Kim JOng-Un's Uncles Execution Method? Dogs.

Assuming it's true.
As for the Kims, they're clearly nuts but are they this nuts?


I can't help thinking of Lord of the Flies combined with some of the Roman Emperers.

What happens when you have the spoiled priveledged son of an autocratic totalitarion dictator of a tiny country isolated from the world? You have someone who has no concept of humanity or empathy, a narcissistic and grandiose self image who's every decision revolves around what pleases him, amuses him, or angers him.
If you are going to be a homicidal dictator, you might as well be a homicidal creative crazy ass dictator.

Report: Kim Jong-Un Had His Uncle Eaten By Packs of Wild Dogs | Jammie Wearing Fools

Jang Song-Thaek, 67, along with five close aides, was stripped naked and thrown into a cage of hounds which had been starved for three days, according to new details emerging from China.

The pack of animals spent more than an hour mauling the group in a punishment called ‘quan jue’, or execution by dogs, a report in Chinese newspaper Wen Wei Po said.

That's...Creative. Imagining a bunch of hungry chiuhahas (however ya spell it.) :)
North Korea is what it is because it is the evil step child of China.
Without China protecting this f*cked up cesspool of a country - there would have been significant change decades ago.
Everything that happens in N.Korea is on China's shoulders. The 100,000's in political prisons, many born in the prison and worked to death living in a hell is all they knew.
Secondly, it is also on the backs of the whole world. We should not allow such a society to exist.
It is an inhuman-unholy place on our planet.
Much of this can be attributed to the mao revolution. No regard or respect for life. Yet some hold mao upon a pedestal. For an in depth perspective there's a book called Aquariams of Pyongyang. It was told by a prisoner in the gulag system of nk from the late 70s.
Assuming it's true.
As for the Kims, they're clearly nuts but are they this nuts?


I can't help thinking of Lord of the Flies combined with some of the Roman Emperers.

What happens when you have the spoiled priveledged son of an autocratic totalitarion dictator of a tiny country isolated from the world? You have someone who has no concept of humanity or empathy, a narcissistic and grandiose self image who's every decision revolves around what pleases him, amuses him, or angers him.

Lord of the Flies? How so?
Much of this can be attributed to the mao revolution. No regard or respect for life. Yet some hold mao upon a pedestal. For an in depth perspective there's a book called Aquariams of Pyongyang. It was told by a prisoner in the gulag system of nk from the late 70s.

I would love to know what the Chinese are taught in school about Mao.
As you saw in the last Olympics, they obviously still revere him.
We all know about Rodman, but how the hell are you brining Palin into this?

Because Puddly Pillowbite is a shit-filled little hater who lies as a matter of course...

Answering questions from host Glenn Beck she said, "Obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies."

Corrected by Mr Beck, she replied: "Yeah. And we're also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes."
BBC News - Sarah Palin makes gaffe, saying North Korea is US ally

And you people contend that this woman is NOT a complete idiot as far as someone who belongs on the national political stage? :lol:
Victory at what cost?

At FAR less cost than the insane holding strategy.

Remember, MacArthur had the North defeated - so Truman fired him to keep the war going.

Yea.....and we were only a few hundred thousand troops away from victory in VietNam

Asshole McCarthur would have had us in WWIII

With the Chinese? :lmao: :lmao:

The 1950 era Chinese Army? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You are one stupid bitch. You are so stupid your right to breed should be removed.

Please don't. Breed, that is.

The gene pool thanks you in advance.

The 1950 Chinese Army and WWIII......

That's a knee-slapper :lmao:
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Victory at what cost?

At FAR less cost than the insane holding strategy.

Remember, MacArthur had the North defeated - so Truman fired him to keep the war going.

LOL. Now that is a real revision of history. MacCarthur failed to take into account that the Yalu froze over in the winter, and no bridges were needed. He ignored the presence of the Chinese troops, and got the UN Forces slaughtered because of his incompetance. Truman rightly fired him.
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Has anyone managed to quote a reliable news outlet for this story yet?
So far this morning, not a sausage; I'm starting to think it's bollocks.

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