Killing Your Baby Benefits the Economy

^ I can't imagine any adult being that ignorant... so I have to wonder, was that ignorance on display, or dishonesty?

We never claimed that an UNFERTILIZED egg is a chicken, and an UNFERTILIZED egg is not comparable to a brand new human being (zygote / embryo/ fetus) who came into existence as a result of fertilization.

If you're going to debate this topic, you should at least understand the basics of how life begins and be able to put forth an actual argument, instead of embarrassingly ignorant claims.

I'm always amazed at how bad the pro-abort arguments are. I mean, most of them are really, really bad.
They're grasping at straws. They can't win with real SCIENCE, because science is against them, so they resort to silliness
Right! Birthing persons should get pregnant and have an abortion to provide meat for the adrenochrome junkies. That will have them be more productive in their housework without all that morning sickness and shit.
And you're a fecalith.
They're grasping at straws. They can't win with real SCIENCE, because science is against them, so they resort to silliness

I'm not sure if they actually believe some of those hilariously incorrect claims or not. :dunno:

But I want to share a few articles for any of them who do care about truth and accuracy:

When Do Human Beings Begin? "Scientific" Myths and Scientific Facts
The pro-choice view survives on widespread ignorance of biology
Eggs, acorns and silkworms: Refuting pro-choice propaganda
Beetlejuice has the typical Democrat priorities

The pro rapists want you to sit out of work having the rapists baby and effect the economy.
You are completely out of whatever mind you once had.

Rapists aren't raping anyone with the intent of making a baby, rape is a crime of violence and control, not an act of reproductive desire.

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