Killer Assad has no future in Syria: Riyadh

The only secular solution for Syria, where Christians, Alawites and other non-Sunnis are not massacred is one where the current secular Government remains in control. Should the U.S./Saudi supported Islamist terrorists win, the non-Sunnis that do not escape will be massacred en masse.
The only secular solution for Syria, where Christians, Alawites and other non-Sunnis are not massacred is one where the current secular Government remains in control. Should the U.S./Saudi supported Islamist terrorists win, the non-Sunnis that do not escape will be massacred en masse.

Bullshit just like the glorious 30 years of murder his father inflicted on Syria-----baathism shit is not
"secular" -----it is ARAB NAZISM
Not bullshit, just fact. If your Islamist Sunni friends gain the upper hand, all non Sunnis will be forced to leave or be killed you maniac.
Not bullshit, just fact. If your Islamist Sunni friends gain the upper hand, all non Sunnis will be forced to leave or be killed you maniac.

every sunni in the world is not an ISLAMIST, you disgusting bitch-------but every Shiite in the world has
been brainwashed to the filth and stink of your Hezbollah pimps. The entire levant is infected with
your filth--------
You are a Sunni Islamist terrorist supporter. It is no surprise that you are against the secular Syrian government. Again, the Sunni Islamists you support have a singular goal to eliminate all non-Sunnis in Syria. Thank goodness the Russians have come to the aid of the Christians, Alawites, Assyrians and other non-Sunnis of Syria. Has it ever crossed your mind why Christians support and fight for the Syrian government, maniac?
You are a Sunni Islamist terrorist supporter. It is no surprise that you are against the secular Syrian government. Again, the Sunni Islamists you support have a singular goal to eliminate all non-Sunnis in Syria. Thank goodness the Russians have come to the aid of the Christians, Alawites, Assyrians and other non-Sunnis of Syria. Has it ever crossed your mind why Christians support and fight for the Syrian government, maniac?

has it ever crossed your mind----bitch----that I have known lots and lots of Christians from the middle
east ---------and I understand the stink and filth of baathism?. Your continued insistence that
BAATHISM is an ideal SECULAR SYSTEM is bullshit--------it is what it is ARAB SOCIALIST
THE NOTION ------ARAB UBER ALLES--------and just as genocidal as the creed of adolf hitler whose ass
you lick. The dog NASSER's UAR was nothing short of another name for REICH -------
AKA CALIPHATE. Your post reveal what you are----------a stinking ARAB UBER ALLES NAZI
I do not know how Saudi arabia "assists" Bahrain

Now that's funny.

Saudi Arabian troops enter Bahrain as regime asks for help to quell uprising

Saudi Arabian troops have crossed into Bahrain after the tiny Gulf kingdom's ruling family asked for help from neighbouring Sunni Arab states to quell a two-month uprising which threatens their 200-year-old dynasty.

that's it? Bahrain asked for help in some rioting and Saudi arabia sent some troops------sheeeshs----
are you sure it was not an earth quake
Rosie claims to be an expert but did not know that the murderous and oppressive Bahraini regime oppresses the Shiite majority with help from the Saudi Wahabi Islamists. Go figure.
Rosie claims to be an expert but did not know that the murderous and oppressive Bahraini regime oppresses the Shiite majority with help from the Saudi Wahabi Islamists. Go figure.
I can't imagine what she thinks 'secular' means.
She has a problem with Shiites. Her husband probably ran away with a pretty Alawite (secular) girl. The interesting thing is when i was in the Army stationed in Saudi Arabia, many of us would fly to Damascus to spend the weekend where you could go to clubs, meet girls, dance and drink alcohol. This was in the mid 70s mind you. There were sidewalk cafes where you could have a drink "alcoholic" and watch local girls who wore mini-skirts after being in Saudi where they wore full Muslim black garb.

Rosie doesn't realize I know far more about the region than she does.
The only secular solution for Syria, where Christians, Alawites and other non-Sunnis are not massacred is one where the current secular Government remains in control. Should the U.S./Saudi supported Islamist terrorists win, the non-Sunnis that do not escape will be massacred en masse.

Does this mean that if Assad stays, he can torture at will as before? Those pictures of torture victims hung on the walls in the U.N. weren't put there just for the fun of it..
Does this mean that if Assad stays, he can torture at will as before? Those pictures of torture victims hung on the walls in the U.N. weren't put there just for the fun of it..
Are you telling us there are some in the ME who do not torture at will?
Not that Saudi Arab is perfect.

Killer Assad has no future in Syria: Riyadh


  • file-13-combo_0.jpg

    IDENTICAL VIEWS: Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir with his French counterpart at a press conference in Riyadh. (SPA)

Published — Wednesday 14 October 2015

Last update 14 October 2015 2:26 am

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RIYADH: Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said on Tuesday that Riyadh’s position on Syria had not changed, insisting that President Bashar Assad had no future in Syria.

“There is no change ... From the beginning of the crisis, the position of the Kingdom is that Bashar is the problem in Syria. He killed hundreds of thousands of his people, displaced millions and destroyed the country as a whole. He has no future in Syria.”

Speaking at a joint news conference with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, Al-Jubeir also said that it was up to Yemen’s Iranian-allied Houthi group and former Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh to bring an end to the war in that country.

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Killer Assad has no future in Syria: Riyadh

Neither does Israel.

Have you all noticed that the anti-Semite losers always have to drag in Israel? This article is something about what a Saudi Official is saying, and has nothing to do with Israel. Say, how many Andy Gumps hae you cleaned out at the construction site today, you old barfly..

it a pattern of hate.............blame the jews

Aris, I honestly don't believe the haters even care for any Arabs but just use them as pawns in their fight against the Jews. Several years ago I happened to be reading the Bronx Board, and one Irish Catholic poster said that the nuns in parochial school told them the Jews and Protestant6s were bad and to have nothing to do with them, to not even go into their business establishments. The poster went on to say that now that he is older, he realizes the nuns were wrong. Evidently Billy Boy, who has claimed to be Irish Catholic who has had a parochial school education, never came to that conclusion because underneath it all, he is not a very smart individual.

I used to hear the Irish Catholic kids coming home from Blessed Sacrament Parochial School singing "Monday we go to school, Tuesday we beat up the Jews.".

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews

Sadly there is an attitude that lower class arabs are just fodder, pawns to be scarified. It is not who they are but numbers that attract the press and create a given image. They might not be slaves, but there is still the attitude of expendability.

The usual death rate has diminished with modern medicine and the extra people that do not have a duty in service of the heads are just more mouths to feed and consume precious water without giving back. It is unfortunately an attitude that the whole world might have to acquire before then end of the millennium if anyone is to survive. Muslims have the promise that their death will bring them riches in heaven.

In war it is a game of numbers.

How many centuries was Jerusalem forgotten and in ruins? Now pilgrimages are not long arduous trips and holy days draw millions in Saudi or Iran. If you think about it, there are more Muslims today than people on the earth in Mohammed's time.

For any muslims the kafir are not honored and protected people but stumbling blocks in the purity of the faith. It is nt the same but there are similarities between many muslims and the hindu caste system. You have a place you are born into and you are supposed to stay there. You are such a clan, such a tribe, such a family that everyone knows where you are in the pecking order. Old attitudes don't change so easily when there are thousands of years behind them.

East and west really are very different and the west cannot expect their "more democratic" thinking to apply to the rest of the world. Thinks may be changing but in some aspects they change very very slowly over generations, even centuries.

Most Americans seem irreverent to traditions, but for the rest of the world, that is their law and order. It might seem irrational to us but it is everything to them.
Much like manners and protocol, the smallest details speak volumes. A breach and it can mean loosing face or even death. For americans the world began 3-400 yrs ago. For muslims it began 1600 yrs ago. For Catholics 2000 yrs ago. Then each of the sub groups have their own histories and origins. Traditions remain long after the reasons for them have been lost, but without them their understanding of the world and life unravels and they become lost, angry, desperate and dangerous. When their reality is replaced they no longer know where they belong or what to do. We understand reason and science, but for them theirs is their history and traditions, and their faith. Reason and science are further down down and far less significant.

It rather hard to explain, but so were our superstitions way back when. Without reason we still avoid stepping in cracks and toss salt over our shoulder, just because that is what everyone has always done. People of the east have traditions that go back to the beginning of time. This is the way things have always been done. It is their anchor.

Life as we think about it is very different to them............because that is the way it has always been.

Thanks, Aris. I never thought that our type of democracy could be brought to the Middle East. I wonder if all the people who have fled to this country from the Middle East and those soon to come will all be able to live under a democracy. Will many of them feel that they would rather live under Sharia Law. As one official of C.A.I.R. once said that the Muslims were not in America to live under the Constitution, but Sharia Law. I certainly hope that most of them will be able to assimilate like the immigrants of old. They could keep their culture and language in their own homes..
Does this mean that if Assad stays, he can torture at will as before? Those pictures of torture victims hung on the walls in the U.N. weren't put there just for the fun of it..
Are you telling us there are some in the ME who do not torture at will?

Of course not. Why not meander down the halls of the UN and tell us what you think?
ISIS Sally and Al-Nousra Ruffles have alliance I see. the 24/7 demented posters club. LOL

Are you speaking about yourself, Mr. Saleem? You have complexly forgotten that before you took your little hiatus, you were on forums day and night like there was no tomorrow. I wonder if you and Haniyah play musical chairs because a person posting so much does have to give his or her fingers a rest. What a hoot this demented duo is.

Everyone, if they are curious, can do a search of this Montelatici screen name, and see what a busy beaver he/she has been today. One wonders if they even break for lunch.
She has a problem with Shiites. Her husband probably ran away with a pretty Alawite (secular) girl. The interesting thing is when i was in the Army stationed in Saudi Arabia, many of us would fly to Damascus to spend the weekend where you could go to clubs, meet girls, dance and drink alcohol. This was in the mid 70s mind you. There were sidewalk cafes where you could have a drink "alcoholic" and watch local girls who wore mini-skirts after being in Saudi where they wore full Muslim black garb.

Rosie doesn't realize I know far more about the region than she does.

Really, remember you were claiming before your hiatius (probably for shock treatments) that you were smarter than everyone else. I am sure that IRosie's husband would laugh at your nonsense, but it is a riot to see the dynamic duo of Mr. Salem and Haniyah in action.
I do not know how Saudi arabia "assists" Bahrain

Now that's funny.

Saudi Arabian troops enter Bahrain as regime asks for help to quell uprising

Saudi Arabian troops enter Bahrain as regime asks for help to quell uprising

Saudi Arabian troops have crossed into Bahrain after the tiny Gulf kingdom's ruling family asked for help from neighbouring Sunni Arab states to quell a two-month uprising which threatens their 200-year-old dynasty.

that's it? Bahrain asked for help in some rioting and Saudi arabia sent some troops------sheeeshs----
are you sure it was not an earth quake

My Iranian Muslim neighbors have relatives living in Bahrain and they have had no problems.
I do not know how Saudi arabia "assists" Bahrain

Now that's funny.

Saudi Arabian troops enter Bahrain as regime asks for help to quell uprising

Saudi Arabian troops enter Bahrain as regime asks for help to quell uprising

Saudi Arabian troops have crossed into Bahrain after the tiny Gulf kingdom's ruling family asked for help from neighbouring Sunni Arab states to quell a two-month uprising which threatens their 200-year-old dynasty.

that's it? Bahrain asked for help in some rioting and Saudi arabia sent some troops------sheeeshs----
are you sure it was not an earth quake

My Iranian Muslim neighbors have relatives living in Bahrain and they have had no problems.

my memory is vague on this issue Sally-----I think that there was some issue in Bahrain with the Shiite
population there------sorta during the "arab spring" days

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