Kim family sees victory in Trump meeting

So how many years ago was that?

After Bush broke the deal, they announced having reprocessed their spent fuel rods within a year, and making a nuke within 2 years. Within 5 years they had enough material, that they began testing their designs.

Think of it in parallel to the manhattan project. But with fewer resources, so it took them a bit longer.
So how many years ago was that?

After Bush broke the deal, they announced having reprocessed their spent fuel rods within a year, and making a nuke within 2 years. Within 5 years they had enough material, that they began testing their designs.

Think of it in parallel to the manhattan project. But with fewer resources, so it took them a bit longer.

So once again how long ago was that? Also what prompted Bush to break the deal?

So once again how long ago was that? Also what prompted Bush to break the deal?

October - The Bush Administration reveals that North Korea has admitted operating a secret nuclear weapons program in violation of the 1994 agreement.
January 10 - North Korea withdraws from the NPT.
February - The United States confirms North Korea has reactivated a five-megawatt nuclear reactor at its Yongbyon facility, capable of producing plutonium for weapons.
April - Declares it has nuclear weapons.

October - North Korea claims to have successfully tested its first nuclear weapon.
So once again how long ago was that? Also what prompted Bush to break the deal?

October - The Bush Administration reveals that North Korea has admitted operating a secret nuclear weapons program in violation of the 1994 agreement.
January 10 - North Korea withdraws from the NPT.
February - The United States confirms North Korea has reactivated a five-megawatt nuclear reactor at its Yongbyon facility, capable of producing plutonium for weapons.
April - Declares it has nuclear weapons.

October - North Korea claims to have successfully tested its first nuclear weapon.

So now you're saying you lied and NK broke the deal Clinton foolishly made, not Bush, I suspected it was something like that.

So now you're saying you lied and NK broke the deal Clinton foolishly made, not Bush, I suspected it was something like that.


NK didn't break the deal, they cheated on the :"spirit" but not the "letter" of the deal. Bush was the one who broke the deal.
You're not very familiar with the defenses on the 38th parallel, are ya?

North Korea snuck an entire Olympic delegation, including cheerleaders across the border.


Hundreds of North Korean cheerleaders arrive in South for Winter Olympics

A group of 280 North Koreans arrived in South Korea on Wednesday, one of the largest peacetime crossings of the inter-Korean border, to spur on athletes from the two Koreas at the Winter Olympics starting Friday.

The delegation, made up mostly of a 229-member cheer squad, reached a border checkpoint by bus at around 0030 GMT, Seoul's Unification Ministry said.
So now you're saying you lied and NK broke the deal Clinton foolishly made, not Bush, I suspected it was something like that.


NK didn't break the deal, they cheated on the :"spirit" but not the "letter" of the deal. Bush was the one who broke the deal.

Excuse me, didn't you post this:
January 10 - North Korea withdraws from the NPT.
February - The United States confirms North Korea has reactivated a five-megawatt nuclear reactor at its Yongbyon facility, capable of producing plutonium for weapons.
NK withdrew form the deal when they withdrew from the NPT, NOT BUSH.

NK withdrew form the deal when they withdrew from the NPT, NOT BUSH.


Bush broke the deal.

Analysis | History lesson: Why did Bill Clinton’s North Korea deal fail?

In response, the Bush administration terminated the supply of fuel oil that was essential to the agreement — and then North Korea quickly kicked out the U.N. inspectors, restarted the nuclear plant and began developing its nuclear weapons, using the material in radioactive fuel rods that previously had been under the close watch of the IAEA.

Notice the order of events.
NK withdrew form the deal when they withdrew from the NPT, NOT BUSH.


Bush broke the deal.

Analysis | History lesson: Why did Bill Clinton’s North Korea deal fail?

In response, the Bush administration terminated the supply of fuel oil that was essential to the agreement — and then North Korea quickly kicked out the U.N. inspectors, restarted the nuclear plant and began developing its nuclear weapons, using the material in radioactive fuel rods that previously had been under the close watch of the IAEA.

Notice the order of events.

Now from your link in this post:

Then intelligence agencies determined that North Korea was cheating on the agreement by trying to develop nuclear material through another method — highly enriched uranium. The Bush administration sent an envoy who confronted North Korea — and the regime was said to have belligerently confirmed it in 2002

NK broke the deal by cheating and Bush cut off their fuel oil. How is trying to develop nukes not breaking the deal?


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