Kill the innocent, but not the guilty?

Hagbard Celine said:
GunnyL, if a woman practices free will and sticks a coat hanger up into her womb, the law pretty much flies out the window.

Depends on whether or not the law covers such an act. If people decide to not conform, that's on them. The problem I have with you lefties is if you think a law is incorrect you believe you should not be held accountable for your actions.

Simple fact ... agree with it or not, the law is the law and if you violate it and get caught, you ARE accountable.
looking at your posted pic and all...ya kinda remind me of "Caligula" so no problem...ya aren't invited for my "Cabbage and a meat a balls" it's just a "Roman" thing... on the normal side that is! And what is wrong with a little gas anyway?

Well thanks for noticing. I've always fancied myself to have a Romanesque, nay Emperor-like quality about me. Although I think I more closely resemble Augustus than Caligula. (think it's the pointy nose)

I never said I didn't like cabbage and aspicy meata balls. In fact, I love them. But there will be a mighty wind blowing through the Archangel household tonight.
Hagbard Celine said:
Well thanks for noticing. I've always fancied myself to have a Romanesque, nay Emperor-like quality about me. I never said I didn't like cabbage and aspicy meata balls. In fact, I love them. But there will be a mighty wind blowing through the Archangel household tonight.

Ya better check up on history 101..."Caligula" not exactly Ceasar in the normal sense!
archangel said:
Ya better check up on history 101..."Caligula" not exactly Ceasar in the normal sense!

anyone wathcing that soft porn hbo show rome.....more killing less taliking.....when is deadwood comming back
manu1959 said:
anyone wathcing that soft porn hbo show rome.....more killing less taliking.....when is deadwood comming back

Deadwood is ok...Soprano's better. I'm hoping they'll do another batch of The Wire. I've already figured out how Carnivale is going to end, so even though it's a good show, I'll probably pass on the next season.
Hagbard Celine said:
Sure, nobody's arguing otherwise. But the law says that abortion is legal, so what's your point?

Do you EVER make an honest argument? You've been preaching some "free will" junk to which I responded, now suddenly you deflect to a specific law? The only point you're making is that you could win a dance contest hands down.

I have not argued that abortion is against the law, nor advocated punishing those who have them. As far as abortion goes, I have merely expressed my opinion that it is wrong.
manu1959 said:
anyone wathcing that soft porn hbo show rome.....more killing less taliking.....when is deadwood comming back

My cable company did not provide me with "Rome" so bring me up to speed...VC is a little backward on what we receive...sorry!
Abbey Normal said:
Simple question, based on debates in a couple of other threads:

Why are so many libs all for killing unborn babies and the terminally ill, but they can't handle killing armed terrorists and murderers on death row? Put another way, why is killing the innocent right, and killing the guilty, wrong?
Apart from the same old arguments about "choice", etc., it seems that if you are such a pacifist that you abhor war and the death penalty, you would be even more aghast at killing the innocent.

I don't see how any rational person would even care about the death penalty. Either they die or stay in prison for the rest of their lives. Neither one sounds like a bad idea to me.
Powerman said:
I don't see how any rational person would even care about the death penalty. Either they die or stay in prison for the rest of their lives. Neither one sounds like a bad idea to me.

There is the problem; a lot of times it isn't the rest of their life.

Many times, life isn't life.
I don't even have cable turned on..

I didn't grow up with cable, and I went all last year without cable to the chagrin of my roommates (it was my bill and I chose to cancel it). I chose to cancel it as a protest of the advertising that invades our lives, and it was very liberating. But this year cable is covered in my rent, so I'm obliged to watch it. :D
Hagbard Celine said:
I didn't grow up with cable, and I went all last year without cable to the chagrin of my roommates (it was my bill and I chose to cancel it). I chose to cancel it as a protest of the advertising that invades our lives, and it was very liberating. But this year cable is covered in my rent, so I'm obliged to watch it. :D
Can't blame you there...I never connected it because I wanted my daughter to
play outside, explore, learn and read, instead of being a "tater tot"..It worked well. She may attend UGA next fall, beginning as a sophomore. We'll see.

Stay away! :bat:
Mr. P said:
Can't blame you there...I never connected it because I wanted my daughter to
play outside, explore, learn and read, instead of being a "tater tot"..It worked well. She may attend UGA next fall, beginning as a sophomore. We'll see.

Stay away! :bat:

Sophomore at UGA? Goes outdoors? Reads? Phone number?
Can't blame you there...I never connected it because I wanted my daughter to
play outside, explore, learn and read, instead of being a "tater tot"..It worked well. She may attend UGA next fall, beginning as a sophomore. We'll see.

What's her name? I can give her a tour of Athens. :D

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