Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

So you would like to go back to segregation and all the associated crap ?

tommy the deaf, dumb and blind boy... Why don't you take 10 minutes of your valuable time and read the following link... Your automatic emotional argument of segregation is flawed... Open you eyes blind boy...

The Great Society 50 Years Later: How We're Failing America's Poor
The Great Society50 Years Later: How the Poor Fail America

If you are poor, than you damn well be brain dead or seriously disabled. You are costing the country trillions by having children without being able to afford them and sitting on your damn ass waiting for someone to pay for your food, housing and medical costs.

Just another taker complaint
So that scenario is okay?

You want a comment on a made up scenario?
Every time a generation becomes the old farts of the world, its social conservatives rail against the younger generations. They see the world as scary and frightening because it’s not exactly as it was 60+ years before.
We have a generation that questions what gender they are. We are screwed.
Okay old fart :itsok:

Any bets the oldfool sits at his desktop in a lovely chiffon gown? He seems light in the loafers
I know he seems not to remember supporting men in girls locker rooms.

Old farts are one thing, conservative rank stupidity is another.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
Are you crazy? Look how these kids in Florida are reacting to the massacre and how they are starting a movement across the country. I've been teaching high school kids for the past 20 years. They are as good as any other previous generation. These kids we are witnessing today who are standing up to the government and demanding change are as good as the best we have ever seen. You are the one who is falling short, not them.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
My Dad never had long hair or smoked weed...How was I like my Dad?
Almost nothing in the OP is accurate.
Really? Tell me about the utopian life we are living. Prisons are running out of room, How many teenagers have cars at 16 (or earlier),, School shootings were not even thought of 40 years ago, colleges now come with remedial reading and writing classes (WTF)? Find me a kid who prefers a good book to television and how do video games and Facebook (the primary choice of leisure ) prepare out children for their future.=s?

More inaccuracies coupled with some weird thoughts.
You are an excellent example. You cannot add to a discussion just call another weird without any bais. You, my friend are an excellent example of the problem. Thank you showing others.
Based on your posts I've read over the years, you, Jackson, are an excellent example of the problem. Narrow minded, mean spirited, uninformed.
Almost nothing in the OP is accurate.
Really? Tell me about the utopian life we are living. Prisons are running out of room, How many teenagers have cars at 16 (or earlier),, School shootings were not even thought of 40 years ago, colleges now come with remedial reading and writing classes (WTF)? Find me a kid who prefers a good book to television and how do video games and Facebook (the primary choice of leisure ) prepare out children for their future.=s?
Books can be read online now...Get hip to the trip man...
Almost nothing in the OP is accurate.
Really? Tell me about the utopian life we are living. Prisons are running out of room, How many teenagers have cars at 16 (or earlier),, School shootings were not even thought of 40 years ago, colleges now come with remedial reading and writing classes (WTF)? Find me a kid who prefers a good book to television and how do video games and Facebook (the primary choice of leisure ) prepare out children for their future.=s?

More inaccuracies coupled with some weird thoughts.
You are an excellent example. You cannot add to a discussion just call another weird without any bais. You, my friend are an excellent example of the problem. Thank you showing others.
Based on your posts I've read over the years, you, Jackson, are an excellent exampleof the problem. Narrow minded, mean spirited, uninformed.
And probably has crud on the corners of his mouth..
That was somewhat clever. But, your desperation still shows.

Desperation? I'm not the one who projected all those feelings of insecurity by trying to extract some sort of insult over a harmless post.

Yes, I know you are uneducated, but just because you are uneducated, that does not mean another person's joke posing is some sort of comment on such. All you are doing here is showing your lack of self esteem.
That was somewhat clever. But, your desperation still shows.

Desperation? I'm not the one who projected all those feelings of insecurity by trying to extract some sort of insult over a harmless post.

Yes, I know you are uneducated, but just because you are uneducated, that does not mean another person's joke posing is some sort of comment on such. All you are doing here is showing your lack of self esteem.

You know that I am uneducated?
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
Are you crazy? Look how these kids in Florida are reacting to the massacre and how they are starting a movement across the country. I've been teaching high school kids for the past 20 years. They are as good as any other previous generation. These kids we are witnessing today who are standing up to the government and demanding change are as good as the best we have ever seen. You are the one who is falling short, not them.
They are all retards that need the media to tell them how to brush their teeth.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
Are you crazy? Look how these kids in Florida are reacting to the massacre and how they are starting a movement across the country. I've been teaching high school kids for the past 20 years. They are as good as any other previous generation. These kids we are witnessing today who are standing up to the government and demanding change are as good as the best we have ever seen. You are the one who is falling short, not them.
They are all retards that need the media to tell them how to brush their teeth.
I think you're looking in the mirror. Stop looking in the mirror.

Seriously, the claim that the younger generation is a mess has been done since the beginning of civilization. The earliest example I know of comes from a Greek philosopher and scholar:

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

This quote illustrates the fact that the 'older generation' criticizing the younger generation is as old as dirt. You show yourself to be someone who doesn't think with any depth by falling into that trap. Kids today are as good as any who came before: their habits and preferences may be different and something you refuse to understand or accept, but, overall, they are as good as any previous generation.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
Are you crazy? Look how these kids in Florida are reacting to the massacre and how they are starting a movement across the country. I've been teaching high school kids for the past 20 years. They are as good as any other previous generation. These kids we are witnessing today who are standing up to the government and demanding change are as good as the best we have ever seen. You are the one who is falling short, not them.
They are all retards that need the media to tell them how to brush their teeth.
I think you're looking in the mirror. Stop looking in the mirror.

Seriously, the claim that the younger generation is a mess has been done since the beginning of civilization. The earliest example I know of comes from a Greek philosopher and scholar:

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

This quote illustrates the fact that the 'older generation' criticizing the younger generation is as old as dirt. You show yourself to be someone who doesn't think with any depth by falling into that trap. Kids today are as good as any who came before: their habits and preferences may be different and something you refuse to understand or accept, but, overall, they are as good as any previous generation.
Maybe try looking at the age on my profile before posting this nonsense next time.

I am a millennial. I know millennials are worthless because I am a lazy son of a bitch who usually never aspires for greatness and I am still head and shoulders above the vast majority of my generation. The generation Zers who admire millennials are also absolutely worthless.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
Are you crazy? Look how these kids in Florida are reacting to the massacre and how they are starting a movement across the country. I've been teaching high school kids for the past 20 years. They are as good as any other previous generation. These kids we are witnessing today who are standing up to the government and demanding change are as good as the best we have ever seen. You are the one who is falling short, not them.
They are all retards that need the media to tell them how to brush their teeth.
I think you're looking in the mirror. Stop looking in the mirror.

Seriously, the claim that the younger generation is a mess has been done since the beginning of civilization. The earliest example I know of comes from a Greek philosopher and scholar:

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

This quote illustrates the fact that the 'older generation' criticizing the younger generation is as old as dirt. You show yourself to be someone who doesn't think with any depth by falling into that trap. Kids today are as good as any who came before: their habits and preferences may be different and something you refuse to understand or accept, but, overall, they are as good as any previous generation.
Maybe try looking at the age on my profile before posting this nonsense next time.

I am a millennial. I know millennials are worthless because I am a lazy son of a bitch who usually never aspires for greatness and I am still head and shoulders above the vast majority of my generation. The generation Zers who admire millennials are also absolutely worthless.
The fact you are lazy and useless doesn't mean everyone else is. Maybe you are just jealous of those who are developed human beings while you waste your life.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
Are you crazy? Look how these kids in Florida are reacting to the massacre and how they are starting a movement across the country. I've been teaching high school kids for the past 20 years. They are as good as any other previous generation. These kids we are witnessing today who are standing up to the government and demanding change are as good as the best we have ever seen. You are the one who is falling short, not them.
They are all retards that need the media to tell them how to brush their teeth.
I think you're looking in the mirror. Stop looking in the mirror.

Seriously, the claim that the younger generation is a mess has been done since the beginning of civilization. The earliest example I know of comes from a Greek philosopher and scholar:

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

This quote illustrates the fact that the 'older generation' criticizing the younger generation is as old as dirt. You show yourself to be someone who doesn't think with any depth by falling into that trap. Kids today are as good as any who came before: their habits and preferences may be different and something you refuse to understand or accept, but, overall, they are as good as any previous generation.
Maybe try looking at the age on my profile before posting this nonsense next time.

I am a millennial. I know millennials are worthless because I am a lazy son of a bitch who usually never aspires for greatness and I am still head and shoulders above the vast majority of my generation. The generation Zers who admire millennials are also absolutely worthless.

Worse than that are old fart baby boomers who worship callowness and youth.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
Are you crazy? Look how these kids in Florida are reacting to the massacre and how they are starting a movement across the country. I've been teaching high school kids for the past 20 years. They are as good as any other previous generation. These kids we are witnessing today who are standing up to the government and demanding change are as good as the best we have ever seen. You are the one who is falling short, not them.
They are all retards that need the media to tell them how to brush their teeth.
I think you're looking in the mirror. Stop looking in the mirror.

Seriously, the claim that the younger generation is a mess has been done since the beginning of civilization. The earliest example I know of comes from a Greek philosopher and scholar:

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

This quote illustrates the fact that the 'older generation' criticizing the younger generation is as old as dirt. You show yourself to be someone who doesn't think with any depth by falling into that trap. Kids today are as good as any who came before: their habits and preferences may be different and something you refuse to understand or accept, but, overall, they are as good as any previous generation.
Maybe try looking at the age on my profile before posting this nonsense next time.

I am a millennial. I know millennials are worthless because I am a lazy son of a bitch who usually never aspires for greatness and I am still head and shoulders above the vast majority of my generation. The generation Zers who admire millennials are also absolutely worthless.

Worse than that are old fart baby boomers who worship callowness and youth.
You're a loser, that's for sure.
You're a loser, that's for sure.

You are on your back, that’s for sure.
Don't be mad at me because you are an admitted useless human being and a loser, make something out of your life. You are the one who said you were lazy SOB who never aspires to anything. I didn't bring it up, you did. If you want to have respect for yourself, do something with your life. Why blame me?

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