Kill a Tree, Save-the-Planet

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Kill a Tree, Save-the-Planet
Posted on February 2, 2020

Plenty of others around the internet have highlighted what seems like daily U.S. headlines, demeaning Whites at best, targeting Whites at worst, so I won’t waste my time or yours seeking any out merely for the sake of creating infuriating screen-grabs. In a nutshell Leftists hate me and the rest of my non-Progressive Anglo/Euro-American kind, frequently with a white-hot passion, pun intended.

We shouldn’t have children because, because…Save-the-Planet. Meanwhile in Africa and other Muslim dominated countries, those folk continue multiplying literally like rabbits. (Check out this worldwide Fertility Map. Even Mexico gets it with 2-3 kids each.) We pinkskins – as the Andorian Shran from Star Trek: Enterprise calls Whites – are too smart for our own good as it turns out. We bought just enough of the commie-progressive female-liberation + end-of-the-world propaganda to put off or completely disavow Family.

Kill a Tree, Save-the-Planet

Feminist hate her guts
How dare she choose to be a traditionalist and not hate herself for being white
Shes marked for re-education

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