Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

You're a loser, that's for sure.

You are on your back, that’s for sure.
Don't be mad at me because you are an admitted useless human being and a loser, make something out of your life. You are the one who said you were lazy SOB who never aspires to anything. I didn't bring it up, you did. If you want to have respect for yourself, do something with your life. Why blame me?

. I never said any such thing woman
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
Are you crazy? Look how these kids in Florida are reacting to the massacre and how they are starting a movement across the country. I've been teaching high school kids for the past 20 years. They are as good as any other previous generation. These kids we are witnessing today who are standing up to the government and demanding change are as good as the best we have ever seen. You are the one who is falling short, not them.
They are all retards that need the media to tell them how to brush their teeth.
I think you're looking in the mirror. Stop looking in the mirror.

Seriously, the claim that the younger generation is a mess has been done since the beginning of civilization. The earliest example I know of comes from a Greek philosopher and scholar:

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

This quote illustrates the fact that the 'older generation' criticizing the younger generation is as old as dirt. You show yourself to be someone who doesn't think with any depth by falling into that trap. Kids today are as good as any who came before: their habits and preferences may be different and something you refuse to understand or accept, but, overall, they are as good as any previous generation.
Yikes! Then we are doomed. Our future is not bright as the next generations wil likely be amoral degenerates.
Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

They are being raised by, surrounded with and deluged by liberals, liberal thinking and liberal mentality in everything from the government, TV, media, workplace, internet, to their education. Now we are reaping what Libs have been sowing for years.
Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

They are being raised by, surrounded with and deluged by liberals, liberal thinking and liberal mentality in everything from the government, TV, media, workplace, internet, to their education. Now we are reaping what Libs have been sowing for years.

I think we just saw a tide beginning to turn. Or maybe not, but I was impressed with the students at the Town Hall on CNN. Some refused to ask the questions that CNN TOLD THEM TO ASK , instead asking their own thoughtful questions. They just experienced the liberal media for themselves and it sounds like some refused to accept it. Perhaps there's hope.
You know what is interesting about that chart? It is so misleading. Take the national average. Over 7 percent of school kids drop out. In my area, it's probably less than 1%. So move to a nice average class neighborhood and there are differences. They are, raising your chilldren somewhat efficiently have high expectations for your kids, allow them to suffer consequences.

Now lets look at urban Chicago. The average would probably be higher than 20%, Is it because of their ethnicity or race? No, if a person is in crisis living due to drugs, mental illness not being addressed and single parent homes where ignorance of parenting skills flourush you'll see more drop outs. And they seldom get jobs,
Now lets look at urban Chicago. The average would probably be higher than 20%, Is it because of their ethnicity or race? No, if a person is in crisis living due to drugs, mental illness not being addressed and single parent homes where ignorance of parenting skills flourush you'll see more drop outs. And they seldom get jobs,
Sounds like you're describing a race with low IQ's
Now lets look at urban Chicago. The average would probably be higher than 20%, Is it because of their ethnicity or race? No, if a person is in crisis living due to drugs, mental illness not being addressed and single parent homes where ignorance of parenting skills flourush you'll see more drop outs. And they seldom get jobs,
Sounds like you're describing a race with low IQ's
I selected Chicago because of the gang problems that are well known in large cities. Those situations appear more in the cities than rural areas. It really isn't race, but it is where most people who don't finish school live and it perpetuates the problem down through the family.
Now lets look at urban Chicago. The average would probably be higher than 20%, Is it because of their ethnicity or race? No, if a person is in crisis living due to drugs, mental illness not being addressed and single parent homes where ignorance of parenting skills flourush you'll see more drop outs. And they seldom get jobs,
Sounds like you're describing a race with low IQ's
I selected Chicago because of the gang problems that are well known in large cities. Those situations appear more in the cities than rural areas. It really isn't race, but it is where most people who don't finish school live and it perpetuates the problem down through the family.
The problem is not in cities, it's in black cities
Now lets look at urban Chicago. The average would probably be higher than 20%, Is it because of their ethnicity or race? No, if a person is in crisis living due to drugs, mental illness not being addressed and single parent homes where ignorance of parenting skills flourush you'll see more drop outs. And they seldom get jobs,
Sounds like you're describing a race with low IQ's
I selected Chicago because of the gang problems that are well known in large cities. Those situations appear more in the cities than rural areas. It really isn't race, but it is where most people who don't finish school live and it perpetuates the problem down through the family.
The problem is not in cities, it's in black cities
Poor people in any city. Where the uneducated live. All races and ethnicities, except perhaps Asians. Wonder why that is...
Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

They are being raised by, surrounded with and deluged by liberals, liberal thinking and liberal mentality in everything from the government, TV, media, workplace, internet, to their education. Now we are reaping what Libs have been sowing for years.

I think we just saw a tide beginning to turn. Or maybe not, but I was impressed with the students at the Town Hall on CNN. Some refused to ask the questions that CNN TOLD THEM TO ASK , instead asking their own thoughtful questions. They just experienced the liberal media for themselves and it sounds like some refused to accept it. Perhaps there's hope.

Would those be the kids that CNN had demanding this woman be burned alive?

NRA's Loesch: I Wouldn't Have Been Able To Exit CNN Town Hall If I Didn't Have A Security Detail
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?

They aren't different because the parents aren't doing enough.

They are different because the schools do too much..and negate any effective parenting that goes on. Kids go to school and listen to their *teachers* rave about how horrible traditions are, how awful their parents are, how backwards religion is, how there is no God...

That's why kids are the pukes they are today. They know nothing, and they have no respect for anybody except the talking heads their teachers plug them into.
Now lets look at urban Chicago. The average would probably be higher than 20%, Is it because of their ethnicity or race? No, if a person is in crisis living due to drugs, mental illness not being addressed and single parent homes where ignorance of parenting skills flourush you'll see more drop outs. And they seldom get jobs,
Sounds like you're describing a race with low IQ's
I selected Chicago because of the gang problems that are well known in large cities. Those situations appear more in the cities than rural areas. It really isn't race, but it is where most people who don't finish school live and it perpetuates the problem down through the family.
The problem is not in cities, it's in black cities
I taught in the inner city. Perhaps it wasn't typical, but it was 1/3 Mexican, 1/3 black and 1/3 white with some asians sprinkled through. 95% did not finish school but I would say the 80% really cared about their chidren's progress and welfare.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?

They aren't different because the parents aren't doing enough.

They are different because the schools do too much..and negate any effective parenting that goes on. Kids go to school and listen to their *teachers* rave about how horrible traditions are, how awful their parents are, how backwards religion is, how there is no God...

That's why kids are the pukes they are today. They know nothing, and they have no respect for anybody except the talking heads their teachers plug them into.
I hear you, Kosher Girl. NNot all teachers are like that. And I do think that the teachers who teach in the inner cities should be the best and the hardest working. They shpuld be recommended for those positions and paid 35% more than the remaining teachers.

Teachers are the second most influential person in a young child's life. Teacher who gain the confidence of the parents can help them learn how to be a more effective parent as well.
Poor people in any city. Where the uneducated live. All races and ethnicities, except perhaps Asians. Wonder why that is...
High IQ's
Are their IQ's thast much higher thn the Americans or is it theirattitude that education is the most important part of a child's life? In the Asian culture it is taught that the teacher is second only to God in respect.
Are their IQ's thast much higher thn the Americans or is it theirattitude that education is the most important part of a child's life? In the Asian culture it is taught that the teacher is second only to God in respect.
Americans is not a race.

Asian culture is a product of Asian IQ
NO dum-dums 101: It is more than obvious that todays generations under 35 years old are suffering from some kind of spoiled brat baby syndrome. Their parents handed them a cell phone like it was a toy and their parents are partly to blame for skipping out on doing the difficult but necessary job of parenting. So the problem of the lost youth also is a problem with lazy parents 36- 70 years old. The older generations of parents sometimes made errors by being too harsh, but these younger parents are liberal fools. It's not only Baby Boomers that read books. Books are appreciated by all ages of people who have an attention span longer than 5 minutes in the phone. Extreme Liberals and Amazon are telling us/ brainwashing everybody that the future is only to be all online. This is not true. Smart people know that learning comes from many sources....... The smartest kids I ever met were kids I took care of while working/ helping out on a farm. Mini scientists as youth and they had little access to media.141.jpgchildren-playing-in-treehouse-b9k1n8.jpg
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Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

They are being raised by, surrounded with and deluged by liberals, liberal thinking and liberal mentality in everything from the government, TV, media, workplace, internet, to their education. Now we are reaping what Libs have been sowing for years.

I think we just saw a tide beginning to turn. Or maybe not, but I was impressed with the students at the Town Hall on CNN. Some refused to ask the questions that CNN TOLD THEM TO ASK , instead asking their own thoughtful questions. They just experienced the liberal media for themselves and it sounds like some refused to accept it. Perhaps there's hope.
Once the baby boomers die off there will be a lot more free thought.

The only drones I see parroting CNN from later generations are those who hardly ever watch CNN and instead are parroting social media(like my youngest sister, who has literally never watched CNN and has no clue what she is talking about concerning any political issue).

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