Keys to Happiness

At some point in time you realize that the world is full of Assholes and you do your best not to be one of them.

That's a key to happiness.

Attitude is the key to happiness. How one perceives what is going on around them. There is a positive and negative side to everything and a person with a positive attitude will be happier because he or she will find the bright side.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." --Anais Nin
"The reason people find it so hard to be happy is they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be."

~Marcel Paqnol
At some point in time you realize that the world is full of Assholes and you do your best not to be one of them.

That's a key to happiness.

Attitude is the key to happiness. How one perceives what is going on around them. There is a positive and negative side to everything and a person with a positive attitude will be happier because he or she will find the bright side.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." --Anais Nin


Every Monkey has an attitude and no Monkey controls more than one. Yes indeed!
At some point in time you realize that the world is full of Assholes and you do your best not to be one of them.

That's a key to happiness.

And yet you are a forum mod.

Doesn't mean I'm not doing my best.

Sometimes a Monkey has to do what a Monkey has to do to get done a job he feels is worth doing.

Sorry if you feel like I've been an asshole toward you. While I don't remember any incident, I'm confident that it was never personal on my part. If you feel strongly that an injustice has occurred, please feel free to take it to another Mod or to Management. My responsibility during moderation is to make judgement calls and I'm as Monkey-human and therefore imperfect as the next guy. Always happy to discuss stuff.
I like all the analogies.

For myself, living simple, not having high expectations, accepting others paths and being accepted for mine.
At some point in time you realize that the world is full of Assholes and you do your best not to be one of them.

That's a key to happiness.

And yet you are a forum mod.

Doesn't mean I'm not doing my best.

Sometimes a Monkey has to do what a Monkey has to do to get done a job he feels is worth doing.

Sorry if you feel like I've been an asshole toward you. While I don't remember any incident, I'm confident that it was never personal on my part. If you feel strongly that an injustice has occurred, please feel free to take it to another Mod or to Management. My responsibility during moderation is to make judgement calls and I'm as Monkey-human and therefore imperfect as the next guy. Always happy to discuss stuff.

"Judgment calls", LOL. Oh my aching head. You make it sound like you are making life and death decisions on a daily basis. No, that would not be you. That would be me. Every day I've worked for the last 25 years. Such an oh so important job you have there AJ. Don't break your elbow patting yourself on the back. :cuckoo:

I always get a big kick out of how seriously message board nazis take themselves!
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Glad to be of entertainment value if nothing else. Do let me know if you want to discuss anything in particular.
I would love to know what is the key to happiness....

To be at peace with yourself? To know yourself?To love and be loved?

To grow spiritually?

Easy said than done....what do I know.:dunno:
At some point in time you realize that the world is full of Assholes and you do your best not to be one of them.

That's a key to happiness.

And yet you are a forum mod.

Doesn't mean I'm not doing my best.

Sometimes a Monkey has to do what a Monkey has to do to get done a job he feels is worth doing.

Sorry if you feel like I've been an asshole toward you. While I don't remember any incident, I'm confident that it was never personal on my part. If you feel strongly that an injustice has occurred, please feel free to take it to another Mod or to Management. My responsibility during moderation is to make judgement calls and I'm as Monkey-human and therefore imperfect as the next guy. Always happy to discuss stuff.

I would like to talk it over with your dog. He looks like he would be real concerned about biscuits.

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