Killing Candace Owens Stupidity

Oh so now you need laws and policies?! That's easy. I see all of the time policies enacted which exclude whites like a "minorities-only day" and things like that, but tell me then, do you have laws and policies enacted by whites excluding Blacks? Most of the racism by blacks is manifest in their angry, hateful behavior and violence--- I mean dude, you can hardly make a single thread or post without trying to attack white people who never did you no harm for things they never did!

BULLSHIT. I seen you say a dozen times that only white people can be racist.
Quit your whining and address the topic prick.
the left will never let go of slavery.....despite the fact the democrat party fought a horrible war to defend their right to own slaves.....democrats still need their slaves to vote them into office so they can control all those white people who demand democracy and free speech which keep democrats so upset all the time
Since none of this is true and you will never let go of the Revolutionary war....STFU!
No one tries to excuse it, boomer. We just arent special and racists like you try to make us seem special.
We arent.

When you turn black come talk. But this is an excuse. You would not let your child make an excuse for doing wrong because someone else did it too. You make me laugh with you assinine accusations of my racism. Speaking out on white racism is not racism no matter how much my doing so causes your poor wittle feewings to get hurt.
^^^ Black Racist. I don't know anything about Owens and I already like her better than you!

Another butthurt racist projecting his racism on me. You like any black person who repeats your white supremacist nonsense. The video destroys Candace Owens. Try watching it.

The all societies had slavery defense is a dumb argument. What's worse is the deployment of the Candace Owens is black so this can't be racist tactic. So how about a look at slavery by using stories told by actual slaves and not someone paid to present propaganda?

The guilt-ridden white lib is clueless

Slavery was bad for the slaves

but a blessing from God for black Americans alive today
Candace Owens is the best!:clap:

I like... admired her.... and respect her more than you'd ever know OP!
Candace Owens is the best!:clap:

I like... admired her.... and respect her more than you'd ever know OP!
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