Keystone takes the next step

I'm a land owner. I've owned my property for well over 20 years. I have a timber exemption. To cut a path on my property 50 yards wide and 1/2 mile long would destroy 10's of thousands of dollars of prime timber.

If and when I get ready to do that, I will. But for my government to hand over my timber to a foreign country is simply wrong.... No Keystone won't effect my property, but as a land owner I can feel for other land owners effected by Keystone. I'd donate the entire parcel if it meant saving my country, but it doesn't.

Boehner making a profit from his investments IS NOT ILLEGAL. But to buy $400,000.00 in stock between 2007 and 2009, then push, then PASS legislation that insures your investment is profitable IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. I don't give a damn who you are or what you say. That's wrong.

Like I've said, I'm not against the pipeline, but I'am against the principles involved with the pipeline ... anyone who isn't has NO principles.

End of story.

I appreciate what you say. I don't know the particulars to say with certainty that Boehner's financial interest is or isn't a violation. Lonestar Logic seems to think he knows for a fact that it is not.

You guys can sweat that one out. I'm not real worked up over this issue, but if they were coming for my land (or a big patch of it), I'm sure I would be more passionate about this. I lean ever so slightly against right now.

But BOTH sides have told some whoppers about this project.

Boehner isn't breaking any laws. He's just a dickhead politician doing what dickhead politicians do ... pad their wallet and fuck people.

Up until last year, when we sold the land, we also had a timber exemption. We made good money from very careful cutting every few years but the land was ours, and we decided whether or not to cut. We owned the land because we paid for it - in full. And it was ours to sell.

People who work to buy land should not have to give it up just because the 1% wants it.

If a Republican gets into the WH in two years, Keystone will go through. We won't gain anything from it and families will lose their property.

But yes, money will change hands and that's all that matters to the right.

Serious question: how can RWs say its okay for the govt to just swoop down and take your hard earned property?

So many of you are on the side of Cliven Bundy screwing over Americans by refusing to pay the highly discounted grazing fees he contracted for. Amazingly, you have been in favor of the govt stealing land from people who played by all the rules. You voted for the politicians who are doing this to the American people and come next election, you'll vote for them again.

What if it was YOUR land?


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The Keystone XL is going to happen. It just is.

Whether it happens now or whether dimocraps take another election year trouncing is entirely up to them.

Wonder Mary Landrieu is doing these days? :dunno:
Up until last year, when we sold the land, we also had a timber exemption. We made good money from very careful cutting every few years but the land was ours, and we decided whether or not to cut. We owned the land because we paid for it - in full. And it was ours to sell.

People who work to buy land should not have to give it up just because the 1% wants it.

If a Republican gets into the WH in two years, Keystone will go through. We won't gain anything from it and families will lose their property.

But yes, money will change hands and that's all that matters to the right.

Bullshit. You will lose NOTHING. The goobermint will compensate you handsomely to LEASE your land and do you the FAVOR of clearing it for so you can raise Cattle on it and make some real money.

Or grow Corn. Or wheat. Or whatever grow where you live.

Sounds to me like a lot of bullshit is what grows where you are.

And, OBTW..... When the goobermint pays to clear the land, what in the HELL makes you think they're going to ship the lumber off somewhere else? You're going to make a fortune on that as well.
Up until last year, when we sold the land, we also had a timber exemption. We made good money from very careful cutting every few years but the land was ours, and we decided whether or not to cut. We owned the land because we paid for it - in full. And it was ours to sell.

People who work to buy land should not have to give it up just because the 1% wants it.

If a Republican gets into the WH in two years, Keystone will go through. We won't gain anything from it and families will lose their property.

But yes, money will change hands and that's all that matters to the right.

Bullshit. You will lose NOTHING. The goobermint will compensate you handsomely to LEASE your land and do you the FAVOR of clearing it for so you can raise Cattle on it and make some real money.

Or grow Corn. Or wheat. Or whatever grow where you live.

Sounds to me like a lot of bullshit is what grows where you are.

And, OBTW..... When the goobermint pays to clear the land, what in the HELL makes you think they're going to ship the lumber off somewhere else? You're going to make a fortune on that as well.

I, RW Robot. ^^^^^^^^^
The Keystone XL is going to happen. It just is.

Whether it happens now or whether dimocraps take another election year trouncing is entirely up to them.

Wonder Mary Landrieu is doing these days? :dunno:
Looking for a job within the Oil Industry??? ;)

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