Kim Davis goes back to jail on which day? Place your bets.

Davis goes back to jail on which day? Place your bets.

  • Friday

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Saturday

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Monday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The federal court in Puerto Rico for one. He struck down a fag marriage law, and though this is not a direct agreement with Davis, which I didn't say anyway, it does agree with her beliefs about fag marriage.

The Federal Court in Puerto Rico didn't hear Davis' case.

I didn't say that they did.

lol, I said that SCOTUS decision on Fag Marriage had courts go against Fag Marriage and I said nothing about Davis particular case other than that some courts agreed that Fag Marriage was not a Constitutional right.

'The case' we're talking about is Davis' case.

And even you've been forced to admit that her record of failure is perfect. That no court to hear the case has sided with her. Every single one has sided against her.

As well they should have. Her argument was quite awful. And, of course, still is.

I was talking about fagot marriage shams, and you decided to apply my statement to Davis' specific case.

More bullshit from a libtard, who is surprised?
Fags could marry anywhere in the state before that, and the only reason that they couldn't in Rowan was because the judge would not take Davis name from the licenses. Now that he has things are back to a better condition with the government being forced to respect freedom of conscience.

Again, the judge didn't take her name off the licenses. Her fellow deputies did that. They just altered the form.

The judge finally allowed it, which he didn't at the time he sent her to jail.

Says you, citing yourself as the judge. Alas, you can't find a thing beyond your own imagination to back that narrative.

If Davis was 'allowed' to take her name off the licenses, then why did the name come off while she was in jail? And why does Davis still insist that these licenses are invalid without her signature?

The deputy clerks altered the certificates. The judge had nothing to do with it. Davis had nothing to do with it. You've made up the whole thing.

"Davis had refused to issue marriage licenses to any couples, gay or straight, since late June when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. She has said that same-sex marriage conflicts with her religious convictions and that she could not issue a license under her name to a same-sex couple.

Bunning ordered Davis to issue marriage licenses and jailed her for contempt on Thursday after she refused. He released Davis on Tuesday, however, saying that with deputy clerks issuing licenses, he was satisfied the office was fulfilling its obligation."

Read more here: Marriage licenses issued since Friday in Rowan County were altered to remove Kim Davis' name

The clerks had been issuing the licenses for days before the judge finally relented and let them issue them without Davis' name on them. A win for religious liberty.

And where, pray tell, does it say anything about a judge allowing her to take her name off the licenses? Nothing you've hightlighted or posted even alludes to it. You've moved from imagination to straight up hallucination.

You're only citing yourself. And you don't know what you're talking about. Either present evidence that the judge 'allowed' her to take her name off the licenses.....or admit that you are the 'bald faced liar'.

Its one or the other. We're way past you having made a mistake. Present the evidence. Or admit you're lying.

I never said Davis did. I said some courts agreed with her conviction that Fag marriages were not valid.

'The case' we're Davis' case. And no court has ever sided with her. She's lost in every court she's ever been before on this issue.

And even you've been forced to recognize this.

That is not a religious test, idiot. It isn't even a test.

Obvious nonsense. Its absolutely a test. Those who failed to meet her 'religious convictions' couldn't be be issued marriage licenses. She doesn't have the authority to set up any such religious test nor to use the State to force people to abide her religion.

Davis loses again. There's a reason why every single court to hear Davis' case ruled against her. She's plainly wrong.

She did not force them to do anything. That again is your failed narrative here that Davis was forcing her religion on anyone when she was the one sent to jail for trying to remain faithful to her religion.

When she uses State authority to deny eligible citizens state services because they fail to meet her religious standards, she's forcing them to abide her religion.

She was checked by the judiciary for her gross abuse of power. And rightly so. She was obviously wrong.
She has no authority to deny those services to any eligible citizen. Nor to create religious 'tests' that eligible citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services. Worse, her use of State power to force people to obey her religious beliefs is an obvious violation of the 1st amendment's prohibition against the government's establishment of religion.

She has no legal leg to stand on.

She has EVERY RIGHT to not sign something that she has a moral objection too.

Not when she's wielding state power. Again, she lacks the authority to invent religious tests for citizens to receive state services. If she does, she'll be checked. And should be.

And again, the judge offered her a perfectly reasonable compromise: let any of the 5 deputy clerks who were willing to issue marriage licenses for same sex couples to do so. Davis refused, insisting she would interfere with any attempt by any clerk to issue such a license.

She's using the State to force her religion on people. The public and the deputy clerks. And she doesn't have authority to do either.

Just like we hung a bunch of your fellow Nazi bastards at the end of WW2 for signing documents while 'just following orders', the law does not excuse the clerk that contributes to an evil system.

You may equate issuing a marriage license with the murder of millions. But no rational person would.

There's a reason your ilk lost this legal argument: your arguments are quite irrational.

You keep saying she and other Christians lost, but she did not sign a fag marriage license and she is no longer in jail and no licenses have been issued to buttfucking queers with her name on it.

We won, idiot. couples are getting their legal marriage licenses in that county....and that's as it should be.

And not a single one of them has Kim Davis' signature on them.

Her deputies altered the certificates. Which Davis could have ordered at any time. But instead, she insisted she would interfere with any deputy that tried to issue a license. And even now insists that the licenses that the deputies issued without her signature aren't valid.

Your 'the judge allowed her to take her name off the certificates' bullshit is your hallucination.

lol, so sad you cant accept reality even when it bites you in the ass.

If its 'reality' that the judge took her signature off the licenses, then it will be remarkably easy for you to show me.

If you're talking out of your ass about a topic you know nothing about, then its gonna be significantly harder.

Show me. Don't tell me.
Fags could marry anywhere in the state before that, and the only reason that they couldn't in Rowan was because the judge would not take Davis name from the licenses. Now that he has things are back to a better condition with the government being forced to respect freedom of conscience.

Again, the judge didn't take her name off the licenses. Her fellow deputies did that. They just altered the form.

The judge finally allowed it, which he didn't at the time he sent her to jail.

Says you, citing yourself as the judge. Alas, you can't find a thing beyond your own imagination to back that narrative.

If Davis was 'allowed' to take her name off the licenses, then why did the name come off while she was in jail? And why does Davis still insist that these licenses are invalid without her signature?

The deputy clerks altered the certificates. The judge had nothing to do with it. Davis had nothing to do with it. You've made up the whole thing.

"Davis had refused to issue marriage licenses to any couples, gay or straight, since late June when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. She has said that same-sex marriage conflicts with her religious convictions and that she could not issue a license under her name to a same-sex couple.

Bunning ordered Davis to issue marriage licenses and jailed her for contempt on Thursday after she refused. He released Davis on Tuesday, however, saying that with deputy clerks issuing licenses, he was satisfied the office was fulfilling its obligation."

Read more here: Marriage licenses issued since Friday in Rowan County were altered to remove Kim Davis' name

The clerks had been issuing the licenses for days before the judge finally relented and let them issue them without Davis' name on them. A win for religious liberty.

And where, pray tell, does it say anything about a judge allowing her to take her name off the licenses? Nothing you've hightlighted or posted even alludes to it. You've moved from imagination to straight up hallucination.

You're only citing yourself. And you don't know what you're talking about. Either present evidence that the judge 'allowed' her to take her name off the licenses.....or admit that you are the 'bald faced liar'.

Its one or the other. We're way past you having made a mistake. Present the evidence. Or admit you're lying.

I never said Davis did. I said some courts agreed with her conviction that Fag marriages were not valid.

'The case' we're Davis' case. And no court has ever sided with her. She's lost in every court she's ever been before on this issue.

And even you've been forced to recognize this.

That is not a religious test, idiot. It isn't even a test.

Obvious nonsense. Its absolutely a test. Those who failed to meet her 'religious convictions' couldn't be be issued marriage licenses. She doesn't have the authority to set up any such religious test nor to use the State to force people to abide her religion.

Davis loses again. There's a reason why every single court to hear Davis' case ruled against her. She's plainly wrong.

She did not force them to do anything. That again is your failed narrative here that Davis was forcing her religion on anyone when she was the one sent to jail for trying to remain faithful to her religion.

When she uses State authority to deny eligible citizens state services because they fail to meet her religious standards, she's forcing them to abide her religion.

She was checked by the judiciary for her gross abuse of power. And rightly so. She was obviously wrong.

Again, you build Straw Man arguments about things I never said. I did not say Davis won a case, dumbass, I said some federal courts agreed with her about fagot marriage. Why cant you get a grasp on that? roflmao

And let me break this down into details for your dumbass self.

1. SCOTUS makes bullshit ruling forcing faggotry marriage on all 50 states.
2. Clerks around the country say they cant do that and resign, but some don't. Kim Davis said she would stay in office but she could not issue licenses with her name on them for faggotry marriage.
3. The ACLU takes her to court to force her to sign these marriage licenses. They win all the way up to the SCOTUS ass hats themselves. The local federal Nazi judge orders her to sign the licenses.
4. Kim Davis again refuses to sign the documents and requests that she have her name removed from the licenses.
5. Judge says no, she has to sign her name on the license and cannot take her name off.
6. She again refuses.
7. Judge sends her to jail for contempt of court.
8. Her clerks remove her name from the licenses and issue them to everyone.
9. After another 4 days the federal judge relented and let her out of jail and tacitly allowing her name to stay off the licenses.
10. Kim Davis and her friends celebrate their enormous victory over the fagot judge and the US Faggotry that supports his Nazi tactics.
11. Libtards like you go into emergency spin mode trying to downplay the significance of this win for Religious Freedom.

lol, and soon to come 12. States Constitutional Amendments Convention sends a 'Traditional MArriage' Amendment to the states and 40 pass it within a month.

Fags could marry anywhere in the state before that, and the only reason that they couldn't in Rowan was because the judge would not take Davis name from the licenses. Now that he has things are back to a better condition with the government being forced to respect freedom of conscience.

Again, the judge didn't take her name off the licenses. Her fellow deputies did that. They just altered the form.

The judge finally allowed it, which he didn't at the time he sent her to jail.

Says you, citing yourself as the judge. Alas, you can't find a thing beyond your own imagination to back that narrative.

If Davis was 'allowed' to take her name off the licenses, then why did the name come off while she was in jail? And why does Davis still insist that these licenses are invalid without her signature?

The deputy clerks altered the certificates. The judge had nothing to do with it. Davis had nothing to do with it. You've made up the whole thing.

"Davis had refused to issue marriage licenses to any couples, gay or straight, since late June when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. She has said that same-sex marriage conflicts with her religious convictions and that she could not issue a license under her name to a same-sex couple.

Bunning ordered Davis to issue marriage licenses and jailed her for contempt on Thursday after she refused. He released Davis on Tuesday, however, saying that with deputy clerks issuing licenses, he was satisfied the office was fulfilling its obligation."

Read more here: Marriage licenses issued since Friday in Rowan County were altered to remove Kim Davis' name

The clerks had been issuing the licenses for days before the judge finally relented and let them issue them without Davis' name on them. A win for religious liberty.

And where, pray tell, does it say anything about a judge allowing her to take her name off the licenses? Nothing you've hightlighted or posted even alludes to it. You've moved from imagination to straight up hallucination.

You're only citing yourself. And you don't know what you're talking about. Either present evidence that the judge 'allowed' her to take her name off the licenses.....or admit that you are the 'bald faced liar'.

Its one or the other. We're way past you having made a mistake. Present the evidence. Or admit you're lying.

I never said Davis did. I said some courts agreed with her conviction that Fag marriages were not valid.

'The case' we're Davis' case. And no court has ever sided with her. She's lost in every court she's ever been before on this issue.

And even you've been forced to recognize this.

That is not a religious test, idiot. It isn't even a test.

Obvious nonsense. Its absolutely a test. Those who failed to meet her 'religious convictions' couldn't be be issued marriage licenses. She doesn't have the authority to set up any such religious test nor to use the State to force people to abide her religion.

Davis loses again. There's a reason why every single court to hear Davis' case ruled against her. She's plainly wrong.

She did not force them to do anything. That again is your failed narrative here that Davis was forcing her religion on anyone when she was the one sent to jail for trying to remain faithful to her religion.

When she uses State authority to deny eligible citizens state services because they fail to meet her religious standards, she's forcing them to abide her religion.

She was checked by the judiciary for her gross abuse of power. And rightly so. She was obviously wrong.

Again, you build Straw Man arguments about things I never said. I did not say Davis won a case, dumbass, I said some federal courts agreed with her about fagot marriage. Why cant you get a grasp on that? roflmao

The case we're talking about is Davis' case. And she's lost in every court she's ever appeared before on this issue.

You know it. I know it. Her record of failure is perfect.

And let me break this down into details for your dumbass self.

1. SCOTUS makes bullshit ruling forcing faggotry marriage on all 50 states.
2. Clerks around the country say they cant do that and resign, but some don't. Kim Davis said she would stay in office but she could not issue licenses with her name on them for faggotry marriage.
3. The ACLU takes her to court to force her to sign these marriage licenses. They win all the way up to the SCOTUS ass hats themselves. The local federal Nazi judge orders her to sign the licenses.
4. Kim Davis again refuses to sign the documents and requests that she have her name removed from the licenses.
5. Judge says no, she has to sign her name on the license and cannot take her name off.
6. She again refuses.
7. Judge sends her to jail for contempt of court.
8. Her clerks remove her name from the licenses and issue them to everyone.
9. After another 4 days the federal judge relented and let her out of jail and tacitly allowing her name to stay off the licenses.
10. Kim Davis and her friends celebrate their enormous victory over the fagot judge and the US Faggotry that supports his Nazi tactics.
11. Libtards like you go into emergency spin mode trying to downplay the significance of this win for Religious Freedom.

Number 8 is interesting. You said the judge allowed her to remove her name from the licenses. And called me a 'bald faced liar' for correcting you that it was the deputies that altered the licenses.

Now either you didn't know what you were talking about and had your head up your ass......or you've been lying this whole time about the judge allowing her to take her name off the certificates.

Pick one.

lol, and soon to come 12. States Constitutional Amendments Convention sends a 'Traditional MArriage' Amendment to the states and 40 pass it within a month.

Nope. There is no convention. There is no amendment. And you don't have the voters to pass the amendment if there were. And a solid majority of the people support same sex marriage. And there aren't enough states in support of such an amendment to pass it.

You'll get nothing and you'll like it.
If its 'reality' that the judge took her signature off the licenses, then it will be remarkably easy for you to show me.

lol, I never said anything remotely like that, you lying moron.

Oh, I believe you. But this JimBowie1958 guy? He says you're a lying sack of shit.

The judge finally allowed it, which he didn't at the time he sent her to jail.


Kim Davis goes back to jail on which day? Place your bets. | Page 6 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And not just once either. But again and again:

She was objecting to her name remaining on the licenses and the judge finally agreed to having her name removed from them.


Kim Davis goes back to jail on which day? Place your bets. | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

....and again...

You are a bald faced liar. It is now well reported that the judge had finally agreed to Davis request to remove her name from the licenses. Your ignorance again proves nothing more than your ignorance.

Kim Davis goes back to jail on which day? Place your bets. | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If its been 'well reported' that the judge finally agreed to Davis' request to remove her name from the license......then why can't you show me a single report saying that?

You were saying about 'your ignorance again proves nothing more than your ignorance". It wasn't your ignorance, Jimmy. You just lied your ass off.
Oh, and here's the question that Gallup asked:


60% say yes. 37% say no. That's a record high for support for same sex marriage. Where then are you going to get votes for your imaginary amendment?
She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

lol, clerks don't just 'rubber stamp' documents, moron. They are held responsible for what they put their names on and she didn't want her name associated with the mockery of marriage by the poop pumping Fag Mafia.
Yes they do. They certify a person is present when they rubber stamp the document. Proof of that is when Davis's name was removed, but the alteration included the wording that the document was being certified and issued by her office. She still holds the position so the deputies are certifying, as agents of Davis, that the person signing the document is present. There is no decision making being done. And as long as required documents, such as identification, are provided the permit has to be issued. The permits are technically being issued by Davis. They judge had nothing to do with that. If the licences hadn't been issued the deputy clerks would face the same treatment as Davis. They were told that by their own experts. You should have read your own links.
She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

lol, clerks don't just 'rubber stamp' documents, moron. They are held responsible for what they put their names on and she didn't want her name associated with the mockery of marriage by the poop pumping Fag Mafia.
Yes they do. They certify a person is present when they rubber stamp the document.

Yes, dumbass, they do at lest that much, certify that certain facts are true and that is not 'rubber stamping' anything, dip shit.

The federal court in Puerto Rico for one. He struck down a fag marriage law, and though this is not a direct agreement with Davis, which I didn't say anyway, it does agree with her beliefs about fag marriage.

The Federal Court in Puerto Rico didn't hear Davis' case.

I didn't say that they did.

lol, I said that SCOTUS decision on Fag Marriage had courts go against Fag Marriage and I said nothing about Davis particular case other than that some courts agreed that Fag Marriage was not a Constitutional right.

'The case' we're talking about is Davis' case.

And even you've been forced to admit that her record of failure is perfect. That no court to hear the case has sided with her. Every single one has sided against her.

As well they should have. Her argument was quite awful. And, of course, still is.

I was talking about fagot marriage shams, and you decided to apply my statement to Davis' specific case.

More bullshit from a libtard, who is surprised?
Your opinions carry no weight or credibility because of the crude and ignorant way you spew emotional hatred by consistently using the word fag. It confirms you to be a person ruled and guided by emotional impulse rather than rational and intellectual thought. You are to stupid to realize the costume you wear exposes you for a loser before you open your mouth. The only people who will listen to you are the people wearing the same costume.
Last edited:
So I hear she may be going back to work tomorrow (Friday).

I wonder how many gay couples will be lined up ready to apply. :laugh:

Just saw a guy who works there say he's going to issue licenses when she returns, more good teevee.
She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

lol, clerks don't just 'rubber stamp' documents, moron. They are held responsible for what they put their names on and she didn't want her name associated with the mockery of marriage by the poop pumping Fag Mafia.
Yes they do. They certify a person is present when they rubber stamp the document.

Yes, dumbass, they do at lest that much, certify that certain facts are true and that is not 'rubber stamping' anything, dip shit.


The standards of eligibility are set by the law. Not the religion of the clerk. The clerk doesn't get to make up a religious test that eligibilty citizens must meet before they are allowed state services.

And speaking of said that it was well reported that the judge allowed Davis' name to come off the licenses.

Show me. If its been well reported, it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claim. If you're making this shit up as you go along, we'll get another sniveling excuse why you can't.

I know where I'm putting my money!
She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

lol, clerks don't just 'rubber stamp' documents, moron. They are held responsible for what they put their names on and she didn't want her name associated with the mockery of marriage by the poop pumping Fag Mafia.
Yes they do. They certify a person is present when they rubber stamp the document.

Yes, dumbass, they do at lest that much, certify that certain facts are true and that is not 'rubber stamping' anything, dip shit.

Now you are going to define rubber stamping an official document. That is basically how you drag these debates out. You ignore definitions and make up new ones.
Oh, and here's the question that Gallup asked:


60% say yes. 37% say no. That's a record high for support for same sex marriage. Where then are you going to get votes for your imaginary amendment?

You do realize that since they changed the wording of the poll question it is a comparison of apples to oranges, right?

If they asked the public 'Do yo approve of tax payer funding being taken from marriages with children to fund tax breaks for butt fucking queers pretending to be married?' you would see much lower approval numbers.

The standards of eligibility are set by the law. Not the religion of the clerk. The clerk doesn't get to make up a religious test that eligibilty citizens must meet before they are allowed state services.

Well its a good thing then that she didn't give them a religious test. IF she did prove it.

And speaking of said that it was well reported that the judge allowed Davis' name to come off the licenses.

Show me. If its been well reported, it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claim. If you're making this shit up as you go along, we'll get another sniveling excuse why you can't.

I know where I'm putting my money!

I already showed you links and explained in detail why it is true that the judge relented.

I don't have to repeat myself again, dumbass.
Oh, and here's the question that Gallup asked:


60% say yes. 37% say no. That's a record high for support for same sex marriage. Where then are you going to get votes for your imaginary amendment?

You do realize that since they changed the wording of the poll question it is a comparison of apples to oranges, right?

You do realize that 'Do you think marriage between same sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid with ahe same rights as traditional marriage' utterly blows up your entire 'public tolerance' bullshit.


You don't have the States you'd need to pass your amendment, you don't have the interest in the states to call your convention, and you don't have the support in the public to get your amendment passed.

Its like you're trying to be wrong.
The standards of eligibility are set by the law. Not the religion of the clerk. The clerk doesn't get to make up a religious test that eligibilty citizens must meet before they are allowed state services.

Well its a good thing then that she didn't give them a religious test. IF she did prove it.

And speaking of said that it was well reported that the judge allowed Davis' name to come off the licenses.

Show me. If its been well reported, it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claim. If you're making this shit up as you go along, we'll get another sniveling excuse why you can't.

I know where I'm putting my money!

I already showed you links and explained in detail why it is true that the judge relented.

I don't have to repeat myself again, dumbass.
Why can't you show the link again? If you don't you appear to be lying again. You have to show the link to prove you have not been caught in another one of your lies.
Oh, and here's the question that Gallup asked:


60% say yes. 37% say no. That's a record high for support for same sex marriage. Where then are you going to get votes for your imaginary amendment?

You do realize that since they changed the wording of the poll question it is a comparison of apples to oranges, right?

If they asked the public 'Do yo approve of tax payer funding being taken from marriages with children to fund tax breaks for butt fucking queers pretending to be married?' you would see much lower approval numbers.

^ Turning conservatives into liberals one post at a time.
Oh, and here's the question that Gallup asked:


60% say yes. 37% say no. That's a record high for support for same sex marriage. Where then are you going to get votes for your imaginary amendment?

You do realize that since they changed the wording of the poll question it is a comparison of apples to oranges, right?

You do realize that 'Do you think marriage between same sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid with ahe same rights as traditional marriage' utterly blows up your entire 'public tolerance' bullshit.


You don't have the States you'd need to pass your amendment, you don't have the interest in the states to call your convention, and you don't have the support in the public to get your amendment passed.

Its like you're trying to be wrong.

The polls onlyu prove that if you spin the question right you can get a majority of people to agree to things that in private conversation they would never agree to.

Simple fact.

But people are getting tired of the PC Dictatorship and things are changing right under your own feet and you don't have a clue!


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