Kill the innocent, but not the guilty?

Mr. P said:
LOL...I hear there is a lot of that self gratification stuff on the LEFT coast.. :wank: True?

i have two words for hilton :wank:
Hagbard Celine said:
Did you guys hear some schmuck paid $250,000 at a charity auction for a date with Paris?

I see we have digressed to "Paris Hilton" we have forgotten "Dracula" et all and are now in the "Paris" mode?...where did nuc go on this diatribe...I see Manu went for "Masturbation" et al and Kurts Princess went on to dismiss chopper pilots....funny stuff...I will sit and listen as my Cabbage and a meat a balls simmers...while partaking in a Bud Lite or two! :2guns:
Mr. P said:
Eeeeeewwwwwwww.....I'm more the Sandra Bullock type..

met her at a coffee shop in sf....hooooooooooooooot.....michelle piffer or selma hyak is more my speed
Hagbard Celine said:
Did you guys hear some schmuck paid $250,000 at a charity auction for a date with Paris?

what an idiot i could have given him a copy of the video
archangel said:
I see we have digressed to "Paris Hilton" we have forgotten "Dracula" et all and are now in the "Paris" mode?...where did nuc go on this diatribe...I see Manu went for "Masturbation" et al and Kurts Princess went on to dismiss chopper pilots....funny stuff...I will sit and listen as my Cabbage and a meat a balls simmers...while partaking in a Bud Lite or two! :2guns:

what are you simmering your balls in?
archangel said:
I see we have digressed to "Paris Hilton" we have forgotten "Dracula" et all and are now in the "Paris" mode?...where did nuc go on this diatribe...I see Manu went for "Masturbation" et al and Kurts Princess went on to dismiss chopper pilots....funny stuff...I will sit and listen as my Cabbage and a meat a balls simmers...while partaking in a Bud Lite or two! :2guns:
Yeah, she slammed us...For the record, rolling and spinning in a helicopter are no, nos'..
manu1959 said:
met her at a coffee shop in sf....hooooooooooooooot.....michelle piffer or selma hyak is more my speed

I'm with ya on Salma Hayek...From Dusk Til Dawn...Oooooh La La!
Mr. P said:
Eeeeeewwwwwwww.....I'm more the Sandra Bullock type..

I like sandra too...a little on the skinny side but more apealing than "Paris" the perv Hilton! :eek:
Hagbard Celine said:
I'm not a total atheist. I struggle and I haven't talked to God in a long time. But if what we believe about God is true, then the souls of babies and children go straight to heaven anyway. Sin is a personal thing, not a societal one. Atleast in the New Testament it is. Plus God gave us free will and under our laws, abortion is a legal option. So, like I said before. Abortion is a personal decision made by a woman (and sometimes a man) and is between her, her doctor, and God. Nobody else has any right to weigh in on the decision she makes about her baby.

And once again you are incorrect. The society in which you live determines what is and is not acceptable Legal/illegal), not you. The only way you have free will is in determining whether or not you are going to comform to society's laws.
manu1959 said:
what are you simmering your balls in?

I'm half Italian..."Cabbage and a meat a balls" in a red sauce...not a my a balls...ya Reno Perv! :slap:
GunnyL, if a woman practices free will and sticks a coat hanger up into her womb, the law pretty much flies out the window.
manu1959 said:
met her at a coffee shop in sf....hooooooooooooooot.....michelle piffer or selma hyak is more my speed
Trade ya George Will and Howard Cosell for a Bullock.
Hagbard Celine said:
Haaaahahahahahahah!!! :laugh:

Cabbage and Meatballs? I'd hate to be in the same house as you tonight man! hahahaha! :nine:

looking at your posted pic and all...ya kinda remind me of "Caligula" so no problem...ya aren't invited for my "Cabbage and a meat a balls" it's just a "Roman" thing... on the normal side that is! And what is wrong with a little gas anyway? :2guns:
archangel said:
sure would have liked to have a partner like her..."Ms Congeniality" and all...hoo rah!
Yep, down to earth, funny, friendly and attractive, the girl next door..
Pure perfection….

I just saw "Ms Congeniality2" last night...It was pretty good..I think the first was just alittle better, but I did laugh alot.

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