Kim family sees victory in Trump meeting

So Trump should just continue the strategy Clinton, Bush, and Obama used with North Korea because that worked so well? This meeting might not happen if it does the odds are good nothing will come from it if that is the case then we are no worse off than we were with the last three Presidents and there dealing with North Korea.
Trump has unwittingly given credibility to a third world dictator and despot.

For the past year you chicken littles have wet your beds shrieking that he's going to start WWIII with North Korea. Now they are sitting down to talk and you're saying he's weak.

The reality is you hacks are simply anti-Trump. You have no credibility whatsoever.
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:

So is the left pro war now?
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:
Is this the same gullible President who just a few weeks ago was being TOO TOUGH on North Korea threatening to rain down Fire and Fury and sending the fleet to the Korean Penninsula? Which is it Jim? You gives flip flop more than a boated tuna.

Trump is all show and no go....Kim will exploit him.

So you are pro war now? Yes or no? It's a pretty easy question.
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said.

She didn't seem too worried about DumBama being taken advantage of with the phony Iran deal where he gave them billions of dollars. She didn't seem that concerned about DumBama being taken advantage of when he gave five of our top prisoners to the terrorists in exchange for one of our lowly privates that ended up being a deserter.

Now she's concerned????? What a sweetheart.
So Trump should just continue the strategy Clinton, Bush, and Obama used with North Korea because that worked so well? This meeting might not happen if it does the odds are good nothing will come from it if that is the case then we are no worse off than we were with the last three Presidents and there dealing with North Korea.

I disagree. If nothing happens....trump will have put little rocket man on the world stage....
So Trump should just continue the strategy Clinton, Bush, and Obama used with North Korea because that worked so well? This meeting might not happen if it does the odds are good nothing will come from it if that is the case then we are no worse off than we were with the last three Presidents and there dealing with North Korea.

I disagree. If nothing happens....trump will have put little rocket man on the world stage....

Do you think he wasn't on the world stage before?
a great power does not show strength by dominating or demonizing other countries. the days when empires could treat sovereign states as pieces on a checkboard are over!

Calling someone who they are is not demonizing someone. Its just not pretending. Calling out Kim on his bluffs
is not dominating either. Sometimes a great power had better stand up because no one else is going to do it. Meanwhile, there may be some negotiations behind the scenes between N and S Korea as well here. It's not all about Trump but if Kim J really believes the liberal news feeds, he may actually believe Trump is crazy as fuck and really will press the button. Thats a good thing. The Soviets believed the same thing about Reagan and you can see where that got the world.
So Trump should just continue the strategy Clinton, Bush, and Obama used with North Korea because that worked so well? This meeting might not happen if it does the odds are good nothing will come from it if that is the case then we are no worse off than we were with the last three Presidents and there dealing with North Korea.

I disagree. If nothing happens....trump will have put little rocket man on the world stage....
He is already on the world stage he has been for some time now. When it comes to North Korea and there nuke program there are three options.
1- Do nothing and accept them becoming a nuclear power.
2- Launch a preemptive military strike to stop it from happening.
3- Have face to face meeting and try and strike a deal.
None of these are especially good choices but if anyone has a fourth option that will have a better chance of success share it.
So Trump should just continue the strategy Clinton, Bush, and Obama used with North Korea because that worked so well? This meeting might not happen if it does the odds are good nothing will come from it if that is the case then we are no worse off than we were with the last three Presidents and there dealing with North Korea.

I disagree. If nothing happens....trump will have put little rocket man on the world stage....

Do you think he wasn't on the world stage before?

Nope....he was a missile nut. When he meets with Trump...he will be a seasoned Diplomat....or as it would appear.
So Trump should just continue the strategy Clinton, Bush, and Obama used with North Korea because that worked so well? This meeting might not happen if it does the odds are good nothing will come from it if that is the case then we are no worse off than we were with the last three Presidents and there dealing with North Korea.

I disagree. If nothing happens....trump will have put little rocket man on the world stage....
He is already on the world stage he has been for some time now. When it comes to North Korea and there nuke program there are three options.
1- Do nothing and accept them becoming a nuclear power.
2- Launch a preemptive military strike to stop it from happening.
3- Have face to face meeting and try and strike a deal.
None of these are especially good choices but if anyone has a fourth option that will have a better chance of success share it.

I honestly hope Trump is successful...but given the history behind the NK negotiations....I have grave doubts. Trump cannot allow thus guy to use this meeting to his own advantage.
It's Kim supposedly crying uncle and we know what happens on the playground or in a parking lot when one guy quits and then tries to jump the victor from behind.....he gets a major league beating. The last thing in this world that Kim wants to do is to piss off Trump....he saw what happened to Saddam and the 54 cruise missiles hit that Syrian airbase......Trump and Dubya before him, have plenty of bite when the barking is done.
Maybe a meeting won't do any good, maybe it will even be a negative....but really, have the things we've been doing to this point worked out particularly well? :dunno:

I tend to agree with this premise....but agreeing to a meeting without any upfront could give Kim a platform.
It's Kim supposedly crying uncle and we know what happens on the playground or in a parking lot when one guy quits and then tries to jump the victor from behind.....he gets a major league beating. The last thing in this world that Kim wants to do is to piss off Trump....he saw what happened to Saddam and the 54 cruise missiles hit that Syrian airbase......Trump and Dubya before him, have plenty of bite when the barking is done.

That is yet to be seen.
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:

man it seems as if the last thing you would want is for this to be successful

why is that
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:

man it seems as if the last thing you would want is for this to be successful

why is that

So you missed the post where I hope he succeeds...? Sad....
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:

man it seems as if the last thing you would want is for this to be successful

why is that

They must want Trump to be a one-term President. Gee.....ya think?????
Why do you think no president had ever accepted a meeting with a NK leader...?

What President was ever asked?

Trump isn't the first US President to get a North Korean invite.

No US president has agreed to sit down with a North Korean leader -- until now.
Just by showing up to see Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump would give his murderous dynasty what it has always craved -- the prestige and propaganda coup of a meeting of equals with the President of the United States.


Because a meeting with the US President is so valuable to the North Koreans, it's always been the American position that it should be reserved for the moment a deal is on the table -- and deliver a significant return.
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:

Hmmm, you do have a point, Warren is an expert at taking advantage.

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