Kim family sees victory in Trump meeting

Now from your link in this post:

Then intelligence agencies determined that North Korea was cheating on the agreement by trying to develop nuclear material through another method — highly enriched uranium. The Bush administration sent an envoy who confronted North Korea — and the regime was said to have belligerently confirmed it in 2002

NK broke the deal by cheating and Bush cut off their fuel oil. How is trying to develop nukes not breaking the deal?


Cheating was not a violation of the framework. That's why they calld it "cheating" and not a breech of the agreement. Bush breached the agreement in November 2002. North Korea withdrew from the broken agreement in January 2003.
North Koreas cheating by enriching uranium is like using a BUMP STOCK. to get around the prohibition on machine guns. It violates the spirit, but not the letter..
Bush broke the framework

The U.S.-North Korean Agreed Framework at a Glance | Arms Control Association

Rather than confront the North Koreans and demand they halt their efforts to create a uranium enrichment capability, the intelligence findings gave those in the Bush administration who opposed the Agreed Framework a reason to abandon it. John Bolton, then- undersecretary of state for arms control and international security under President Bush, later wrote that “this was the hammer I had been looking for to shatter the Agreed Framework.”
Kim family sees victory in Trump meeting

Kim is obviously smarter than Trump.

Lucy Jong Un & Charlie Trump

Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:

I guess we should have launched nuclear missiles eh?
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also appeared on the program, expressed concerns as well.

"I am very worried that they're going to take advantage of him," she said. "And it starts right where you asked this question. And that is leaders of North Korea, for a very long time, the Kim family, has wanted to meet face-to-face with a U.S. president. That is a win for them."

"Yes, the idiot Trump is meeting with me, with the delusion that I am going to give up my nuclear weapons. He is the most gullible president ever....":woohoo:

Ignoring North Korea hasn’t worked, has it? Clinton, Bush, Obama have all told and tried to bargain with North Korea not to build nuclear weapons and it hasn’t helped, they now have weapons and can fire them over an ocean to land on US soil. So now, what do we do? Continue to ignore them? Continue to let them test? Clinton gave them $4,000,000,000 to give up their nukes and that did nothing but give them money to develop nukes and you think Trump is gullible? At this point the world has nothing to lose by Trump meeting with Kim.
Trump should have asked for concessions before honoring him with meeting. everyone in Asia....Trump has offered Kim Jong In an honored reserved for Royally.....if it happens at all.

I do think you raise a good point of asking for concessions before meeting with NK.
Now from your link in this post:

Then intelligence agencies determined that North Korea was cheating on the agreement by trying to develop nuclear material through another method — highly enriched uranium. The Bush administration sent an envoy who confronted North Korea — and the regime was said to have belligerently confirmed it in 2002

NK broke the deal by cheating and Bush cut off their fuel oil. How is trying to develop nukes not breaking the deal?


Cheating was not a violation of the framework. That's why they calld it "cheating" and not a breech of the agreement. Bush breached the agreement in November 2002. North Korea withdrew from the broken agreement in January 2003.

Keep playing semantics, they violated the NPT by enriching nuclear material, that violated the agreement.

Trump should have asked for concessions before honoring him with meeting. everyone in Asia....Trump has offered Kim Jong In an honored reserved for Royally.....if it happens at all.

I do think you raise a good point of asking for concessions before meeting with NK.

I suppose many won't agree....but Kim really does see a meeting with Trump as somewhat of a victory. But I am not totally against talking with NK. It should have started at a lower level and with someone who has more experience with NK negotiations.
Trump should have asked for concessions before honoring him with meeting. everyone in Asia....Trump has offered Kim Jong In an honored reserved for Royally.....if it happens at all.

I do think you raise a good point of asking for concessions before meeting with NK.

I suppose many won't agree....but Kim really does see a meeting with Trump as somewhat of a victory. But I am not totally against talking with NK. It should have started at a lower level and with someone who has more experience with NK negotiations.

I think Trump in an ice breaking meeting would be good, I don't think to in negotiations would happen in the first meeting. I would be very hesitant to take Kim at his word for anything, I really don't trust NK.
Trump should have asked for concessions before honoring him with meeting. everyone in Asia....Trump has offered Kim Jong In an honored reserved for Royally.....if it happens at all.

I do think you raise a good point of asking for concessions before meeting with NK.

I suppose many won't agree....but Kim really does see a meeting with Trump as somewhat of a victory. But I am not totally against talking with NK. It should have started at a lower level and with someone who has more experience with NK negotiations.

I think Trump in an ice breaking meeting would be good, I don't think to in negotiations would happen in the first meeting. I would be very hesitant to take Kim at his word for anything, I really don't trust NK.

The meeting offer is a delay tactic...
What is going on with lefties? Did the crazy angry left intentionally forget that Bill Clinton shipped nuclear technology and money and everything else including ICBM technology to N.K. and then declared that "N.K. is determined to end it's effort to create nuclear weapons" and then they built a freaking Bomb. The Bush administration and the Hussein administration ignored the crazy regime and then the paranoid crazy MSM blamed Trump for not engaging N.K. and blamed Trump for engaging N.K. .
Trump should have asked for concessions before honoring him with meeting. everyone in Asia....Trump has offered Kim Jong In an honored reserved for Royally.....if it happens at all.

I do think you raise a good point of asking for concessions before meeting with NK.

I suppose many won't agree....but Kim really does see a meeting with Trump as somewhat of a victory. But I am not totally against talking with NK. It should have started at a lower level and with someone who has more experience with NK negotiations.

I think Trump in an ice breaking meeting would be good, I don't think to in negotiations would happen in the first meeting. I would be very hesitant to take Kim at his word for anything, I really don't trust NK.

The meeting offer is a delay tactic...

To keep the world at bay? That could be true however, if they want to keep the meeting, I think they would need to behave themselves. Time will tell but a nation with their background with nukes is a danger to the world.
What is going on with lefties? Did the crazy angry left intentionally forget that Bill Clinton shipped nuclear technology and money and everything else including ICBM technology to N.K. and then declared that "N.K. is determined to end it's effort to create nuclear weapons" and then they built a freaking Bomb. The Bush administration and the Hussein administration ignored the crazy regime and then the paranoid crazy MSM blamed Trump for not engaging N.K. and blamed Trump for engaging N.K. .

You can have your own opinion, but not your own facts. North Korea did not receive any technology from the USA. Their tech has come from Pakistan, aka AQ Khan, and from rogue Russian black marketers.
Keep playing semantics, they violated the NPT by enriching nuclear material, that violated the agreement.


Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia

The treaty recognizes the inalienable right of sovereign states to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes

As the commercially popular light water reactor nuclear power station uses enriched uranium fuel, it follows that states must be able either to enrich uranium or purchase it on an international market.

FYI: Enriching uranium does not violate the NPT.

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