Keystone is over

Geeze louise it's a dog and pony show by Obama. The Keystone is built to the Gulf. Has been delivering crude to Nederland since January 2014.

Enviro whackos really don't understand that the XL was just a tiny extension. This has just been a bullshit game from Obama.

Gulf Coast Project begins delivering crude oil to Nederland, Texas
NEDERLAND, TEXAS — (Marketwired – Jan. 22, 2014) — TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries. The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

“This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing,” said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. “This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world’s most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come.”

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

“The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work,” added Girling.

Gulf Coast Project begins delivering crude oil to Nederland, Texas | Keystone XL Pipeline
Let me put this in crayon....


Not sure at this point whether TransCanada has given up trying to build the pipeline because they're convinced Hillary will be the next president or...?

TransCanada requests a halt to Administration's review of Keystone XL
Lefty Coaster
Nov 02, 2015 at 05:42 PM PST

It's just an itty bitty part line.

That's what is so funny about all of this. Keystone has it all from Alberta to the Gulf. This is a joke.

Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
Brillant political stroke by Obama.

He stays true to his troops, and it allows HRC to say "he's wrong, I am for it," which gives her great cover.
Let me put this in crayon....


Why are Republicans whining so much about this, there is already a pipeline all the way from the starting point at Hardisty to Port Arthur.

They are whining because a Canadian company wants to build a new pipeline that goes from the same place to the same place?

WTF is that. Jeezus they've been wailing about this like the end is near.
Let me put this in crayon....


Why are Republicans whining so much about this, there is already a pipeline all the way from the starting point at Hardisty to Port Arthur.

They are whining because a Canadian company wants to build a new pipeline that goes from the same place to the same place?

WTF is that. Jeezus they've been wailing about this like the end is near.

The XL was to help the Bakkens. Really simple here. No big smurf.

D ground by the way with one of my fave girls ever. Heidi.
Let me put this in crayon....


Why are Republicans whining so much about this, there is already a pipeline all the way from the starting point at Hardisty to Port Arthur.

They are whining because a Canadian company wants to build a new pipeline that goes from the same place to the same place?

WTF is that. Jeezus they've been wailing about this like the end is near.

Because your crew has been lying their ass off about the XL.

Don't you get it?
Let me put this in crayon....


Why are Republicans whining so much about this, there is already a pipeline all the way from the starting point at Hardisty to Port Arthur.

They are whining because a Canadian company wants to build a new pipeline that goes from the same place to the same place?

WTF is that. Jeezus they've been wailing about this like the end is near.

because it would create thousands of US jobs. Its really simple, obama wants the economy to remain in the dumper.
Let me put this in crayon....


Why are Republicans whining so much about this, there is already a pipeline all the way from the starting point at Hardisty to Port Arthur.

They are whining because a Canadian company wants to build a new pipeline that goes from the same place to the same place?

WTF is that. Jeezus they've been wailing about this like the end is near.

Because your crew has been lying their ass off about the XL.

Don't you get it?

The USA is already crisscrossed by pipelines, its the safest way to move oil.

Liberalism is a mental disease.
Let me put this in crayon....


Why are Republicans whining so much about this, there is already a pipeline all the way from the starting point at Hardisty to Port Arthur.

They are whining because a Canadian company wants to build a new pipeline that goes from the same place to the same place?

WTF is that. Jeezus they've been wailing about this like the end is near.

Because your crew has been lying their ass off about the XL.

Don't you get it?

There is no issue here except a political one by the Republicans.

The pipeline already exists and goes from right where they want to start to right where they want to finish.

Its already built. Do conservatives EVER stop whining. Ever?

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