Khizr Khan is a Shameless Disgrace who DISHONORED His Son AND Trump is a Complete MORON!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.
But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.
^^^^^ I agree with this part of your post.

Where are Trump's handlers? ..... :dunno:

They let him take the bait every time......and he swallows it whole. ..... :cuckoo:
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Uh, guy, your racist rant is a bit silly.

First, you need to stop pretending that what the Jews want is good for America...if the Jews have a problem with the Muslims, THAT'S NOT MY PROBLEM.

The only reason why the Europeans are having a problem now is because they aren't used to the kind of daily violence we have in this country. A mass shooting is a new hting for them.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

Bill and Hillary weren't calling for excluding CITIZENS from the country because of their religion. That is your boy Trump. Trump who dodged the draft in Vietnam, mocked a Vietnam POW, and then called for excluding people from the country based on their race and ethnicity- even though you are going to find a lot of Hispanics and Muslims at Arlington...

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

Actually, Trump is scamming you guys. Mostly he's using the money he's raising to pay his own companies and family.

Trump is an embarrassment... a racist, a misogynist, a narcissist and you guys made him your nominee. What does that say about you as a party?
"He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time."

Jeez, look a who's posting pard. Don't be such a sap.

Regarding Trump's own draft dodging:

Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam
How the presidential candidate avoided combat
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

As for your little sought after religious war, question the simple bait:

Terrorism Expert: Since 9/11, Only 33 Deaths From Muslim Terrorism Vs. 150,000 Deaths From Murders

Charles Kurzman, a University of North Carolina professor of sociology, is the author of a new book titled The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists. Seeking to “failed so dismally” because they have been unable to attract large numbers — particularly Muslim American recruits — to their cause.

Muslim American terrorist plots have killed since 9/11 — since the 3,000 killed on 9/11 — have killed 33 individuals in the United States since that time. Over that same period of time, there have been more than 150,000 murders in the United States, or 14 or 15,000 murders every year. Muslim American terrorism, then, has been a very small, very low percentage of the overall violence in the United States.
Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America

We agree. And so do most Americans. Indeed – as we’ve previously documented – you’re more likely to die from brain-eating parasites, alcoholism, obesity, medical errors, risky sexual behavior or just about anything other than terrorism.

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.


Deaths From Gun Violence vs. Terrorism, in One Chart

Terrorism Expert: Since 9/11, Only 33 Deaths From Muslim Terrorism Vs. 150,000 Deaths From Murders

Your point is well made, but that number was calculated before Orlando and San Bernadino.

SO the number is closer to 100 dead from "Terrorists" vs. 150,000 garden variety murders.
why not dodge vietnam? you had no business being there.

Trump is no coward. men who simper to women are cowards.

The thing was, working class kids who couldn't get the deferments Trump got went to jail, fled to Canada or lived life on the lam. Other working class kids did get sent against their will and came back in Body Bags.

But don't worry, Trump will tell you a guy like John McCain wasn't a hero because he got captured.
But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.
^^^^^ I agree with this part of your post.

Where are Trump's handlers? ..... :dunno:

They let him take the bait every time......and he swallows it whole. ..... :cuckoo:

I blame it on Melania-----I have to talk to that chick
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.
Nit wit. You can't screen people out of this country based on Religion. It's unconstitutional. And Mr. Kahn offered to let Trump borrow his copy of the US Constitution. Perhaps you should borrow it first.
why not dodge vietnam? you had no business being there.

Trump is no coward. men who simper to women are cowards.
Trump avoided Vietnam, at a time many Americans were serving there. McCain did not avoid Vietnam and paid a heavy price for his service. Trump denigrated McCain's service. Trump is a fucking coward. His own words condemn and define him.
why not dodge vietnam? you had no business being there.

Trump is no coward. men who simper to women are cowards.

You mean men who don't abuse women are cowards?
watch one of those inquiries. the females up on that high desk have force in their voice while the males are wimpy.

the product of equality without consequences.

Oh, so it's all about the voice, got it.
it's about confidence.
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.
Nit wit. You can't screen people out of this country based on Religion. It's unconstitutional. And Mr. Kahn offered to let Trump borrow his copy of the US Constitution. Perhaps you should borrow it first.
true. just outlaw gross immigration.
why not dodge vietnam? you had no business being there.

Trump is no coward. men who simper to women are cowards.

You mean men who don't abuse women are cowards?
watch one of those inquiries. the females up on that high desk have force in their voice while the males are wimpy.

the product of equality without consequences.

Oh, so it's all about the voice, got it.
it's about confidence.

You're about bullshit.
why not dodge vietnam? you had no business being there.

Trump is no coward. men who simper to women are cowards.

The thing was, working class kids who couldn't get the deferments Trump got went to jail, fled to Canada or lived life on the lam. Other working class kids did get sent against their will and came back in Body Bags.

But don't worry, Trump will tell you a guy like John McCain wasn't a hero because he got captured.
And RWrs who denigrate Kerry who actually went over there.
Love it when Conservatives attack Gold Star parents

Time to ramp up the hate machine you started with Cindy Shehan

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