Kim Davis goes back to jail on which day? Place your bets.

Davis goes back to jail on which day? Place your bets.

  • Friday

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Saturday

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Monday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Davis thinks she is acting on behalf of a faith she converted to four years ago, but her church does not support her, rather they blame her for the legalization of same sex marriage.

She might have gone to church three times a week but to her church "she committed adultery which, in turn, prompted marriage equality."

and she went to jail because she was following her conscience? She though she was serving her new faith?

She still faces civil suits against her. I don't see her church collecting donations to to pay the judgements for her.
Her fund is here: Kim Davis Fund

Not so hot yet...
Should Kim Davis' Aides Be Fired?...

Defiant Kentucky clerk's backers: fire aides over gay marriage licenses
September 9, 2015 | Supporters of Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples due to her religious beliefs, said on Wednesday that any of her deputies who provide the documents without her permission should be fired.
U.S. District Judge David Bunning ordered Davis released on Tuesday after six days in jail, warning her not to interfere with her deputy clerks who are issuing the licenses, or face further sanctions. Bunning had found Davis, clerk for Rowan County in eastern Kentucky, in contempt after she stopped issuing licenses to any couples, citing her belief as an Apostolic Christian that a marriage can only be between a man and a woman. The issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky and other states has become the latest focal point in the long-running debate over gay marriage in the United States.

Ante Pavkovic, one of the people who helped organize pro-Davis rallies outside the Grayson, Kentucky, detention center where Davis was jailed, lectured the deputy clerks not to violate their oaths of office. He criticized Bunning and the U.S. Supreme Court justices who backed gay marriage. "Do not join them in this any further, and if you can't do that, then you should just quit," Pavkovic, 49, of North Carolina, said, standing in the clerk's office in Morehead, Kentucky. He waved a sign in the faces of the deputy clerks that read, "Fire the cowardly clerks that are lawbreakers." He was asked to leave by a deputy sheriff. Davis will return to her $80,000-a-year job on Monday after spending time with family, a spokeswoman for her attorney said. However, her lawyer, Mat Staver, founder of Christian religious advocacy group Liberty Counsel, said on Tuesday her position had not changed, raising the possibility she could return to jail if she moves to block the issuance of licenses.


Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, flanked by Republic presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (L), Attorney Mathew Staver (2n R) and her husband Joe Davis (R) celebrates her release from the Carter County Detention center in Grayson, Kentucky

Asked on Wednesday if Davis would fire the deputies or take any other action if they issued licenses, Liberty Counsel attorney Harry Mihet did not address the question. He said Davis loved her deputies, adding they were forced by judicial threats to issue the licenses. He reiterated that she was looking for a solution that did not violate the law or the consciences of the deputies. Raising the stakes further, deputy clerk Brian Mason said on Wednesday he would continue issuing marriage licenses after Davis returns, even if she tells him not to. "I'm still going to issue licenses," he said. The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in late June legalizing it in all 50 states, but a small number of elected clerks and lower-level judges have voiced opposition on religious grounds.

At the Rowan County clerk's office on Wednesday, the first of seven gay couples to obtain marriage licenses since Friday returned to have the documents legally filed. Ten licenses in all have been issued. "The ante has been upped at this point," Nashia Fife, secretary-elect of the Rowan County Rights Coalition, which supports the rights of gay couples to get marriage licenses, said of Bunning's warning to Davis not to interfere. Staver, Davis' lawyer, said his client still wants an accommodation to remove her name and her authority from the marriage certificates. Bunning secured assurances from five of the six deputy clerks that they would comply with the court order and issue licenses to all legally eligible couples. Only Davis' son Nathan refused, but he was not jailed.

Defiant Kentucky clerk's backers: fire aides over gay marriage licenses
Well we know she won't obey the law or the court so my bet is Saturday or Monday if she returns to work on Thursday. Saturday is a slow news day so that would be a good one. Any takers?
Why are you so frightened and threatened by an individual's beliefs and convictions? :dunno:

Oh yeah- you're a Liberal piece of shit. :slap:
It's a liberal nation. I'm not interested in having the American Taliban run even small bits of it.
Well we know she won't obey the law or the court so my bet is Saturday or Monday if she returns to work on Thursday. Saturday is a slow news day so that would be a good one. Any takers?
Why are you so frightened and threatened by an individual's beliefs and convictions? :dunno:

Oh yeah- you're a Liberal piece of shit. :slap:
It's a liberal nation. I'm not interested in having the American Taliban run even small bits of it.
Who the fuck you think has been in the White House for the past 7 years? :lol:

Mr. Muslim Brotherhood himself. :slap:
what a bunch of fucking do realize religion over secular is what isis wants....and apparently the gop conservatives....yall need to get over your religious bigotry
Well we know she won't obey the law or the court so my bet is Saturday or Monday if she returns to work on Thursday. Saturday is a slow news day so that would be a good one. Any takers?

Its hard to say. She'd need someone to deny services to. And I can't imagine gay couples in Rowan county looking for a marriage license are a daily occurrence.
Well we know she won't obey the law or the court so my bet is Saturday or Monday if she returns to work on Thursday. Saturday is a slow news day so that would be a good one. Any takers?
Why are you so frightened and threatened by an individual's beliefs and convictions? :dunno:

Oh yeah- you're a Liberal piece of shit. :slap:
No one is frightened. Rational people understand issue's of this magnitude can not be decided by a county clerk with character issue's. She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.
what a bunch of fucking do realize religion over secular is what isis wants....and apparently the gop conservatives....yall need to get over your religious bigotry

Not just religious law over secular law. But using the state to force people to abide religious law.
Well we know she won't obey the law or the court so my bet is Saturday or Monday if she returns to work on Thursday. Saturday is a slow news day so that would be a good one. Any takers?
Why are you so frightened and threatened by an individual's beliefs and convictions? :dunno:

Oh yeah- you're a Liberal piece of shit. :slap:
No one is frightened. Rational people understand issue's of this magnitude can not be decided by a county clerk with character issue's. She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

Exactly. She has no authority to invent a religious test that eligible citizens have to 'pass' in order to receive state services. She has no legal basis to deny those services or to impose her religious beliefs using the power of the State.

If she could, then I'd be concerned.
what a bunch of fucking do realize religion over secular is what isis wants....and apparently the gop conservatives....yall need to get over your religious bigotry

Oh noes! Someone still thinks that fags are evil butt fuckers! Quick throw them in jail! Stop Sharia law!

She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

lol, clerks don't just 'rubber stamp' documents, moron. They are held responsible for what they put their names on and she didn't want her name associated with the mockery of marriage by the poop pumping Fag Mafia.
Well we know she won't obey the law or the court so my bet is Saturday or Monday if she returns to work on Thursday. Saturday is a slow news day so that would be a good one. Any takers?
Why are you so frightened and threatened by an individual's beliefs and convictions? :dunno:

Oh yeah- you're a Liberal piece of shit. :slap:
No one is frightened. Rational people understand issue's of this magnitude can not be decided by a county clerk with character issue's. She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

Exactly. She has no authority to invent a religious test that eligible citizens have to 'pass' in order to receive state services. She has no legal basis to deny those services or to impose her religious beliefs using the power of the State.

If she could, then I'd be concerned.
IF you could ever find yourself in agreement with someone exercising their conscience when it run against the libtard agenda I think you would shit yourself.

And I still wouldn't believe you.

Davis can exercise her First Amendment rights without 'establishing religion', i.e. establishing a formal relationship between our government and a sanction religion like the UK has with the Church of England.

OF course to read and learn about such things you would have to pull you head out of your ass first, but that wont ever happen.
She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

lol, clerks don't just 'rubber stamp' documents, moron. They are held responsible for what they put their names on and she didn't want her name associated with the mockery of marriage by the poop pumping Fag Mafia.

She has no authority to deny those services to any eligible citizen. Nor to create religious 'tests' that eligible citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services. Worse, her use of State power to force people to obey her religious beliefs is an obvious violation of the 1st amendment's prohibition against the government's establishment of religion.

She has no legal leg to stand on.
She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

lol, clerks don't just 'rubber stamp' documents, moron. They are held responsible for what they put their names on and she didn't want her name associated with the mockery of marriage by the poop pumping Fag Mafia.

She has no authority to deny those services to any eligible citizen. Nor to create religious 'tests' that eligible citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services. Worse, her use of State power to force people to obey her religious beliefs is an obvious violation of the 1st amendment's prohibition against the government's establishment of religion.

She has no legal leg to stand on.

She has EVERY RIGHT to not sign something that she has a moral objection too.

Just like we hung a bunch of your fellow Nazi bastards at the end of WW2 for signing documents while 'just following orders', the law does not excuse the clerk that contributes to an evil system.

And this evil system will be changed, no doubt.
Well we know she won't obey the law or the court so my bet is Saturday or Monday if she returns to work on Thursday. Saturday is a slow news day so that would be a good one. Any takers?
Why are you so frightened and threatened by an individual's beliefs and convictions? :dunno:

Oh yeah- you're a Liberal piece of shit. :slap:
No one is frightened. Rational people understand issue's of this magnitude can not be decided by a county clerk with character issue's. She was elected to rubber stamp county documents, file the copies and maintain them for future use.

Exactly. She has no authority to invent a religious test that eligible citizens have to 'pass' in order to receive state services. She has no legal basis to deny those services or to impose her religious beliefs using the power of the State.

If she could, then I'd be concerned.
IF you could ever find yourself in agreement with someone exercising their conscience when it run against the libtard agenda I think you would shit yourself.

5 of the 6 deputy clerks were more than willing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. And the judge offered Davis a perfectly reasonable comprimise: let one of the other clerks issue the licenses.

Davis refused insisting she would do everything in her power to interfere with any clerk attempting to do so.

She's imposing her religion on her fellow clerks AND the general public. And she has no authority to do so. She can't make up religious tests that citizens must pass to receive state services. She can't use the State to force people to obey her religion.

Which is why she lost.

Davis can exercise her First Amendment rights without 'establishing religion', i.e. establishing a formal relationship between our government and a sanction religion like the UK has with the Church of England.

Not when she's exercising state power and using it to force people to obey her religion. That's the establishment of religion. And its explicitly forbidden.

She lost for a reason. She lacks the authority to deny eligible same sex couples marriage licenses. She's not empowered to create religious tests or to use State power to force people to obey her religion.

OF course to read and learn about such things you would have to pull you head out of your ass first, but that wont ever happen.

Nah, I just disagree with you. And so does every court to hear the case.

Get used to the idea. Neither is likely to change.

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