Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.

At no point did I say it was.
But it is certainly the norm of the average 50s-60's year old experience. We were raised by baby boomers, and that is how baby boomers were. Proud, tough and very matter of fact.
My generation is quite different. Unfortunately, generally speaking because I myself DID NOT raise my kids this way, our generation spoiled our kids rotten. Gave them every thing under the sun and allowed them to whine and carry on, hell kids were yelling at their parents to shut up!! Telling their parents they are stupid!! Good God man, I would have been strung up in the nearest tree if I told my parents anything of the sort! And so would have every kid in the neighborhood.
Today....a parent so much as smacks a kids bum and outcomes child services and counseling in school.
They are taught to have loyalty to nothing but themselves. They have no reverence or love for the very country they live in, because again, they are taught America is fundamentally flawed.

Rest assured that's not all kids today....I could show you a school full of them being raised right,
I doubt seriously if you could find a whole school...but "many" would be encouraging."

There are some slackers, always will be but I'd say 95% of the kids are on the right path.
It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.

At no point did I say it was.
But it is certainly the norm of the average 50s-60's year old experience. We were raised by baby boomers, and that is how baby boomers were. Proud, tough and very matter of fact.
My generation is quite different. Unfortunately, generally speaking because I myself DID NOT raise my kids this way, our generation spoiled our kids rotten. Gave them every thing under the sun and allowed them to whine and carry on, hell kids were yelling at their parents to shut up!! Telling their parents they are stupid!! Good God man, I would have been strung up in the nearest tree if I told my parents anything of the sort! And so would have every kid in the neighborhood.
Today....a parent so much as smacks a kids bum and outcomes child services and counseling in school.
They are taught to have loyalty to nothing but themselves. They have no reverence or love for the very country they live in, because again, they are taught America is fundamentally flawed.

Rest assured that's not all kids today....I could show you a school full of them being raised right,

I would certainly hope so, but I would guess you are joking.

I'm not joking, our children's school is one of them. Great kids with their heads on right, parents send their children there to avoid the crap and distractions of public schools
Ah, private...I wish they were all private
"Kids are different today, "
I hear ev'ry mother say
Mother needs something today to calm her down
And though she's not really ill
There's a little yellow pill
She goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day
Every time a generation becomes the old farts of the world, its social conservatives rail against the younger generations. They see the world as scary and frightening because it’s not exactly as it was 60+ years before.
Its the same in the UK. Old codgers who have lost the power of thought,if they ever had it, and rant about the last thing they read in shit paper.

You wouldnt know.You never saw real men lead. You only saw sixties products who thought they had a chance to be "cool" and "with it" by shouting childish slogns louder than the children. They prefer being wrong rather than bare the childish taunt "old fart" which would hurt their ego. "Look at me I'm still hip"

Democrats have gone so far in this country as to let kids tell them what part of the Constitution should be shredded. Adults being led by emotionally damaged ,traumatized children rather than children being protected and guided by adults.
Tell me about it!

Learning proper cuneiform was mandatory when I was young, and it should be mandatory today.

.....and don't even get me started about how Ra has been kicked out of the classroom, either.
I'm not sure what Ra is and cunieform is an early form of writing. Not sure if I get point.

He is arrogantly telling you that if you didn't learn that stuff in school, you are a dummy.
No, I was making fun of my age.
"Kids are different today, "
I hear ev'ry mother say
Mother needs something today to calm her down
And though she's not really ill
There's a little yellow pill
She goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day

And certainly has truth in it. (each generation says the next is the worse ever)
Having said that, all over this country statues that were erected 4-5 generations ago...that remained untouched by legends of teenagers for generations, since the 1980's are repeatedly vandalized. So much that towns across America have just took them down and replanted them indoors or in more populated areas.
There is something different.
Tell me about it!

Learning proper cuneiform was mandatory when I was young, and it should be mandatory today.

.....and don't even get me started about how Ra has been kicked out of the classroom, either.
I'm not sure what Ra is and cunieform is an early form of writing. Not sure if I get point.

He is arrogantly telling you that if you didn't learn that stuff in school, you are a dummy.
No, I was making fun of my age.
Lone Laugher doesn't comprehend anything that applies to knowledge and even a modicum of humor. It's really sad, actually.
thought they had a chance to be "cool" and "with it" by shouting childish slogns louder than the children.

Lol a braindead Trump sheep trying to lecture about shouting childish slogans

Hehe...hey would you mind telling us again how Hillary will win the electoral college in "a landslide" and Trump's chance of keeping the Senate Republican was "not a prayer"?
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.

At no point did I say it was.
But it is certainly the norm of the average 50s-60's year old experience. We were raised by baby boomers, and that is how baby boomers were. Proud, tough and very matter of fact.
My generation is quite different. Unfortunately, generally speaking because I myself DID NOT raise my kids this way, our generation spoiled our kids rotten. Gave them every thing under the sun and allowed them to whine and carry on, hell kids were yelling at their parents to shut up!! Telling their parents they are stupid!! Good God man, I would have been strung up in the nearest tree if I told my parents anything of the sort! And so would have every kid in the neighborhood.
Today....a parent so much as smacks a kids bum and outcomes child services and counseling in school.
They are taught to have loyalty to nothing but themselves. They have no reverence or love for the very country they live in, because again, they are taught America is fundamentally flawed.

Rest assured that's not all kids today....I could show you a school full of them being raised right,

I would certainly hope so, but I would guess you are joking.

I'm not joking, our children's school is one of them. Great kids with their heads on right, parents send their children there to avoid the crap and distractions of public schools
Ah, private...I wish they were all private

Our children will never attend a public school
thought they had a chance to be "cool" and "with it" by shouting childish slogns louder than the children.

Lol a braindead Trump sheep trying to lecture about shouting childish slogans

Hehe...hey would you mind telling us again how Hillary will win the electoral college in "a landslide" and Trump's chance of keeping the Senate Republican was "not a prayer"?
Sure right after you chant some of your childish slogans. Maybe throw a “lock her up” or 2 in there.
Every time a generation becomes the old farts of the world, its social conservatives rail against the younger generations. They see the world as scary and frightening because it’s not exactly as it was 60+ years before.
We have a generation that questions what gender they are. We are screwed.
"Kids are different today, "
I hear ev'ry mother say
Mother needs something today to calm her down
And though she's not really ill
There's a little yellow pill
She goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day

And certainly has truth in it. (each generation says the next is the worse ever)
Having said that, all over this country statues that were erected 4-5 generations ago...that remained untouched by legends of teenagers for generations, since the 1980's are repeatedly vandalized. So much that towns across America have just took them down and replanted them indoors or in more populated areas.
There is something different.
Isnt it great that kids wont accept statues of racist shite any more ? That is a huge positive.
Every time a generation becomes the old farts of the world, its social conservatives rail against the younger generations. They see the world as scary and frightening because it’s not exactly as it was 60+ years before.
We have a generation that questions what gender they are. We are screwed.
Okay old fart :itsok:

Any bets the oldfool sits at his desktop in a lovely chiffon gown? He seems light in the loafers
Tell me about it!

Learning proper cuneiform was mandatory when I was young, and it should be mandatory today.

.....and don't even get me started about how Ra has been kicked out of the classroom, either.
I'm not sure what Ra is and cunieform is an early form of writing. Not sure if I get point.

He is arrogantly telling you that if you didn't learn that stuff in school, you are a dummy.
No, I was making fun of my age.
Lone Laugher doesn't comprehend anything that applies to knowledge and even a modicum of humor. It's really sad, actually.

Like a lot of the radical left, he's got that chip on his shoulder that comes out in his politics.
Every time a generation becomes the old farts of the world, its social conservatives rail against the younger generations. They see the world as scary and frightening because it’s not exactly as it was 60+ years before.
We have a generation that questions what gender they are. We are screwed.
Okay old fart :itsok:

Any bets the oldfool sits at his desktop in a lovely chiffon gown? He seems light in the loafers
Thinking about gay folks again, inbred?
Every time a generation becomes the old farts of the world, its social conservatives rail against the younger generations. They see the world as scary and frightening because it’s not exactly as it was 60+ years before.
We have a generation that questions what gender they are. We are screwed.
Okay old fart :itsok:

Any bets the oldfool sits at his desktop in a lovely chiffon gown? He seems light in the loafers
Thinking about gay folks again, inbred?

Questioning your manhood.

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