Kids in Gay Marriages maladjusted, 35% Less Likely to Graduate High School

Tom Sweetnam

Platinum Member
Aug 27, 2014
A 2013 study conducted at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada by economist Professor Douglas Allen, determined that kids in queer “married” households are hardly the well adjusted demographic queers claim they are. Does that surprise anyone?

Allen’s study, published in Review of the Economics of the Household, determined that kids in gay “marriages” are 35% less likely to graduate from high school, than kids brought up in traditional mother/father heterosexual homes. That’s a pretty big number.

Obviously a follow-up study needs to be conducted by youth psychological councilors to determine why this state of complacency, antisocial angst, and obvious depression exists in all these kids. Who wants to bet the locus from which all their problems revolve is called “child sexual abuse”?

Canada Study Kids in Gay Families Hampered in School
A 2013 study conducted at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada by economist Professor Douglas Allen, determined that kids in queer “married” households are hardly the well adjusted demographic queers claim they are. Does that surprise anyone?

Allen’s study, published in Review of the Economics of the Household, determined that kids in gay “marriages” are 35% less likely to graduate from high school, than kids brought up in traditional mother/father heterosexual homes. That’s a pretty big number.

Obviously a follow-up study needs to be conducted by youth psychological councilors to determine why this state of complacency, antisocial angst, and obvious depression exists in all these kids. Who wants to bet the locus from which all their problems revolve is called “child sexual abuse”?

Canada Study Kids in Gay Families Hampered in School

Study was published in 2012- and appears to be flawed

One critique:

The study states that “children living with gay and lesbian families in 2006 were about 65% as likely to graduate compared to children living in opposite sex marriage families”. But a quick look at the data provided shows that this simply isn’t the case. The author of the study, Douglas W. Allen, makes a rather strange and glaringly obvious flaw: he includes children who are still in high school awaiting graduation. Allen analyses the 2006 Canadian census and focuses on 17-22 year olds. However, many 17-18 year olds would still be in High School so Allen will be misreporting them as not graduating instead of awaiting graduation. Such a flaw isn’t too problematic unless the average age of one group of parents is lower than the others, because if this is the case then the group with the lower average age will have a lower graduation rate because more of their children will still be awaiting graduation. So let’s see what affect this flaw has upon the results:

Opposite sex married: 19.26 Opposite sex married: .72
Gay parents: 18.96 Gay parents: .60
Opposite sex common law: 18.91 Opposite sex common law: .59
Lesbian parents: 18.79 Lesbian parents: .52

Yep, that’s right, it aligns perfectly. The lower the average age of the sample groups then the lower the graduation rate because many are still in school. So what Allen has cleverly discovered, I hope you are sitting down for this, is that the more children are still attending High School, the less likely they are to have graduated. Truly ground breaking stuff.

- See more at: No children of same-sex parents do not have lower graduation rates. Humanisticus
D.W. Allen et al., Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through
School, 50 Demography 955-961 (2013). Appellants cite another recent paper by
the same author, which compared high school graduation rates across family
structures among young adults (age 17-22) in Canada still residing with their
parents, and reported significantly lower rates among those currently living with
same-sex couples versus heterosexual married parents. D.W. Allen, High School
Graduation Rates Among Children of Same-Sex Households, 11 Rev. Econ. of the
Household 635-658 (2013); Brief of Appellants at 67, Kitchen v. Herbert, No. 13-
4178 (10th Cir. Feb. 3, 2014).

This study is irrelevant to questions about parenting
because, as the author acknowledged: “[T]his paper does not study the effect of
growing up in a same-sex household, but rather examines the association of
school performance for those children who lived with same-sex parents in 2006.”
Allen (2013) at n.9 (emphasis added). This narrow focus is necessitated by the
lack of Canadian Census data concerning parents’ prior marital history and the
earlier family history of the 17-22 year-olds.

In addition, the sample excluded any
17-22 year-olds who were no longer residing with their parents, thus precluding a
meaningful estimate of actual graduation rates in this population.

Moreover, the
paper’s own analyses show that differences between the 17-22 year-olds currently
residing with gay or lesbian parents versus those residing with married
heterosexual parents were no longer statistically significant when the analyses
included additional information (i.e., parents’ current marital status and household
instability during the previous 5 years). Id. (Model 3, Table 8 of the Appendix).
45 Rosenfeld, supra note 33.
A 2013 study conducted at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada by economist Professor Douglas Allen, determined that kids in queer “married” households are hardly the well adjusted demographic queers claim they are. Does that surprise anyone?

Allen’s study, published in Review of the Economics of the Household, determined that kids in gay “marriages” are 35% less likely to graduate from high school, than kids brought up in traditional mother/father heterosexual homes. That’s a pretty big number.

Obviously a follow-up study needs to be conducted by youth psychological councilors to determine why this state of complacency, antisocial angst, and obvious depression exists in all these kids. Who wants to bet the locus from which all their problems revolve is called “child sexual abuse”?

Canada Study Kids in Gay Families Hampered in School

Way kids lock onto differences in other kids I'm not surprised by the high school stat. "You have fag parents!" probably comes up a lot when kids wanna be mean. Whether the result are indicative of this or some kind of more objective short-coming of gay parenting I don't know, though I'd think it's the former.
For queers who drool at the idea of getting their hands on little kids, denial ain't a river in Egypt, it's a way life. Deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie. It's what queers do; it's what the left does. I might remind the creeps here, that Vancouver is one of the queer capitals of the planet, one of the AIDS & other STD capitals as well.

The predatory ogres living in our neighbor to the north, have been able to get their hands on kids via adoption for at least a decade and a half. I knew it was just a matter of time before studies like Professor Allen's started hitting the academic journals, because it's obvious to Canadian social welfare agencies and to academics alike, that these kids are not happy, and they're psychologically maladjusted. Most were thrust into an unnatural living situation over which they had no control.

Now they're old enough to be antisocial and pissed off at the system that did this to them. They were handed over to mentally ill degenerates by a system that didn't give a fuck about their welfare, that still doesn't give a fuck about their welfare, or their human rights, and they're angry, and they have every right to be angry. They need to get organized and to march in protest on the government agencies and the courts that did this to them. That’s coming, soon. Naturally the MSM will ignore them, and the degenerate queer lobby will brand them…ummm…a hate group! That’s what they’ll be, a hate group!

I’ve followed threads like this for almost 20 years and I’ve read thousands upon thousands of posts by queers on the issues of homosexual pedophilia and their right to get their hands on little kids. Not once, not once have I ever heard a queer express their empathy for children being thrust into an abnormal environment of degeneracy and sexual abuse. They don’t give a fuck about a child’s welfare, because their mental illness dictates that they don’t give a fuck about anything but themselves. A child is a sexual object, not an object of concern, love, or adoration. So save your bullshit for the spineless proles. I’ve heard all the way over-hackneyed anecdotes and clichés twenty-five thousand times. And while you’re saving the bullshit, I’ll be busy trying to save the kids.
A 2013 study conducted at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada by economist Professor Douglas Allen, determined that kids in queer “married” households are hardly the well adjusted demographic queers claim they are. Does that surprise anyone?

Allen’s study, published in Review of the Economics of the Household, determined that kids in gay “marriages” are 35% less likely to graduate from high school, than kids brought up in traditional mother/father heterosexual homes. That’s a pretty big number.

Obviously a follow-up study needs to be conducted by youth psychological councilors to determine why this state of complacency, antisocial angst, and obvious depression exists in all these kids. Who wants to bet the locus from which all their problems revolve is called “child sexual abuse”?

Canada Study Kids in Gay Families Hampered in School

Study was published in 2012- and appears to be flawed

One critique:

The study states that “children living with gay and lesbian families in 2006 were about 65% as likely to graduate compared to children living in opposite sex marriage families”. But a quick look at the data provided shows that this simply isn’t the case. The author of the study, Douglas W. Allen, makes a rather strange and glaringly obvious flaw: he includes children who are still in high school awaiting graduation. Allen analyses the 2006 Canadian census and focuses on 17-22 year olds. However, many 17-18 year olds would still be in High School so Allen will be misreporting them as not graduating instead of awaiting graduation. Such a flaw isn’t too problematic unless the average age of one group of parents is lower than the others, because if this is the case then the group with the lower average age will have a lower graduation rate because more of their children will still be awaiting graduation. So let’s see what affect this flaw has upon the results:

Opposite sex married: 19.26 Opposite sex married: .72
Gay parents: 18.96 Gay parents: .60
Opposite sex common law: 18.91 Opposite sex common law: .59
Lesbian parents: 18.79 Lesbian parents: .52

Yep, that’s right, it aligns perfectly. The lower the average age of the sample groups then the lower the graduation rate because many are still in school. So what Allen has cleverly discovered, I hope you are sitting down for this, is that the more children are still attending High School, the less likely they are to have graduated. Truly ground breaking stuff.

- See more at: No children of same-sex parents do not have lower graduation rates. Humanisticus

You have of course completely lied about this study. Why? Because you are dishonest.

If his sample group of 17-18 year olds contained both children of queers and children of straights then the conclusion is correct. Unless of course you can prove he used 17 and 18 year olds who because of the way their birthdays fell wouldn't have graduated in either case. My gut tells me he probably only included children who were SCHEDULED to graduate.

I was 17 when I graduated HS.
For queers who drool at the idea of getting their hands on little kids

For men who drool at the idea of getting their hands on little kids....its a way of life.

Of course for the homosexual haters- enabling child molesters is a way of life.

Even though the vast majority of child sex abuse is done by men- 90-95%....
Even though the vast majority of child sex abuse is done to girls- 65%-95%...

The homophobes point to gay men- and say "They are the pedophiles!"

Leaving their buddies the pedophiles free to go after children- because parents think the only pedophiles are gays- not the coach, or the minister, or the uncle, or the step dad or the grandfather.....

Over 200,000 children are abandoned by heterosexual parents, and available for adoption in America a year. Those that fail to get adopted are termed out of the foster system and left on their own with no support system- and have tremendously high rates of homelessness and drug abuse.

That is what the homophobes want for orphans.

The homophobes hate homosexuals so much, that they would prefer the orphans end up living on the street rather than living with a loving family who will support them emotionally and financially for the rest of their lives.

Because that is all the homophobes have to offer- is hate.
A 2013 study conducted at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada by economist Professor Douglas Allen, determined that kids in queer “married” households are hardly the well adjusted demographic queers claim they are. Does that surprise anyone?

Allen’s study, published in Review of the Economics of the Household, determined that kids in gay “marriages” are 35% less likely to graduate from high school, than kids brought up in traditional mother/father heterosexual homes. That’s a pretty big number.

Obviously a follow-up study needs to be conducted by youth psychological councilors to determine why this state of complacency, antisocial angst, and obvious depression exists in all these kids. Who wants to bet the locus from which all their problems revolve is called “child sexual abuse”?

Canada Study Kids in Gay Families Hampered in School

Study was published in 2012- and appears to be flawed

One critique:

The study states that “children living with gay and lesbian families in 2006 were about 65% as likely to graduate compared to children living in opposite sex marriage families”. But a quick look at the data provided shows that this simply isn’t the case. The author of the study, Douglas W. Allen, makes a rather strange and glaringly obvious flaw: he includes children who are still in high school awaiting graduation. Allen analyses the 2006 Canadian census and focuses on 17-22 year olds. However, many 17-18 year olds would still be in High School so Allen will be misreporting them as not graduating instead of awaiting graduation. Such a flaw isn’t too problematic unless the average age of one group of parents is lower than the others, because if this is the case then the group with the lower average age will have a lower graduation rate because more of their children will still be awaiting graduation. So let’s see what affect this flaw has upon the results:

Opposite sex married: 19.26 Opposite sex married: .72
Gay parents: 18.96 Gay parents: .60
Opposite sex common law: 18.91 Opposite sex common law: .59
Lesbian parents: 18.79 Lesbian parents: .52

Yep, that’s right, it aligns perfectly. The lower the average age of the sample groups then the lower the graduation rate because many are still in school. So what Allen has cleverly discovered, I hope you are sitting down for this, is that the more children are still attending High School, the less likely they are to have graduated. Truly ground breaking stuff.

- See more at: No children of same-sex parents do not have lower graduation rates. Humanisticus

You have of course completely lied about this study. Why? Because you are dishonest.

If his sample group of 17-18 year olds contained both children of queers and children of straights then the conclusion is correct. Unless of course you can prove he used 17 and 18 year olds who because of the way their birthdays fell wouldn't have graduated in either case. My gut tells me he probably only included children who were SCHEDULED to graduate.

I was 17 when I graduated HS.

Where did I lie? Feel free to point this out....I will help you out and highlight in red the content that are my own words- point out where I 'lied'.

Here is what I said- and will admit to a mistake- the study was published in 2013- it was in the papers in 2012

Study was published in 2012- and appears to be flawed

One critique:

The study states that “children living with gay and lesbian families in 2006 were about 65% as likely to graduate compared to children living in opposite sex marriage families”. But a quick look at the data provided shows that this simply isn’t the case. The author of the study, Douglas W. Allen, makes a rather strange and glaringly obvious flaw: he includes children who are still in high school awaiting graduation. Allen analyses the 2006 Canadian census and focuses on 17-22 year olds. However, many 17-18 year olds would still be in High School so Allen will be misreporting them as not graduating instead of awaiting graduation. Such a flaw isn’t too problematic unless the average age of one group of parents is lower than the others, because if this is the case then the group with the lower average age will have a lower graduation rate because more of their children will still be awaiting graduation. So let’s see what affect this flaw has upon the results:

Opposite sex married: 19.26 Opposite sex married: .72
Gay parents: 18.96 Gay parents: .60
Opposite sex common law: 18.91 Opposite sex common law: .59
Lesbian parents: 18.79 Lesbian parents: .52

Yep, that’s right, it aligns perfectly. The lower the average age of the sample groups then the lower the graduation rate because many are still in school. So what Allen has cleverly discovered, I hope you are sitting down for this, is that the more children are still attending High School, the less likely they are to have graduated. Truly ground breaking stuff.
20% of the population is a very large study, and 35% less graduation means a very high number of kids are sadly not getting educated properly.

Canada Study Kids in Gay Families Hampered in School

Allen's study, published in the October issue of the Review of the Economics of the Household, is based on a 20 percent sampling of Canada's 2006 census, in which respondents indicated whether they were raised by a lesbian couple, a male homosexual couple, a married traditional couple, a common law couple, a single mother, or a single father. The study went on to compare high school graduation rates of young adults raised in each of those households.
Douglas Allen, the author of the cited discredited 'study,' has a long and well-documented hostility to equal protection rights for same sex couples, where he often testifies on behalf of states defending their measures designed to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, such as in Michigan:

'U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman...ruled that Mr. Allen’s research represented a “fringe viewpoint.”

Judge Friedman wrote that “one of the major limitations of Allen’s study was that he could not discern whether a particular young adult’s academic decline coincided with a separation in the household.”

Ultimately, the judge concluded that the only real result of Mr. Allen’s testimony was to prove that there is not “scientific certainty” to the “no differences” argument.

Ever since U.S. judges began overturning interracial marriage ban in the 1960s, the United States has not decided civil rights “based on grade-point averages of the children,” Philip Cohen, a professor of sociology at the University of Maryland, and a critic of Mr. Allen, wrote to the National Post.

Last week’s Michigan decision agreed, calling it an “absurdity” to ban marriages on the grounds that they might yield “sub-optimal” kids.

“Taking the … position to its logical conclusion, the empirical evidence at hand should require that only rich, educated, suburban-dwelling, married Asians may marry, to the exclusion of all other heterosexual couples,” he wrote.

Even Mr. Allen would seem to agree, telling the National Post, “I don’t believe the question of [same sex marriage] rests heavily on the outcomes of children.”'

Canadian economist never knew he would become centre of a U.S. firestorm over his research on same-sex parenting National Post
A lot more of these studies should be done with so much at stake.

FAVA New study debunks same-sex parenting claims

Dr Regnerus used data from the New Family Structure Study (NFSS) to see how adults aged from 18 to 39 raised by same-sex parents do on various outcomes compared to those raised by married biological parents, cohabiting adults, a single parent, step-parents or adoptive parents, among others. NFSS has data from more than 3,000 adults, including 175 who said their mother had a same-sex romantic relationship and 73 who said their father did. Regnerus notes that his study is one of the few that measures outcomes as reported by the children of homosexuals, rather than relying on an assessment by the homosexual parent. ...

One of the most remarkable findings was that 23% of those with a lesbian mother reported having been touched sexually by a parent or adult, compared to 2% of those raised in an intact biological family. The percentage was 6% among those with a gay father and 10% with a single parent. In another striking statistic, 31% of those raised by a lesbian mother, and 25% of those raised by a gay father, reported being forced to have sex against their will at some point, compared to just 8% of those raised by their biological parents. ...
A 2013 study conducted at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada by economist Professor Douglas Allen, determined that kids in queer “married” households are hardly the well adjusted demographic queers claim they are. Does that surprise anyone?

Allen’s study, published in Review of the Economics of the Household, determined that kids in gay “marriages” are 35% less likely to graduate from high school, than kids brought up in traditional mother/father heterosexual homes. That’s a pretty big number.

Obviously a follow-up study needs to be conducted by youth psychological councilors to determine why this state of complacency, antisocial angst, and obvious depression exists in all these kids. Who wants to bet the locus from which all their problems revolve is called “child sexual abuse”?

Canada Study Kids in Gay Families Hampered in School

Before the haters get all hopped up, they might want to check that source.

Or, depending on their preconceived agenda, maybe not.
The findings are based on a data set nine years old.

So much has changed since then.

Let's use last year's data set, and then we can talk.
This is akin to the post-1960's phenomenon we've witnessed in the black neighborhoods in the US.
Kids need both parents. The more we contribute to and create alternatives to that the more we exacerbate social problems and failure. This is why democrats need to be removed. Or else they need to simply progress a little more than a little.

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