Keystone takes the next step

If Boehner has oil stocks he'll still make money because Warren Buffet's rail way lines are moving the crude that Keystone is unable to.

And trust me, that old Democrat Buffet is making a fortune while this bullshit is going on.

But and It's a big but even Warren wants to see the Keystone built. He thinks the pipeline is a good thing for America.

Those companies will make money, but they'll make more money with Keystone XL built.

Buffet probably has his head on straight about this whole thing tbh. He stands to benefit too, of course, but at least that's the capacity in which he was speaking about it. This thing poses a negligible threat to the environment, and doesn't really hurt or help average Americans. The more I read, the less I see what the fuss is about.
Boehner has owned stock in several companies that stand to make huge profits when Keystone gets finished, and has since 2007 ...


How can several companies make huge profits when (by your account) only 30 jobs are being created?

Name these companies and show how they will make huge profits.

Because the companies that stand to benefit already have all the employees they need.

As deadline nears friends and foes of Keystone XL pipeline step up campaigns - The Washington Post

Environmentalists note that in December 2010, according to Boehner’s financial disclosure forms, he invested $10,000 to $50,000 each in seven firms that had a stake in Canada’s oil sands, the region that produces the oil the pipeline would transport. The firms include six oil companies — BP, Canadian Natural Resources, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Devon Energy and Exxon — along with Emerson Electric, which has a contract to provide the digital automation for the first phase of a $9.4 billion Horizon Oil Sands Project in Canada.

These companies stand to make and have made huge profits long before Keystone and will continue to do so long after.

If that's what your hanging your hat on then I pity you.

No one's "hanging their hat" on this. Boehner is aggressively pushing legislation on which he, personally, stands to make substantial financial gains. There's some conflict of interest there and it's a legitimate concern.

You do realize that he's making money on oil whether or not this last leg of the Keystone goes thru.

The Keystone is complete from Alberta to the Gulf. Warren Buffett a big D and a huge donor is making a killing while all this idiocy is occuring.

His rail lines have benefited. Now there's a legitimate concern. Did the Democrats try to sink the Keystone in the hopes that Buffet would give them more money in donations?

We know that the Democrats received millions upon millions of dollars from the so called "green donor" who just happened to have stocks in Kinder Morgan who have a pipeline that competes with Keystone.

If you need to investigate, start with the Dems. Follow the money.


That's some fun speculation, but that's all it is. Boehner's connection to the oil industry and this legislation in particular is much more direct, and even then it's just suspect, not a smoking gun.
I'm glad I popped back in tonight. Try to stick it to Republicans eh?

Grab some Extra Strength Immodium AD guys!

Obama Donor Set To Profit From Keystone Demise

06/27/2013 05:50 PM ET

Energy Policy: A billionaire hedge fund manager and Barack Obama donor is pushing the president to stop the pipeline that would compete with one he's invested in. That pipeline could send Canadian oil to China.

Obama Donor Tom Steyer Is Set To Profit From Demise Of Keystone XL -
And as for old Warren who by the way I do admire and respect as an extraordinary businessman he's making a killing but he knows there is more than enough money to go around and does believe in Keystone.

But check out the stats on how big the rail industry has benefited by Obama and the Dems blockading Keystone.

We're not talking chump change here.

In 2010 there were 50,000 carloads a year. Now are you ready?

Drum roll. Now there are 700,000 carloads in 2013..

Who gets Buffet's money in elections? :) So kiss my ass over Boehner Siete. Look at your team making a killing.

Who has the motive to stop Keystone's last leg from being completed?


Warren Buffett Cashes In on Railroad Tank Cars
By Drake Bennett November 14, 2013

from the article. worth the read.

"Tank cars, those torpedo-shaped rail cars built to carry liquids, anything from milk to industrial chemicals, are increasingly being used to carry shale oil. “The traffic has grown significantly, from probably 50,000 carloads a year in 2010 to over 700,000 this year,” says Toby Kolstad, president of the consulting firm Rail Theory Forecasts. “It probably will rise above a million carloads a year in the next year or two.”"

2014 Outlook Warren Buffett Cashes In on Railroad Tank Cars - Businessweek
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Hey, the Saudis are counting on the whole world turning off all petroleum exploration, development, even storage. Then when all the work-in-progress is dismantled, hey presto! Shortage and extortionate prices secure in the knowledge they can rape consumers for a decade before even the Environmental Bullshit Paperwork is complete to eve think of starting over.

You're being played. Now I only hope you're young enough so you'll be paying the price for your stupidity. Oh, and your children and their children unless you've aborted them. Lib-logic. Gotta love it. Saudis sure do.

Yes we should really be working on other renewable sources of energy, not messing around with pipelines.
because the trillion we've wasted already on renewables is working so well today. Right? lol

The trillions we've wasted on middle east wars for oil are working out so well also, right? And those wars are a subsidy for oil, paid by taxpayers and servicemens' lives.
I'm glad this thread went active again, because I have a question I can't get answered.

Is it that Obama is opposing the whole thing?

Or is he just opposing the cut off that goes through that aquifer?
And as for old Warren who by the way I do admire and respect as an extraordinary businessman he's making a killing but he knows there is more than enough money to go around and does believe in Keystone.

But check out the stats on how big the rail industry has benefited by Obama and the Dems blockading Keystone.

We're not talking chump change here.

In 2010 there were 50,000 carloads a year. Now are you ready?

Drum roll. Now there are 700,000 carloads this year.

Who gets Buffet's money in elections? :) So kiss my ass over Boehner Siete. Look at your team making a killing.

Who has the motive to stop Keystone's last leg from being completed?


Warren Buffett Cashes In on Railroad Tank Cars
By Drake Bennett November 14, 2013

from the article. worth the read.

"Tank cars, those torpedo-shaped rail cars built to carry liquids, anything from milk to industrial chemicals, are increasingly being used to carry shale oil. “The traffic has grown significantly, from probably 50,000 carloads a year in 2010 to over 700,000 this year,” says Toby Kolstad, president of the consulting firm Rail Theory Forecasts. “It probably will rise above a million carloads a year in the next year or two.”"

2014 Outlook Warren Buffett Cashes In on Railroad Tank Cars - Businessweek
Had a chance, about 5yrs ago for some penny stocks of a start-up rail line..... kicking my ass now....
I'm glad I popped back in tonight. Try to stick it to Republicans eh?

Grab some Extra Strength Immodium AD guys!

Obama Donor Set To Profit From Keystone Demise

06/27/2013 05:50 PM ET

Energy Policy: A billionaire hedge fund manager and Barack Obama donor is pushing the president to stop the pipeline that would compete with one he's invested in. That pipeline could send Canadian oil to China.

Obama Donor Tom Steyer Is Set To Profit From Demise Of Keystone XL -

Not the same.

Would billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer profit if Keystone Pipeline was killed PolitiFact

When he stepped down as a co-managing partner, Steyer directed Farallon Capital to divest his investments in the company from any of its holdings in tar sands and coal. That would have included the Kinder Morgan pipeline.
And as for old Warren who by the way I do admire and respect as an extraordinary businessman he's making a killing but he knows there is more than enough money to go around and does believe in Keystone.

But check out the stats on how big the rail industry has benefited by Obama and the Dems blockading Keystone.

We're not talking chump change here.

In 2010 there were 50,000 carloads a year. Now are you ready?

Drum roll. Now there are 700,000 carloads in 2013..

Who gets Buffet's money in elections? :) So kiss my ass over Boehner Siete. Look at your team making a killing.

Who has the motive to stop Keystone's last leg from being completed?


Warren Buffett Cashes In on Railroad Tank Cars
By Drake Bennett November 14, 2013

from the article. worth the read.

"Tank cars, those torpedo-shaped rail cars built to carry liquids, anything from milk to industrial chemicals, are increasingly being used to carry shale oil. “The traffic has grown significantly, from probably 50,000 carloads a year in 2010 to over 700,000 this year,” says Toby Kolstad, president of the consulting firm Rail Theory Forecasts. “It probably will rise above a million carloads a year in the next year or two.”"

2014 Outlook Warren Buffett Cashes In on Railroad Tank Cars - Businessweek

Why would Buffet care?

Warren Buffett Is Still Bullish On Rail--And Keystone - Forbes

Buffett’s BNSF, along with rival Union Pacific and others, stand to profit either way. Even if plans for the pipeline go ahead, locomotives will be needed to lug out much of the raw material needed for its construction; Buffett says Keystone is “not that big a competitor.”
huh? the people voted the GOP in to do just this thing and straighten out the obamacare crap. That's it. No matter what POTUS does. It's what they were voted in for. PERIOD

Boehner has owned stock in several companies that stand to make huge profits when Keystone gets finished, and has since 2007 ...


How can several companies make huge profits when (by your account) only 30 jobs are being created?

Name these companies and show how they will make huge profits.

Because the companies that stand to benefit already have all the employees they need.

As deadline nears friends and foes of Keystone XL pipeline step up campaigns - The Washington Post

Environmentalists note that in December 2010, according to Boehner’s financial disclosure forms, he invested $10,000 to $50,000 each in seven firms that had a stake in Canada’s oil sands, the region that produces the oil the pipeline would transport. The firms include six oil companies — BP, Canadian Natural Resources, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Devon Energy and Exxon — along with Emerson Electric, which has a contract to provide the digital automation for the first phase of a $9.4 billion Horizon Oil Sands Project in Canada.

These companies stand to make and have made huge profits long before Keystone and will continue to do so long after.

If that's what your hanging your hat on then I pity you.

No one's "hanging their hat" on this. Boehner is aggressively pushing legislation on which he, personally, stands to make substantial financial gains. There's some conflict of interest there and it's a legitimate concern.

He stands to make substantial financial gains whether Keystone goes through or not you moron!

As I said if the is your reasoning for not allowing the Keystone pipeline to go through then you are as stupid as you look.
Liberals are so fucking stupid. I guess they think oil is only used for fuel.
No, we think it powers the world economy, and shouldn't...

You have a better alternative?

Tell me how can you manufacture;

Diesel fuel
Motor Oil
Bearing Grease
Floor Wax
Ballpoint Pens
Football Cleats
Bicycle Tires
Sports Car Bodies
Nail Polish
Fishing lures
Golf Bags
Dishwasher parts
Tool Boxes
Shoe Polish
Motorcycle Helmet
Petroleum Jelly
Transparent Tape
CD Player
Faucet Washers
Food Preservatives
Vitamin Capsules
Panty Hose
Life Jackets
Rubbing Alcohol
TV Cabinets
Shag Rugs
Electrician's Tape
Tool Racks
Car Battery Cases
Insect Repellent
Oil Filters
Hair Coloring
Toilet Seats
Fishing Rods
Denture Adhesive
Ice Cube Trays
Synthetic Rubber
Plastic Wood
Electric Blankets
Tennis Rackets
Rubber Cement
Fishing Boots
Nylon Rope
Trash Bags
House Paint
Water Pipes
Hand Lotion
Roller Skates
Surf Boards
Paint Rollers
Shower Curtains
Guitar Strings
Safety Glasses
Football Helmets
Ice Chests
CD's & DVD's
Paint Brushes
Sun Glasses
Heart Valves
Artificial Turf
Artificial limbs
Model Cars
Folding Doors
Hair Curlers
Cold cream
Movie film
Soft Contact lenses
Drinking Cups
Fan Belts
Car Enamel
Shaving Cream
Golf Balls
without petroleum?

This is just a list of 144 items out 6000 that are made with oil.
But if Keystone is passed, what will the effect be on American oil prices?

We would see prices that we haven't seen since the early 1990's. Imagine what that would do for the economy, am I right?

No, that won't happen. That thing you said just now...that is a lie. You made it up. You figure it sounds good, so you'll throw it out there and hope it sticks.
Boehner has owned stock in several companies that stand to make huge profits when Keystone gets finished, and has since 2007 ...


How can several companies make huge profits when (by your account) only 30 jobs are being created?

Name these companies and show how they will make huge profits.

Because the companies that stand to benefit already have all the employees they need.

As deadline nears friends and foes of Keystone XL pipeline step up campaigns - The Washington Post

Environmentalists note that in December 2010, according to Boehner’s financial disclosure forms, he invested $10,000 to $50,000 each in seven firms that had a stake in Canada’s oil sands, the region that produces the oil the pipeline would transport. The firms include six oil companies — BP, Canadian Natural Resources, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Devon Energy and Exxon — along with Emerson Electric, which has a contract to provide the digital automation for the first phase of a $9.4 billion Horizon Oil Sands Project in Canada.

These companies stand to make and have made huge profits long before Keystone and will continue to do so long after.

If that's what your hanging your hat on then I pity you.

No one's "hanging their hat" on this. Boehner is aggressively pushing legislation on which he, personally, stands to make substantial financial gains. There's some conflict of interest there and it's a legitimate concern.

He stands to make substantial financial gains whether Keystone goes through or not you moron!

As I said if the is your reasoning for not allowing the Keystone pipeline to go through then you are as stupid as you look.

He stands to make greater gains with the Keystone XL completed. And I don't oppose the pipeline, but why read my posts talking to tinydancer on the last page when you can sling shit?
How can several companies make huge profits when (by your account) only 30 jobs are being created?

Name these companies and show how they will make huge profits.

Because the companies that stand to benefit already have all the employees they need.

As deadline nears friends and foes of Keystone XL pipeline step up campaigns - The Washington Post

Environmentalists note that in December 2010, according to Boehner’s financial disclosure forms, he invested $10,000 to $50,000 each in seven firms that had a stake in Canada’s oil sands, the region that produces the oil the pipeline would transport. The firms include six oil companies — BP, Canadian Natural Resources, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Devon Energy and Exxon — along with Emerson Electric, which has a contract to provide the digital automation for the first phase of a $9.4 billion Horizon Oil Sands Project in Canada.

These companies stand to make and have made huge profits long before Keystone and will continue to do so long after.

If that's what your hanging your hat on then I pity you.

No one's "hanging their hat" on this. Boehner is aggressively pushing legislation on which he, personally, stands to make substantial financial gains. There's some conflict of interest there and it's a legitimate concern.
dude, go buy their stock then?

I'm not really in a place right now where I can push legislation benefitting my investments.
Well that's the neat thing about the stock market, see they have advisors and companies who take orders from citizens so they can actually purchase stock so they don't have to get elected to push legislation. So go find yourself an etrade rep and buy the stock you think is going to boom because of what Boehner is doing. Make a buck and then shut up.
How many railroad workers and truck drives along with all the folks related to those industries that are currently transporting the oil will loose their jobs when the pipeline gets operational?
But if Keystone is passed, what will the effect be on American oil prices?

We would see prices that we haven't seen since the early 1990's. Imagine what that would do for the economy, am I right?

Keystone will have absolutely zero impact on U.S. gas prices.

All the refined products from Keystone will be sold overseas, not in the U.S. according to TransCanada.
How can several companies make huge profits when (by your account) only 30 jobs are being created?

Name these companies and show how they will make huge profits.

Because the companies that stand to benefit already have all the employees they need.

As deadline nears friends and foes of Keystone XL pipeline step up campaigns - The Washington Post

Environmentalists note that in December 2010, according to Boehner’s financial disclosure forms, he invested $10,000 to $50,000 each in seven firms that had a stake in Canada’s oil sands, the region that produces the oil the pipeline would transport. The firms include six oil companies — BP, Canadian Natural Resources, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Devon Energy and Exxon — along with Emerson Electric, which has a contract to provide the digital automation for the first phase of a $9.4 billion Horizon Oil Sands Project in Canada.

These companies stand to make and have made huge profits long before Keystone and will continue to do so long after.

If that's what your hanging your hat on then I pity you.

No one's "hanging their hat" on this. Boehner is aggressively pushing legislation on which he, personally, stands to make substantial financial gains. There's some conflict of interest there and it's a legitimate concern.

He stands to make substantial financial gains whether Keystone goes through or not you moron!

As I said if the is your reasoning for not allowing the Keystone pipeline to go through then you are as stupid as you look.

He stands to make greater gains with the Keystone XL completed. And I don't oppose the pipeline, but why read my posts talking to tinydancer on the last page when you can sling shit?

I don't involve myself in every discussion. I focus on the one I'm in.

Sure sounds like you oppose the pipeline to me. Why else are you making an argument against Boehner being for it? Because he has a vested interest? How the hell do you think politicians on both sides of the aisle make their money? One company he's invested in may make a dollar or two and that pisses you off.

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