.)
Real Clear Polling no toss up map has Trump winning PA.


You actually believe these numbers?

View attachment 1023434
Any reason I shouldn't?

Harris is at +2.1

Clinton was at +3.4 in 2016.

And she lost.

She lost PA and Michigan and Wisconsin.

Biden was at +6.6 and only won the electoral college by 43,000 votes.

Based on that historical data...ya, I think those numbers are probably pretty close.

I'd put WI, MI and NV as true 50/50 toss ups and reverse those odds above in Harris' favor for VA, MN and NH.

Harris is the longshot as things stand right now. She could win...but if I was the oddsmaker, I'd give her a one in three chance.
Any reason I shouldn't?

Harris is at +2.1

Clinton was at +3.4 in 2016.

And she lost.

She lost PA and Michigan and Wisconsin.

Biden was at +6.6 and only won the electoral college by 43,000 votes.

Based on that historical data...ya, I think those numbers are probably pretty close.

I'd put WI, MI and NV as true 50/50 toss ups and reverse those odds above in Harris' favor for VA, MN and NH.

Harris is the longshot as things stand right now. She could win...but if I was the oddsmaker, I'd give her a one in three chance.
What, the polls are going to be off by exactly the same numbers as 2016?

What happened in 2020?
Oh I’m sorry. What is Trump’s plan for peace in the Ukraine.
Yes he did. We were standing in line for basics. Was your fellow blobber lying?
AG of an important state, US Senator, 4 years as VP. That says “imposter” to you?
1. Biden "won" by 43,000 votes in 3 states, WI, AZ, and GA, even though Trump got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, which basically "proves" voter fraud. Biden "won" by a whisker in a very suspicious election.

2. Trump will make a peace deal neither side can refuse. Probably land for NATO membership, win-win, but who knows.

3. I never stood in line when Trump was president. Under Biden/Harris my favorite sandwich meat doubled in price, they can rot for their mismanagement of the US economy. Most people know why grocery prices are skyrocketing...

4. Biden still has many of Trump's tariffs in-place, even if he reduced some of them.

Why Biden is keeping Trump’s China tariffs in place​

5. Kamala is an imposter. She is not qualified to be president, she can't even do a real press conference, maybe that's why she was the first one out of the DNC primary in 2020? Her interview with "60 Minutes" was a "word salad" disaster.
1. Biden "won" by 43,000 votes in 3 states, WI, AZ, and GA, even though Trump got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, which basically "proves" voter fraud. Biden "won" by a whisker in a very suspicious election.

2. Trump will make a deal neither side can refuse.

3. I never stood in line when Trump was president. Under Biden/Harris my favorite sandwich meat doubled in price, they can rot for their mismanagement of the US economy. Most people know why grocery prices are skyrocketing...

4. Biden still has many of Trump's tariffs in-place, even if he reduced some of them.

Why Biden is keeping Trump’s China tariffs in place​

5. Kamala is an imposter. She is not qualified to be president, she can't even do a real press conference, maybe that's why she was the first one out of the DNC primary in 2020? Her interview with "60 Minutes" was a "word salad" disaster.

Who the President is affects how long you stand in line at your sandwich shop?
1. Biden "won" by 43,000 votes in 3 states, WI, AZ, and GA, even though Trump got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, which basically "proves" voter fraud. Biden "won" by a whisker in a very suspicious election.
Nothing was suspicious shit brains. Your blob lost.
2. Trump will make a peace deal neither side can refuse. Probably land for NATO membership, win-win, but who knows.
Ahh so his plan is to have Ukraine give up land; surrender. Thanks for confirming.
3. I never stood in line when Trump was president. Under Biden/Harris my favorite sandwich meat doubled in price, they can rot for their mismanagement of the US economy. Most people know why grocery prices are skyrocketing... you’re just lying.
5. Kamala is an imposter. She is not qualified to be president, she can't even do a real press conference, maybe that's why she was the first one out of the DNC primary in 2020? Her interview with "60 Minutes" was a "word salad" disaster.
Your opinions are worthless.

Here are some facts though...Trump was afraid to debate his competitors for the RNC election and he’s now afraid to debate Harris again.
Nothing was suspicious shit brains. Your blob lost.

Ahh so his plan is to have Ukraine give up land; surrender. Thanks for confirming. you’re just lying.

Your opinions are worthless. Here are some facts though...Trump was afraid to debate his competitors for the RNC election and he’s now afraid to debate Harris again.
1. Math not your long suit? Figures.

2. Giving up some land (Crimea & Donbas) for peace isn't surrender dumbass. Throwing $billions down a rat-hole is plain stupid. What do we care if Ukraine gets a little smaller? We don't. If they get into NATO they have long term security, duh. That is NOT surrender.

3. I'm not lying and neither is she:

4. Kamala is an imposter, she can't do a real press conference, period. Trump didn't need to debate in the primary, duh. He kicked Joe Biden's ass though, didn't he? So much so that the democrats dumped Joe and put up Kamala, as unready as she is. Trump should debate her, I agree, but at FNC this time.
1. Math not your long suit? Figures.
306 is more than 232, right?
2. Giving up some land (Crimea & Donbas) for peace isn't surrender dumbass.
Yes it is. Whats next? Will Trump give Alaska to his boss Putin?
Throwing $billions down a rat-hole is plain stupid. What do we care if Ukraine gets a little smaller? We don't.
Well there is that whole stopping of our #1 geopolitical enemy stuff.

Do you really think Putin will stop with Ukraine?
If they get into NATO they have long term security, duh. That is NOT surrender.
Except for the people in the region you gave up.

Really dude, stop it. You’re embarrassing yourself.
4.Trump didn't need to debate in the primary, duh.
Yeah, he was afraid. Thus unfit for leadership.
306 is more than 232, right?

Yes it is. Whats next? Will Trump give Alaska to his boss Putin?

Well there is that whole stopping of our #1 geopolitical enemy stuff.
Do you really think Putin will stop with Ukraine?

Except for the people in the region you gave up.
Really dude, stop it. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Yeah, he was afraid. Thus unfit for leadership.
1. Yes those are the 2020 results of cheating, as proven by math.

2. Do you really think NATO's Article-5 is real or not? Putin will stop at Ukraine, he wants no fight with NATO.
Ukraine will run out of soldiers before we run out of funding, better to get a reasonable peace deal and get Ukraine in NATO.

3. Crimea was Russia's before 1954.

You're embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge.

4. Donbas was Russia's since 2014, duh.

5. Trump easily won the nomination without debating, duh. The democrats didn't have any primary debate because Biden and Harris are way too stupid, as Trump proved.
1. Yes those are the 2020 results of cheating, as proven by math.
Does it discourage you that nobody buys your “proof”?
2. Do you really think NATO's Article-5 is real or not? Putin will stop at Ukraine, he wants no fight with NATO.
Ukraine will run out of soldiers before we run out of funding, better to get a reasonable peace deal and get Ukraine in NATO.
LOL...sure and all Eurorpean nations are NATO members right? Oh wait; they’re not. Dictators don’t stop after you surrender to them as you yourself said the blob was going to do--just as I predicted.
3. Crimea was Russia's before 1954.

View attachment 1023902 You're embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge.
Alaska was part of Russia too. Do they have a legitimate clame to it as well?
5. Trump easily won the nomination without debating, duh.
Harris won easily too... If you’re going to throw up artificial reasons to say someone is illegitimate, perhaps you should examine your own God first.
Does it discourage you that nobody buys your “proof”?

LOL...sure and all European nations are NATO members right? Oh wait; they’re not. Dictators don’t stop after you surrender to them as you yourself said the blob was going to do--just as I predicted.

Alaska was part of Russia too. Do they have a legitimate claim to it as well?

Harris won easily too... If you’re going to throw up artificial reasons to say someone is illegitimate, perhaps you should examine your own God first.
1. Actually I'd love to see a study, precinct by precinct, for the 2020 election to see if there are any wildly obvious voter fraud precincts, such as more votes than registered voters, or a crazy number of new voters from 2016 to 2020, to see if there was any obvious voter fraud. If that study showed no anomalies then we'd all say "no fraud, period" Biden won a very close election with 30m new legitimate voters.

2. Peace is not surrender dumbass. Wasting another $200b that we don't have for another country is moronic. If any European countries are NOT NATO members then Putin can have them, duh. Just like Trump said.

3. The US bought AK, duh. Best $6,000,000 we ever spent.

4. Harris didn't "win" anything, she had to be the nominee to keep Biden's $135m campaign cash. The DNC Convention delegates had no choice. I don't think anyone else was even on the ballot.

5. Now you want to pick a fight with God? You really are stupid. Don't tempt fate...

1. Actually I'd love to see a study, precinct by precinct, for the 2020 election to see if there are any wildly obvious voter fraud precincts, such as more votes than registered voters, or a crazy number of new voters from 2016 to 2020, to see if there was any obvious voter fraud. If that study showed no anomalies then we'd all say "no fraud, period" Biden won a very close election with 30m new legitimate voters.
Strange how the blob has never commissioned such a study. Truth would not be kind.
2. Peace is not surrender dumbass.
Sure it is. You're wanting Ukraine to give up parts of it's nation in return for peace. That is the definition of surrender.
Wasting another $200b that we don't have for another country is moronic.
We'll have to spend it later elsewhere.
If any European countries are NOT NATO members then Putin can have them, duh. Just like Trump said.
Ahh so stopping communist aggression isn't in the blob's wheelhouse. Thanks for confirming.
3. The US bought AK, duh. Best $6,000,000 we ever spent.
So? Your rationale for surrendering land is that Russia once claimed it.
4. Harris didn't "win" anything, she had to be the nominee to keep Biden's $135m campaign cash. The DNC Convention delegates had no choice. I don't think anyone else was even on the ballot.
LOL...nice fantasy.
5. Now you want to pick a fight with God? You really are stupid. Don't tempt fate...

Yeah, I'll take my chances with the bearded myth sitting on the cloud.
Strange how the blob has never commissioned such a study. Truth would not be kind.
Sure it is. You're wanting Ukraine to give up parts of it's nation in return for peace. That is the definition of surrender.
We'll have to spend it later elsewhere.
Ahh so stopping communist aggression isn't in the blob's wheelhouse. Thanks for confirming.
So? Your rationale for surrendering land is that Russia once claimed it.
LOL...nice fantasy.
Yeah, I'll take my chances with the bearded myth sitting on the cloud.
1. True, the GOP should have.
2. Peace deal or Russia gets all of Ukraine, choose one. I pick today's border and Ukraine enters NATO. No more wasted $billions.
3. Putin will not attack NATO countries.
4. The EU needs to hang together or hang separately, not a US problem.
5. I don't care who owns Crimea or Donbas, they are Russian speakers, peace is a good thing. Alaskans don't speak Russian.
6. Harris is in wayyyyyy over her head, and proves it every day.
7. Good luck.
1. True, the GOP should have.
They did. The audits, the re-counts, the investigations, the court decisions...all proved Joe won.
2. Peace deal or Russia gets all of Ukraine, choose one.
Again, you defined surrender. Something you said was not the blob's plan.
I pick today's border and Ukraine enters NATO. No more wasted $billions.
And when they roll into another nation? What then?
3. Putin will not attack NATO countries.
You're likely right about that one. Too bad our interests aren't all located in NATO countries. You didn't think that one through, did you stupid?
4. The EU needs to hang together or hang separately, not a US problem.
LOL...Thats hilarious.


Let me guess. you don't care about how it will hurt nearly a fifth of our exports either.
5. I don't care who owns Crimea or Donbas, they are Russian speakers, peace is a good thing. Alaskans don't speak Russian.
Well, that was a bizarre not to mention stupid response. That you don't care is clear. That you have no idea what you're talking about is more vivid.
6. Harris is in wayyyyyy over her head, and proves it every day.
Wow, could you imagine if that were true? She may just start promising miracles

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