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Kim Davis Is About To Get A BIG Surprise In Her Hometown

She's in the white pages.

Very easy to find.

Leave her alone to her privacy because on Monday if she goes to work and acts stupid, she will not have any privacy for some time if ever.

She really has painted herself into a corner. On one hand, if another gay couple shows up, and she denies the license, she goes to the slammer. On the other hand, if the license is granted, then she has compromised her, so called, religious faith. Her best course is to hid in her office and pretend that she is not participating in this gay depravity while the license is issued, all the while praying that the media will go away.

No, she's not. Her name has already been removed from the licenses by her own clerks. Her complaint was that she couldn't abide her name being on the certificates if they endorsed same sex marriage.

Yet even when her clerks give her her wish, even when her name isn't on the licenses, even when she doesn't have to issue any such license, she still fights the issuance. This is a straight up Christian Fundamentalist power play, trying to use the State to force people to abide their religion conviction.

Its quite loathsome.
The next Republican president can issue an order that further indictments of clerks in Kim's position are prohibited. And there is nothing you can do about it.
Even if they're all dead of old age by then?
She's in the white pages.

Very easy to find.

Leave her alone to her privacy because on Monday if she goes to work and acts stupid, she will not have any privacy for some time if ever.

She really has painted herself into a corner. On one hand, if another gay couple shows up, and she denies the license, she goes to the slammer. On the other hand, if the license is granted, then she has compromised her, so called, religious faith. Her best course is to hid in her office and pretend that she is not participating in this gay depravity while the license is issued, all the while praying that the media will go away.

No, she's not. Her name has already been removed from the licenses by her own clerks. Her complaint was that she couldn't abide her name being on the certificates if they endorsed same sex marriage.

Yet even when her clerks give her her wish, even when her name isn't on the licenses, even when she doesn't have to issue any such license, she still fights the issuance. This is a straight up Christian Fundamentalist power play, trying to use the State to force people to abide their religion conviction.

Its quite loathsome.
The next Republican president can issue an order that further indictments of clerks in Kim's position are prohibited. And there is nothing you can do about it.

So you expect a president to issue an order that makes county clerks immune from having to follow the orders of a federal judge? lol Good luck with that.
This should not have turned in to a battle, and the true people to blame is the Kentucky Legislature for not simply writing in to their rules, a means for Clerks who have religious objections, to stand aside, with other means within the office to handle their duties to the citizens of their State/county.

Instead, they did nothing and then left on Break, not to return till January.

My best guess and merely speculation, is that the Kentucky legislature set this up to happen while they were on break.

And that perhaps Kim was set up as a pawn, the scape goat of sorts due to her strong religious beliefs... I read an article back in June before the ruling came down that interviewed several County court clerks in Kentucky, and some had no concerns with the ruling being against Kentucky, but a couple of the county clerks said they did not know what they would do if the ruling was against them, ad that they would need to reread their duties and contracts and have their lawyers advise them on what they could do....maybe this old article is connected to what is going on now, and maybe it is not, but it could have been all PLANNED, in rebellion, and with wanting to get this exception for religious purposes to the courts or who really knows what...?
She really dug her heels in by not even allowing another employee to issue the license.

this is unusual...all the other cases such as pharmacists that don't want to hand out, pregnancy ending drugs or something of the sort.... another individual in the establishment can do the job and the religious objector does not have to.... I think her lawyer is off his rockers to advise her to go with this...there has been no other work place vs religious objections that allows the boss to force his or her religious objection on to others? does anyone else know of one?

If this religious movement that is taking place in support of her is thought to have come from God almighty, then consider this, He might have chosen you to be dumbfounded, and is showing you, your hypocrisy before all...in a humiliating way? Not that He necessarily disagrees that she should reject same sex marriage...but she should do so in a Christian like or Christ like, manner...not through a person who has Disobeyed God's law herself on marriage...it just let the air out of what could have been a thoroughly 'righteous' approach, if the Religious had chosen another county clerk who had not had so many marriages...they should have chosen someone squeaky clean...instead of leaving it up for scrutiny and hypocrisy claims....
Nor should so much bigotry been let loose by the crowds of Religious... you make a loving and merciful God appear to be a hypocrite... and that's not right... this is just my opinion.

(Full disclosure, I am a divorcee myself, was married when very young to an older guy, a man who physically abused me, and I divorced him shortly after marriage and the abuse started....been married to my soul mate for 25 years...I too could be accused of being an adulteress for remarrying.)

As for the other side of the coin, I think you have every legal right to be served in your own county and in every State office permitted to issue, a license.

But I do believe, that a govt employee should have a conscientious objection option, while still serving the Public.

I do believe Kim Davis was wrong to prevent her employees without religious objections, from doing their jobs and issuing licenses...a County Stamp with her name on it is not going to send the lady to hell, her Minister should have advised her of such...(her lawyer too).

HOWEVER, I do also believe that you all, were given the opportunity to handle this in a less divisive way, regardless of how divisive the other religious side became....you had and still have an opportunity to show some class, and compassion, and compromise, towards this uncompromising woman....

You'd come out of this created mess by Kim, looking and appearing, like..."the better man/woman''....

don't taunt her, don't put up disparaging pics, don't make fun of her being a hick or a kook or an adulteress, or Dick Cheney.....

you don't need to fuel the hatred that the other side actually started.... the law is on your side, you will win this....getting down and dirty just aggravates the situation and sets us up for more hatred and divisiveness, to come in the future....again, imo.

There was nothing more humbling and compelling... than the Relatives of those Black religious people that were murdered in their church by Dillon, to turn the other cheek and offer their forgiveness.

i know....i'm just rambling with my thoughts out loud
People should keep in mind that Kim's lawyers are actually an anti-gay, pro Christian legal firm that is an offshoot of Liberty University. They really are not acting on behalf of Kim, so much as they are acting on their own agenda.
The state MUST accommodate her!

Ahhh, no they don't have to "MUST accommodate", the have to make reasonable accommodations.

Shutting down a function of government by refusing to do your job and ordering your subordinates not to do theirs in multiple ways is not a "reasonable accommodation". It has a negative impact on the operations and efficiency of the department and has a negative impact on revenue generated by the department therefore exceeding the no more than minimal cost limitation.

From the EEOC on that point:
8. Does an employer have to grant every request for accommodation of a religious belief or practice?

No. Title VII requires employers to accommodate only those religious beliefs that are religious and “sincerely held,” and that can be accommodated without an undue hardship. Although there is usually no reason to question whether the practice at issue is religious or sincerely held, if the employer has a bona fide doubt about the basis for the accommodation request, it is entitled to make a limited inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the employee’s claim that the belief or practice at issue is religious and sincerely held, and gives rise to the need for the accommodation.

Questions and Answers about Religious Discrimination in the Workplace

People should keep in mind that Kim's lawyers are actually an anti-gay, pro Christian legal firm that is an offshoot of Liberty University. They really are not acting on behalf of Kim, so much as they are acting on their own agenda.

Yepp. She is actually quite unimportant to them. She is just a pawn for them. But she is also an attention whore and I am quite sure, as in 100% - sure that she hopes to make $$$ off of this. Mark my words.
What makes whoever put that billboard up think that she is going to change what she believes in now? The more that is thrown at her, the more that she will continue to stand where she chooses to stand which is no different from the rest of this planet. Who doesn't dig their heels in after being told that what they believe is wrong?

God bless you and Kim always!!!

What makes whoever put that billboard up think that she is going to change what she believes in now? The more that is thrown at her, the more that she will continue to stand where she chooses to stand which is no different from the rest of this planet. Who doesn't dig their heels in after being told that what they believe is wrong?

God bless you and Kim always!!!

They are not saying what she believes in, is wrong... she can keep and hold dear her beliefs that same sex marriage is wrong, what she can't do is force her beliefs on to other citizens through her government position....why is this so hard to understand?

an accommodation could be made for her religious objection, but she can not and should not, force the other employees in her office from doing the job they are paid to do, if they have no religious objection themselves....

And this is what Kim Davis did...supposedly.... she told her employees that she would fire them if they issued any marriage licenses.

THAT'S not right or just, Sweetheart...
^^^ I can understand people being mad at her if she told other people what not to do, but what you say here about how she can't force her beliefs onto others will never be a one way street no matter what laws are out there.

God bless you and Kim always!!!


We can't wait to see how this turns out.

Anti-gay marriage clerk Kim Davis is about to get a rude awakening in her hometown.

Non-profit organization Planting Peace just erected the above billboard in Davis' hometown of Morehead, Kentucky. The message is plain and simple -- if Davis is going to use Biblical rhetoric to justify her opposition to same-sex marriage, she might want to take a closer look at how else marriage has been redefined in relation to the book's sacred teachings.

"The intent of this billboard is to expose how the anti-LGBT movement is selective in what rules to follow and how they choose to define 'traditional' institutions or values," Aaron Jackson, president of Planting Peace, told The Huffington Post. "It's important and relevant to call this out, because the actions of Kim Davis and the messages from the anti-LGBTQ movement are not simply about a political or religious debate. There are LGBT youth across the world who are taking their lives at an alarming rate because of these messages from society that make them feel broken or less than. We have to meet hate with love, intolerance with compassion. Our message to our LGBT youth is simple: You are loved, valued, supported, and beautiful. There is nothing wrong with you, and we will stand by you. You are not alone."

Planting Peace is the organization behind The Equality House, the rainbow building that sits in direct opposition to the Westboro Baptist Church compound.

In the past, the house, which was first painted the colors of the rainbow flag in March 2013, has played host to a child's lemonade stand for peace, a gay wedding, a drag show and a fictional wedding between Dumbledore and Gandalf -- all essentially on the anti-gay church's front lawn.

We hope you understand the Bible a bit better now, Kim!

Kim Davis Is About To Get A BIG Surprise In Her Hometown

Why do religious zealots only selectively interpret the Bible? I say they should practice all or none! One does not need to be a religious nut to be a good and honorable person. Human morality predates the Bible.

I can't think of a better way to drum-up support for anti-Gay folk such as Kim Davis, than the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers attacking her on billboards in her home town.

LeftTards really don't get it.

Just as well... the more they kvetch, during the coming 14 months, the bigger the Republican victory, in November 2016.


We can't wait to see how this turns out.

Anti-gay marriage clerk Kim Davis is about to get a rude awakening in her hometown.

Non-profit organization Planting Peace just erected the above billboard in Davis' hometown of Morehead, Kentucky. The message is plain and simple -- if Davis is going to use Biblical rhetoric to justify her opposition to same-sex marriage, she might want to take a closer look at how else marriage has been redefined in relation to the book's sacred teachings.

"The intent of this billboard is to expose how the anti-LGBT movement is selective in what rules to follow and how they choose to define 'traditional' institutions or values," Aaron Jackson, president of Planting Peace, told The Huffington Post. "It's important and relevant to call this out, because the actions of Kim Davis and the messages from the anti-LGBTQ movement are not simply about a political or religious debate. There are LGBT youth across the world who are taking their lives at an alarming rate because of these messages from society that make them feel broken or less than. We have to meet hate with love, intolerance with compassion. Our message to our LGBT youth is simple: You are loved, valued, supported, and beautiful. There is nothing wrong with you, and we will stand by you. You are not alone."

Planting Peace is the organization behind The Equality House, the rainbow building that sits in direct opposition to the Westboro Baptist Church compound.

In the past, the house, which was first painted the colors of the rainbow flag in March 2013, has played host to a child's lemonade stand for peace, a gay wedding, a drag show and a fictional wedding between Dumbledore and Gandalf -- all essentially on the anti-gay church's front lawn.

We hope you understand the Bible a bit better now, Kim!

Kim Davis Is About To Get A BIG Surprise In Her Hometown

Why do religious zealots only selectively interpret the Bible? I say they should practice all or none! One does not need to be a religious nut to be a good and honorable person. Human morality predates the Bible.

I can't think of a better way to drum-up support for anti-Gay folk such as Kim Davis, than the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers attacking her on billboards in her home town.

LeftTards really don't get it.

Just as well... the more they kvetch, during the coming 14 months, the bigger the Republican victory, in November 2016.

" than the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers attacking her on billboards in her home town."
The mafia is coming for you..

We can't wait to see how this turns out.

Anti-gay marriage clerk Kim Davis is about to get a rude awakening in her hometown.

Non-profit organization Planting Peace just erected the above billboard in Davis' hometown of Morehead, Kentucky. The message is plain and simple -- if Davis is going to use Biblical rhetoric to justify her opposition to same-sex marriage, she might want to take a closer look at how else marriage has been redefined in relation to the book's sacred teachings.

"The intent of this billboard is to expose how the anti-LGBT movement is selective in what rules to follow and how they choose to define 'traditional' institutions or values," Aaron Jackson, president of Planting Peace, told The Huffington Post. "It's important and relevant to call this out, because the actions of Kim Davis and the messages from the anti-LGBTQ movement are not simply about a political or religious debate. There are LGBT youth across the world who are taking their lives at an alarming rate because of these messages from society that make them feel broken or less than. We have to meet hate with love, intolerance with compassion. Our message to our LGBT youth is simple: You are loved, valued, supported, and beautiful. There is nothing wrong with you, and we will stand by you. You are not alone."

Planting Peace is the organization behind The Equality House, the rainbow building that sits in direct opposition to the Westboro Baptist Church compound.

In the past, the house, which was first painted the colors of the rainbow flag in March 2013, has played host to a child's lemonade stand for peace, a gay wedding, a drag show and a fictional wedding between Dumbledore and Gandalf -- all essentially on the anti-gay church's front lawn.

We hope you understand the Bible a bit better now, Kim!

Kim Davis Is About To Get A BIG Surprise In Her Hometown

Why do religious zealots only selectively interpret the Bible? I say they should practice all or none! One does not need to be a religious nut to be a good and honorable person. Human morality predates the Bible.

I can't think of a better way to drum-up support for anti-Gay folk such as Kim Davis, than the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers attacking her on billboards in her home town.

LeftTards really don't get it.

Just as well... the more they kvetch, during the coming 14 months, the bigger the Republican victory, in November 2016.

We don't want this to die down before 2016...why would we?

We can't wait to see how this turns out.

Anti-gay marriage clerk Kim Davis is about to get a rude awakening in her hometown.

Non-profit organization Planting Peace just erected the above billboard in Davis' hometown of Morehead, Kentucky. The message is plain and simple -- if Davis is going to use Biblical rhetoric to justify her opposition to same-sex marriage, she might want to take a closer look at how else marriage has been redefined in relation to the book's sacred teachings.

"The intent of this billboard is to expose how the anti-LGBT movement is selective in what rules to follow and how they choose to define 'traditional' institutions or values," Aaron Jackson, president of Planting Peace, told The Huffington Post. "It's important and relevant to call this out, because the actions of Kim Davis and the messages from the anti-LGBTQ movement are not simply about a political or religious debate. There are LGBT youth across the world who are taking their lives at an alarming rate because of these messages from society that make them feel broken or less than. We have to meet hate with love, intolerance with compassion. Our message to our LGBT youth is simple: You are loved, valued, supported, and beautiful. There is nothing wrong with you, and we will stand by you. You are not alone."

Planting Peace is the organization behind The Equality House, the rainbow building that sits in direct opposition to the Westboro Baptist Church compound.

In the past, the house, which was first painted the colors of the rainbow flag in March 2013, has played host to a child's lemonade stand for peace, a gay wedding, a drag show and a fictional wedding between Dumbledore and Gandalf -- all essentially on the anti-gay church's front lawn.

We hope you understand the Bible a bit better now, Kim!

Kim Davis Is About To Get A BIG Surprise In Her Hometown

Why do religious zealots only selectively interpret the Bible? I say they should practice all or none! One does not need to be a religious nut to be a good and honorable person. Human morality predates the Bible.

I can't think of a better way to drum-up support for anti-Gay folk such as Kim Davis, than the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers attacking her on billboards in her home town.

LeftTards really don't get it.

Just as well... the more they kvetch, during the coming 14 months, the bigger the Republican victory, in November 2016.

We don't want this to die down before 2016...why would we?
Suit yourself.

Don't say you weren't warned.
The good Dimocrat, Kimmy Davis.

She doesn't get a pass for hateful behavior. It doesn't matter what party she registered as.

Just like her fellow elected Dims in sanctuary cities, Dims have a history of not following federal laws.

If they are breaking federal laws, it should be easy enough to take them to court to stop them. If the right owns state government like you say, why haven't you done that?

Take California for instance, think Jerry Moonbeam and the California Assembly is going to do anything about sanctuary cities like San Francisco ?

Or here in Oregon, think our bi-sexual governor and Dimocrat locked up legislature going to do anything about Portland's sanctuary status ?
By the way, it's amazing you guys on the left are making such a big deal about a billboard, I mean big fucking deal.
She knows a good deal of the population hates her, so this isn't going to be any "rude awakening" to her. The OP is ridiculous.
The good Dimocrat, Kimmy Davis.

She doesn't get a pass for hateful behavior. It doesn't matter what party she registered as.

Just like her fellow elected Dims in sanctuary cities, Dims have a history of not following federal laws.

If they are breaking federal laws, it should be easy enough to take them to court to stop them. If the right owns state government like you say, why haven't you done that?

Take California for instance, think Jerry Moonbeam and the California Assembly is going to do anything about sanctuary cities like San Francisco ?

Or here in Oregon, think our bi-sexual governor and Dimocrat locked up legislature going to do anything about Portland's sanctuary status ?

I want to make sure that I understand you, Dig. You want the state government, which has no immigration laws or jurisdiction over city law, to force the city of San Francisco, which also has no immigrations laws, to enforce federal laws, of which they have no authority or jurisdiction.

Don't give up your day job to practice law, Digital.

We can't wait to see how this turns out.

Anti-gay marriage clerk Kim Davis is about to get a rude awakening in her hometown.

Non-profit organization Planting Peace just erected the above billboard in Davis' hometown of Morehead, Kentucky. The message is plain and simple -- if Davis is going to use Biblical rhetoric to justify her opposition to same-sex marriage, she might want to take a closer look at how else marriage has been redefined in relation to the book's sacred teachings.

"The intent of this billboard is to expose how the anti-LGBT movement is selective in what rules to follow and how they choose to define 'traditional' institutions or values," Aaron Jackson, president of Planting Peace, told The Huffington Post. "It's important and relevant to call this out, because the actions of Kim Davis and the messages from the anti-LGBTQ movement are not simply about a political or religious debate. There are LGBT youth across the world who are taking their lives at an alarming rate because of these messages from society that make them feel broken or less than. We have to meet hate with love, intolerance with compassion. Our message to our LGBT youth is simple: You are loved, valued, supported, and beautiful. There is nothing wrong with you, and we will stand by you. You are not alone."

Planting Peace is the organization behind The Equality House, the rainbow building that sits in direct opposition to the Westboro Baptist Church compound.

In the past, the house, which was first painted the colors of the rainbow flag in March 2013, has played host to a child's lemonade stand for peace, a gay wedding, a drag show and a fictional wedding between Dumbledore and Gandalf -- all essentially on the anti-gay church's front lawn.

We hope you understand the Bible a bit better now, Kim!

Kim Davis Is About To Get A BIG Surprise In Her Hometown

Why do religious zealots only selectively interpret the Bible? I say they should practice all or none! One does not need to be a religious nut to be a good and honorable person. Human morality predates the Bible.

I can't think of a better way to drum-up support for anti-Gay folk such as Kim Davis, than the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers attacking her on billboards in her home town.

LeftTards really don't get it.

Just as well... the more they kvetch, during the coming 14 months, the bigger the Republican victory, in November 2016.


Just keep on supporting Dildo Davis up until November 2016.
Actually, somebody has dropped the ball. Under normal circumstances, she would already have been picked as some republican candidate's, running mate...

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